Read 10 Nights Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes,Amp,Karl Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

10 Nights (27 page)

BOOK: 10 Nights
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Leah hesitated for a
few moments, summoning up the courage to voice what was on her mind. “Well, I
um, I noticed that, well, none of what’s happened tonight has revolved around
sex. Is that normal? Or are you just doing that because we’re here?” She found
it a little surprising that nothing sexual had happened.

“That’s a very good
question. With our lifestyle it is a choice between the partners involved. I prefer
not to have sexual relations with my submissives. Many submissives find what
they are seeking without the need for sexual involvement, as do many

“Thank you, I honestly
didn’t know this happened without the, um, other stuff.” She blushed deeply as
she spoke.

“Rhett mentioned you
are very new to this lifestyle when we spoke on the phone. I think you’ll
discover many things as the years go by, you have a wonderful teacher.”

“Mistress, may I beg
permission to be excused?” Travon didn’t like interrupting but his bladder was
full to bursting.

“Be glad I know just
how new our guest is. I am going to grant your request and not use it against
you, now go!”

“Thank you, Mistress.”
Knowing how angry she got when he had to stop a session he all but ran from the

Leah jumped at the
command in Dominique’s voice and Rhett chuckled. “Should I let you take
Travon’s place while he’s gone, sweetheart?”

Not realizing that
Rhett was joking Leah turned and buried her face in his shoulder, holding him

Dominique laughed
aloud. “I would love a chance to play with her, Rhett, but girls really aren’t
my thing.” She decided to give his pet a break since it was apparent she was
terrified he’d ask it of her.

Leah felt like crawling
over and kissing the woman’s feet in gratitude for her words, instead she just
hung on to Rhett. “Thank you, Mistress,” she added the respectful word without
even thinking about it.

“I think we will call
it a night, Dominique,” Rhett said suddenly. “Watching you has put me in the
mood to play with my girl a little.” He stood, still with Leah in his arms, and
waited while she lowered her feet to the floor and got her balance.

“It’s a shame you feel
you need to leave so soon, but I think I understand,” she said with a knowing
arch of her brow. If she had a new toy like Leah to play with she would
definitely want to spend time breaking them in properly. “It was nice having
you join us Rhett, and you, Leah, a pleasure to have met you.”

“Please try to get to
Chicago again soon; it would be wonderful to have you back home again.”
Crossing the room he gave Dominique a quick hug. “Please let your pet know we
enjoyed his performance tonight.”

“I’ll be sure to do
that.” She turned a warm smile on Leah then. “I hope we meet again, soon,
perhaps when you have explored this lifestyle some more. I am sure my pet would
be delighted to submit to you again when you have more experience.”

Leah blushed hotly and
smiled timidly. “Thank you, Mistress; it was an honor meeting you and Travon.”

Leaving the house the
waiting limousine drove them back to the dock, where they climbed into the
powerboat and were whisked back across the water to their hotel. The journey
was made in a companionable silence and was over before either of them realized

Leah’s mind was on the
other side of the lifestyle that she had been shown by Dominique and Travon,
and the discovery that sex didn’t have to feature in it. Rhett’s mind, in the
meantime, was on his dungeon back home, and the toys he couldn’t wait to use on
his beautiful girl.

When they made it to
their suite Rhett took Leah straight through the bedroom where he undressed her
quickly, and had her underneath him even quicker. He gave her no time to react
as his fingers slid down her flat stomach, over her bare mound, and then
caressed her until she was arching against his hand in need.

“I wanted to see you
stretched out on that wall tonight, sweetheart, my whip coming down on that
lovely skin of yours,” he told her as he parted her thighs and slid himself
into her velvet sheath, making her moan in pleasure. “I can’t wait to get you
home,” he pulled himself almost all the way out, “and show you all the
different ways I can make you feel.” He thrust into her, impaling her fully on
his large cock.

Leah gasped as he
stretched her deliciously, filling her core. His hands took hold of her hips,
pulling her onto his as he thrust into her hard, again and again. She didn’t
know what had come over him but she loved the wildness she sensed in him and
the feel as he drove his length into her over and over.

By the time they both
found release she was breathless, and holding on to him for dear life. “Wow,
Sir,” she giggled when she could catch her breath. “That was amazing.”

“Damn you turn me on,”
he said with a chuckle, turning her over while still half-hard inside her tight
glove. “You’d better do the riding now, we don’t want you so sore you can’t
walk tomorrow.”

With a little
awkwardness, the position was unfamiliar to her; Leah lifted herself up and
down on his huge length until she found a rhythm. She didn’t think it was
possible to cum again, not so soon, but as his body tensed she was surprised to
find herself crying aloud as she found release.

It wasn’t until he
came, filling her with his seed, that Rhett suddenly remembered he wasn’t
protected. “Shit!” he swore, pulling himself from her hurriedly. “Damn, baby,
I’m sorry, I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking.”

Leah could only stare
at him, confused by his strange behavior. “What, Sir?” Bewildered she watched
as he paced the room, a worried look on his face.

Running a hand through
his hair Rhett turned to her and grunted, “I forgot to put on a damned condom.”
He had never made a mistake as stupid as that before, he was always very
careful about using protection. “Shit, shit, shit, baby. Okay, well damn it, I
can’t change what’s happened; we’ll just have to deal with any consequences
that might arise.”

It was several minutes
before Leah realized what Rhett meant and when it came to her she went white.
“You mean I could get pregnant?” Getting pregnant was definitely not in her
plans; she had no desire to have a family. At least she had never considered it
before then, but now she found the idea of having a baby interesting.

“Don’t worry about it,
sweetheart,” Rhett said reassuringly. “If that happens we’ll take care of it,
together, okay?” He couldn’t believe he had been so stupid; his desire for her
was taking over and causing him to make mistakes, mistakes he would never have
made before.

“Um, okay.” After the
initial shock Leah found herself calming down as she realized the chances of
her getting pregnant just then were very slim.

“Let’s get a shower.”
He was still freaked over his fuckup but knew she needed to wash her piercing,
not only that there wasn’t much he could do right then except hope.

After they showered they
returned to the bed, where it took Rhett hours to fall asleep. He had to get a
handle on himself, that much was clear, if he didn’t then there was every
chance he would have more to worry about than a pregnancy scare, and that was
enough of a worry in itself.





Working it Out



After a restless night
Rhett woke and got out of bed. His sleep, which always before had been deep and
untroubled, had been disturbed but his concerns over his carelessness with
Leah. An unplanned pregnancy was not something to be taken lightly, especially
in his book, not when he had taken such pains to maintain control of his life.

Birth control was
definitely going to be something they took care of as soon as they returned
home he decided while ordering room service.


Waking, Leah rolled
over in bed; immediately she noticed the empty spot where Rhett should have
been and pushed herself up on her elbow. The sunlight pouring in through the
thin curtains gave her no clue what the time was so she looked over at the
clock on the bedside table. It was already gone nine, she saw, so she wasn’t
surprised that Rhett was no longer next to her.

Reluctantly she threw
back the thin sheet that covered her and got to her feet. Crossing to the
closet she took out a robe and pulled it on before making her way out into the
main room of the suite.


Rhett smiled when he
saw Leah. “I’ve ordered breakfast, sweetheart, we’ve got a busy day ahead of
us.” He watched her as she approached and felt his body tighten in need. He
couldn’t believe what she was doing to his libido. He’d always enjoyed sex, and
had a good appetite for it, but with her it was like he couldn’t get enough and
he didn’t know what it was about her that did it. “How did you sleep?” he

Joining him at the
kitchen island Leah settled herself on one of the stools. “Like a baby, Sir,
and you?” He looked so damned sexy sitting there in just his shorts, his bare
chest, smooth and tanned, had her blushing as her thoughts went south.

Rhett growled softly,
leaning over to give her a quick peck on the lips. “Baby, if you don’t stop
looking at me like that we’re going to give room service something to talk
about.” Chuckling at her blush he was relieved that a knock came at the door
just then, preventing anything happening.

He quickly opened the
door so the lady with their room service could enter, and then tipped her
generously as she left. “You’d better get your fill, sweet girl; we have a lot
to accomplish before we leave tonight.”

Leah found her thoughts
were about as far from food as they could be after his comment and with a grin
she asked him, “Are we still talking about breakfast, Sir?” She did her best to
keep her tone innocent but had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

“You’re insatiable.” He
chuckled. “And yes, we are talking about food, because if you don’t eat you’ll
wither away, especially with the plans I have for you today.” Shaking his head
at her playful mood he uncovered the trays and sat beside her to eat.

Giving Rhett a pout
that was only half serious Leah allowed her mind to focus on the breakfast he
had ordered. She hadn’t thought she was hungry when she first woke, but the
aroma of the food woke her appetite and in no time at all she had cleaned her
plate. “That was delicious, Sir,” she said, sitting back and sipping her

“I’m not feeding you
enough,” Rhett remarked, remembering they hadn’t even had dinner the previous
evening. “I apologize for forgetting dinner yesterday; there really is no
excuse for forgetting something so important.” Once again he was hit with the
reality that he wasn’t acting much like her Master. His role was about much
more than simply ensuring that she pleased him and punishing her when she didn’t;
it was his job to make sure she was taken care of, and he was failing miserably
at that.

“Honestly, Sir, it’s
not your fault, I didn’t think about it either.” She couldn’t understand why he
was so serious, it was just a missed meal; she had missed enough meals over the
years through studying to know that it wouldn’t hurt her.

“You shouldn’t have to
think about it, sweetheart, it’s my job as your Master, and you have my word, I
will focus more on your needs.” He had let control of the relationship slip
through his fingers, distracted by his overwhelming passion for her, but that
was over now, he decided firmly. “If you’ve finished eating I suggest you get
dressed, I’m taking you to work with me this morning.”

Pushing away his tray
Rhett got to his feet and stalked into the bedroom, his mood dark as he
contemplated the changes that needed to happen. He dressed quickly in a dark
navy business suit, white dress shirt and conservative tie, doing so
distractedly, his mind wrapped up in thoughts of what he needed to accomplish
in order to take back control of the situation between him and Leah.

He was dressed in
fifteen minutes, and once done he left the bedroom to make a few calls and
completed his arrangements for the day. He had intended making the arrangements
the previous evening but had been distracted upon their return to the hotel.

Once she had washed and
done her teeth Leah returned to the bedroom, where she pulled open the closet
and ran her hand over the outfits in front of her.

Since she was going to
work with Rhett, Leah didn’t think a mini-dress was all that appropriate. That
left her with just one outfit she could wear, the only remotely sensible outfit
she had brought with her, and she dressed quickly in the black pencil skirt,
which fell to her knees, a white butterfly collared shirt, and flat dress shoes.

Dressed, she fixed her
hair, choosing to wrap it up in a twisted flip, which she felt was professional
enough to be worn to an office, while still being a little stylish. Stepping
back from the dressing table she studied herself in the floor length mirror for
a moment. She nodded her head briefly in satisfaction and turned away to head
for the door.

She had no clue why
Rhett was in such overpowering Dom mode, but it seemed pointless to suggest
that she should stay home while he went to work. It was clear that he wasn’t
going to listen to her if she brought the subject up, and in truth she was
curious to know exactly what his work involved.

“Perfect,” Rhett said
with a nod of his head as he ran his eyes over her, checking her outfit. “Let’s
go.” He had finished making his arrangements and there was just enough time for
them to stop by the beach front property he had acquired, but only if they left
right then and they encountered no delays.

After the hotel’s
powerboat dropped them off at the dock on Playa Del Carmen, one of the larger
islands in the chain, they climbed into the back of the limousine that was
waiting for them. Rhett gave directions to the driver and then settled back,
using the drive to reflect on the situation between him and Leah.

Leah knew something was
off by the look on Rhett’s face as the luxury car took them to their
destination. He paid no attention to her during the short drive, not even
glancing in her direction, which she found disconcerting. She wanted to ask him
what was up, but given his mood that morning, and the way he was clenching and
releasing his fist, she didn’t think it was a good idea.

When the limousine
finally stopped, and they got out, Leah found that their destination was an
abandoned hotel. Looking up at it Leah wasn’t impressed, most of the windows,
at least the ones she could see, were broken and the main doors were hanging
off their hinges. In her opinion the hotel needed knocking down; she couldn’t
imagine why Rhett would have bought such a place.

“Is this the new property,
Sir?” she asked, trying not to reveal her opinion of it in either her face or
her voice.

“Yes.” His voice was
distant as his eyes wandered over the building before them, and then moved on
to the grounds it sat in, what was visible of them anyway. “It has a beautiful
private beach, which of course is the best feature of the property, and
spacious grounds. With some reconstruction it will be one of the most
magnificent properties on the island.”

“If you say so, Sir.”
Leah couldn’t keep her doubt from her voice that time and hurriedly looked
around to be sure she hadn’t given offence. She was relieved when Rhett’s
response was a laugh.

“I do, sweetheart, I
do.” He continued to laugh. “This is my business, and I am very good at it. The
building may not look like much at the moment, but in a couple of months you
won’t recognize it.

“You are seeing it for
what it is now, and I admit, that isn’t all that impressive, but I see it for
what it can be. Come, we have just enough time for me to show you the beach,
perhaps that will persuade you that I made the right decision in buying this
property.” With that he led the way along a barely visible path that headed for
the corner of the building.

It took them a few
minutes to reach the beach and when they did Rhett stepped aside and Leah
stopped dead in her tracks. “Wow!” Her reaction to her first sight of the beach
was all he needed, to know he had made the right decision.

“Do you like it?” he
asked with a smile.

“It’s, it’s just wow,
Sir,” Leah said after she found her voice again. The beach before her was the
most beautiful she had ever seen. “How could anyone have let the hotel get like
that when they’ve got a beach like this?”

“Some people just don’t
have a head for business; they can have everything going for them and still
fail. Fortunately for me I heard about this place; I’ve had my eye on it for a
while, waiting for the perfect time to buy.”

They stood there for a
few moments longer, enjoying each other’s company as they watched the waves lap
at the beach, and then Rhett glanced at his watch. “We’d better get going, sweetheart,”
he said. “We’ve stayed as long as we can.”

“Yes, Sir.” Reluctantly
Leah turned away from the beautiful view before her and followed Rhett back to
the limousine.

Rhett was silent for
the first few minutes as the car pulled away from the hotel and headed down the
road. Finally he turned to Leah. “What thoughts are going through that pretty
little head of yours?” he asked, studying her face. He was back in control of
himself and felt able to relax.

“Nothing much, Sir. I
was just thinking about how beautiful it is down here. I wish I could stay
forever, all this sun, and the beautiful scenery, I could get used to it.”

“I love it here as
well. I try to make it down at least twice a year, when business permits. I
don’t often have the excuse of business to come down, but I still get away from
Chicago when I can.

“Usually I stay at the
resort, where we are staying now; but that will change once I get the new place
refurbished. Perhaps when it is finished you can help me name it.”

Leah felt a warm glow
spread through her at the thought that he would trust her enough to name a
resort. It brought a silly grin to her lips that she couldn’t seem to get rid
of, despite her best efforts, and she had to keep her head turned away from
Rhett, ostensibly so she could look out the window at the scenery, to prevent
him seeing it.


“Here we are,” Rhett
said after they had been driving almost forty minutes. “Don’t worry; I think
you’ll enjoy my staff.”

“I’m sure I will, Sir,”
Leah responded, wondering at the cause of the devious smile that crossed his
face. She wasn’t sure why it should matter if she enjoyed his staff, which she
found an odd way to phrase things, since they were leaving that night.

When she had been
helped from the limousine by Rhett she found herself looking at a building that
was bigger than she had expected. It was not only bigger than the buildings
around it; it was more utilitarian and businesslike, which made it stick out
uncomfortably from those surrounding it.  “This is pretty impressive, Sir,”
Leah said, feeling the need to say something.

“We are only renting
one of the floors here,” Rhett told her. “I have a small group of lawyers that
handle my work down here, mostly property contracts, and they don’t need much

An entire floor in this
massive building; that seemed like a lot of space for just a small group of
people to work in, Leah thought to herself. Pushing the thought from her mind
she followed Rhett into the great glass building and over to a pair of

The doors on the left
hand elevator slid open the moment Rhett pressed the button to summon them and
Leah was caught by surprise as he pulled her in after him. Before the doors had
closed, or she could react, he had her in his arms and was kissing her deeply.

He didn’t break the
kiss until they reached their floor, and when he did Leah could only stare up
at him in shock at his behavior. “I needed to get that out of my system,” he
said with a wink before leading her out of the lift and along a carpeted

Reaching the end of the
long hallway he swung open a set of polished double doors and ushered her
inside. She smiled at David and then looked around the large oval executive
table at the dozen strangers there. They all stood when they noticed Rhett and
he placed a hand on the small of her back as he guided her toward the head
seat. “Please be seated, we have much to discuss and I’d like to get started

BOOK: 10 Nights
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