10 Great Rebus Novels (John Rebus) (18 page)

BOOK: 10 Great Rebus Novels (John Rebus)
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‘This isn’t a game, you know. Not anymore. Your friends have already spilled their guts, Rebus. One of them, Reeve I think it was, spilled his guts quite literally. Okay, men, give him the heave.’

‘Wait . . .’

‘Enjoy your swim, Rebus.’

Hands gripped my legs and torso. In the darkness of the sack, with the wind blowing fiercely against me, I began to feel that it had all been a grave mistake.

‘Wait . . .’

I could feel myself hanging in space, two-hundred feet up above the sea, with the gulls shrieking for me to be let go.


‘Yes, Rebus?’

‘Take the fucking sack off my head at least!’ I was shrieking now, desperate.

‘Let the bastard drop.’

And with that they let me go. I hung in the air for a second, then I dropped, dropped like a brick. I was falling through space, trussed up like a Christmas turkey. I screamed for one second, maybe two, and then I hit the ground.

I hit solid ground

And lay there while the helicopter landed. People were laughing all around me. The foreign voices were back. They lifted me up and dragged me along to the cell. I was glad of the sack over my head. It disguised the fact that I was crying. Inside I was a mass of quivering coils, tiny serpents of fear and adrenaline and relief which bounced through my liver, my lungs, my heart.

The door slammed behind me. Then I heard a shuffling sound at my back. Hands fumbled at the knots of my bonds. With the hood off, it took me a few seconds to regain my sight.

I stared into a face that seemed to be my own. Another twist to the game. Then I recognised Gordon Reeve, at the same time as he recognised me.

‘Rebus?’ he said. ‘They told me you’d . . .’

‘They told me the same thing about you. How are you?’

‘Fine, fine. Jesus, though, I’m glad to see you.’

We hugged one another, feeling the other’s weakened but still human embrace, the smells of suffering and of endurance. There were tears in his eyes.

you,’ he said. ‘I’m not dreaming.’

‘Let’s sit down,’ I said. ‘My legs aren’t too steady.’

What I meant was that his legs weren’t too steady. He was leaning into me as if I were a crutch. He sat down thankfully.

‘How has it been?’ I asked.

‘I kept in shape for a while.’ He slapped one of his legs.
‘Doing push-ups and stuff. But I soon grew too tired. They’ve tried feeding me with hallucinogens. I keep seeing things when I’m awake.’

‘They’ve tried me with knockout drops.’

‘Those drugs, they’re something else. Then there’s the power-hose. I get sprayed about once a day I suppose. Freezing cold. Can never seem to get dry.’

‘How long do you suppose we’ve been here?’ Did I look as bad to him as he looked to me? I hoped not. He hadn’t mentioned the chopper drop. I decided to keep quiet about that one.

‘Too long,’ he was saying. ‘This is fucking ridiculous.’

‘You were always saying that they had something special in store for us. I didn’t believe you, God forgive me.’

‘This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.’

us they’re interested in though.’

‘What do you mean?’

It had been only half a thought until now, but now I was sure.

‘Well, when our sentry put his nose into the tent that night, there was no surprise in his eyes, and even less fear. I think they were both in on it from the start.’

‘So what’s this all about?’

I looked at him, sitting with his chin on his knees. We were frail creatures on the outside. Piles biting like the hungered jaws of vampire bats, mouths aching with sores and ulcers. Hair falling out, teeth loose. But there was strength in numbers. And that was what I could not understand: why had they put us together when, apart, we were both on the edge of breaking?

‘So what’s this all about?’

Perhaps they were trying to lull us into a false sense of security before really tightening the screws. The worst is not, so long as we can say ‘this is the worst’. Shakespeare,
. I wouldn’t have known that at the time, but I know it now. Let it stand.

‘I don’t know,’ I said. ‘They’ll tell us when they’re good and ready, I suppose.’

‘Are you scared?’ he said suddenly. His eyes were staring at the raddled door of our cell.


‘You should be fucking scared, Johnny. I am. I remember once when I was a kid, some of us went along a river near our housing-scheme. It was in spate. It had been pissing down for a week. It was just after the war, and there were a lot of ruined houses about. We headed upriver, and came to a sewage-pipe. I played with older kids. I don’t know why. They made me the brunt of all their fucking games, but I stuck with them. I suppose I liked the idea of running about with kids who scared the shit out of all the kids of my own age. So that, though the older kids were treating me like shit, they gave me power over the younger kids. Do you see?’

I nodded, but he wasn’t looking.

‘This pipe wasn’t very thick, but it was long, and it was high above the river. They said I was to cross it first. Christ, I was afraid. I was so fucking scared that my legs wobbled and I froze there, halfway across. And then piss started to run down my legs out of my shorts, and they noticed that and they laughed. They laughed at me, and I couldn’t run, couldn’t move. So they left me there and went away.’

I thought of the laughter as I had been dragged away from the helicopter.

‘Did anything like that ever happen to you when you were a kid, Johnny?’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘Then why the hell did you join up?’

‘To get away from home. I didn’t get along with my father, you see. He preferred my kid brother. I felt out in the cold.’

‘I never had a brother.’

‘Neither did I, not in the proper sense. I had an adversary.’

I’m going to bring him out

don’t you dare

This isn’t telling us anything

keep going

‘What did your father do, Johnny?’

‘He was a hypnotist. He used to make people come on stage and do stupid things.’

‘You’re joking!’

‘It’s true. My brother was going to follow in his footsteps, but I wasn’t. So I got out. They weren’t exactly sad to see me go.’

Reeve chuckled.

‘If you put us into a sale, you’d have to say “slightly soiled” on the ticket, eh, Johnny?’

I laughed at that, laughed longer and louder than necessary, and we put an arm round one another and stayed that way, keeping warm.

We slept side by side, pissed and defecated in the presence of the other, tried to exercise together, played little mind games together, and endured together.

Reeve had a piece of string with him, and would wind it and unwind it, making up the knots we had been taught in training. This led me to explain the meaning of a Gordian knot to him. He waved a miniature reef knot at me.

‘Gordian knot, reef knot. Gordian reef. It sounds just like my name, doesn’t it?’

Again, there was something to laugh about.

We also played noughts and crosses, scratching the games onto the powdery walls of the cell with our fingernails. Reeve showed me a ploy which meant that the least you could achieve was a draw. We must have played about three-
hundred games before then, with Reeve winning two-thirds of them. The trick was simple enough.

‘Your first O goes in the top left corner, and your second diagonally across from it. It’s an unbeatable position.’

‘What if your opponent puts his X diagonally opposite that first O?’

‘You can still win by going for the corners.’

Reeve seemed cheered by this. He danced round the cell, then stared at me, a leer on his face.

‘You’re just like the brother I never had, John.’ There and then he took my palm and nicked the flesh open with one of his fingernails, doing the same to his own hand. We touched palms, smearing a spot of blood backwards and forwards.

‘Blood brothers,’ said Gordon, smiling.

I smiled back at him, knowing that he had become too dependent on me already, and that if we were separated he would not be able to cope.

And then he knelt down in front of me and gave me another hug.

Gordon grew more restless. He did fifty press-ups in any one day which, considering our diet, was phenomenal. And he hummed little tunes to himself. The effects of my company seemed to be wearing off. He was drifting again. So I began to tell him stories.

I talked about my childhood first, and about my father’s tricks, but then I started to tell him proper stories, giving him the plots of my favourite books. The time came to tell him the story of Raskolnikov, that most moral of tales,
Crime and Punishment
. He listened enthralled, and I tried to spin it out as long as I could. I made bits up, invented whole dialogues and characters. And when I’d finished it, he said, ‘Tell me that one again.’

So I did.

‘Was it all inevitable, John?’ Reeve was pushing his fingers across the floor of the cell, seated on his haunches. I was lying on the mattress.

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘I think it was. Certainly, it’s written that way. The end of the book is there before the beginning’s hardly started.’

‘Yes, that’s the feeling I got.’

There was a long pause, then he cleared his throat.

‘What’s your idea of God, John? I’d really like to know.’

So I told him, and as I spoke, lacing my erroneous arguments with little stories from the Bible, Gordon Reeve lay down and stared up at me with eyes like the full moons of winter. He was concentrating like mad.

‘I can’t believe any of that,’ he said at last as I swallowed dry saliva. ‘I wish I could, but I can’t. I think Raskolnikov should have relaxed and enjoyed his freedom. He should have got himself a Browning and blown the lot of them away.’

I thought about that comment. There seemed to me a little justice in it, but a great deal against it also. Reeve was like a man trapped in limbo, believing in a lack of belief, but not necessarily lacking the belief to believe.

What’s all this shit


And in between the games and the story-telling, he put his hand on my neck.

‘John, we’re friends, aren’t we? I mean, really close friends? I’ve never had a close friend before.’ His breath was hot, despite the chill in the cell. ‘But we’re friends, aren’t we? I mean, I’ve taught you how to win at noughts and crosses, haven’t I?’ His eyes were no longer human. They were the eyes of a wolf. I had seen it coming, but there had been nothing I could do.

Not until now. But now I saw everything with the clear, hallucinogen eyes of one who has seen everything there is to
see and more. I could see Gordon bring his face up to mine and slowly – so slowly that it might not have been happening at all – plant a breathy kiss on my cheek, trying to turn my head around so as to connect with the lips.

And I saw myself yield. No, no, this was not to happen! This was intolerable. This wasn’t what we’d been building up all these weeks, was it? And if it was, then I’d been a fool throughout.

‘Just a kiss,’ he was saying, ‘just one kiss, John. Hell, come on.’ And there were tears in his eyes, because he too could see that everything had gone haywire in an instant. He too could see that something was ending. But that didn’t stop him from edging his way behind me, making the two-backed beast. (Shakespeare. Let it go.) And I was trembling, but strangely immobile. I knew that this was beyond my ken, beyond my control. So I forced the tears up into my eyes, and my nose started to run.

‘Just a kiss.’

All the training, all the pushing towards that final lethal goal, it had all come to this moment. In the end, love was still behind everything.


And I could feel only pity for the two of us, stinking, besmirched, barren in our cell. I could feel only the frustration of the thing, the poor tears of a lifetime’s indignation. Gordon, Gordon, Gordon.

‘John . . .’

The cell-door burst open, as though it had never been locked.

A man stood there. English, not foreign, and of high rank. He looked in on the spectacle with some distaste; no doubt he had been listening to it all, if not watching it. He pointed to me.

‘Rebus,’ he said, ‘you’ve passed. You’re on our side now.’

I looked at his face. What did he mean? I knew full well what he meant.

‘You’ve passed the test, Rebus. Come on. Come with me. We’ll get you kitted up. You’re on our side now. The interrogation of your . . . friend . . . continues. You’ll be helping us with the interrogation from now on.’

Gordon jumped to his feet. He was directly behind me still. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

‘What do you mean?’ I said. My mouth and stomach were dry. Looking at this crisply starched officer, I became painfully aware of my own filth. But then it was all his fault. ‘This is a trick,’ I said. ‘It must be. I’m not going to tell you. I’m not going
you. I’ve not given away any information. I’ve not cracked. You can’t fail me now!’ I was shouting now, delirious. Yet I knew there was truth in what he was saying. He shook his head slowly.

‘I can understand your suspicion, Rebus. You’ve been under a lot of pressure. A hellish lot of pressure. But that’s past. You’ve not failed, you’ve passed; passed with flying colours. I think we can say that with certainty. You’ve passed, Rebus. You’re on our side now. You’ll be helping us now to try to crack Reeve here. Do you understand?’

I shook my head.

‘It’s a trick,’ I said. The officer smiled sympathetically. He’d dealt with the like of me a hundred times before.

‘Look,’ he said, ‘just come with us and everything will be made clear.’

Gordon jumped forward at my side.

‘No!’ he shouted. ‘He’s already told you that he’s not fucking well going! Now piss off out of here.’ Then to me, a hand on my shoulder: ‘Don’t listen to him, John. It’s a trick. It’s always a trick with these bastards.’ But I could see that he was worried. His eyes moved rapidly, his mouth slightly open.
And, feeling his hand on me, I knew that my decision had been made already, and Gordon seemed to sense as much.

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