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Authors: Lacy Danes

What She Craves (21 page)

BOOK: What She Craves
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amn the formality of the rites. He would not smell every woman and feel their hair. He knew who he wanted and he was through waiting. He strode to his queen, and the Catus grunted and howled.

She tilted her face up to his, and he captured her lips in a singeing kiss. He tasted her essence, and she flooded his senses with each movement of his mouth over hers. Her body pressed against his, hands clinging to his shoulders. Her touch fluttered over his skin, pushing his heartbeat through every muscle, driving the rhythm of his tongue, of his fingers, of his hips against her stomach. He had waited too long for this.

He tasted the warmth of her lips, the soft pliant plumpness, and knew without a doubt this was what he was made for. Pulling on her belt, he propelled her to the center of the circle.

One quick display of the loss of her innocence and she was his to do with as he wished for the rest of his life. His throat tightened on tangled emotions of need and relief that he had finally found her.

He pulled her to the table and wrapped his arms about her slender waist. Her skin blazed with the call of her need. A need that echoed his. It seeped through his hands, rousing the animal in him.

Without losing touch of her lips, he lifted her until she sat on the table ledge. Pressing his body between her thighs, she spread herself wide. Her tart scent filtered up to him, and he roared into their kiss. He needed to be inside her, to feel her clasp hot and tight around his cock. To feel the delicious sensation of spending in a warm body for the first time. His muscles shook with an overload of impending pleasure.

Everyone would be expecting him to perform for them, but, damn it, he did not want to draw this out. His hands shook as they slid between her thighs and into her engorged lips. He lightly traced the slick flesh with his thumbs, parting her opening, rubbing her wetness into the skin. To his delight she trembled against him.

The thought of her undulating beneath him propelled his need, and he pressed his hips against her. She parted her legs farther for his exploration.

“I shouldn't want this but…oh please, touch me there,”
said her thoughts.

Ah, she was almost in as frantic a state of arousal as he was. His marking had made her juices flow heavy, and with every touch of his fingers he heard that slickness louder than any sound in the room. The sound was the sweetest thing he could imagine. His queen's body begged him to mount her.

He parted her folds with the tips of his fingers, and she arched into his hand. Wanting to satisfy her need, he pushed the tip of his finger inside her.

“Oh!” She squirmed.

Oh sweet goddess. The warmth of her tight muscles about his fingers made his sack contract and his seed rise. His need matched his pulse in a thundering that blocked out her thoughts. All his instincts focused on claiming her. He positioned himself so he could enter and she tensed.

“No. Relax. I will not harm you.”

She pulled her lips from his and looked him in the eyes. “C-can I explore you too?”

Lightning streaked through him at her words.
He grunted.

Her lips curled up as her tentative shaking hand traveled down his chest. Heat engulfed him. Her fingers shyly stroked through the curls of his rod and his muscles jumped.

Damn! Each finger slowly wrapped around his staff, and she squeezed his hardness with blissful pressure.
“Ah, my goddess.”
His head fell back as his ballocks prickled, spending wetness from the tip.

Her thumb ran over the head, spreading the drop about his scorching skin. The slippery slide of her touch was more pleasurable than anything he had experienced.

He looked into her eyes; the round centers were large in arousal. Her hand slid and her finger exquisitely traced the ridge of his prick head. Goddess! All his muscles tightened and air rushed in through his clenched teeth. He was stunned; he never imagined his queen's touch on his aroused cock would feel this amazing.

Leaning in, he licked the bite wound he inflicted, and she trembled in his arms.
“You are mine. This is our way; your blood shed here in the circle will allow the other female Felis, who have shed their innocence in the past, to mate.”

He continued to lick at her neck and with his fingers drew slow circles between her folds until her muscles jumped and quivered, delighting in his touch, spending more of her sweet juices into his hand.

Her hands reached up and wrapped about his shoulders, leaving his cock straining for any touch from her.

“Touch me again,”
he demanded.

She wrapped her hand around the bind of his hair and pulled his mouth from her neck. Her lips parted on a sigh, and he captured her lips, pushing his tongue into her honeyed slickness. He slid two fingers into the steaming heat of her sex, withdrew them, and plunged them back in, fucking her with his fingers.
“You are ready for me.”

“Yes.” Her voice shook in heavy arousal.

Her hands wandered down his back to his buttocks. Her touch on his bare arse burned his aroused skin. He kissed her harsher as his muscles clenched in anticipation.

She moaned, the inside of her womb tightening in waves about his fingers.

Pleasurable sensation shot through him. She stiffened, the entire room fading away as a bright light flashed before him. Her muscles convulsed about his fingers as he moved them to the same rhythm, prolonging her spend. He closed his eyes, feeling to his bones the pulse of her pleasure. Her slick folds continued to release, and she fell into beautiful contentedness. He could wait no more.

Her body sated, he slid his fingers from her swollen flesh and dragged her hip forward.
“You are a sensuous one.”
He pressed his cock to her swollen folds, painfully needing release. He hesitated, knowing he would cause her to bleed and he would experience her discomfort.

Her nether lips scalded, and the need to claim her, to feel the rest of her about him, overrode any hesitation.

He growled. Her eyes opened and met his.
“It will be quick.”
He thrust into her in one motion. Her slick oiled flesh gave way to encase him.

She cried out as he filled her, and he felt her opening burn. Sweet goddess, she was an inferno. He struggled to find his mind in the heat of her. He did not want to complete the act in the circle. His body shuddered as he willed himself not to spend, and her pain spiraled through him. He concentrated on the pain she felt, and he was able to pull back.

Their eyes still locked, he withdrew and the precious virgin blood dripped from his staff onto the floor.

The Catus howled and without sparing one glance to any of them, he picked her up, cradled her in his arms, and ushered her from the room.

He nuzzled her neck.
“Sorry, it is our way. Innocence must be shed for the Felis to see. I would do no more with you there. My pleasure will come in private.”


A sob escaped Jessica and the entrance to her womb burned.

“Shh, shh, I will make it better. Give me a moment.”

He carried her upstairs, entered a room, closed the door, and deposited her on a bed. She watched as he turned and walked to a washbasin. Emotions overtook her and tears ran down her face. He was an amazing creature. Beautiful. His body, lean and hard. She watched in wonder as each muscle flexed with power and grace as he wrung out a cloth.

How could this handsome creature desire her with such passion? He strode toward her with the damp cloth in hand. She studied his face—his brows were lowered and a tight frown formed on his face as if something pained him.

“Please spread your legs.”
He spoke but his mouth did not move. How strange to hear someone's voice yet not have them move their lips.

She did as he asked, and he placed the cold cloth to her throbbing flesh. Desire flared in her and another spasm built. What a wanton she was; even with the pain all she wanted was his touch.

“Ah, my sweet. The goddess has picked a prime one for the new queen.”

Their new queen? What does that mean? Her mind couldn't focus on the words as he continued to stroke her with the cool dampness.

A dull ache replaced the burning in her sex, and she laid her head back on the bed, closing her eyes. The muscles in her legs tensed and jumped as his arms lightly brushed her skin. The coolness of the cloth left her and a soothing warmth inserted up to her womb. Her hips arched against the blissful sensation.

What was that? She leaned up and watched as he licked her beneath her curls. His tongue. Good gracious.

The warmth flicked in tiny flutters all along the crease of her sex. Reaching the top, his tongue touched something and her cunny clenched in delight.

He laved down the crease of her leg, and her entire body jumped, her hips arching into his head. His tongue swirled her anus and she squirmed. Then in one long, exquisitely slow lick, it traveled up her sex, pressing into her opening.

She whimpered and the pleasure blazed on her so fast, her body pulsated, bucking with waves of delight, and the burning light met her again.

He purred, a contented happy sound, and hooked his arms beneath her, pushing her up to the pillows on the bed. He spread himself over her. Feeling his hard length pressed against her softness, quakes of satisfaction washed through her. She had never been held so, possessed so by another, and he obviously wanted nothing but her. Her heart swelled.

“Dear sweet one.”
He brushed a hair from her face.
“I need to be inside you.”

His phallus probed her opening and with a roll of his hips filled her. “Oh!” Her body arched against his, and she squeezed her muscles about his hard invasion.

The ache remained, but when he slid out, she only wanted him to return to fill her. All she wanted was to be one with this man. She clutched at his hips, pulling him back. He groaned, reentered, and repeated the rhythm, increasing the pace as her hips kept arching and pressing against him. Her body seemed to know what to do and matched his rhythm.

With each thrust, passion seeped into her. Every inch of his body possessed her as his pleasure coursed through her. It spiraled up and up, then intensified.

His hard sculpted body flexed with each movement, and sweat trickled from his brow, a serious passion-filled expression on his face. His hip motions grew harsher, their bodies slapping against each other as his sex plundered her. Her hands reached up and grasped his shoulders.

With a roar, he leaned down and bit her neck. She exploded in sensation, her muscles convulsing about his inflated flesh as a gush of warmth filled her womb.


Abysis lay atop her. What an incredible experience. He now understood why the males of the Catus fought over the lottery. He rolled off her and lay on his back, breathing wildly. His queen. He intended to do this every day for the rest of his life.

“Sweet one.”
He looked at her golden beauty from the corner of his eye.
“Are you well?”

“Yes,” she said between passion-spent pants.

“I am Abysis, now king to the Catus. You are?”

“Jessica, Jessica Wellomb.”

“Jessica, queen of the Catus.”

“Queen of the Catus? What do you mean?”

“You are my queen. Queen of our kind.”

“I don't understand. Why me?” She rolled onto her side and looked at him, her fair hair falling in front of her face. “I'm not the youngest, nor am I that pretty.”

He studied her face, the passion blush that tinged her cheeks and her lips swollen from his kiss. She blew him away.

“You have been destined to me from birth. The goddess chose you for me, and you are beautiful, my fair one.”
He loved that hair. Reaching up, he ran a hand though the light locks, letting the silken strands caress his hand.

He could still hardly believe she was here. Part of him expected to wake up any moment and realize it was just another one of his vivid dreams.

He looked at her creamy white skin and the rose-colored nipples that peaked her breasts. She was perfect, and the way she looked at him caused possessiveness to swirl in him. Now that he found her, he would not allow anyone else to touch her.


essica ran her finger down Abysis's stomach, taking pleasure in the way his muscles jumped and quivered. She had never touched a man so boldly before. It felt wonderful.

A purr came from his throat, and her cheeks washed with heat. She brought him pleasure.

How strange it felt to be welcomed in this odd place. She had spent years wandering from relative to relative, living off their kindness, and all along, she was destined to be here with these cat-beings. The idea was difficult to wrap her thoughts around. Where was here anyway?

“Abysis, where are we?”

At the Felis castle at the foot of the Cgurr Aybasair Mountain.”

He jumped off the bed and placed his hands on his masculine hips and scowled at her.
“You have to stay. You are the queen. You are carrying the next in the line. The next Abysis. The next king.”

A smile quirked her lips at his insecurity; to think this man wanted her that much warmed her soul. “I think you misunderstood. I don't want to leave. I just wanted to know where my new home was. You do intend for me to stay, then?”

“Goddess, yes, you are my mate for life. I will not let you out of my sight. I will not live without the pleasure of what we just shared.”
He leaned forward and grasped her face in his hands.

The moment his skin touched hers, she could actually feel his pain as he considered the thought of her leaving. How was that possible?

“I have looked for you for so long.”
His thumb brushed her cheek.

He leaned in and kissed her gently. Her heart ached and the bite on her neck began to throb. “Yes.”

Abysis grasped her by the waist and pulled her to her feet.

“Yes.” Her whole being knew this was right. She needed to be with this man.

“Come, I want to pleasure you.”
He turned her about and grasped her hand, pulling her toward the door.

“Pardon? I thought we would stay here.” Jessica followed without hesitation.

“No, I want to take you to a room where I can heighten your pleasure.”

He jerked open the door and glanced down the hall away from where they had come. Nodding his head, he pulled her forward. The cool air, combined with excitement, pricked her skin as they traveled down the hall. She had wanted to see more of the castle and now she would.

They headed up a series of winding stairs; at the top, gay laughter and music filtered through the air. They celebrated the rites. She smiled, wanting to see and experience more of what this place was.

“Abysis, can I see more of your kind?”

He stopped and turned back to face her.
“My queen, you can have anything you wish. I thought for us to have some privacy before showing you to everyone. Is that not what you wish?”

His brows stooped low over his eyes, and he stared at her determinedly. He was truly concerned about her answer.

“Oh yes! I want to be with you. I…I well, I just wanted to know more. See more of this place.”

He nodded.
“Then I will show you the hall up ahead. You can watch from above as they prepare for the celebrations that will commence tomorrow.”

A grin curved her lips, and she hopped with excitement. “Thank you.”

Abysis laughed and pulled her ahead to where an ornately carved wood railing crossed an arch in the wall. She stopped and gazed down over the edge.

Below was a large dining hall. Maids and gentlemen dressed in servant's clothing hurried about cleaning and decorating for the festivities the next night.

Three large tables were set with vases of flowers. Benches lined each of the tables, and at one end a fiddle player performed on the stage.

The music was gay and happy, and a few younger adolescent cat-men milled or danced about, holding conversations with each other and laughing.

“Abysis, who are the men who are here? Shouldn't everyone be in the rites?”

“No, only adults are allowed to witness and participate. The whelp and adolescents do not. The whelp are mostly abed, but the adolescents are curious, and if we did not give them tasks that need to be done for the celebration, they would surely interrupt the rites. There.”
He raised his arm and pointed to a young cat-man with ruddy hair and a svelte build similar to his.
“He is my brother, the youngest of my father's line.”

“Your brother? How many siblings do you have?” She never considered that he had a family. A family that she, as his queen, now entered.

His hand lovingly brushed a lock of her hair behind her shoulder. She turned her head toward him.

His eyes sparked with desire.
“I wish to pleasure you now, my queen.”

Her heart raced and a lump formed in her throat. Such passion, such desire. Indeed, she wanted him to touch her. She nodded and his lips pressed with urgent need to hers. Lightly he pinched the flesh of her lower lip between his, then grabbed the top.

His tongue thrust in, and the tip tapped hers repeatedly. She could never get enough of him. Of this intimate touch. Her tongue returned the rhythm, tapping, but she needed more; she wanted to taste every bit of him. She rubbed the surface of his lips and his teeth with her tongue.

Goodness. She never wanted this to stop. Her heart pounded, and her head spun. She leaned into him for support. The instant his hot skin pressed to hers, all his need washed through her. Her knees wobbled and all the passion in her was set free.

His arms wrapped about her waist and she caught his lower lip with her teeth and nipped. He growled.

“More, Jessica, more. I want so much more.”

She let her hands slide up his chest and run over his smooth shoulders, digging and kneading everywhere she touched.

He lifted her and sat her on the edge of the railing. Her legs slid about his hips, welcoming him to have her. His hands gripped firmly to her waist, holding her still.

Their lips broke apart and she panted, trying to catch her breath as she admired the look of his wild features. This was the cat, the wild beast in him. Funny how it didn't frighten her; she felt safer than she had in her entire life.

His tongue trailed down her neck, the line of wetness on her skin tingling as it dried. She shivered, knowing that if he let go, she could topple to the floor, but she didn't fear it. He would never let her fall. He possessed her, as she did him. The thought slid straight into her heart.

His mouth reached her breast and circled the plump flesh. His lips settled to the side of the hard nipple and sucked the bloom into his mouth. The pressure prickled like little needles on her skin, and she arched into him, dangling her head back over the railing.

My stars, everything he did to her was fine…more than fine. Her eyes fluttered open and below all of the adolescent cats watched them. She stiffened and jerked her hands, dragging her nails across Abysis's skin. He purred, enjoying the harsh caress.

“No, Abysis, look. Look below.” She pushed and pulled at him.

He tore his mouth from her breast and gathered her tight against him, nuzzling into her hair.

“Shy, are we now, Jessica? In the ceremony room you wanted to touch me in front of everyone.”

She squirmed, remembering her boldness. She did enjoy touching him in the circle, but young cat-beings had not been present. From what he said, she got the impression that they did not know of such things.

“True. But you said they don't participate because they are too young.”

He chuckled and his humid breath warmed her skin. He angled his head and growled over her shoulder. The growl she heard as
in her mind.

Jessica turned her head to see his brother step forward and growl back with a crackling voice.

Abysis grunted and meowed.

“Have food and drink in my room when we return from the cell. Brit?”

Another young man with gleaming black hair strode forward and growled as he bowed to them.

Abysis grunted and clicked in this throat.
“You will bring up hot water and a bath.”

It was truly amazing that she could hear him, but strange not to know what the others said. Would she learn over time the difference between one growl and another? At the moment they all sounded the same. She could talk to the servants and to Abysis. For now, that was all she needed.

He cupped her bottom in his hands and carried her from the railing.

As he strode down the hall, she rested her head on his shoulder staring at the castle interior as they passed.

They turned a corner, and a door opened behind them. She glimpsed a small child crying. His head was buried on the woman's shoulder much as she had hers on Abysis's.

The woman ran her hand up the child's back and tried to soothe him. Her heart ached at the intimacy between them. She had never experienced that closeness with another while growing up. Her nurse and governess before her pa died were nice enough, but they never loved her. After he died, no one loved her.

“What is it, my Jessica? I can feel your sorrow.”

“It is nothing.” She shook her head and pushed the image away. Abysis…He had passion for her. That was more than anything she had experienced.

Abysis pushed open a door and then closed it. Flickering candles illuminated the room's circular shape and cast a warm inviting glow. What a strange room. He strode to the side of the room and placed her on her feet.

Tapestries covered the walls depicting cat-beings kissing and hugging, leading each other blindly into rays of light and into darkness. The feeling of trust and a sense of the unknown came from each image. Willingly one followed the other into the unfamiliar, the hidden, the unspoken.

Her eyes settled on the large platform in the middle of the room. Four poles marked each corner and two more at the center of each side. From each pillar, large gold rings pierced the wood at different heights and angles. The surface of the stage itself was covered with a cushion of puckered silk, like a mattress. What did they use that for? It reminded her a bit of an animal tie.

She glanced around the rest of the room.

“Abysis, what is this room?”
And what do you plan to do to me here?

He turned toward her and reached for something folded on a stand, then held up a length of dark cloth.

“This will heighten your pleasure. When you can't see, you can only feel the sensations in their purity.”
He raised the cloth and placed it over her eyes. Wrapping it about her head, he cinched it tight.

His touch ran down her arms, and his hands circled her wrists.
He lifted her and placed her standing on a plush smooth surface.

“Give me your hands, my goddess Jessica.”
He grasped first her right hand, then her left, and wrapped something soft about her wrists.

A tugging sensation pulled at her wrist and her hand slowly rose until her arm stretched out. Her arm shook, unsure what he was going to do to her.

He gentled the tremor by kissing a trail down her extended arm. Reaching her shoulder, his teeth scraped across her skin and down toward her breasts. Fire slid through that path and her nipples pebbled hard.

She wanted his mouth on her nipples. On any part of her body. She did not fear being unable to see. She trusted him to bring her delight. She thrust her breasts forward, indicating her desire and his mouth left her.

“Wait. No, come back!”

A touch traced the outside of her left breast and slowly spiraled the globe until it neared her nipple. Her chest rose raggedly, waiting for the touch to flick the sensitive peak. The touch disappeared. She reached out for him with her free hand, but he was nowhere.

His fingers sketched a line on the back of her free arm to her wrist. Then, yanking on the soft rope, he pulled and tied the bind tight.

“You are beautiful.”
His fingers roved over her shoulders, sending twinges of delight through her.

A touch trailed down her spine to the crack of her bum; his finger settled then with tiny touches. As if playing the piano, he circled the curve of her hip and the swell of her bottom. Fever dewed her skin and she trembled. His touch was the most exquisite thing. He made her feel like the most beautiful woman.

Unable to see him, she remembered the preparation chamber and the heat of the skin about his sex. Her skin blazed that hot. His breath labored by her ear. All she wanted was this man to continue touching and possessing her.

“Abysis, I…I want to feel your body on mine. Your skin touching every bit of me, your sex joined with me again.”

BOOK: What She Craves
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