Read Unsuitable Online

Authors: Towle,Samantha

Tags: #Romance

Unsuitable (28 page)

BOOK: Unsuitable
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“Jesus, Daisy…fuck…I’m coming…” His mouth crashes back to mine. “I’m coming,” he breathes into me, his hips coming to rest against mine, jerking, as he comes inside me.


Kas stays inside me, his body trembling against mine. I run my hand over his back, tracing lazy patterns with my fingers, as he breathes heavily against my neck.

He lifts his head, looking me in the eyes.

“You okay?” I whisper.

He smiles, and I feel that smile everywhere.

“More than okay.” He presses a sweet kiss to my lips. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No. I’ll probably be a little sore, as it’s been a while, but it was totally worth it.” I press my hand to his cheek.

Taking ahold of my hand, he turns his face in and kisses my palm. “It was…amazing.” When he brings his eyes back to mine, the look in them is reverent.

“You sure?”

“Are you unsure?” he challenges, teasing in his eyes.

“No. I just…you haven’t since…” I trail off, leaving the words I don’t want to say hanging. “And I haven’t in two years, and I was never exactly a porn star in bed before that.”

Laughter bursts from him.

Even though I love the sound, it’s pissing me off right now.

“Hey!” I slap him on the arm.

“Sorry.” He gives me a sober laugh.

Then, he brushes his lips over mine. I keep them stubbornly closed for about two seconds before caving and kissing him back.

“This…you and me, together…is incredible. I’ve never known anything like what I just felt with you.”

I want to ask,
Not even with Haley?

But I don’t want to bring her up and kill the mood, so I say nothing.

He must read something in my eyes because he says, “Haley and I were just kids. Sure, she wasn’t my first. I’d lost my virginity when I was fourteen with a girl who was a few years older than me, and I’d slept with a few girls that year before Haley and I got together. So, yeah, I had a little experience, but we were still young and didn’t have a clue what we were doing. I still don’t. And I should be the one worrying if I was good enough for you. I’ve never been in bed with a woman before you, Daisy.” His hand caresses my hip.

“Trust me”—I lift my head and brush my lips over his—“you definitely know what you’re doing.”

“I guess all those years of watching porn have finally paid off.”

It’s my turn to have laughter burst from me.

Kas wraps his arms around me and kisses me. “Let me just go clean up, and I’ll be back.” He brushes his nose over mine before kissing the tip of it, and then he pulls out of me.

I wince a little at the soreness, but I hate the loss of him inside me more.

“Could you bring me a cloth to clean up?” I ask.


I watch him walk to the bathroom and sigh.
He has a great butt. Really tight and firm. And those shoulders…drool.

Kas disappears inside. I hear running water. He’s not gone for long before he’s coming back with a washcloth in his hand.

I reach to take it from him, but he moves his hand away.

“Let me.” He presses the warm, damp cloth between my legs, gently cleaning me.

I watch him, amazed at the depths of my feelings for this man I referred to as Kas-hole.

“The first time I met you…I never thought we’d be here.”

He stops cleaning me and looks at me with tender eyes. “I’m glad we are.”

“Yeah, me, too,” I whisper as my heart bumps clumsily around in my chest.

“All clean?” He checks.

I nod.

He takes the cloth back to the bathroom. I climb in under the duvet. Kas returns and climbs into bed beside me. He wraps me in his arms, so we’re face-to-face.

He softly kisses me. I press my hand to his chest, touching his scars. I feel him tense.

“I don’t see them,” I whisper. “I don’t look at you and those scars independently. I just see you.”

“I see them,” he murmurs. “And I hate them.”

I slide my hand over his chest and around to his back. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” he says, but his eyes don’t look sure.

But I have to ask, so I take a breath and start talking, “I mean, I think I understand why you didn’t want me to see the scars. Because of the way they make you feel about yourself, and you hate them. But then I remembered that day when I walked in on you and Jude sparring. Your back was to me, and you didn’t have a shirt on that day. You went and put one on before I saw anything, but obviously, you had been shirtless around Jude. So, why do you feel okay with him seeing them?”

His eyes close briefly before reopening. “Well, I didn’t want to have sex with Jude, for starters.” He gives me a slight smile. “And Jude knows everything that happened. He’s the only other person who does—aside from my parents and, of course, you.”

“How long have you known him?”

“We met at group therapy when we were eighteen. I was seeing a therapist, but he also ran a group session for people who were suffering with various types of PTSD. He thought it would be good for me to join his group. Jude was also a patient at the group session. We got to talking and just clicked. He was the one who got me into parkour.”

“What about MMA?”

“That was me. I wanted to be able to”—his eyes skim away from me—“defend myself and the people I care about. Jude came along with me and found that he liked it, too.”

“You’re a team.” I smile softly.

“Yeah.” His eyes find mine again. “He’s a good friend.”

I don’t ask why Jude was in therapy because it’s none of my business. I’m just glad that Kas has him in his life.

He’s silent for a moment, and then he says in a quiet voice, “I was afraid…for you to see me. I thought, if you saw the real me…then you wouldn’t want me.”

I press my hand to his face. “I really like the
you. It was Kas-hole that I wasn’t so keen on.”

He gives me a look of shock. I fight to hold back my laughter.

The next thing I know, I’m flat on my back, and Kas is between my legs with his hands on my stomach, tickling me.

“No! Stop!” I squeal, trying but failing to wriggle out of his hold. “I’m really ticklish!” I gasp.

“Yeah, I can see that.”

He tickles me again, and I scream.

“Stop!” I’m panting for air because I’m laughing so hard.

And he’s laughing. The sound is beautiful, and it’s weaving itself around my thudding heart.

“I’m sorry!”

He pauses and looks up at me.

“I said, I’m sorry,” I pant.

“For?” He hovers a threatening hand over my stomach.

“For calling you Kas-hole.” I can’t help but grin when I say the name.

His smile mirrors mine. “You’re not really sorry, are you?”

Pressing my lips together, sealing my smile, I shake my head.

His eyes glitter with mischief.

In a flash, my arms are pinned at my sides, and his mouth is on my stomach.

Then, the bastard blows a raspberry.

“Argh!” I scream with laughter. “I’m sorry! I’ll never call you Kas-hole again!”

But, as soon as I say the name, the raspberry assault gets worse.

“Stop! I’ll pee myself!” I laugh, tears in my eyes.

I’m wriggling, trying to get free, but he’s so bloody strong.

“Okay!” I gasp. “I yield! I’ll never say the
word again, I swear!”

He stops and lifts his head. “You yield?”

Something dark and dirty flashes in his eyes, making my belly flip. And that’s when I feel something long and hard pressing up against my leg.

He’s hard for me again.

“I yield,” I whisper breathily.

“So, that means you’re mine to do what I want with.”

I hold his eyes. Biting my lip, I nod my head.

He grazes his teeth over his lower lip. I shift restlessly.

“What do you want to do with me?” I ask on a hot whisper.

He moves lower, keeping my hands pinned by my sides, and he doesn’t answer with words. He answers by means of his tongue, pressing it against me, making me cry out in pleasure.


I can hear buzzing. For a moment, I think I’m back in prison, hearing the morning buzz that came right before my cell door would open, giving me that momentary freedom. The buzzing stops, but the click never comes.

And then I register the warm, hard body pressed against my back.


Memories of last night flood my mind.

We had sex. Lots of sex. Insatiable, crazy, hot sex until we passed out in each other’s arms.

And, now, I’m here with his chest pressed up against my back. His legs tangled with mine. His arm slung around my waist. His hand possessively pressed against my stomach.

A smile lifts my lips. Happiness that I never thought I would ever feel spreads through me.

Then, I hear the buzzing again.

What is that?

Reluctantly, I move, turning in Kas’s arms, rousing him slightly. He lets out a sleepy groan as he rolls onto his back, pulling his arm from me.

I see his phone flashing and vibrating on the nightstand. I peer over a little further to see who’s calling. The display reads,


It takes me a good few seconds to realize that it’s not someone called
, but that it’s actually someone buzzing at the main gates of the house.


Instead of waking him, I decide to answer the call. I reach over and sweep up his phone. Pressing Accept, I say, “Hello?”

“Daisy, is that you? It’s Toby. I’m here for our appointment.”

Uh…Toby? Appointment!

Holy shit!

He rescheduled our appointment last week because he couldn’t make our usual day.

My probation officer is here. And I’m naked and in bed with Kas.

I’m so done for.

“Yes.” The word comes out sounding strangled. I clear my throat. “I’ll-I’ll buzz you in. Just give me a sex—I mean, sec! Give me a second.” I hang up the phone. “Kas!” I shake him.

His eyes flick open, startled and wide-awake. “Wha—”

“Toby is here for my appointment.”

He’s blinking rapidly, as though trying to process this information. I try not to get caught up on how adorable he looks in this moment with his hair all disheveled and this cute furrow of confusion on his brow.

I somehow don’t think Kas would appreciate being called adorable.

“My probation officer,” I say to speed up the process even though he knows who Toby is.

“I thought he came on—”

“He does normally,” I cut him off. “But he changed the day, and I forgot! Crap! We’re naked, and he’s out there.”

Kas’s eyes flash to the closed door of his bedroom, as though he expects Toby to be waiting on the other side.

“Outside the main gate,” I clarify.

He pushes himself up to sit. “Have you let him in?”

I find myself momentarily distracted by his bare chest and the muscles rippling over his pecs.

God, he’s hot.



“Have you buzzed him in?”

My eyes lift to his grinning ones. “Um…shit, no.” I blink. “Your phone was vibrating, and when I saw it was the gate, I answered. I need to go downstairs and buzz him in.”

“No need.” Kas takes his phone from my hand. He swipes the screen and then does something. “Gates are open,” he tells me.

“You let him in? But I’m naked!” I jump out of bed.

A low chuckle rumbles from him. “I can see that.”

I flush as his eyes slowly move over the length of me, making me blush.

“Stop it.” I can’t help the smile that forms on my mouth.

Kas’s lips tip up into a sexy grin. “I’m not doing anything.

He reaches out and trails his index finger up my thigh, making me shiver.

I swat his hand away. “Behave. I have to get dressed. He’ll be at the front door in less than five minutes.”

He gives me a disgruntled look, which I choose to ignore.

I start running around, picking up my clothes and pulling on my underwear.

Kas is just sitting in bed, watching me, hands behind his head, like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

But then I guess he doesn’t. It’s not his probation officer who’s currently walking down the driveway and toward the front door.

Clothes on, I run into his bathroom.

Jesus, I have sex hair!
It’s all mussed up.

I run my hands through it, trying to smooth it down. When I spy one of Kas’s hair ties on the sink, I borrow it and fasten my hair up into a messy bun.

I grab his toothpaste, squeeze some onto my index finger, and rub it over my teeth. Not the best way to clean my teeth but needs must.

“You could have used my toothbrush.” Kas comes up behind me, pressing his still very naked body against mine. His hands slide around my stomach.

Leaning forward, I spit in the sink, pushing my bum back against him. I feel him press up nice and hard against me, and my lady parts wake up to say hello.

Down, girl. My probation officer is on his way.

I grab the mouthwash and take a swig. I swish it around my mouth and spit it out. Finally, I respond to him, “I’m not going to use your toothbrush.” I run the tap, clearing the sink out.

“Why not?”

Meeting his eyes in the mirror, I say, “Um, because that’d be gross.”

“You’ve had this mouth”—he points a finger to his sexy and incredibly talented mouth—“and tongue”—he sticks it out, making me shiver—“on and inside your pussy, tasting you and making you come, for the best part of the night. You’ve had my cock in your gorgeous mouth. But using my toothbrush would be gross? Sure, that makes sense, babe.” He cocks a brow.

Holy Jesus.

I’m practically on fire. Burning up, I’m ready to drop to my knees and take him back in my suddenly watering mouth.

“Toothbrushes clean teeth.” My voice catches, and I clear my throat. “Tongues—”

“Lick,” he whispers. He gives me a good demonstration of what that magical tongue of his can do when he runs it over the pulse on my neck, sending my nerve endings screaming and making my knickers wet. Then, his teeth start to nip at my neck.

BOOK: Unsuitable
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