Where There's Smoke (24 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Where There's Smoke
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For a moment, Chance didn’t move. He just let the world come to him. Damn, he felt good. He stretched and yawned.

Had a man ever felt more relaxed than he did right now? More satisfied? Chance didn’t think so. In all his years, he’d never met a woman quite like Destiny. One minute she was trying to steal his soul and the next—

He smiled.

Yeah, and in the next she was soft and gentle.

And hot. Yeah, she was some kind of hot.

And right now he needed to see her, to touch her, to pull her body against his. He rolled onto his side, intending to do just that.

Destiny wasn’t there. He frowned as he scanned the area. Where was she? Everything looked the same. Nothing amiss. The motorcycle was near the tree, their clothes scattered about.

A cold fear of dread swept over him. Had the demon who owned her soul returned? No, the demon would have known soon enough that Chance was immortal and he would have struck while he had the chance. Nephilim were the demons’ mortal enemies. And he’d been lax in his vigil.

That was crazy thinking. No demon took Destiny away. He was being paranoid.

A sound drew his attention. He glanced over his shoulder. Destiny came toward him, tiptoeing, carrying a tin can, and watching where she placed each foot. Water dripped from her hair. As the droplets fell on her body, the sun caught each one and made them look as though diamonds sparkled on her naked skin.

Chance quickly turned back around, knowing by the way she crept forward, that she was attempting to sneak up behind him. What was she plotting?

When she was closer, he swung around to scare her. She screamed and flung the can of water in his face. He coughed and sputtered.

Destiny screamed again, jumping back, and then laughed. “Oh no, I’m sorry. You scared me. I was supposed to scare you!”

He wiped his hand over his dripping face. “Then you’re saying you meant to do that?”

Her eyebrows drew together. “Well, not exactly.” She bit her bottom lip, but he could tell she was trying hard not to laugh.

“In other words, you meant to throw the water on me.”

“No, just dump it over your head.” She bit her bottom lip as she valiantly attempted to quell her laughter.

“I’ll make you pay for that.”

“You’ll have to catch me first.” She laughed as she took off running toward the narrow stream, splashing into the shallow water.

Chance took off after her. Man, the view was great. He liked the way her bottom bounced just a little as she ran, but when she stopped and turned back to face him, Chance was mesmerized. Her breasts were high and full, her nipples hard nubs from the coolness of the water. She had a small waist that flared to her softly rounded hips. Her stomach was flat. His gaze lowered to the damp curls at the juncture of her legs. His dick jerked as if it had a mind of its own. When Destiny was around, it pretty much did.

She waded to the middle of the narrow stream; the water barely reached her knees. “Join me,” she said.

He had a feeling she didn’t mean just in the water. No, she wanted him with her in Hell. But he couldn’t stop his feet from closing the short distance that separated them. Once he stood in front of her, he reached to pull her closer.

“Go to Hell with me.”

Chance could see she held her breath, waiting for his answer.

“I’d rather take you to Heaven.”

Her eyebrows drew together. “I’m serious.”

“So am I.” He pulled her against him, lowering his mouth to hers. His kiss was deep, forceful, as he tried to erase all thoughts of Hell from her mind. He wanted to kiss her until she forgot why she was there. Then he wanted to tell her what it would feel like to be reborn. How her life could be so much different from what it had been. Then he would let her go.

Ah damnation! He didn’t want to let her go. He wanted to keep her with him always. He wanted to be with her when he showed her another side to living.

But that wouldn’t happen.

“I want to make love,” he told her after he ended the kiss.

“There are things you don’t know about me,” she admitted.

“As there are things you don’t know about me. But we have now, and we’re together, and I want to make love to you.”

She hesitated, then nodded. “I want you to make love to me.”

“Open for me.” His words were raspy. She didn’t hesitate spreading her legs. He lifted her, then slowly lowered her until he slipped inside. The heat of her body wrapped around him. He sucked in a deep breath. For a moment, he couldn’t move as he held her tight. He needed the connection. Needed to feel like he was a part of her, even knowing he couldn’t make it last.

Chance didn’t move. Instead, he absorbed her body into his. Every part of her became a part of him. He wanted her totally and completely etched in his mind forever. He didn’t ask himself how he could feel so strongly about Destiny. He didn’t ask because he was afraid of the answer, and to admit what he felt could destroy them both.

But after a moment, just being inside her wasn’t enough. He moved until he was sitting in the water, Destiny on top of him.

Then, on a deep sigh, she began to move her body. Slowly. It was almost as if she knew why he wanted the connection between them. That it wasn’t only about the sex. The intensity was still there, but muted as if she understood the importance of what they had.

Water splashed against them. It reached halfway up her abdomen. The water was clear. Her curls undulated beneath it, giving him erotic glimpses of her naked flesh. He rose to meet her movements. She sucked in a deep breath and leaned back just enough so the connection between them created a tighter fit.

Their gazes locked. He never wanted to look away. Forever would not be long enough to stare at the passion on her face. To see her need. Her desire.

He increased the tempo.

Her breathing came in little puffs. Her chest thrust forward. Her breasts bobbed with the motion of their lovemaking.

She suddenly cried out as release came. He watched her expression, not wanting to miss a thing. Wanting to imbed it in his memory banks forever.

She tightened her inner muscles. He gasped as he came. The very ground beneath him rocked as he released his seed inside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her soft, feminine body pressed against him.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Chance thought he might have heard wrong, but no, he didn’t think so. Ah man, that wasn’t supposed to happen. How could he convince her that she could be reborn again if she didn’t want to leave him? He shouldn’t have let what was between them go as far as it had. He should have talked to her about a new life days before when he didn’t feel the connection.

She stilled. He knew she waited for him to say something, and that she held her breath.

“I love sex with you, too,” he finally blurted.

Her body tensed.

Chance knew immediately he had said the wrong thing.

She quickly moved.

“Destiny.” He reached for her, but she moved farther away.

“The sex is fantastic, isn’t it?” She pasted a fake smile on her face. “I’ve never experienced anything quite like it.” Her laugh was shaky. “We could have a lot of fun together. I mean for eternity.”

He watched as she waded back to the bank and climbed out. “Don’t do this,” he said.

“Do what?” She raised her arms toward the sun as if she could draw from its energy.

God, she was beautiful, and she was desperately trying to find the words that would convince him that he should leave with her.

“We have to talk,” he said. “There are things I need to tell you.”

Her gaze met his. Chance wished he could wipe away her sadness. Where were the words he needed to say that would convince her to give up her idea of becoming a demon? He raked his fingers through his hair. He was afraid it wouldn’t be a good time to bring up being reborn.

Something crossed her face that he couldn’t read. She nodded. “You’ve given me a great time,” she told him. “But I really do have… have somewhere to be. LeAnn, my friend, is singing tonight and I promised to be there for her.”

“I’m not leaving you alone,” he said a little more firmly. He would keep her close, make sure nothing happened to her. He would somehow convince her she could have more, and he would tell her what he was.

“Can we go back to the apartment?” she asked.

He finally gave in and nodded, but he wasn’t leaving her.

As she started to dress, he moved out of the water and began to pull on his clothes. She was in no frame of mind to listen to him tell her about how much better life could be if she only trusted him.

He climbed on the motorcycle. The bike shifted when she moved behind him, but her weight didn’t meld to his. When she put her arms around his waist, he felt the coldness of her touch, the distance she was putting between them. He felt as if he’d already lost her. It wasn’t a feeling he liked.

The ride back to her apartment didn’t take nearly as long as he hoped. Not long enough for him to feel her warmth. She climbed off but rather than just walking away, she surprised him by leaning over and kissing him on the lips.

“Thanks for today. I’ll see you later?”

“I told you that I’m not leaving.”

She looked startled for a moment, then surprise crossed her face. “Do you really mean that?”

“Yeah, I do.” He turned the key that killed the engine. “I’ll never be very far away from you.” He’d always watch over her. Chance wouldn’t let her slip through the cracks again.

A soft smile relaxed the tense lines. “Then go.”

He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

“I have a lot to do before tonight. LeAnn is my friend and I want to help her. I don’t want you distracting me.”

Chance didn’t like the idea of leaving her on her own, but he didn’t want to talk to her about being reborn in front of a dirty apartment building, either.

She let her hand slide down the side of his face. He captured it, turning it until the palm was up, then placed a kiss in the center. She shivered.

It was only a few hours until dusk and she still had time remaining before she had to return to Hell. There would be no reason for a demon to bother her. He would give her these few hours with her friend, but that was all. “Tonight?” he confirmed.

“Meet me at the bar where LeAnn will sing.”

He nodded and she quickly gave him the address. As he pulled away from the curb, all was right in his world. He would convince her that she could have a better life. He would set her soul free.

He closed his eyes as he went around the corner. When he opened them, he was driving toward the ranch, but there was emptiness inside him that he’d never felt before.

When he set Destiny free, she would be out of his reach forever. He would be able to see her, but he could never be with her again. Her own personal guardian angel.

His gut twisted.

He pulled to a stop in front of the ranch and shut off the engine. For a moment he sat there as if something might occur to him that would change everything. But nothing did. He swung his leg over the side and strode toward the front door.

It was quiet in the house. He closed his eyes and could feel the hum. The others were in the rec room. He debated for a moment then went downstairs.

Hunter looked up from the television when Chance entered the room. He studied him then said, “We were beginning to worry.”

“You okay?” Ryder casually asked, but his words were laced with concern.

“I’m fine, before you ask too, Dillon.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Dillon said, then went behind the bar and opened the small refrigerator. He pulled out a beer. “Catch.” He tossed the bottle.

Chance easily caught it and twisted off the cap. Foam spewed over the top, but he didn’t care as he brought the bottle to his lips and greedily drank. It was cold and went down easy. He only hoped it would numb his senses for a little while.

“How’d it go today?” Ryder asked.

Hunter switched off the television and joined the others as they made their way to the sitting area. Black leather couches were flanked by two black end tables that were ringed from never having seen a coaster. An equally scarred coffee table worked well to prop their feet on. Nothing fancy, but they liked not having rules.

Chance knew to play it casual with them. If they had an inkling he’d fallen for Destiny, they would do whatever it took to keep him safe, even if it cost Destiny her soul.

So he shrugged. “I’m going to tell her exactly what I am tonight. I think she cares enough that I can convince her to be reborn.” He began to relax as the reality of his words sank into his brain. He would save her soul. That was what really counted. As long as he could do that, he’d survive.

Chance could feel them studying him, so he took another drink of his beer then lowered the bottle to rest casually on his thigh. “So, what about the three of you? Anything going on?”

No one spoke. Chance was beginning to wonder if they were going to stare at him all night, but then Hunter cleared his throat.

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