Unraveling of Avery Snow, The (4 page)

BOOK: Unraveling of Avery Snow, The
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“We could adopt, right?” he asked.

“No, Adam. I don’t want them. I want it just to be you and me. Kids are not in the cards for us, I am sorry.” He dropped my hands and left me standing on the balcony by myself.


Wow. It was the first vision I’d had with Landon for a very long time. And it wasn’t a very pleasant one at that. He dropped my hand and turned away from me just like in my vision. I found that odd.

“Wait up,” I called to him.

“Come on, slow poke. I am starved,” he called back. I wobbled slightly, still stuck within the memory of our past. He seemed completely unfazed by what I had seen, which assured me he hadn’t seen it. I followed him inside the Denny’s and wondered why I was here at all. I had a hard enough time letting go of my past with him, now I was reliving it. We sat at a booth in the back of the restaurant and Landon ordered two coffees for us.

“So how was
work?” he asked nonchalantly, as if our being together was no big deal.

“Why are we here? I mean
, why are we here together?” I kept my coat on and grabbed my purse, ready to bolt.

“Why not?”
he asked. “I don’t see a problem since we are friends, right?”

There was that word again. I didn’t think we were. I only dated his cousin
and that didn’t make me a friend.

“I’m tired
, Landon. I’m gonna go.” I stood up and he reached out for me. I instantly shrugged away, not wanting another vision.

“Please stay,
I need relationship advice,” he begged.

“You need my advice?” I was in awe. How the heck was I going to do this? I sat back down and took off my coat
, telling myself the whole time that there was nothing strange about this.

“Okay, let’s hear it.”

“Well, you know that I have been dating on and off.” I nodded. I knew all about his revolving door of girlfriends. Basically he was telling me he was a man-whore. Maybe he just needed me to make him feel better about what he was doing.

“I don’t think you call that dating,” I told him.

“Oh no, well what is it then?”

I rolled my eyes at him as he laughed.
“Playing the field, Landon.”

He stopped laughing and sipped his coffee.
“That’s the thing. I’m not looking to play any fields or anything like that. I want to settle down.”

My heart fell. It pained me
to hear this from him. It was hard to watch him date, but hearing this killed me. I had to try to shake it. These were not real feelings that I had for him. That is what I had to tell myself every time I longed for him. I merely longed for his soul and the old him. My soul knew him so well, that was all it was. Nothing more.

“So are you saying none of the girls you’ve met are the one for you?” I took a large drink and set the cup down
, all without looking at him in the eye.

“No. Honestly
, they aren’t my type at all. I mean, they are hot but that’s it. There’s no substance to them you know?” I nodded, understanding completely. “I want what you and Dallas have. You know, a relationship that actually involves two people who love each other. Right now I can’t have that with them.”

It was like a dagger in my heart. I had to endure this among visions of us together. I had to try to hold it together.

“My advice is to keep looking and not give up.”

It was all I could say to him. We orde
red pancakes and I sat there, listening to him talk about the latest girl he met. Daphne was her name. She was a total package. Great job, beautiful, and smart. But she lacked something. Landon thought it was a spark that they lacked, but I knew better. It was the fact that she wasn’t his soul mate.

How could I be with Dallas and be happy while Landon was
miserable. Would he scour the Earth to find ‘the one’ and come up empty? I wanted him to find someone like I had. But I didn’t know if that would ever happen for him. Not now, and possibly not ever.

After he paid for our meal, h
e walked me to my car. I had insisted on paying my own way, but he turned me down. After he left I sat in my car for a few moments, not knowing what to do now. I couldn’t possibly sleep.

I drove down to the bay to clear my head. Once I got there I stayed in my car to keep warm. The chill from the bay was strong here. I didn’t cry
, but I was teary eyed. It wasn’t fair to Landon that he would never be happy. It wasn’t fair that I had to hold this burden of knowing our past’s forever. And furthermore it wasn’t fair that Dallas was caught in the middle. I had to get over these feelings.

I turned my car around and went home.








Chapter Five

Spring’s Sweet Kiss


The winter months faded fast as the weather changed. We had all had enough of the cold and itched for the spring, so Dallas cleaned the pool and opened it up for a day of swimming. I decided to spend the weekend with him and let Ianni have some time to herself. She had quit her job at Sunrise Estates and was having a hard time with her decision. I, on the other hand, knew it was the best idea for her. She wasn’t at all happy with her job.

She was upset and locked herself in her room. I remember leaving my first job made me feel bad
, too. I wrote her a note telling her we would search for another job soon, and put it on the table before I left. I drove to Dallas’ house and rolled my windows down. It was a beautiful day today. I thought nothing could ruin my good mood at all. These past few months we waited for word from John and came up empty. As I drove, I wondered if this Dark Guide even existed. Amanda had not visited me since our first meeting and I doubted she would again.

Dallas greeted me at the door with a
Piña Colada made fresh. I kissed him and he held me in his arms for a few moments before releasing me.

“You smell amazing,” he said
, smelling my hair. It was due to my strawberry shampoo. It got him every time! “You look amazing, too.”

“Thanks I borrowed this from
Ianni.” I gestured to the pale blue dress I had on. He loved me in dresses. It was a shame I didn’t own more of them.

We sat outside on the deck for a little bit and enjoyed the warm weather.

“Ianni quit her job,” I told him. “I think she’s taking it pretty badly.”

She may think she can’t do anything right,” Dallas suggested.

I hadn’t thought about that
before. Ianni had lost her job as a guide and now she couldn’t find happiness here. I shuddered at the thought of her turning dark. Dark Guides often found it hard to adjust here so they turned to the only job they knew. Being a Dark Guide meant they still guided souls, but they served a dark being. And they didn’t guide the souls towards anything good.

“She will be okay
, babe. I know it. How about I give her a job?” he offered. I didn’t think about that. Evolve had been doing so good lately; Dallas was getting more days off and business was booming. Dallas said it was all due to the new chef they hired, Sarah. She was, as he put it, “Marvelous in the kitchen.” I had yet to meet her. I didn’t really go there anymore. I was busy with work myself, and we had the same days off, so there was really no need.

“I think that’s a great idea
, Dallas. You’re so smart.” I smiled at him. He looked so cute today. He always was, but he had just shaved and the sun hit his eyes in such a way that they sparkled. He grabbed me then and put me over his shoulder. I squealed as he jumped in the pool, taking me with him. Luckily I had my bathing suit on underneath.

We swam and kissed for what seemed like hours.
It was nice to have the privacy of the house all to ourselves. I lay on the deck in my suit while Dallas made more drinks. Once I closed my eyes, I fought the urge to fall asleep. The sun felt relaxing on my pale skin and made me feel so comfortable. Just then, I felt a few drips of cold on my bare stomach and sat up. I now faced a blonde girl with bright green eyes. She was beautiful and fit. Her body put mine to shame.

“Hi,” she said as she held a drink right above me. “I’m Rene. Landon’s
, um, friend I guess.” Giggling like a schoolgirl, she sat next to me. I sat up, holding my hand against my eyes to block the bright sun. She wore a blue suit that showed way more skin than necessary but she still looked stunning.

“I’m Avery, Dallas is my boyfriend.” I shook her hand.

“Oh yeah, he told me who you were. Aren’t we so lucky? They both are so hot, right?” She giggled again and I laughed too for her sake. I didn’t look at it the same way she did. I felt lucky to have a man of Dallas’ caliber as my partner, not because he was hot. Granted he was super-hot, but that wasn’t what made me proud to be his.

“So what do you do?” A change of subject was in order.

“Oh, not much really. I just graduated, so I am looking for a job,” she said as she sipped her cocktail.

What did you study?” I asked, wondering where my fresh cocktail was. It wasn’t hard to guess that she sipped the drink that was meant for me.

know, the basic stuff. I am just so happy to be done.” I was so confused. She studied basic stuff in college. There was something off about this one.

“You didn’t have a major?”

“I don’t know if you can major in my high school. What does that mean?” Okay that made sense. She was just a high school graduate. Wow, Landon knew how to pick them.

“Excuse me one second,” I said as I marched into the house. Landon and Dallas
were in the kitchen making salsa when I stopped in front of them. They both looked up at me like I had two heads.

“Anyone want to tell me why a teenager is outside drinking my
Piña Colada?”

“Calm down
! She’s 21,” Landon said arrogantly.

, Landon, she just graduated high school.” His mouth fell open. He turned and met Rene outside.

“Not cool,” Dallas said as he put down the tomatoes. He looked out at the scene outside and my phone rang. “Be right back
, it’s Kerri calling.” I walked upstairs to the bedroom and answered.

, Kerri.”

“What’s wrong? Y
ou don’t sound happy.” She was my best friend for a reason; she knew when I was irritated by the sound in my voice.

I laughed.
“You know same ‘ole weird drama. Everything okay with you?”

, my mom is very unhappy that I went dress shopping without her. I tried to do it when she was in town, but it’s practically impossible.” Kerri’s parents were very wealthy and traveled all the time. Her mother was hardly ever around.

, needless to say, my mother is unhappy. But on a good note, we are having a luncheon tomorrow and I want you there.” Aha that’s why she called.

“Let me get this straight
. Your mom is coming into town, and you want me there to keep things even tempered?”

“Very good
, my friend. You do know me well,” she said. I laughed and agreed. Why not go? I did like her mom even though she could be a bit funny with tradition at times.

, one more thing. Justin’s mom will be coming as well.”

“What do you want me to wear?” If I knew Kerri
, she was going all out to make an impression on Justin’s mom. I knew I had to look just as impeccable as she did.

Ianni pick out something. Oh bring her, too.” I smiled. “Gotta go love you.”

I was extremely happy that
Ianni was coming. It would help get her out of her mood and bring her spirits up. I went back downstairs to find Dallas standing at the counter, eating. Landon and the teenager were nowhere to be found.

“Where did they go?” I asked.

“He took her home. It’s just me and you now.” He had a sexy look in his eyes as he scooped me up and brought me outside on the deck. We lay together as he played with my hair. He held up a bunch of grapes and popped one in my mouth. I laughed. I liked being fed, but felt a little silly. I wasn’t truly a princess.

“You look too damn good in that bikini to be feeding yourself. So sit her
e and let me take care of you.”

, sir.” I lie back down and let him pamper me however he saw fit.

, that color looks terrible on you. Why is that still in your closet?” Ianni asked as I held up an orange shirt. I was trying to get dressed for our lunch with Kerri. I had no idea what to wear. Ianni threw all sorts of dresses at me and had me try everything on like I was Fashion Barbie. I was tired already and we were going to be late if I didn’t get something on soon.

Ianni, I don’t know what to wear!” Exhausted, I fell on my bed.

“You have tons of clothes
, Avery. Now pick something and meet me in the living room,” she told me simply and walked out. I got up and followed her advice. I had to get my act together. I may not be fashion forward, but I had a lot of good clothes now. I just needed to put something on. I chose a white eyelet dress and paired it with a pale green cardigan. Once I met her in the living room she smiled and looked proud of me. Who knew fashion would make her so happy. That was it.

BOOK: Unraveling of Avery Snow, The
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