Read Watcher Online

Authors: Kate Watterson

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

Watcher (6 page)

BOOK: Watcher
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Jake leaned back and smiled. “That was the truth, Professor.”

A violin concerto was the only sound for a moment, the lilting notes rising and falling. Then she changed the subject, asking him about his family, and Jake obliged, explaining that his mother was 44

Kate Watterson

a secretary in an insurance firm and his father a dentist. He had two siblings, both younger, and assorted grandparents in various parts of the country. Each time he tried to steer the conversation to her he was neatly fielded, so he gave up since the last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable.

Dinner was as fabulous as the tantalizing aroma promised.

She’d made Chicken Marsala served with tiny crisp roasted potatoes, and lightly grilled asparagus. As they ate in the formal dining room, complete with an ornate antique chandelier she explained came from France, the conversation turned very naturally to the university and biology in general. He was fascinated by how her face lit with undisguised zeal over what was apparently the center of her life, and since it currently was also his main focus, it was very easy to discuss cells and gene patterns as if it were ordinary dinner fare.

A fabulous cook, who was beautiful, passionate, and loved the same subject he did with perhaps even greater enthusiasm? He’d died and gone to heaven, he thought as he sipped his coffee after dessert.

Or paradise maybe, if he could get her naked and back into bed.

He couldn’t help it. As he helped her clear the dishes, his gaze strayed once again toward the swell of her full breasts against the material of her blouse. His cock had been half stiff most of the evening, even through dinner, and it was damned uncomfortable.

Behave yourself, Quinn. Don’t fuck this up by acting like a
horny teenager.

The faint flush in her cheeks told him she noticed finally as she tucked the last plate in the dishwasher.

With mild defensiveness, he said, “Sorry, but did you not wear a bra just to torture me? If this is a test, I think I did fairly well so far.”



“I hate to break it to you, but a bra isn’t all that comfortable.”

She gave him one of her coolest Professor Johnson looks. “In my own home, I like to be comfortable.”

“Hey, never wear one again. That’s my vote.” Since he was caught out anyway, he hungrily stared at the rounded outline beneath the thin material for a moment before looking back up into her eyes. “Maybe I’d better go. Dinner was perfect, Jana. I don’t want to screw things up now.”

There was a pause, not awkward precisely, but certainly charged.

“We both know I want you to stay.” She said the words quietly when she finally spoke. “But the sentiment is appreciated anyway.”

“I want to, of course, that goes without saying.” With effort, he restrained himself from reaching for her immediately, hauling her to the closest flat surface, pulling down those sexy jeans, and burying himself in her warm, tight pussy. “But only if that’s what you want. No pressure. I’ve had a great time just being with you already.” He smiled wryly. “I can always go home and jack off.”

She laughed, a small hiccup of sound. “That would be a terrible waste, in my opinion.”

Elation soared through him, along with a fierce anticipation.

Jake said thickly, “In that case, come here.”

* * * *

The man was as good at kissing as he was good-looking, and that was saying something. Fighting a moan, Jana rubbed her breasts against his chest and clung to him, parting her lips to the pressure of his mouth. She pressed her pelvis seductively against his groin in a signal of just what she wanted.

She had never thought she was anything but a very strong, very independent woman, capable of making intelligent choices.


Kate Watterson

However, when Jana had opened her front door—after rushing all afternoon preparing for dinner, including changing her clothes three times like some teenager—and had seen Jake Quinn standing there, all good sense seemed to go south.


Straight between her legs, to the point that just the sight of him made her wet. It was his fault, for he had looked his usual gorgeous self in a leather jacket, jeans, and a denim shirt open at the neck, his dark hair as always attractively a little tousled, his eyes exuding that mesmerizing male heat.

Actually, she needed to face the fact the minute she invited him to dinner, she knew she was going to bed with him again. She wanted it. Hard and fast. Or slow and sweet. Or better yet, both.

All night long, and if memory served, he was up for the job.

Now, standing in her kitchen, she shamelessly exhibited her weakness by her almost frantic response to his embrace. Her arms wrapped around his neck, she kissed him back with as much fervor, if not more.

Maybe young was good
, she thought, drowning in need. Maybe young was better, for while she had loved Brian, she had never felt this consuming physical passion. Sex had been pleasurable, but not some deep primal hunger.

Jake lifted his mouth from hers and said unevenly, “I want you naked and in a bed. Or here on the floor is fine with me, but not very romantic. Help me out.”

“Upstairs.” Jana managed enough composure to pull it together for a moment.

“Let’s go.” He took her hand.

She led the way, and had only a moment’s pause when she saw in the darkened room the bed she’d shared with Brian. Just the one moment, and then she switched on the bedside lamp and turned around. Her fingers went to the buttons of her blouse.



Jake undressed at the same time, watching her as he divested himself of shirt, jeans, socks and shoes in record time. The soft lighting played over hard muscles and taut tanned skin, and certainly showed off the impressive bold length of his erection. His cock jutted up, sleek and stiff against his flat stomach, and with the same interest he showed as he avidly examined her bared breasts, she stared at it.

“I was halfway there the minute you answered the door,” he explained with a rueful gesture at his blatant arousal. “I’ve already mentioned you have this effect on me.”

“At this moment, I’m glad.” She was being honest, and totally so, hooking her panties and shimmying out of them so her breasts jiggled provocatively.

“I want to touch you everywhere,” he said in that suggestive husky voice that instantly made her body begin to ready for sex.

“God, I’ve been thinking about this all day. I got absolutely nothing done I was so distracted. I finally went and played basketball for a couple of hours, just to work off steam. And
is after being up half the night making love to you.”

She’d been the same way, but admitting it made her sound like one of the adolescent freshmen that drooled after him constantly.

The low throb between her legs intensified at the sight of him nude and ready, and though she had never thought of herself as being sexually aggressive, at that moment she knew exactly what he could do with his hard cock.

Jana pulled back the comforter and sheets and slid into bed.

Teasingly—and graphically—she spread her legs. She was so wet already she could feel the moisture on her inner thighs. “If you need to work off steam, may I make a suggestion how?”

“Hell yes,” he growled and climbed on the bed to settle top of her. His mouth hovered over hers and the crest of his cock lightly nudged her pussy, rubbing her clit. “If it involves this...”


Kate Watterson

No foreplay, she thought in a haze of need, reaching down and stroking the erection poised between her open thighs, feeling with wonder the size and hardness, the satin tightness of the drawn skin.

Semen seeped from the engorged tip and she smeared the warm fluid with her fingers, guiding him to her vaginal entrance.

She moaned openly as he entered her, the sound involuntary.

Maybe size did matter, for as her pussy stretched deliciously to accommodate his penetration, she felt a shimmer of pure acute pleasure at how big he felt, how long. Once he was fully sheathed, Jake kissed her once, a brief hard pressure of his mouth on hers. It was perfunctory at best, since both their attention was strictly on their joined bodies.

“Oh man,” he whispered as he began to move in long hard strokes, not quite rough, but not gentle either, as if he could read her mind. “Jesus, that’s good.”

Jana clutched his shoulders, feeling the tension in his bunched muscles. She arched back and opened her legs wider. “Yes…oh, harder.”

Arms braced on either side, he moved faster at the edge of urgency in her voice. Jana lifted her hips to make sure every bit of him slid as deep as possible inside her burning pussy, the wet soft sound of intercourse overlaid by their ragged breathing.

The friction was incredible, their bodies moving in a fluid rhythm of give and take, in tune and straining toward a common goal. Jana watched his face change as his climax became imminent. His lashes lowered and his skin took on a faint flush, his mouth slightly parted. Her own pleasure rose with each insistent plunge of his cock inside her. His dark eyes were half-closed, but he also watched her, and somehow holding his gaze as her orgasm began was incredibly erotic.

Beyond control, her inner muscles began to tighten. In response he groaned her name and stiffened.



They came that way, staring into each other’s eyes. Though she couldn’t help but cry out, her gaze never wavered, even as wave upon wave of sensation washed over her body. Jake ejaculated with such force she felt the hot rush of his release even through the haze of her pleasure, his cock flexing against her walls.

Afterwards, her sated body throbbed and her muscles felt like melted wax.

was sex.

The trouble was, she worried it might be a little bit more.


Kate Watterson

Chapter 5

It was getting late, the damned car still sat boldly in her
driveway, and it was pretty obvious that the dark-haired fucker
was staying the night.

Oh yeah, he’d seen them through the kitchen window all over
each other. His hands on her ass, his tongue in her mouth, and she
was all about too, there wasn’t much question of it.

The Watcher felt that quiver of rage that both frightened and
exhilarated him. It was her fault. He’d idolized her. She was
perfect; beautiful, smart, rich, unattainable. And now she went and
proved him wrong by being just another eager bitch wanting it.

Women were all the same. Why had he ever thought anything
different? Each time he was disappointed. So disappointed.

First, he’d kill her lover, the young guy with the movie star
looks. She was a whore, but he’d made her one, and he needed to
be eliminated.

* * * *

Braced on one elbow, Jake lazily moved his tongue in a slow circle around the nipple in his mouth and heard the woman lying next to him make a small telling sound of enjoyment.

Damn. She was not just beautiful in every single way possible, but she was also the most responsive lover he had ever known.

Under that composed, distant exterior, Jana Johnson was a real woman in every sense of the word.



He suckled gently, massaging the other breast, testing the firm, pliant weight of it in his palm. Her slender fingers slid through his hair as she audibly sighed in pleasure. In his mouth, her nipple was tight and erect in arousal.

There was still a part of his brain that didn’t quite believe he was in bed with the aloof Dr. Johnson, playing with her gorgeous tits. He lifted his head and grinned, cradling her flesh in his palm.

“I’m guessing a C.”

Her face was still flushed from her recent orgasm, her nude body relaxed. Glossy dark hair looked like black silk against the white pillowcase. Her brow furrowed. “What?”

“These.” He lifted her breast and squeezed lightly. “C cup?

That’s always been my guess.”

“Oh.” She laughed and slightly shook her head in evident exasperation. “Why you spend any amount of time speculating escapes me, but yes, as a matter of fact.”

“Hey, I’m a guy. We all spend a great deal of time speculating on woman’s bodies. You’re so naturally slender I’m surprised they are real. General opinion seems split on that.”

She gifted him with her best professor glare, but it wasn’t nearly as effective when she was naked and he was holding her delectable breast in his hand. “Don’t tell me my bra size or anything else about my body is routinely discussed in any way around the department. For God’s sakes, I thought we were all professionals. That’s juvenile.”

He shrugged and slid his hand lower, across her ribcage and along the dip of her waist to stroke her hip. Her skin was satin smooth, and just slightly damp from their exertions. “Men are pretty focused when it comes to sex. Yes, you are a topic of conversation. Sorry, but let’s face it, you’re gorgeous.”

One dark brow lifted and she said tartly, “Thank you, but I’m not the one they call incredible. How do you feel about all those female students whispering about you whenever you walk by?”


Kate Watterson

“I’m flattered, I suppose.” Jake gazed at her, still marveling over his current situation. “But nicknames aside, as long as
find me attractive, that’s all I really give a damn about.”

An expression of slight vulnerability touched her delicate features. “Apparently I do. Even though I know it’s probably a bad idea, here you are. And even though I was thoroughly ashamed of myself after last night, I’m doing it again.”

“Hey, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a normal, healthy woman who likes sex.” Jake leaned closer and kissed her very lightly, just a small caress of his lips on hers. “It is so hot, Jana. I mean it. A man is never as turned on as when he knows his partner likes it as much as he does.”

She lifted a hand and cupped his cheek, bringing her mouth softly to his again. She whispered against his lips, “Since you are here against my better judgment, remind me how much I like it.”

BOOK: Watcher
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