Read Where There's a Will Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

Where There's a Will (12 page)

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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There’d been Earl, and look where it’d got him. He’d given up the matter entirely when Earl had told him he was a hungry little bitch for taking it. Troy liked smut talk during sex well enough, but there’d been something demeaning in Earl’s tone and in his expression, a sneer that had killed any chance of enjoyment Troy’d had. He couldn’t seem to separate his last, awful experience from the need he felt inside, but seeing Carlos, hearing him demand to be fucked, feeling the man’s silky, tight heat around his fingers was sure messing with Troy’s mind. It all made Troy’s ass feel empty and needy, aching for something he was beginning to think he had to have.

But not right now. Carlos’ hole clamped around Troy’s fingers, coaxing him deeper. He twisted and wiggled them until he found Carlos’ gland. Carlos jerked forward, his taut cheeks going tight as he plunged into Will. Will cried out and dug his heels into the top of Carlos’ butt, and Troy almost creamed himself.

“Hurry up,” Carlos snarled as he pushed back, shoving against Troy’s hand. “I’m ready.”

“Just a second, okay?” Troy waited for Carlos’ agreement, then he pulled his fingers back and added a third. He wanted to see the tight ring stretched around his fingers, wanted to feel the silky walls of Carlos’ ass with nothing between them, and he could only do so with his fingers right now. If he even tried to think about barebacking, he’d embarrass himself in a split second.

Troy pumped into Carlos a few more times before pulling his fingers out. He lubed up his sheathed dick, spread Carlos’ cheeks wide, which made his tiny opening gape and flutter.

“Now,” Carlos said, Will chiming in too, and Troy released one ass cheek to grip his cock and line it up. He started to press in slow, afraid he’d hurt Carlos despite the stretching, but Carlos growled and shoved back. The sudden, hard enveloping of his dick by Carlos’

heated ass tore a guttural shout from Troy and decimated his restraint. He grabbed Carlos’

hips and pulled back, then slammed inside that tight tunnel again and again.



Bailey Bradford



Carlos grunted and rocked between Troy and Will, never giving up control completely, riding Troy’s cock and filling Will’s ass. Will keened and screamed, bucking hard enough that Carlos cursed and rocked back with enough force that Troy had to lean over Carlos and Will to keep from falling off the bed.

Troy growled, much as Carlos had, and hooked a hand over Carlos’ shoulder. He could smell Will’s release, knew the younger man had come, and he rode Carlos faster, chasing his own climax until Carlos reared back and flipped Troy over. Troy hit the bed only to have Carlos straddle him and sink onto his cock.

“Now you’re gonna get rode,” Carlos rasped as he tossed aside the condom he’d used.

He placed his hands on Troy’s chest and tightened his inner muscles around Troy’s cock.

Troy didn’t quite squeak, but it was a damn close thing. The clinging, velvety grip of Carlos’ ass was maddening, so pleasurable Troy could barely stand it. Then Carlos rose up and slid back down, and Troy’s vision dimmed as every nerve in his body lit up.

Carlos began riding him with a bone-jarring force, nothing gentle about it. Moist licks to his balls had Troy pulling his legs up and closing his eyes. As much as he wanted to watch, he couldn’t, his mind spinning with the sudden warmth of ecstasy as his climax began. A slick finger pressed at his hole and Troy’s shoulders came up off the bed, his neck arched as he screamed when the first jet of cum spurted out.

“That’s it, baby,” he heard Carlos mutter, then he cracked his eyes open and saw Carlos staring at him through slitted lids, Carlos’ features stark and harsh, the tendons standing out in his neck as he ground down on Troy’s dick. Carlos jerked himself, still murmuring encouragement to Troy, then Carlos threw his head back and spunk splattered Troy’s lips and chin.

“Yeah,” Carlos moaned, pumping another load of cum onto Troy’s chest. Carlos tipped his head back down and gazed at Troy, emptying the rest of his load on Troy’s stomach.

“Fuck yeah. Look at this, Will.”

Carlos’ shaky voice inflamed Troy in ways he didn’t understand. He reached for Carlos, then for Will, too as the PI scrambled up to his side.

“Oh damn…” Will trailed off as he ran his fingers through the semen on Troy’s chin. He leant down and licked it off, murmuring happily before kissing Troy and passing along Carlos’ tangy flavour.



Bailey Bradford



Then Carlos was there, his tongue joining Will and Troy’s. They kissed until Carlos sat up, wincing slightly. “Damn, been a while since I did took it up the ass.”

Troy opened his mouth to apologise but Carlos shook his head. “Don’t. I needed it.”

Carlos didn’t say anything else before he reached behind him and held the base of Troy’s cock. He dismounted with a regretful sounding sigh and flopped down beside Troy.

Will laid down on Troy’s other side and plucked the condom off. “I’ll pick it up later, when I can move,” Will grumbled as the rubber hit the floor.

“We need to talk,” Carlos said, and Troy felt a fissure of fear. Those words usually meant something bad when a lover said them. But as Carlos curled up against one side and Will did the same against the other, Troy found it hard to hang onto fear, and he drifted off to sleep with his lovers holding him.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Thirteen

It didn’t surprise him to be the first one up. Troy was used to working late and sleeping in, no doubt, and Will… Well, Carlos didn’t rightly know Will’s schedule, but from what he’d observed, the guy slept like the dead. For such a small man, Will took up a lot of space in bed, too, sprawling all over Troy and Carlos and if Carlos didn’t know better, he’d think Will was made out of stretchy stuff like the mom in
The Incredibles. And I better not tell Will I’m
comparing him to a chick, either.

Carlos eased out from under his lovers’ appendages and made sure to slide a pillow under Troy’s head. The bartender had been using Carlos’ shoulder for a pillow, and Carlos didn’t want him to get a crick in his neck once Carlos got up. Will snored and scratched at his balls, jiggling his soft sack and semi-soft cock and almost making Carlos crawl back in bed so he could lick Will from feet to balls, just to start. It took some effort, but Carlos’ bladder ensured he got his ass in gear.

Fifteen minutes later, he was showered and slurping down his first drink of coffee as he tried to figure out how to handle everything. He knew there were bad feelings between Will and just about everyone else. Carlos had heard from Josh and others bits and pieces of the story of what had happened. Some good people had stopped Mitch Rollins, an evil man, from raping and killing any more men. The sick shit’s father, Mitchell Rollins Sr, had gone after the men who’d seen to it his son paid for his crimes. Carlos knew things had got bad, then mostly got better, but he didn’t really know anyone here, so it was hard for him to really comprehend what had happened.

Intellectually, yeah, he got it, but the pain and fear, he’d not had a part in experiencing any of it. Maybe it made him an outsider here. It sure made him wonder why the hell so many people seemed to hate Will. Granted, being a PI could be a scuzzy job, or it could be a crucially important one where lives were saved and all. It just depended on the person doing the job, didn’t it?

Sighing, Carlos set down his empty cup and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. There’d probably be trouble for him if he kept seeing Will, but he could deal with



Bailey Bradford



trouble. It’d never been his goal in life to return to being another ranch hand, so if things got bad on the work end of it, he’d quit, easy enough. It might put an end to him and Nick getting along but it wasn’t like they were best friends for life or whatever. Carlos respected him, but they just didn’t know each other. A perfect example was Nick thinking Carlos was straight. He’d sure have known better if he’d seen the tape with Carlos fucking Will and rubbing his dick in Troy’s ass crack.

How’d I get in so deep with these two guys so fast? Is it because I spent so many years
alone? What the hell, I’m thinking of giving up just about everything for a guy I just met? No, two
men. However we get there, the three of us will do it together.

“Maybe it’s some funky middle-aged crap,” Carlos muttered, shaking his head at his sudden determination and desire for a relationship. Didn’t everyone fear dying alone and forgotten? Was he having clingy issues because he was closer to the grave than the cradle?

Wow, he was a depressing bastard, was what he was. Teach him to try to think before he’d sucked down half a pot. He poured another cup of coffee then sauntered back to the bedroom. After watching his lovers’ sleep for a few minutes, Carlos pulled the door to and went back to the kitchen. Another cup of coffee and he still wasn’t feeling like he was willing to let go of any possibility he had with Will and Troy. Carlos couldn’t argue himself out of trying, and really, he didn’t want to. He wanted Troy and Will like he’d never wanted anyone or thing before, and that was just all there was to it.

Mind made up, Carlos was eager to get everything clarified and make sure Troy and Will were on the same page as him. Troy might be too fearful to plunge in—something or someone had sure caused the bartender to really doubt himself. Will… Carlos shook his head. Just thinking about Will made Carlos grin. He had no doubt Will would dive in head first.

Other people might think Will was a promiscuous twink, but everyone ought to have a chance to sew their wild oats. Carlos had, and he’d bet Troy had, too. Will was young, or young compared to him, but there was a hunger in Will, a need to be loved deep in those pretty eyes. Such a need told Carlos Will would be a fiercely loyal partner. Will wanted to be loved, craved it, and the person—or people—who gave him their love would receive tenfold as much in return.

As if he knew Carlos was thinking about him, Will appeared at the kitchen doorway, rubbing one eye with his fist and yawning as he scratched his belly with his other hand.



Bailey Bradford



Will’s erect cock bobbed slightly. Carlos shouldn’t have been surprised Will hadn’t bothered putting on any clothes.

“C’mere,” Carlos rumbled, holding out an arm. Will’s sweet little smile warmed Carlos up more than chugging a pot of hot coffee ever could have. “What’re you doing up so early?

It ain’t even five yet.”

“Is too,” Will mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Carlos’ waist. “It was five-oh-two when I got up. Missed you in the bed.” He sighed and rubbed his cheek against Carlos’


Carlos ran a finger down the other cheek. “Will you grow these back?” he asked as he traced the slightly paler skin where Will’s sideburns had been.

“Yup. I loved my sideburns.” Will sounded mildly petulant, as if he were on the verge of pouting. Carlos decided to stop him with a kiss that left them both panting and hard.

Carlos traced the paler skin again and his heart did an odd little flip in his chest. “You shaved ‘em off for us?”

Will nodded. “Yup, for the three of us, including me. It wasn’t totally selfless.” Will smiled and licked his lips as he reached for Carlos’ cock. “I wanted some of this, and some of Troy, too, so I was willing to sacrifice some facial hair.”

Carlos caught Will’s hand and curled his own around it before settling their joined hands against Carlos’ chest. Will’s eyes were wide, his gaze open. “Was that all you wanted?

To get fucked a few times?”

Will stilled, even his breath stopping for a few seconds. Something—it looked a lot like panic to Carlos—flitted across Will’s expression, followed by vulnerability. Seeing it brought out Carlos’ need to protect. Then Will stood a little straighter and he nodded, never batting an eyelash.


It was enough for Carlos. Just one word, the warmth in Will’s eyes and the fluttering of his pulse at the base of his neck—each of those things told Carlos that Will was in this as deep as he was. Now they just needed to make Troy see that he needed them as much as they needed him.



Bailey Bradford



He could definitely get used to this, Troy thought as he pushed himself up until his back was against the headboard. He took the cup of coffee Carlos held out to him and tried not to feel weird about being the only naked guy in his bed. Carlos was all clean and put into place, and Will had showered and was wearing a towel around his hips. Something tugged at Troy’s memory and he frowned at Carlos as he struggled to wake up enough to get a few brain cells firing up. Then he remembered.

“What happened to your chest? You had these scratches, and some bruising I saw around here,” Troy gestured towards Carlos’ torso. He’d even thought Carlos’ lovely skin had a darker spot or two where he’d been bruised on his back. “Take your shirt back off.”

“That’s right.” Will scurried over to Carlos’ side and started tugging at his shirt. “I was about fucked blind, but you had scratches and I
they were from fingernails. My sisters…” Will shook his head and for the first time, Troy noticed several thin white scars on Will’s chest and back. Before he could ask, Will was muttering and shoving up Carlos’ shirt.

“What the fuck? You look like someone tried to beat you. I’m guessing—” Will took Carlos’

hands and inspected each closely before nodding. “Yeah, I’m gonna say your attacker was a woman, because you’ve got no bruising on your knuckles, and I’m pretty sure you’d have beat the shit out of a guy for this.”

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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