Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series)
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Yeah, I did want to spend time with her in Greece, that was a given, but I also believed that it would be a great way for her to see if she really wants to become an actress or not. I had thought that she had what it took to make it in the industry. Looks aside, her acting was believable. I had felt her emotions and frustrations when she read her lines tonight.

She was going to do great, I knew it. This was her calling. I only needed her to see it, yet her insecurity was like
a massive tsunami in her mind; washing away all her excitement, her faith in herself and her fire.

“I don’t know.” She shook her head and let out a long breath. “Can you guys give me until the weekend to think it over?”

I shook my head, feeling disconcerted at her hesitation. “Martin needs your answer by nine this morning.”

As it turned out, Emma got signed the next day. I had my agent,
Barbara, take care of everything for her.

I was ecstatic—over the moon—at the thought of months alone with her, but little did I know that things were just about to shift…




The Waiting Game


You may be out of my sight and far from my reach... but you are certainly never out of my mind... Goodnight, my sweet Emma.

I sent her a text message, letting her know that I was thinking of her.

It was just this morning that she had signed with Barbara, but Emma hadn’t left my thoughts. I went to sleep with a smile, sensing that things might be favorable for me this time.

The next morning, she informed me that she was going to go camping with her friends. Checking the time, I decided to give her a quick call before she left, just in case she might not have any signal in the cabins. Also, add the fact that there was a fat chance that her ex was going to be there, so I honestly wanted her to get reminded of me, in case she forgot. I was hopeless. With a melancholy sigh, I dialed her number.


“All packed and ready?” I asked as relief coursed through me upon
hearing her voice on the line.

She sighed. “Yes, you could say that. Are you all packed for Vancouver?” Emma asked with a heavy sadness.

It pleased me to no end to know that she cared enough to be saddened that I was about to leave the country to film soon. If things went my way, I would do all I could to visit her. After all, Vancouver wasn’t all that far from LA. I could fly in and out during weekends just to see her for a little while.

“I’m not leaving until Wednesday, Em. I still have a few days to pack and stuff. Anyway, I just called to say have a safe trip and I will see you before I leave for Vancouver.”

“Great, I’ll see you then. Be safe and have a great weekend.”

I doubt it would be as fun as hers. “I want to say the same, but I honestly don’t want you to have
much fun with your ex. Just be safe, all right? Do take care, my sweet Emma. Bye.”

“Bye,” she whispered, sounding a little deflated.

Her sad tone got to me. Even after watching some of my retro films in my theatre, her voice was stuck in my brain. When I texted her with a bit of light banter, I was overly excited when she replied almost immediately.

Just like a total besotted fool, I typed my thoughts away.

I know that my life is my own, but if you did ask it of me, then I would be more than happy. I’m leaving for Canada soon and I can’t help but think about you and what happens next. I know it’s too early for you to even think about being in another relationship, but that’s what I want with you... I just want you to know... need you to know that I’m serious about us. When you’re ready, I want to be with you, Emma.

After a couple of hours with no reply, I sent another.

Was that too much at one time? I’ve waited for your response for over an hour now. Emma?

I kept checking my phone, hoping she’d text me, but after the tenth time, I decided to simply send one more message.

“Fuck. I seriously need to chill,” I muttered under my breath as I texted, yet again.

Sorry, Em. I guess that was the wrong thing for me to say. It was inconsiderate even. I merely wanted assurance that you somehow… somewhat… feel the same.

It was already about midnight and I stayed up late as usual, ignoring all of the dinner and party invitations that were bombarding
my phone because I didn’t feel celebratory. No, I was the total opposite of that.

Emma? I suppose your silence is answer enough. That’s all right. I’m not angry, so don’t worry. I won’t mention it again.

The next morning when I saw that she hadn’t replied yet, I decided to cut the ties. Why? Because her goddamned phone rang, so that meant that she got my messages, but decided not to bother with them. So ‘no signal’ wasn’t a feasible explanation.

She was probably back with her ex. Carter didn’t look like the kind of guy who would have given up so easily. No, he’d looked like he was going to do anything to get her back. Men knew men and, when a guy acted that jealous with a woman, he was going to do everything in his power to get her. Top that with the obvious fact that she loved him and then Emma didn’t stand a chance when he was going to go in for the sweep.

She belonged to him, yet it still hurt to know that.

When it came to her, I was risking far too much of myself. It wasn’t her beauty that captured me, it was the way she looked at me; like she was staring into my soul. When she touched me, it felt like she reached inside my chest and grasped my heart with her bare hand.

Emma made me

As scary as those feelings were, I welcomed them because, even in that little time we’d spent together, she became someone incredibly special to me.

She was the unforgettable woman who’d swooped in, changed me inside and out and made a lasting impression as she left a scar in me.

It was very unfortunate that I had to let go. Even with the movie in Greece in the works, I would remain professional.

Since Martin wanted to meet with the both of us again and wanted to schedule a dinner appointment, I had to see her again before Greece.

Even if it was business I was texting to her about, my heart still skipped a beat.

Martin called your phone, but it went straight to voicemail. I’m just letting you know that he made a reservation for six-thirty Monday night at Melisse.

After sending the message, I decided to go for a long shower, needing to clear my head. When I got out, guess what? I had gotten a reply.

Guess this was answer enough; whatever. Opening the message, it read,
Thank you. Tell Martin I will be there.

Ha. Fucking. Ha.

I didn’t know what burned more, her not bothering to reply with my rejection or not caring about my feelings at all. What she did was cold; heartless even.

How could someone so sweet and angelic-like be such a cold, unfeeling bitch?

Different skins, different clothes, but underneath it all, women were all the same.

Fuck it, I was going out tonight. Fuck Emma and her being all in love.

The thought of them having sex made me cringe.
Did she enjoy it?
I thought, but told myself not to bother because I knew what the answer would be.

Bitterness was my sweet companion and I would be damned if I wasn’t going down drunk tonight.

A Hopeless Man Named Bass


Dinner was… awkward.

As much as it allowed me, I tried not to engage in conversation much. Seeing her did so many crazy things in me, and yet, I couldn’t do shit about it because she didn’t want me.

I tried to be polite, I really did, but it somehow all came out wrong. Maybe in Greece this feeling would change after I’d moved on from her.

After Martin signed the bill and decided to leave for the night, he spoke and addressed her, “I will keep in touch, Emma. My assistant, Jack, will contact your agent directly if there are any requirements that are altered or added. If you have any questions, you can call me directly.

“Bass, have a safe flight. I will speak to you soon, son. I have to go to a film screening at Scorsese’s house. Drive carefully, you two.” We all stood up to leave and, with a quick hug, he abruptly left us alone.

Emma and I walked together towards the exit and, when were about to leave, someone addressed me.

“Have a great evening, Mr. Cole. Come and dine with us again, sometime soon,” Alyssa, the restaurant maître d, called out.

Nodding with a smile, “I will. The food was excellent as always. Thank you.” Even if I was completely tense and could barely breathe, I remained courteous. It’s always best to keep what you’re feeling within. Exposing yourself could just give people a reason to use that as a weapon to hurt you, but I had taken a chance at Emma.

Tonight, she looked so gorgeous that I ached. Acting as if I didn’t give a rat’s ass about her was fucking difficult, yet I had to. I had no choice.

Outside, we both handed our tickets to the valet attendant then waited side-by-side for our cars.

I could feel her stare at me, wanting to say something, though she seemed hesitant.

This was it… I was not going to see her for eight months…

My mind swirled with all the possibilities and yet, I couldn’t for the life of me see her go; not just yet. A large part of me wanted to prolong my agony—even if I could get a piece of her—by simply adding a little more to my bank of memories that consisted of her…

It was truly sad, however I caved in to my heart. “Will you stay the night with me, Em?”

Emma tensed, barely meeting me in the eye. “Bass, I don’t think that would be good for either of us.”

She was dating him, but I was still pestering on. Exhaling, I glanced at the ongoing traffic. “I know it isn’t, but I’m asking anyway. I won’t be seeing you until Greece. That’s months from now. I just want to spend time with you.”

Even if it’s going to be for a few hours,
I silently pleaded.

She frowned. “But Greece is
from now. I thought we’d stay friends?”

Friends… that word should be banned for heartbroken folks. “I know and we will.” My gaze caught hers, reaching into her, pleading. “I choose not to see you until Greece because it will take a long time for me to get over you and the fact that I’ve been rejected for the very first time. What’s bruised my psyche is that
were the first woman I wanted to have a real relationship with. I just want this night with you, Em. That’s all I ask. If it’s too much, I’ll understand.” Sometimes it was hard to keep the truth in. When she looked upset that I might not keep in touch, I gave in.

Emma was now staring at me, arms folded, lips pressed together with her foot tapping; deciding and weighing the risks of what she was about to do.

“Give me just a second. I need to make a quick call.” She strolled away, out of ear shot, and made a call.

She was calling him, I’d bet my life on it.

Still, even if I was in pain inside, I knew I had to keep it together. So I leaned against her car and waited for her to finish getting permission from the boyfriend.

After her call, she strode towards me with a smile. “I’m all set. I’ll follow you to your house.”

I wonder why she was smiling…

Shaking my head, I said, “That won’t do. You have to ride with me. I’m not letting you out of my sight. I will have someone pick your car up and drive it back to my place.” I held my hand out. “Your keys?” Reluctantly, she handed them to me.

Tomorrow and the rest was his.

Tonight though, she was all mine.

Treading On A Very Fine


“Do you want anything to drink?” I questioned as I strolled towards the kitchen.

“Water would be great, thank you.”

If she was afraid that I was going to ravish her, she should know better. I wasn’t going to press further without her permission, so she shouldn’t stay sober because of that fear. Emma loved her wine, I knew that much. “Do you want wine as well?”

She hesitated before responding, “Um, sure that would be lovely.”

That’s my girl
, I thought as I gave her a dimpled smile. “Right away.”

The silence was short lived because my cell phone started ringing. “Yep?” I answered as I pulled a bottle opener from a drawer and slid it closed. My teeth caught my bottom lip as I concentrated on opening the wine bottle while I was listening to the person yapping in my ear. It was a party invitation, one among many. “I might check it out. Yes,
. Gotcha. Bye.” Tonight was all about Emma.

If she wanted to go, then we’d go.

Emma moved towards the marbled counter and sat across from me, staring openly.

Glancing her way, I told her about the party. “There’s a promotional bash at a club tonight. Do you want to come and party for a little bit with some of my friends?”

The hesitation was back in place again.
“Will there be paparazzi lurking around?”

“Yes, they are always around, especially at hot spots, but we can go through the back door and no one will know that you’ve been partying with me.” I knew, again, that this wasn’t for her. She was doing it to protect Carter.

All things considered, she was a considerate girlfriend. She didn’t want him hurt, even if she wasn’t doing anything wrong. She truly loved him, didn’t she?

“It’s nothing personal, Bass.
I just…

I nodded as I poured us each a glass of wine and slid hers carefully towards her grasp. “Carter; got it.”

Emma opened her mouth to deny it, but ended up shutting it and decided to swirl the wine in her glass instead before she took a small sip.

She took a good minute mulling over the decision. I know it was only sixty seconds, but it felt like it was longer than that.

“What’s the verdict?” I raked a hand through my dark blond hair, making it look as messy as I was inside.

“Yeah, I could do with some dancing.”

Her answer lifted my tattered spirit. “Awesome! Let me just get a quick shower then we’ll head out, is that cool?” I gulped down the rest of my wine.

She licked her lips and blushed. Without looking at me in the eye, she responded, “Yes, sounds great.”

After a quick jaunt in the shower, we were on our merry way to party the night away.




The club scene was the same chaotic routine as usual. Emma was busy talking to a few of my pal’s friends; I left her alone and did my own thing.

“Bass!” Cassandra appeared out of nowhere, hugging me with her entire body. Her breasts seemed to have glued themselves into my chest.

“Hey… you.” I smiled, keeping my distance as I tried to keep her away from my body, but hell it was a challenge.

She pouted, batting her lashes, slightly moving her breasts against my chest, as if she was giving it a light massage.

What the fuck?

“Cass—” I paused when I saw a familiar form appear into my view. “Emma.”

“Dance with me, Bass,” she ordered and grabbed onto my hand.

Holy shit, was Emma getting jealous? It was childish I know; yet I got excited at the thought of that. She wanted me… somehow. I wanted for her to
keep wanting me, too.

My thoughts completely disappeared when Cassandra yanked my hand out of Emma’s, directing her with a hateful glare, ready to attack.

Emma said something that I didn’t catch because I was getting caught up at the scene that Cassandra was making. She made it even worse when she uttered more shit. “No, he’s not. He’s single. I know this because we hooked up last night.”

For fuck’s sake, did she have to blabber all this shit now? I was about to take Cassandra to the side and address it privately, but Emma was about to explode. She was tomato red, fuming like she was about to blast off into outer space. “Choose, Bass. It’s her
me.” She started tapping her foot, simmering some more.

Before I could answer, Cassandra interrupted me and aimed for a catfight, “Who the hell are you? Are you like some random psycho who wants to get it on with an actor? I think you should start with the Z-list ones and not head straight, like a piranha, to the A-

Oh, hell, fucking no! She did not just say that. What a classless bitch.

Pulling Emma towards the dance floor, I spun halfway around and addressed the hateful woman. “Don’t ever talk to me again, Cassandra. Emma is
on any alphabetical list. She is on
.” I could’ve said something worse, but without Cassandra’s interference tonight, I wouldn’t have experienced the high of seeing Emma getting all riled up and jealous.

It was a glorious sensation that still clung to me as I pushed her towards the other side of the dance floor and shoved the bewitching woman up against the wall.

I was fucking hot
—so hot—I could melt an ice cap. Emma was pushing buttons, messing with my brain again with her sexy display of jealousy, and fuck, I wanted more.

It was wishful thinking… and yet, I was still lured in.

I was bewitched.

She was panting, staring at me with invitation in her depths, while I seared my eyes into her. I could hike her dress up and fuck her here and no one would know because it was dark enough, but deep down, I knew I wasn’t the man she wanted to fuck. I wasn’t Carter.

“I think you should stop with the Mojitos, Emma. You’re clearly wasted already.”

When she then sneered at me, I was taken aback. “Well, if you weren’t busy flirting with all the women here, I wouldn’t have made a scene.”

Why was she angry? Again, she’d chosen him. She wasn’t the one being left behind, I was. So for her to spit those hateful eyes at me, was confusing. She could’ve had me—heck, she could have me now—if she so wished it.

Tension crackled between us.

Leaning closer to her angered face, I situated both hands on the sides of her head as I whispered in her ear, “You’re off limits, Emma. You made it that way.” My hot breath made her shiver. Her nose dropped onto my neck and shoulder, inhaling me like an addict before making the sexiest groan a woman could ever make.

My cock raged harder as I firmly pressed my burning body against her heaving one, hoping she’d feel the erratic beat of my heart. My breath caught when Emma slid her nose up and down the line of my neck while I shivered with profound need.

An animalistic, wretched growl came from me when she pressed it further, sticking out her tongue to lick the back of my neck before stopping in the middle and biting into. I was past lustful when her hands slid my shirt up and clawed my back, pressing me hard against her body.

“Emma… you’re killing me here,” I spoke in between hissing and moaning. Jesus, I was in pure heaven and hell.

I needed more… fuck.
Make me yours, Emma.

“How do you like it, Bass? Hard and rough? Nice and slow? Or fast and delirious?” the seductress whispered into my ear, making me twitch like mad.

Shit, that was the sexiest question a woman could ask a man sporting a hard-on that she alone could douse away.

The thought of sliding into her parted legs made my hunger worse. With another agonizing hiss, I ground my hardened state between her parted, heated legs. “I want you… I want all of you. I want your hot body on my bed, wide open and ready. Your cunt will be annihilated. Your sweet, little pussy will be destroyed and I will not stop until it is ravaged and weeping with wetness… and you screaming for me to stop because you can’t take anymore.”

Emma clung harder; the heat of her pussy was rubbing against my covered cock. “Bass, I want you.”

Inching closer to her face, I needed to see her eyes. Her eyes gave away what she was feeling most of the time. I needed to see her truth. Our bodies still connected, my eyes pierced harder. “Be with me, Emma. Just say the word and I’m yours.”

She looked pained. “I don’t know if I can.”

I had known what was coming and yet, hearing her confirm it was so much harder.

Biting my bottom lip, I tried to process this painful fact with an ounce of dignity. I had to look away for a few seconds, hoping to breathe away the tightened heaviness in my chest.


Huffing out a deep breath, I convinced myself that I could handle this now and mourn the loss later when I was alone. For now, I should man up and respect her decision

So I smiled, bright. “I just had to try one more time, I guess.” With a quick peck on her cheek, I took hold of her hand. “Come on! Let’s go and join our party.”

It was better to be surrounded with other people when I was feeling like this. I didn’t know what would happen if we remained tucked in the dark corner.

She was attracted to me. She might even desire me. However, those things were nothing if you put them against love.

So for the rest of the night, I gave her space, talking to her when it was fitting, but I never dared touch her again. Women came and went. I danced; I took pictures, flirted and pretended to welcome their advances. Emma appeared to be jealous, but I didn’t do it for that. I did it because I wanted her to know that if she was worried about me—even a little—I would be okay.

I was hurting, beyond belief, but I was a grown man that respected her decision.

She wasn’t mine to keep.

BOOK: Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series)
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