100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing (10 page)

BOOK: 100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing
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Today’s Thought

The bigger God becomes in my heart, the smaller my challenges become. When I keep my mind on the Lord, His peace and wisdom will begin to flow in me and direct me to victory.

Today’s Prayer

Father, I choose to keep my eyes on You today. Instead of focusing on how big my challenges are, I choose to see You watching over me, going before me and taking care of all my needs. In the midst of my challenges, I look to You to keep me in perfect peace and to lead me by Your wisdom to do the right thing at the right time. I receive Your perfect peace right now, and I thank You for leading and guiding me in whatever I need to do today. Amen.

What God Sees When He Looks at You

Today’s Scripture

But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

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ne of our key ministry partners, Ron, shared how he had a dear friend named Tyler, who was from a good Christian family, was great at sports, and was living the “American Dream.” After college, however, Tyler started hanging out with the wrong crowd and developed a severe drug and drinking problem, which in turn led to a series of devastating mistakes. Within a twenty-four-month period, Tyler lost everything he held dear in his life. Ashamed and miserable, Tyler dropped out of church and almost gave up on life, God, and grace. But God, in His grace, was still reaching out to Tyler (through Ron), as Ron related in this story:

One night, while jogging at a park and listening to a message by Pastor Prince, I felt God prompting me to send Tyler a text message. I felt that God wanted me to ask Tyler, “What does God see when He looks at you?” So while running, I texted him exactly those words. After a long time, I received his text reply:

Tyler: “Are you serious?”

Ron: “Yes.”

Tyler: “Well… I’m sure it’s not good.”

Ron: “Jesus.”

Tyler: “What do you mean?”

Ron: “I mean, when God looks at you, He sees Jesus!”

Thirty minutes later, I got this message:

Tyler: “Thanks, man, you don’t know how badly I needed to hear that!”

Would it bless your heart to know that this is the very message God wants you to receive today? If you are like Tyler, then you believe God’s love for you
depends on your actions. You honestly believe God is ashamed of you because of your mistakes and failures. Well, you may have either not heard or have forgotten that the payment for your sins has already been made in full upon the body of Jesus at the cross. Therefore, when God looks at you today, He doesn’t judge, esteem, and measure you according to your imperfections. He sees you in the Beloved—He sees you in Christ, and He sees the blood that has been shed for you by His dear Son.

When God looks at you today, He sees Jesus. Because of this, His thoughts toward you are thoughts of loving-kindness, forgiveness, blessings, and favor. Jesus paid an immensely heavy price on the cross so that you can live life completely accepted and unconditionally loved by God. Knowing and believing this will make all the difference in how you live your life—no matter what is staring you in the face.

Today’s Thought

When God looks at me today, He sees me in Christ. He does not see my imperfections, but sees His Son’s blood, and therefore accepts me completely and loves me unconditionally.

Today’s Prayer

Father, thank You that on the cross Jesus paid the heavy price for my sins, failures, and shame. Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, to see what You see—that I am in the Beloved, in Jesus, and that His blood covers me completely. I receive Your loving-kindness, forgiveness, blessings, and favor. Today, I choose to stand tall, believing that because of Jesus, I am completely accepted and unconditionally loved by You. Amen.

What Actually Happened at the Cross?

Today’s Scripture

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

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nce, the Lord showed me a vision of what happened at the cross. I saw how all the sins of the entire human race (lies, deceit, envy, bitterness, adultery, addiction, bondage, murder) and all the consequences of sin (fear, sicknesses, guilt, disease, and condemnation) swirled around Jesus like evil spirits and demons, laughing heinously, taunting and tormenting Him. Jesus became like a magnet for all sin and of His own volition accepted all this sin into His own body.

You and I will never be able to imagine the excruciating pain that tore through His body at the cross. Every malignant cancer, every tumor, every sickness, and every disease came upon Him at the same time. He who knew no sin took upon Himself the mountainous weight of all men’s darkest and foulest sins. He took it all Himself.

The Word says that “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses” (Matt. 8:17). “Himself”—a singular, reflexive pronoun that signifies the exclusion of you and me. Since He Himself has taken the full punishment, judgment, and condemnation for all sin, you and I are excluded from every punishment, judgment, and condemnation for all sin when we receive Him as our Savior.

But the story did not end there. Jesus did not die on the cross in the middle of receiving upon Himself all of humanity’s sins. He took it all and accepted it all in His body. Then the fire of God’s judgment was unleashed upon His own precious Son, and only when every last sin had been punished did Jesus cry out, “IT IS FINISHED!” moments before breathing His last breath (see John 19:30). Can you see that? Jesus held on at the cross until
every single sin that you have ever committed and will ever commit was punished in His own body. That is why we call what Jesus has accomplished at the cross a “finished work.”

Now, what is your part today? Your part is to believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life and that all your sins have been paid for at the cross. If you believe that all your sins have been forgiven, sin will have no more power over you. You don’t have to walk around with “a mountain of sin” on your shoulders anymore because this “mountain of sin” was laid squarely on the shoulders of another—Jesus. He Himself has already paid the price for your sins, so stop condemning yourself!

Today’s Thought

Because Jesus Himself has already paid the price for my sins, I can stop condemning myself.

Today’s Prayer

Lord Jesus, because You love me, You went to the cross and suffered for me. Thank You for taking the weight of all my sins and bearing the punishment for every last sin until You completely exhausted God’s wrath against my sins. I believe that because of Your finished work, I stand completely forgiven, with every sin paid for and with the right to live free from condemnation today. As I look to You to help me live by this truth every day, I believe that sin will no longer have dominion over me. Thank You for Your amazing grace, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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