Read Who's the Boss Now (Managing the Bosses Series, #3) Online

Authors: Lexy Timms

Tags: #sweet love story, #romance love, #romance love triangle, #new adult romance, #billionaire obsession, #contemporary romance and sex, #romance billionaire series, #free kindle romance, #melody anne billionaire bachelors series, #billionaire romance

Who's the Boss Now (Managing the Bosses Series, #3) (7 page)

BOOK: Who's the Boss Now (Managing the Bosses Series, #3)
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"I brought you for two reasons. One to help me keep everything straight from a legal perspective and the other to simply lean on. I swear I feel like a complete failure every time I come here." He let out a long breath through his nose.

"Well. I'm here for that and anything else you need." She slipped her hand into his. "Where is our first stop?"

"We're having drinks and an early dinner with my brother and his wife." Alex held her hand loosely, which was so different than the emotion he'd shown just the night before.

"What's her name again?"

"Paula." He closed his eyes and Jamie realized that the conversation was over for the time being. It was probably best seeing that the only new she had about her own day was regarding two guys that Alex would want to hear nothing about. With the way he was acting the day before, he would most likely get jealous over nothing and blow up.

She leaned her head against his arm and watched the world go by until the car stopped. The antiquated restaurant that sat just outside the window was beautiful and sparked her interest.

"This looks nice." She got out of the car behind him, taking his hand as he offered it.

"I'm dreading this shit." He kept his hand in hers. "Tell me it's going to be over soon."

"It is, and I would be asking for the same pep talk if this was my family and we were headed into see them." Jamie smiled as she caught sight of the slight lifting of his lips. Maybe she’d need to offer a prize if he kept it together over dinner. She understood his stress and sympathized with him. He didn’t mean to take it out on her, he just needed an outlet.
I’m rubber, your glue
... She could be his rubber for now.

"Just keep the liquor coming and you talk Mark's ear off. I have very little to say to my brother." He shrugged and held the door open for her.

Jamie smiled as Mark stood from beside a dark haired woman, a huge smile sliding across his handsome face. "There you guys are. I was getting worried."

"We're not even late," Alex grumbled as Jamie let his younger brother pull her into a friendly hug.

"True." Mark motioned for the woman to stand. "Jamie, this is my wife Paula."

The woman tilted her head and lifted her lip in a less than pleasant smirk. "Hmmm. Nice to meet you. Not the woman I would expect Alex to date, but still very pretty."

Jamie wasn't sure how to respond. The comment was more appropriate had Jamie not been in front of her. And they had met at the house after Alex’s dad had passed. It had been briefly but still.

"She's a good friend." Alex touched Jamie's back and extended his hand. "Nice to see you again, Paula. Mark."

"Right." Mark lifted his eyebrows and turned to the hostess. "We're ready to be seated."

"Bring a huge bottle of wine, please." Jamie moved up next to Mark and smiled, leaving the other two behind them. She would catch hell from Alex over it later, but she didn't mind so much. She would make it up to him.

They worked through casual conversation as best they could as they ate their salads and shared a bottle of wine. Alex had a call come in as the food was being delivered and excused himself.

Paula sat there for a minute longer and got up to go to the bathroom, leaving Jamie to wonder how the night had gotten so off.

"Wow. This is fucking uncomfortable. You would think you and I were old lovers and now you're with my brother or he and Paula were and now we’re together. The damn tension is so thick I couldn't cut it with my knife." He chuckled.

Jamie relaxed immediately and sunk back into her seat. "My sister actually married my ex-boyfriend. Talk about odd family gatherings."

Mark laughed. "No way. Seriously?"

"Yeah, but it's all good. I honestly never know what in the world I saw in him." She picked up her wine glass. "However, nothing is as tense as this has been."

"It's all my fault. Alex and I have no relationship at all. It doesn’t help me and Paula are struggling as well. I'm the common denominator, but I'm more content with myself than I’ve ever been." He shrugged and finished his wine before pouring himself another glass. He tilted the bottle toward her. "More?"

"Hell yes." She lifted her glass. "So tomorrow will just be going through the house and then you and Alex will meet with the lawyers?"

"Just the house. I'll do all the legal work in a few days by myself. If Alex is needed, I'll call him and pull him in. I'll probably bring a handful of papers with me back up to New York to get his signature on. I'll just work through you. I'd hate to take up anymore of his time." He sighed and glanced toward the front door. "Dad wants us to work on this, but I honestly don't know how."

"Yeah. I wish I could help. I can't stand my own family, so giving advice for you and yours would be ridiculous." Jamie took another drink of her wine. "I think you should just keep trying and push the best parts of your personality toward him. Tell him how much you care, how much you notice him and how your proud of him. It's all the things he's been missing in his life."

"That's good. I like it." Mark glanced back toward her. "Here they come. Ready for round two?"

"Nope. Order more liquor."

Mark chuckled. "I like you."

Alex sat down and glanced between the two of them. "My brother now hitting on my girl?"

"I thought she was just a friend," Mark said and chuckled as Jamie gave him a look. "Alright... no I'm not hitting on her, though you should watch yourself. I don't know many men who wouldn't try, especially with you playing her up as nothing more than a friend."

Jamie pressed her fingers to her forehead, wanting to disappear. Where she was thrilled that Mark was willing to take up for her, but it only seemed to start up the tension once again. There was nothing to do but focus on the liquor. Somehow it seemed to numb her senses. It was the only way she was going to get through the visit.


hey slept turned away from each other that night, Alex having been in a particularly horrid mood by the time they made it back to the hotel. Jamie wasn't willing to put up with anything from him due to the liquor giving her more attitude than she was used to having. After a small argument, she laid her head on the pillow and was out.

The next morning, Alex was already up and dressed by the time she got up.

"Morning," he grumbled and sipped a cup of coffee as he stood by the window gazing out.

"Morning." She pressed her fingers to her head a groaned. "Remind me next time you ask me to come with you back here to tell you to fuck off. I can't stand the tension between you and Mark. The wine helped, but today is going to be rough."

He moved toward her and touched the side of her face. "I'm sorry. I was a royal ass last night to you and him. I just feel the need to protect myself when he's around. I'm waiting for the first punch to land."

"I know, but I hate it." She got up, kissing him once and walked to the bathroom. "Are we leaving after the estate sale today?"

"Yes. There will be people all over the property today. Let's grab a bagel on the way over and then we will just do as we're asked and then leave. I'm not interested in hanging out with Mark or the witch he married any longer than necessary."

Jamie couldn't agree more, though she didn't respond. A quick fix with her hair in a ponytail and a little bit of makeup on and she was ready to go. Her slacks and white cotton sweater was business casual and looked good enough against Alex's slacks and button down.

He held her hand on the way over and she ordered a couple of extra bagels at the store for Mark and anyone else who might be there. Alex saw no point in being overly nice, but she ignored the comment.

"Ready for this?" He looked out the window as the car stopped.

"Yes. Are you ready is the question." She squeezed his hand.

"Not really, but if it means that I never have to come back, then yes. I can't fucking wait." He got out and held the door for her.

Mark was the first one to approach them, his suit looking good on him, but the dark circles under his eyes having grown larger. "Alright. We're to mingle with people, answer questions about any of the trinkets in the house and kiss ass. Just lie if you don't know the answer to anything and smile a lot." He turned from Alex to Jamie. "It’ll be over soon and we can all go home."

"Sounds great." Jamie nodded toward Alex. "Let's go hang out in the back bedroom and make ghost sounds."

Mark laughed and turned, walking back to the house. "Hey, if things don't work out with you guys..."

He was totally teasing, but it was stupid nonetheless.

"Don't," Alex barked and gripped her hand even tighter.

"Hey. Part of working on a relationship is letting some things just slide off your back. Your brother’s just kidding." She snuggled into his side and moved toward the kitchen. "Let me get something to drink and then we'll take up our post."

He ignored her first comment and simply nodded. "Sounds good." He huffed. “I don’t know why we couldn’t just give all this shit to charity. It’s not like I need the money or need to be here. I should be working, not dealing with this shit.”

Jamie smiled. “It’s called closure. You need to be here.” She got a quick drink and turned to find Alex bending over in the pantry just inside the kitchen. "What’re you looking at?"

He glanced up and smiled, his lips tight. "These markings are from when we were little. On our birthdays every year, our dad would bring us in here and get our height. Funny how much we grew in tandem until Mark hit a huge growth spurt in eighth grade. I thought I would never hear the end of it."

Jamie moved into the pantry with him and wrapped him in a hug. "You okay?"

"Not really. I just want this to be over with." He glanced down at her and touched the side of her face.

The aggressive man she was used to was nowhere to be found. A scared boy stood in his place. She needed to remind him of who he was.

"Does this door shut?" She pushed it closed and reached up, turning on the light and smiling. "Do you know how much trouble we would have gotten in if we met when we were younger?'

"I can only imagine." A smile lifted his lips as his eyes narrowed. "I like your tactics for distraction. How did I get so lucky?"

"You haven't gotten lucky yet today, but let’s change that." She reached out and unzipped his slacks before moving to his knees. "No moaning too loud. They'll think we have a ghost for real."

Chapter 8

he need in his voice seared her, and there wasn't anything that she wouldn't have done for him.

"Are you serious?" He whispered and slipped his fingers into her hair.

She smiled up at him and stroked his cock a few times, coaxing it to grow and harden for her. "Yeah, as a heart attack."

Jamie leaned forward and brushed the side of her face along his erection as he growled low in his chest. "Besides... I owe you a good chewing."

He chuckled and leaned back against the wall of cans, tugging her a little closer as she took him in her mouth. The musky taste of his lust rolled over her tongue and she lost herself in needing him. Sucking and licking, pulling and stroking his thickness became her desire and she did it with fervor.

His hips bucked a few minutes into the sex, and he closed his eyes, lifting his head up and groaning. "Fuck, I'm gonna come. Move back."

"No. I wanna taste you." She moved back up and picked up her pace, working him until his entire body stiffened and his breath caught in his chest.

She drank him down and licked him clean as he watched, breathing like he'd run around the block a few times.

"That was insane, Jamie." He stroked her face before helping her up. She worked his cock back into his slacks and leaned against him, lifting on her toes to kiss him a few times softly.

"I needed to taste you anyway. I've missed being close." She licked at his mouth as someone pulled on the pantry.

Alex opened the door and pushed her in front of him as an older couple moved back, their eyes a little wide.

"Yep. It's got plenty of space for us to hide from the kids, dear." Alex wrapped an arm around Jamie's shoulders as they moved down the hall.

She chuckled unable to help herself. "You're so bad."

"Me? You just did the dirty with me in the pantry at my father's estate sell. There are freaking people everywhere." He moved into the largest bedroom and glanced around.

"The dirty?" She laughed. "We're resorting back to being teens. I can see it now."

"I like the idea. I'm gonna pop your cherry on the plane." He wagged his eyebrows and moved up to wrap her in a tight hug before consuming her mouth.

Someone cleared their throat, and they pulled apart as Mark walked in with a pretty middle-aged woman. "This is Sarah. She's one of the attorney's that's helping with the closing on the estate."

"I'm Alex Reid. This is my personal assistant, Jamie Connors." He shook the woman's hand and moved back, touching the small of Jamie's back.

She shook the woman's hand, but as soon as Alex started talking to the attorney, Jamie made a beeline for the door. It was crazy how they could be wrapped up tightly with one another one minute and the next he was introducing her as his PA. She was in fact his personal assistant, but after hugging and kissing at her in front of the woman, to introduce her as such left her looking like a slutty secretary. It was disturbing on many levels. 

After pushing through the hordes of people, Jamie finally made it outside and moved to the side of the porch to lean against one of the railings. Alex had to know that things like that affected her. How could he not? No one was that insensitive.

"Hey. You okay?" Mark moved up beside her, pressing his shoulder against hers.

"I've been better." She rolled her eyes and turned to watch people continue to pile in from the streets toward the house. "I just don't understand what's so damn bad about letting people know that we're together. I'm good enough behind closed doors but..."

Tears burned her eyes and she realized how stupid she was being. The hurts from her past were pushing her toward feeling like shit when she knew that Alex didn't feel that way about her at all. He cared for her and thought she hung the moon.

BOOK: Who's the Boss Now (Managing the Bosses Series, #3)
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