Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (28 page)

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She slid my entire length in her mouth as one of her hand played with my nipples. She was torturing me to the extreme and I couldn’t be any happier. Her mouth was such an amazing sex machine, her tongue and lips doing all the work in perfect synchrony. In no time, I was as hard as a rock again.


She went on top of me and slid herself my cock inside her. Her feet went to my shoulders and she held my hand as she rode me like a pro. Her pace was delicious and she was rubbing on all the right places. Tight as she is, she was able to rock my world even better than what I had imagined. She moved her hips backward and forward, finding a rhythm that pleased as both. She was moaning and thrashing her head as her breasts jiggled with her every move.


She nibbled my ear as I moved my hips up to thrust inside her. The sensation was overwhelming and she came without warning, filling my cock with her juices. I asked her if she would like to try being taken from behind and surprised me when she went down on all fours and showed me her juicy butt. I positioned myself on her entrance. I entered her without warning and she moaned her assent as I reached for her breasts and massaged them.


I started slowly but she was moving her hips like crazy and decided to go without any restraint. I fucked her just the way I imagined doing in my mind. I went faster and faster and pinched her nipples and she cried, “More, Keith!” I ram into her and she urged me to go faster and faster, challenging me to push past the limits. I moved in and out of her and the way I glide into her was so delicious, I could feel another big one coming. “Don’t stop babe, I’m so close!” She whispered. We moved together, loving the way her breasts move with us. Soon, we were both moaning and grunting and then----it happened. We came together in unison, the most amazing climax I have ever experienced in my entire life. Sparks shoot from my eyes as I spurted all my cum inside her. She raised her hips to take all of it in. I had to rub her back to soothe her, thighs trembling from her orgasm. I held her and calmed her down, murmuring just how good she was.





The Ex Effect

Tristan and I used to be lovers. We’ve been together for a couple of years, but because of some irreconcilable differences, we decided to move on and see other people. It was an agreement that proved to be great for both parties. He ended up with a half-Latina woman named Sandra, while I am currently engaged to my former boss, Kean. Though we went our separate ways, we managed to become really good friends. Sometimes, the two of us would have dinner together. Other times, the four of us would go on out of town trips. I must admit that although we did not hit it off well as a couple, Tristan and I are perfect as friends.


When summer started, we decided to go to Bahamas. Kean owns one of the resorts near the marina and it was the ideal tropical retreat. The stretch of white sand beach that is just a few steps away from our white washed villa is simply breath taking. I love the beach, so I made sure that I was ready for it-----tons of bikinis, maillot, and cut off denims. I have never been so excited in a long time. Kean and I booked an earlier flight to have some private time together. Our recent engagement made us too busy that we both felt the need to lock up and be with ourselves for a while.


I was at the veranda reading some book when Tristan and Sandra arrived. They make a really good couple. Sandra is in her mid twenties, with olive skin and sultry brown hair and eyes, Tristan managing to look both rugged and neatly put together at the same time. Kean greeted them at the door. After exchanging warm greetings, we led them to their room.


“Kean, this place is pure heaven.”, said Sandra.


He gave her a light squeeze and patted Tristan’s shoulder. “We’ll see you in a bit, buddy.”


A few minutes later, Sandra came out wearing a see through black tunic and Barbie pink bikini---her outfit leaving very little to the imagination. I looked at my own pair of buns and sighed. I am okay with my body, but to be perfectly honest, only Sandra can pull off that kind of bikini. I changed into a pair of white string bikini and an open weave cover up. Upon seeing my sexy number, my fiancée swept me up in a lingering kiss. “Wow, Babe. You look smashing.” He said as he traced his finger on the outline of my body. He removed the weave cover up and drank in the sight of me wearing my very skimpy outfit. He locked the door and swept me in a lingering kiss. He cupped my breasts with his hands and gently stimulated my nipples. His tongue went inside my mouth, and explored me lovingly. I sighed as he rubbed his palm against the front of my bikini bottoms. I moaned in his ear as I felt the warmth of his hand and he worked to undo the strings of my bikini top. I took a deep aroused breath and looked at him sweetly. “Babe, I just got dressed.”


He cupped my butt and pressed me onto him, my front rubbing against his male hardness. “Just one round, Baby. I want you.”


With that, he carried me to the bed and kissed me even bolder. His hands massaged my breasts, making me toss my head against the pillows. He sucked on one nipple as his hand fondled me down there. He slid the tiny cover of my pussy and used his thumb to rub against my clit. Without a second longer, he rubbed the tip of his nose against my pussy and I moaned, totally forgetting that there are other people just in the next room, I moaned as his tongue filled me with so much pleasure, making my juices flow and flow. I pushed him harder between my legs and allowed him to feast on me for as long as he wants. As he ate me, we heard some sexy noises coming from the next room. We both froze and listened----there it was again, the unmistakable sound of a woman being pleasured. Hearing her moans somewhat aroused me and my fiancé. In a flash, he was kissing me again. He licked me even more deliciously now, using the back of his tongue to pleasure my clit. He pushed a finger inside me and I screamed his name out loud, wanting the whole world to know that my man is the best lover there is. There is no doubt Tristan is hearing all my noises and that made it all perfect. Kean’s fingers made me so wet and I loved the sexy noises they make as they slid in and out of my pussy. He spread my legs wide as he finger fucked me and I moved my hips against him. Soon, my body is writhing and begging for him. “More baby! Oh more!”


Placing my legs on his shoulders, his cock entered me. I moaned as he slid inside me, loving how it feels to be filled by him. Sandra’s noise became even more frantic now. There’s no doubt Tristan is already banging her, making her eyes filled with lust. The other woman’s sound shoot up my own arousal and as Kean entered me, I was filled with such a strong animalistic wanting. I moved her hips against him, urging him to fuck me faster. His cock slid in and out, in a crazy wild rhythm that made me sing real high. “Oh baby...” Together, we moved without restraint, until the two of us exploded. It was the best sex we had ever had. Kean held me in his arms. “God! I have never seen you like this before. That was great, Babe!”


Late that night, as Kean was in their room, I decided to go outside and swim at the terrace pool. The place was so private and quiet. As I approached the balcony and started to open the French doors, I heard the moans again. I stood frozen in place and saw Sandra on one of the lounge chairs. She was wearing a moss green tank and some draw string shorts. Her top was askew and Tristan was sucking on her round breasts. The two seem oblivious to everything except for each other.  I saw Tristan’s hand going on her shorts and I watched, mesmerize as he took it off. Sandra was wearing only a thong underneath. His hands played her thighs and the woman moaned with pleasure. Just as I was starting to back off, my back bumped against someone. Startled, I gasped. It was Kean, who motioned me to keep still. “Let’s watch.”


Tristan kissed her on the lips and squeezed her tits, his body in between Sandra’s legs. He removed Sandra’s top completely and his lips started going down. Kean’s hand encircled my waist possessively as he stood behind me. We watched as Tristan made his way to Sandra’s hairless pussy. He started slow, using only the tip of his tongue to lick her outer folds. Sandra trashed her hips against his mouth, moaning sexily. I whispered to Kean. “Babe...” He held me there and motioned me to watch. His mouth found my cheeks and whispered back. “Are you wet now?”


I nodded without shame and he squeezed me with pride. He licked my ears as Tristan licked Sandra’s cunt, his tongue moving insistently, like a kid licking ice cream. Kean must have felt my envy because he reached under the hem of my skirt and warmed my bare pussy. His hand lovingly caressed me as we watched Tristan slide his middle finger inside Sandra’s flesh. Kean held me steadily as his palm spread my wetness. He fingered me and I moaned, feeling so aroused by what he’s doing and what I was seeing. Sandra grabbed Tristan’s head as he ate her, her legs gripping him even closer. I sighed as Kean pushed another finger inside me and continued his fondling. He slid his fingers in and out of me as we watch Tristan take Sandra. Their bodies are intertwined now and I can see his butt moving up and down, faster and faster. Kean increased the pace of his caress and murmured sweet nothings against my ear. “Come for me, babe.” I moaned again and again as he rubbed all my sensitive places. With his erection poking at my butt and his hand fucking me, I was filled with such ecstasy. I felt myself responding to his touch, no longer seeing what’s happening outside. Soon, it was just me and my man pleasing me. He rubbed me again and again and I screamed his name as I orgasmed, startling the lovers outside. They glanced at us and we waved. As the quake subsided, I leaned against my fiancé and he held me tight. I looked at him and kissed him softly. “You’re the best. I love you.”




Alicia rushed across the busy street, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips. It was supposed to be her day off but after a co-worker had called in sick on a particularly jam packed day for their studio, it meant she had to come in to fill in for them at this photo shoot. She loved her job as a photographer, it allowed her to not only earn decent money but actually have a career doing something she loved. But she liked to have some time to prepare for her projects, something which was quite impossible to have on such short notice. She didn’t even know much of the details for the one she was heading to. All she knew was that she was taking the final shots for some calendar.


Finally making it to the office, she brushed her way past workers that lined the hallways, all buzzing as they went on with their own tasks. She stepped into the main studio, her eyes taking in the setup. The gears in her head had already begun turning, thinking about the lighting, what lenses and filters to use, and a bunch of poses and expressions she would ask whoever she was photographing to pull.




At hearing the sound of her name being called out, the petite brunette swung her head around to the left, finding her boss standing off to one side, smiling as he waved her over.


“Hi Craig,” she greeted, setting her bag down for a moment to take the pressure off her shoulder.


“I can’t thank you enough for coming in to cover on such short notice,” he said. He knew of her thought process when it came to taking on projects, making him more appreciative of the fact that she had given up her time off to come in at his request. She smiled politely as she waited for him to continue and fill her in with the details of the shoot. “It’s an athletic calendar so we’ve picked 12 athletes from 12 different sports. It’s being sponsored by GQ so that should give you a few more ideas on the demographic it’s going to be marketed to. There’s only one more athlete left to shoot, he’s an MMA fighter, then it’s a wrap.” He patted her on the back, “Thanks again.”


She rolled her eyes. Apparently, that was all the information she was getting. He didn’t even give her the name of the athlete she was working with. She knew of MMA but didn’t follow the sport, having no idea who the guy was and what he looked like gave her even less time coming up with ideas for lighting and poses.


She picked up her bag again and moved further into the set. Her gaze roamed the room, trying to figure out who it was she was working with. She didn’t see anyone who could potentially be an MMA fighter so she started to prepare her equipment. Once she had finished, there was still no sign of him, sighing as she glanced at the time on her phone. She wasn’t fond of people who kept her waiting.


30 minutes after he was supposed to arrive, Alicia finally caught sight of the man she would be taking photos of. She took in his appearance, noting how he looked sharp instead of the rugged athlete she was expecting him to be. From a distance, she could already tell that the man was huge, his golden blonde hair spiked up and giving him a few extra inches in height. Black dress pants covered his long legs, a navy dress shirt and a black waistcoat covered the wide expanse of his chest. She subconsciously licked her lips as the man walked over to her, several people, who she assumed to be management, followed after him.


She held her hand out to him and eyed him up with a stern expression. He might be famous but she was still unhappy that he had kept her waiting. “Alicia,” she said stiffly in introduction. “I see punctuality isn’t one of your strong points.”


“Well, we got delayed at the children’s hospital,” he explained. “I hope that’s not a problem.”


She inwardly groaned, her cheeks taking on a tinge of pink at being proven wrong about his character after shooting down her assumption. She definitely couldn’t fault him for that.


“My name’s Joseph Craft, but please, call me Joe,” he said, offering his hand for her to shake. She looked down at the large hand that was covering hers, mentally taking note of how soft his skin was despite his profession. “So where do you want me?”


The question threw her for a loop but she had hoped that she recovered in time before he noticed anything. “Right over here,” she said, pointing to the middle of the set.


The setting was quite simple – the backdrop was black and the only object on the set was a long wooden bench. It immediately made her think that the whole point of the photo shoot was to bring focus to his incredible physique and nothing else. One of the runners for the studio had made his way over to her, handing her proof sheets of the shoots with the other athletes, giving her an idea of what she needed to accomplish, nodding to herself when her initial thoughts were proven correct. Glancing up at Joe over the folder, she instructed him to take his shirt off and change into a pair of plain black track pants and to leave his feet bare.


She placed the folder down on a nearby desk and crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted to tear her eyes away from the man who was slowly undressing before her but she couldn’t. His long, thick fingers deftly unbuttoned his waistcoat, then his shirt. Her eyes caught sight of his chiseled form, washboard abs and a muscled chest that looked tempting to run her hands over. She wondered what they would feel like under her palm, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as her eyes travelled over his arms, his biceps flexing as he slipped his shirt off.


After doing as she instructed, a makeup artist rushed over to him, coating his chest, arms and back with a thin film of baby oil. Alicia licked her lips subconsciously, somewhat envious at how the woman’s hands were roaming over Joe’s chiseled form, wondering what his muscles would feel like under her touch.


With a shake of her head to clear her thoughts, she started to direct him around the set but he seemed to be a natural. She loved the contrast of his stark blonde hair and his tanned skin, a light natural bronze instead of the odd burnt orange that seemed to have become a fad these days. Her eyes raked over every contour of his body through her camera lens. She couldn’t think of another person who looked like him, thinking that he may just be the perfect male specimen. Her eyes settled on his huge arms as he did another push up on the bench. She took another picture, the flash of light reflecting off the beads of sweat and baby oil that were slowly slipping down his shoulder and onto his bulging bicep.


Alicia continued to direct Joe until she had taken a variety of different poses. He watched her closely as she flicked through the pictures, her eyes looking up just in time to see him staring at her. Instead of showing even just a hint of embarrassment, he sent her a cocky grin, making her roll her eyes. She was pretty sure that he had a lot of women falling at his feet, and while she thought he was as close to a god if she ever saw one, she wasn’t about to be next in line.


“Okay, I think we’re done here. Thanks guys,” she spoke to the room before turning her attention back to the camera that she held tightly in her small hands. She felt the space around her become smaller all of a sudden, a shadow casting over her form. Looking up, her eyes met a well-defined chest.


“Can I have a look at some of the photos?” he asked. She wanted to scoff at the request. It was obviously time for his daily dose of an ego boost.


“Sure, no problem,” she relented in a bored tone, holding the camera up to him. He wrapped his large hand around hers, wanting to get a better look, making her frown before pulling the camera back to her. “Don’t touch the camera.”


“Are you being serious?” he asked, a smile gracing his lips, thinking that she was joking.


“Deadly so,” she replied. “Those big hands of yours look clumsy.


“You’re serious,” he said evenly, his smile faltering. “I can assure you that these hands are anything but clumsy,” he said, holding his hands up proudly. For whatever reason, she believed him. “I’ll show you later if you like.”


And to think she was about to hand her camera over. He had done a great job of offending her. “Have a good day Mr. Craft.”


With that, she turned on her heel and left him looking bewildered, obviously not used to being rejected once he had turned on that charm of his. Hoisting her bag from the floor and onto her shoulder, and with her camera in hand, she made her way out of the studio and around the hallways, making her way to the offices, keen on finding her boss so he could see the pictures.


Knocking on Craig’s door, she waited for the faint “come in” before pushing it open and smiling at her boss who sat on a large leather desk chair, the wall behind him full of various photos, a few of which were taken by her. The large desk in front of him was cluttered with papers. Calling him unorganized would be an understatement.


“I’m done with the shoot,” she announced. “Do you want to see the pictures now?”


Craig shook his head and leant back on his chair. “Pick out the best and drop them off later,” giving her one last look before turning his attention back to his paperwork.


Alicia sighed and made her way into her own office. She would go through the pictures, do some touching up and give them back to Craig. Walking through the door, she glanced up at the clock – it was already approaching noon. Her sight landed on some of the pictures that were laid across the desk from a previous shoot. She closed the door behind her, not wanting even the smallest of interruptions of someone passing by and popping their head in for a greeting or inviting her out to lunch. She set her bag on the floor and carefully placed her camera on the desk, stretching her arms up into the air as she let out another sigh. She turned on the computer as she set up her camera, ready to take a closer look at the pictures she had taken earlier on.


A knock on the door echoed throughout the room, disrupting her thoughts. Before she could get any words out, she saw Joe poke his head around the door. He grinned at the shocked look on her face as he walked in without asking for her permission if it was alright for him to do so. She frowned when she noticed her coat slung over his arm.


“You left this,” he said, holding the garment out to her. She didn’t move, stuck for words. “I’ll just leave it here then.” He placed the coat across the side of her desk and made a gesture saying that he was going to leave, but he caught sight of the pictures that were loading onto the computer. Glancing up at her again, he noticed that she was yet to move an inch. She kept her brown eyes glued on him, his arms crossing over his chest when she softly muttered a thank you. “Will you let me look now?” he asked, his hand waving over to the computer.


“Will you leave after?” At his smirk and nod, she relented. “Fine.”


Alicia sat down on her desk chair, her black cotton-jersey mini skirt riding up a few inches to the middle of her thighs as she did. Her long brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She could feel his hot gaze on her back, thinking that it may have been the wrong day to wear that particular sweater she had on, the sheer lace panel in the back giving Joe a view he wasn’t entirely welcome to. With a subtle shake of her head, she started flicking through the pictures. She saw his left hand on the desk next to her, then his right, boxing her in. He hovered above her, dangerously close. She continued clicking as his body lowered even more, bringing his head at a level to hers. She was trapped.


“You’re really good,” he said, his hot breath dancing across her skin.


Whatever fire he ignited within her disappeared when she took the chance to face him as the look in his eyes sent chills up her spine. He had stopped looking at the computer screen a while ago, his attention fully turned on her.


“What are you doing?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.




“Admiring what?”


“You.” The low brogue rumbled close to her ear, perhaps a little too close. Her skin tingled and a dull ache settled between her thighs. She squeezed her legs together, hoping to put a stop to the sensations he was creating just by being so close. He wasn’t supposed to have this big an effect on her.

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