Read What He Desires Online

Authors: Violet Haze

What He Desires (6 page)

BOOK: What He Desires
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They giggle and release my hands, running to take hers.

“What are their names?”

“I’m Tabitha,” one says with a toothy grin, pointing at the other, “and she’s Beatrice.”

I nod as Breena leads them away, and I follow.

T and B.

Tabitha and Beatrice.

Tobias and Breena.

Had she given the siblings the same initials as her and her brother on purpose?

They seem pretty close. I don’t know why it bothers me like it does.

I just can’t seem to shake the feeling that I’m missing something.

What that is I haven’t the slightest clue.

So I push it aside to examine later as we enter the house.


His mother is at the stove as we walk in. She turns as the girls laugh, taking seats at the little table in the corner while screaming, “Hi gwandma!”

“You two ready for breakfast?” She places their plates in front of them as they bob their heads and turns to me. “And how are you this morning?”

“Oh, I’m fine, thank you.”

Breena takes a seat at the counter and pats the stool next to her. “Come eat. We don’t need a repeat of last evening.”

Man, she’s bossy.

I sit down anyway, hoping Tobias will walk in at any second and save me from being alone with his mother and sister.

It’s one thing to meet the family; it’s another to face them alone.

“Where’s Tobias?” I ask as she sets a plate in front of me.

Two eggs, two slices of bacon, and a couple of strawberries. My stomach growls at the sight.

Breena laughs. “He’s out chopping wood with dad and our brother. They’ll be in in a few minutes.”

My fork pauses halfway to my mouth, which is now hanging open. “Chopping wood? As in, with an axe?”
Duh, Jocelyn, of course it’s with an axe!
“Sorry, stupid question.”

At the mental image of Tobias shirtless, sweating from the exertion of his activity, my appetite for food is replaced with an intense desire to get him naked again.

I no longer have to wonder where he got his physical form and stamina from. Apparently, the man milks cows and chops wood on the weekends. I bet he rides horses and rescues cats from trees, too.

Who would’ve thought? Certainly not me, even after knowing he grew up in the country.

His mother’s hand covers the one I have resting on the counter. “Not stupid. You look shocked though. Didn’t Tobias tell you he grew up on a farm?”

“No.” I shake my head and put the fork down. “He said he grew up in the country, that’s all.”

She clucks her tongue, giving my hand a squeeze before turning away. “Don’t pay him any mind. He likes to keep people guessing.”

“Yeah, I know, trust me.”

“How did you two meet?” Breena asks.

I glance at her. “He didn’t tell you?”

“Sure he did. It doesn’t mean it’s always true though. He loves to exaggerate.”

Now that I didn’t know.

Before I can answer, the door opens and in walks the topic of conversation. Right behind him, his dad and brother. They are scarcely inside when Tabitha and Beatrice shriek with excitement, “Uncle ‘Biath!” and run toward him.

“Whoa, whoa, girls!” They stutter to a halt in front of him. “Uncle Tobias is dirty. Let me go clean up first, all right?”

He looks over at the counter, and seeing me, grins.

I admit, I love when he smiles at me. His whole face lights up and he gazes at me as if I’m the only woman in the world he wants. Which is crazy since I’m sure he could have his pick.

Whatever though. If marrying me is what he wants, that’s just what he’ll get. Relationship challenged Jocelyn who can’t even find her way out of bedroom in a house without getting lost.

Heading toward me, I register he is indeed not wearing a shirt mere seconds before his lips descend on mine, kissing me in front of everyone. It’s brief, yet long enough that I know I’ll be following him up the steps to jump his bones. He draws back.

“Morning, babe.”

Oh, now he uses an endearment for the first time, and in front of his parents no less. Needles to say, I can’t resist taking it to the next level — unspoken challenge accepted!

“How goes it, munchkin?”

His whole family roars with laughter as he takes my chin in his hand and kisses me again, chuckling against my mouth.

“I can tell this one’s got your number, bro. You better watch out.”

I turn my head to look toward the voice, finally taking a good look at his brother. A younger version of Tobias with enough differences to tell they are related but not twins. Same brown hair and brown eyes as everyone else, identical impish grin as Tobias.

Then, I look at his father — only to see he has blue eyes and blond hair — and my eyes widen in surprise.

He catches my eye and winks. “Amazing isn’t it? Not one of them got my coloring.”

They all laugh again and I’m embarrassed, realizing many people must react the way I just did.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us, Toby?” His brother pipes up.

I elbow him in the side. “Yeah, Toby,
introduce us.

“Okay, okay!” He groans and inclines his head as he introduces each one. “This is my father Sven, my brother Randolf with an F, and my mother, Liv.”

For some reason, his specification of ‘with an F’ for his brothers name amuses me and I smile. “Sven, Randolf with an F, and Liv. Got it. Nice to meet you all.”

“You too, hon,” his mother says before glaring at the men. “Now you guys go clean up and get back down here for some breakfast.”

Tobias gives me a peck on the lips. “Be back in ten.”

I stand up. “Take me with you. I need to know how to get there and back since I got lost this morning.”

I also plan to fuck him in the shower after he washes off, but I don’t need to voice that.

“Did you?” He laughs, his desire to do the same evident in the hot look he gives me. “All right, come on. You can tell me all about it on the way upstairs.”

As we leave the room I look back to find his whole family watching us, smiles on each and every one of their faces.

I take that as a good sign.

And hate that they think there is so much more to this relationship than actually exists.









The questions about what we’d like for our wedding arrive halfway through dinner.

Sven is at one end of the table, Liv at the other, with Breena and Randolf on one side of the table. Tobias and I are on the other side with the twins at their own little table.

“Where do you want the wedding to take place?” His mother asks.

“Well,” Tobias keeps his eyes on me as he speaks, “I’m hoping we can have it here, now that Jocelyn has seen the place.”

Smooth way to put me on the spot, but I’ll do whatever he wants as long as he does what I need him to do.

Other than giving me multiple orgasms, that is.

“Sure,” I respond, nodding. “I’d love it in the garden, personally.”

Breena interjects with, “Isn’t that kind of small though? How many people will you invite?”

Tobias reaches for my hand under the table and squeezes it.

“A small wedding with all of us and a few friends would be perfect.”

I look down.

It figures he would know I have no family; that it’s me, myself and I. And I know they are taking what he said and realizing the same thing, but I don’t want or need their pity.

I bring my head back up, smiling brightly. “And, we’ve got just shy of three weeks to plan it.”

has them all gasping and safely moves the topic away from my lack of relatives.

“Knocked up, huh?” His brother comments. “Shocking.”

Tobias throws his roll at Randolf’s head as I throw him a ‘told you so’ look. “No, asshole. We simply don’t want to wait.”

“Riiiight. If you say so.”

His mother taps the table to get everyone’s attention. “In that case, there’s no time to waste, is there?”

“I will give Jocelyn your number, mom. That way you two can talk when we’re back in town.” His phone starts ringing and he grimaces as he gazes at the screen. “Excuse me, I need to take this. Sorry.”

Breena glances at me with sympathy. “Better get used to it. I swear, that phone is glued to his ear. Hopefully getting married will give him something else to focus on.”

If only she knew how much he already focused on me. Any more and I’d probably scream.

I smile at her, not knowing what else to do, and unable to say what I want.

The topic swiftly returns to wedding plans alongside the washing up as I wonder what the call he got could possibly be about.

And why it was taking so long for him to return.


We’re in a room all alone, the sounds of laughter and music floating through the closed door.

He turns from the fireplace and grins at me. “You look beautiful this evening. I wish we were truly alone, instead of hiding in this room. I want nothing more than to know what you look like naked underneath that dress.”

“You know my papa would never allow that,” I say with a smile of my own. “You must marry me if you wish such a thing.”

He stalks toward me, his beautiful dark gaze never leaving my silver and blue eyes. When he reaches me, he gathers me in his arms, his lips crushing mine.

I know it’s improper yet I cannot help but to return his kiss with equal passion.

Ever since we’d met a few weeks ago, we’d been unable to stay apart. Every dance or gathering we both attended was spent in each others arms in some room far from the others.

We are bound to get caught, but I am unable to care.

I know he’s the one for me. And he knows that I am the one for him.

Now we just needed our mothers and fathers to agree.

He kept saying he waited for the right time, and that time had not yet come.

At the discreet knock on the door, his lips left mine as we sprung away from each other.

“Come in,” he commands.

The door opens and my sister slips inside, a mischievous look in her blue eyes as she scrutinizes our closeness. I know she won’t tell though; after all, she’s the one who procures us the ability to have our stolen moments together. Newly married herself, I knew she was paying me back for all the occasions I’d helped her get some alone time with her husband.

“We must go,” she says, voice low as she focuses on me. “You’ve been gone too long; mama and papa are getting suspicious. Say your farewells until another time.”

“Theo,” I murmur as he envelops me in his arms once more. “I shall miss you, so much.”

“And I you, Josie.” He kisses my lips softly, then releases me with a sigh. “Until next time.”

He nods at my sister as he heads to the door and exits, shutting the door behind him.

“He will have to ask mama and papa soon.” I turn to the mirror to make sure all is as it should be. “I cannot stand this. He is all I want and I am what he desires. We shall be together even if I must run away!”

My sister shakes her head. “Be patient. You know he adores you. He will ask them soon, I’m sure of it.”

As we exit the room to return to the party, I’m sure he will too.



My eyes flutter open as his hand touches my face. Tobias is blocking the light as he stands above me.

I lick my lips, frowning. “I must’ve fell asleep. What time is it?”

“Ten. I didn’t want to wake you, but we have to leave.”

At that, I’m alert once more. That’s when I notice the banked frustration in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

He takes a step back as I sit up, removing his hand from my face and running it through his hair. “I need to go out of town. One of the businesses I acquired weeks ago is having issues I have to deal with in person.”

“Oh, I see.” I slide out from under the blankets and stand up. “How long?”

“A week.” He turns around and picks up his bag with a weary sigh. “Maybe two. I’ll know more when I get there.”


A week or two without him? Okay. It’s not like I’m in love or something.

But no sex?

I’m pretty sure I’ll die without it.

I don’t say that though. Instead, I voice a complaint that is completely legitimate for a person who isn’t me.

“A week or two? That’ll keep you gone up until the wedding, meaning I have to plan it all.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Nice timing.”

He turns and walks toward me.

“I don’t want to leave.” He tugs me against him, wrapping his arms around my waist. “A week or two without fucking you may kill me.”


I can’t hide my disbelief. I know the sex is great, but I didn’t know he felt the same way I did.

His family is right. He does like to keep people guessing.

“God, yes.” He puts his face in the crook of my neck, nipping the skin with his teeth, then sucking lightly. “Barring this trip, I hope we have sex every day for the next year; perhaps twice a day for good measure.”

I curl my fingers into his arm as I cling to him. “When are you leaving?”

“Soon.” He gets the hint though. “But what’s another thirty minutes when I’ve got my own plane?”


Arousal awakens through every inch of me at his words, my pussy clenching at the knowledge that he will soon be inside of me. He grins as crouches down and pulls my pants and undies down at the same time. I step out of them, pulling off my shirt as he takes off his clothing as well.

When we’re both naked I jump him. Literally.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He puts his hands on my ass as our mouth fuse together, hungry for a taste of each other that will have to last until we see each other again. He carries me over to the wall, pushing my back against it, using one hand to guide his cock into me. His hand tighten on my hips as he thrusts up and pushes me down simultaneously.

BOOK: What He Desires
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