Read WMIS 08 Forever With Me Online

Authors: Kristen Proby

WMIS 08 Forever With Me (10 page)

BOOK: WMIS 08 Forever With Me
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“I need more attention than this! This is ridiculous! I need to feel like I’m your only client!”

I roll my eyes and rub the back of my neck. “Your business is appreciated and important, Tonya, but you’re not my only client. What’s going on today?”

“If you would have read my texts, you would know. My fiancé’s sister is a bitch. I don’t want her in my wedding.”

“Okay.” I take a deep breath and mentally think,
hello pot, meet kettle
. Tonya is my most challenging client. If you look
up in the dictionary, her photo is right there. “Have you informed her that she’s not going to be in the wedding party?”


“No, Tonya, it’s not my job. This is a family matter.”

“What did I hire you for?”

I take another deep breath and count to ten.

“You know what, if you’re not going to do your job, I don’t fucking need you! I don’t need this stress! You’re fucking fired!”

She hangs up on me, and I exhale. That commission was
, but sweet Jesus, it wasn’t worth the shit that girl can sling.

“What’s wrong?”

My head whips up and I find Dominic standing ten feet away, hands in his pockets, watching me quietly.

“I’m fine.”

His jaw ticks, and the next thing I know, he takes my hand in his and leads me across the grass, into the back of the villa, and into the sunroom, shutting the door behind us.

“You’re not fine.” He stalks to me, all tall muscle and intense blue gaze, and just like that, my breathing increases and I can’t remember why I’m frustrated and pissed off. I back up as he advances, until my back is against the wall. He braces one hand on the wall beside my head and cups my cheek with the other. “You’re not fine,” he whispers, just before his lips meet mine in a slow, lazy kiss, just like the last two.

But I’m not feeling slow or lazy.

I moan and bury my fingers in his hair, grip it in my fists and press myself against him, taking the kiss from easy to hot in one-point-three seconds. I bite his lip, then devour his mouth, sucking and biting, and I just can’t get fucking close enough to him.

He growls as he leans into me, pressing me between his hard body and the hard wall at my back. His hands travel from my shoulders, over my breasts and down my sides, and then he gathers my skirt in his hands, pulling it up around my waist. I slide one leg up his, hook my leg around his hip, and moan in delight when his hand cups my ass firmly, tilting me against his hard erection.

Cazzo, cara,
” he whispers, as he kisses his way down my jawline to my neck.

Oh, God, my neck! It’s my sweet spot.

I’m not responsible for my actions if he kisses my fucking neck.

Suddenly, from somewhere behind him, someone clears their throat loudly, making us both come to a halt. Dom catches my gaze in his molten blue one and slightly shakes his head, warning me not to move.

Thank God he’s shielding me from the view of the person behind him.

“Yes, Celeste.”

“You’re needed out in the barn, sir.”

“Thank you.”

We hear her walk away and he lets my leg lower to the floor. We’re both panting hard, my nipples are hard nubs, stabbing his chest, and dear God, I’ve never ached for anyone the way I’m aching for him right now.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“We didn’t even hear her,” I mutter with frustration. What am I
Thank God the sun shades are pulled on the windows of this room; otherwise, the entire crew would have had an eyeful.

“Are you okay?” he asks again.

Fuck, I’m not fine.

He watches me for a heartbeat, then presses his lips to my forehead. “That was a lie. You’re only allowed one,

“I’m not—”

“We’ll talk tonight.” He steps back, makes sure I am steady on my feet, and then drags his fingertips down my cheek. “Don’t ever let anyone speak to you the way that woman did again.”

I raise a brow in question.

“She was loud. I could hear her as if I had my own ear to the phone. You don’t have to be abused like that by your clients.”

I blush and smooth my skirt down my legs. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not working for her anymore.”

“Good.” He tilts my chin up and I’m caught in his bold blue gaze. Damn it, I

“Thank you for breakfast.”

“You’re welcome.” He smiles now, a bright, full on, infectious smile that lights the room before leaning in and pressing one more light kiss to my lips. “Tonight.”

He winks and then walks back outside toward the barn. I have to take a moment to catch my breath.

What the hell was

I can’t control myself around the man. He barely kissed me and I
him like a tree.

And, God help me, I want to do it again.

I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. I need a cold bottle of water STAT, and then I need to get back to work.

I stop short when I see Blake in the kitchen bustling about and whistling happily.

“I wasn’t expecting you here today.”

“I needed to check in with Dom on a few things and decided to start organizing things in here the way I want them.” He tilts his head and narrows his eyes at me, and then a slow, sly grin spreads over his lips. “You’re getting some.”

“Shut up.” I roll my eyes and stomp to the fridge to retrieve a water.

“Is this why you’ve been avoiding me?” he asks, and makes a note on his notepad.

“I’m not avoiding you.”

“Called you twice,” he murmurs, and avoids my gaze as he pulls open a cabinet door to count cookware.

“I’ve been busy. You know this is my biggest event this year.”

He nods and purses his lips.

“What, are your
hurt?” I smirk and take a long pull on the water.

“Well, given that in the last three years you’ve never not called me back, I might be a bit pissed.”

“I’m not at your fucking beck and call,” I reply hotly, and immediately hate myself.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I’m damn sexually frustrated and having a shit day.

“So, what crawled up your ass today, Leash? Because whatever it is, can we pull it out, so you can stop with the crabby-ass attitude?”

Dominic Salvatore is my issue

So not telling him that.

“I’m sorry.” I sigh and round the island to give Blake a hug, and sigh when his strong arms circle around me and hold me tight. “I’m a bitch.”

“You’re not a bitch. But you’re not yourself.”

“It’s a big event,” I say again.

“You never used to lie to me.” I cringe and think of Dom’s words about lying in the sunroom.

“It’s just a bad day. Honest.” I plaster a smile on my face and look up into his big brown eyes. “And I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I was distracted last night.”

He quirks a brow.

“Not like that.” I pull away and reclaim my water before heading for the door and away from Blake’s all-knowing gaze. “I’ll call you later.”

“Be careful, Leash.”

” I roll my eyes to make him smirk and head back outside to work.


I can’t freaking sleep.


There were no more issues with the construction crew this afternoon, but we were set back long enough that we all worked through dinner, and by the time I was done for the day, I just didn’t have it in me to face the sexual frustration that comes from being with Dom. I made a hasty retreat up to my room to return calls, check my email, and get ready for tomorrow.

And now my work is all caught up, it’s late, and I should be fast asleep.

Instead, all I can think about is the sexy Italian most likely asleep just a two-minute walk away.

I blow out a gusty sigh and toss the covers aside, throw my hair up into a messy knot on the top of my head, and pull on a pair of yoga shorts with my plain white tank before opening the door to my room and sticking my head out to make sure no one is walking down the hallway.

No one, meaning Dominic.

Assuring myself that the coast is clear, I pad down the hall to the linen closet and almost jump with joy when I find cleaning supplies. I load my arms with sponges and cleaners and pad back to my room, close the door, and march into the bathroom.

When I’m stressed out, I clean. It’s soothing, and I do my best thinking when I’m scrubbing the hell out of something.

I pull my travel speakers out of my computer bag and connect the Bluetooth on my iPhone to them, then set my music to my
angry cleaning playlist.

Eminem and Rhianna begin singing about Monsters and away I go, swinging my hips with the blaring music.

It’s a good thing I’m the only one on this side of the villa. No one will be able to hear my music.

Half an hour later, I’ve scrubbed the sink, the toilet and the shower and I’m on my hands and knees, cleaning the floor around the sunken tub.

Where does Dominic get off, always coming on to me anyway? I’ve said no to his advances in the past. You’d think the man would take a hint, for crying in the night!

And what’s up with his arms? Why do they have to be so…
I bet he doesn’t even have to try to look like that.

He just
looks like that

I scoot backwards toward the door and scowl.

“And what’s up with his secret Italian home remedies?” I ask the room at large, just able to hear myself over the sound of Lady Gaga singing to Alejandro. “I wonder what the Italian home remedy is for sexual frustration?”

A deep, male voice chuckles behind me, making me still, and then hang my head in resignation.


I glance back over my shoulder and sure enough, there he is, leaning against the doorjamb of the bathroom door, arms crossed over his
chest and a mischievous grin on his delicious lips.

“Don’t you know how to knock?”

“You didn’t hear me over the music.”

I stand and shut the music off, immediately sending the room into a shocking silence.

“What can I do for you?”
Can you please cover your ridiculously muscled chest?
Jesus, is that chest even legal?

“You didn’t come down for dinner.”

“I had work.” I cross my arms over my chest, hoping to cover the fact that I’m not wearing a bra and tear my gaze from his torso. “And it was late by the time I was done.”

“You know, I have people who do this.” He gestures to the cleaning supplies on the floor.

“I clean when I’m stressed.”

His face sobers. “What’s stressing you out,
? I’ll take care of it.”

I bark out a humorless laugh. “Right.”

“Talk to me.”

I bite my lip and then shake my head. “I’m fine.”

“That’s number two.” His normally calm and easygoing voice is now hard, just like his eyes.

“Okay, you want to know what’s wrong with me?” I push away from the sink and pace across the bathroom. “I had too many construction issues to deal with today, which put us behind by
that had to be made up
in order to stay on deadline.”

I pace back toward Dom and immediately regret it when I see his eyes narrow and his biceps bulge when he crosses his arms again.

“I lost the wedding with Tonya. Yes, she’s a first class pain in the ass, but the commission was good.”

I pace away again.

“I hurt Blake’s feelings, and I
hurt his feelings. I sometimes forget that he has feelings. And I was insensitive and bitchy with him, and he didn’t deserve it.”

I turn back to Dom, all riled up and unable to stop the purging of words out of my mouth.

“And here
are, all sexy and funny and kind, and you make my body crazy! I’m so sexually frustrated I can’t fucking see straight.”

My chest is heaving with labored breaths as I stare at him, mortified that I said what I just did, and still pissed off.

Suddenly, he walks to me with measured, carefully controlled steps and lays his hand on my hip, urging me toward him.

“Do you think you’re the only one,
?” His eyes drop to my lips and then return to mine. “I’ve wanted you since the minute I saw you.”

He’s backed me up, like he did earlier in the sunroom, and suddenly my hips are pressed into the vanity.

“Why?” I whisper.

“I recognized you, and I’d never seen you before. My body yearns for you. I can’t get enough of your laughter. And if I don’t get my hands in your fucking hair
right now
, I’ll go out of my fucking mind.”

BOOK: WMIS 08 Forever With Me
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