03_The Doctor's Perfect Match (16 page)

BOOK: 03_The Doctor's Perfect Match
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Dear Reader,


I’m so glad you joined me for another stroll down Lighthouse Lane!

When I conceived this series, I didn’t know that any of the books would feature siblings. But then I met the Clay family. And after J.C. introduced me to his sister and brother, I knew I had to write their stories, too. So my Lighthouse Lane series grew from three books to four.

I loved writing Marci and Christopher’s story. And I loved how they discovered—with a little help from Henry!—that despite their blue-collar vs. blue-blood backgrounds, they were meant for each other. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had a wise and wonderful grandfather figure like Henry in our lives?

To learn more about my books, I invite you to visit my Web site at www.irenehannon.com. And please watch for Nathan’s story, the final installment in my Lighthouse Lane series, coming in April 2010. It’s called
A Father for Zach.

In the meantime, I wish all of you a wonderful new year. May it glow with the magic of white twinkle lights—just like Henry’s gazebo!

  1. In this novel, Marci suffers from low self-esteem. Have you ever struggled with self-esteem? How did that affect your life? What does Scripture say about the value of each person?
  3. Christopher doesn’t offer assistance to Marci when he sees her crying in the restaurant because he was burned once before when he was being a good Samaritan. Have you ever had a bad experience that kept you from following the dictates of your faith? Describe the situation. Does it still have an impact on your actions?
  5. Our society holds physical attractiveness as a high ideal. Yet it backfired with Marci. Talk about the downside of being beautiful. Have you ever dated anyone who was attracted to you for the wrong reasons? How did you deal with it?
  7. Marci has a close relationship with her brothers. Why do you think her family connections are important to her? Do you have a close relationship with your siblings? Why or why not?
  9. Christopher has forged a strong relationship with Henry. Why do the two men get along so well? Describe some of the things they’ve done to solidify their friendship.
  11. Why do you think Marci volunteered to help Henry put his garden in order? What does this say about her?
  13. When sparks begin to fly between Marci and Christopher,
    neither wants to pursue the attraction. Talk about the reasons why each thinks a relationship is a bad idea. Are any of those reasons valid? Why or why not?
  15. When Henry is injured, Christopher tells Marci about his own grandfather’s experience in an assisted-living facility and that he wants to help Henry remain independent. Do you think his strong feelings are justified? Why or why not? Have you ever had any experience with an assisted-living facility?
  17. Henry’s daughter Patricia suspects Marci of ulterior motives for helping her father. What does this say about Henry’s daughter?
  19. When Henry begins to lose hope, Marci comes up with an idea to give him something joyous to anticipate. Why is it important in life to have something to look forward to? What does the Bible tell us about facing the future?
  21. Denise threatened suicide if Christopher ended their relationship. Marci called that emotional blackmail. Have you ever experienced manipulative behavior? How did you deal with it?
  23. Why do you think Marci avoided reaching out to God for so long, despite her brother’s urging to give faith a try? In light of her life experiences, what might you have said to try and persuade her to establish a relationship with the Lord?
  25. In his office, and again at dinner with his parents, Marci hears about Christopher’s involvement with Birthright…and she doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to forgive what she’s done. Nor can she forgive herself. Have you ever known anyone who’s had an abortion? How did it affect her life?
  27. When Marci prays in church at the end of the book, she says that if she had it to do over again, she’d make different decisions. Have you ever made an important decision that you later regretted? How did you come to terms with it? How did it affect your life?
  29. At the end of the book, Christopher’s love liberates Marci from the shadows of her past. Do you see love as liberating or confining? As a burden or a blessing? Can it be both? Talk about the qualities that constitute a healthy, sustaining love.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4682-3


Copyright © 2010 by Irene Hannon

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Sisters & Brides
Sisters & Brides
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