Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (45 page)

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She leaned back against the office chair and slipped her hand beneath her panties, right into her crotch. As her fingers made contact with her pussy, she realized she was already very wet. Perfect. With her eyes fixed on the computer screen, she began to move her fingers. They weren’t inside her yet. Her fingers were simply touching, wandering, and exploring. Her eyes flew to Mr. Russell’s hands, which were planted firmly on the tabletop.


Vicky pictured out it was those hands that were squirming into the space between her panties and crotch. Those strong powerful-looking hands that groped at her wet flesh greedily and hungrily. Her nipples perked up at this thought, and she ran her other hand over them to make them feel they weren’t neglected. She bit her lip and leaned back some more on the office chair. She was completely turned on now. Her breath began to come in short spurts. She was breathing, almost panting, in harsh shallow breaths. Her panting sounds echoed all around the living room. She was alone, but her soft cries didn’t sound lonely.


As she slid one of her fingers inside her soft and moist slit, she shut her eyes. She was into the moment now. Nothing could stop her. Her finger probed and explored every wet inch of her pussy. Vicky was so wet now she could hardly feel her finger moving inside her. She pushed it in even deeper. It hurt a bit, and she cried out loud. The pain went away almost immediately, though, and she resumed her poking and probing. Her slits were dripping with thick fluid now, but she had no intention of stopping. She went on poking and probing and running her flat palm all over her breasts. Her hips seemed to have a life of their own as they started to raise themselves up and move in time with the poking and probing of her finger. Soon her finger was sliding in and out of her. With each thrust her hips rose and fell. In no time, her movements became smooth and she couldn’t help but cry out some more in between thrusts. She was delirious with ecstasy. It was almost like she was fucking someone.




I’m fucking Mr. Russell, Vicky thought. The idea excited her, and she moved her finger and hips faster. She inserted another finger inside her pussy, adding to the mounting pressure she was feeling down there. Two fingers inside her still didn’t feel right, so she slid another finger in. Now she was satisfied. She felt full and stretched, which was how she liked it. With her other hand, she spread her cunt wide open so as to accommodate all the fingers that were inside her. There was also something about having to “force” herself open that made her feel giddy with delight and lust. She resumed her thrusting and humping. Boy, did three fingers ever feel better than one!


Vicky was so absorbed into the moment that she didn’t feel the hands clamping down on her breasts right away. In fact, the second the hands fondled her breasts, she moaned out loud and arched her back so as to give the hands more access to her breast meat. The hands responded by squeezing and pulling at her tits hard, almost to the point of pain, but Vicky didn’t mind. Her sexual experience may be far and few, but when she had them, she almost always went down the rough and wild route.


It was only a few minutes later when she realized she was no longer alone. The hands digging into her breasts couldn’t be hers, as hers were too busy playing with her most private spot down there.


Her lusty mood snapped, and she opened her eyes in surprise. Her hands were still buried beneath her panties and into her crotch, so she was beyond horrified when she looked up and found herself looking right into Mr. Russell’s clear blue eyes.


Vicky was stunned. She was so horrified she was unable to do anything for a few seconds but stare up and back at those baby blues. Her mouth opened and closed, like that of a fish out of the water and struggling to catch its breath. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest, and her hands—which have been squirming frantically beneath her panties for several minutes now—became still. She wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole. She couldn’t believe her employer had caught her playing with herself. Then she thought of the wallpaper on the desktop computer, and she gasped. Mr. Russell might think she had been snooping around!


The shock wore off, and she opened her mouth to speak. But Mr. Russell got to her first and placed a finger over her lips, shutting her up.


“Ssshh,” Mr. Russell said softly. The finger over Vicky’s lips went down her chin, where it travelled down her neck and over her breasts. Vicky’s breath hitched, and she took another deep breath. She found she could speak this time.


“Mr. Russell, this isn’t what you think it is,” she began. But Mr. Russell’s finger found its way over her lips again, and she had to quit speaking.




“I know, Vicky,” Mr. Russell said quietly. “I’ve always known you were a silent little slut. Isn’t that what you are, a slut?” He gave her nipple a hard pinch, and she gasped.


“Yes, Mr. Russell, I am a slut,” Vicky answered, moaning once more as Mr. Russell gave her another hard tweak on the nipple. He was hurting her, but she didn’t want to let him on that she was in pain. Besides, there was something about the nipple pinching that excited her. There was pain, yes, but there was also a kind of sexual excitement that came with each hard pinch.


Mr. Russell went around the office chair so that he was now facing Vicky. He had to duck under her legs as these were still planted on the table, beside each end of the computer. Now he was in front of Vicky and on his knees. She stared at her boss, so huge and towering yet so vulnerable as he knelt between her legs—and her pussy, which still had her hands trapped in them.


He gently removed her hands from beneath her panties, and Vicky let him. He grabbed her wrists gently and brought her hands close to his nose. He sniffed at the fluid-encrusted digits. He inhaled deeply. Then, to Vicky’s surprise, he took her hands in his mouth and began to suck on them.


She was stunned at this sudden display of sexual affection. She had expected Mr. Russell to give her a lecture she would never forget and then fire her after he had given her his piece. She had never expected him to take her come-covered hands into his mouth and suck on them like his life depended on it. She had never had her hands and fingers sucked on. The sensation was foreign to Vicky, but it brought her arousal back to life. She welcomed it. She let her arousal take over, and when she couldn’t take the sensations that were running up and down her spine any longer, she gave in and let the cries and moans escape her lips.


“Don’t stop, Mr. Russell,” she moaned out loud. “Please, please don’t stop.”


“I see you’ve been snooping around, Vicky,” Mr. Russell murmured as he licked the juice off her index finger.


“No, it was an accident,” Vicky whimpered.


“It doesn’t matter,” Mr. Russell said. He abruptly stopped licking her finger and quickly let go of her wrists, dropping them into her lap. Now he stared straight at Vicky, her clear blue eyes piercing Vicky’s dark ones. He licked his lips as he looked at her, making her feel slightly uncomfortable for a while but not for long. He placed his hands on top of her legs and pushed them farther apart. Vicky’s legs only had so much room to move, but she let him move them nevertheless. Her arousal was back in full force now. She was so consumed by lust for this man, for her employer. Her long-hidden feelings of desire for Mr. Russell all woke up at once, consuming her flesh and eating away at her every thought. She had to have this man. She no longer cared of the consequences, whatever they were, but she had to have this man.




Mr. Russell echoed the thoughts that had been running around Vicky’s head. He looked down at her panties, so drenched with her juices. He bent down and kissed the large dark spot on the crotch of her panties. She shivered in delight. He bit on the waistband of her panties and brought them down her hips gently, removing them out of the way so that her bare pussy was completely clear for him to do whatever he wanted to do to it.


Vicky moaned. Her desire, her lust was spiraling out of control now. Her hips bucked, and she raised them, bringing them closer to his face. He moved away slightly, teasing her then his face grew serious once again. His hands found her hips, and he pushed them back down into the office chair. She writhed, shaking from side to side, wanting to break free from his hold so she could bring herself closer to him once again.


“Stay put!” Mr. Russell barked harshly. Vicky had no choice but to obey his brisk command. Whimpering, she sat where she was, no longer attempting to do anything.


“Mr. Russell, please,” she whispered. “I . . . I can’t take it anymore. I want you inside me now.”


Mr. Russell answered by lowering his head flicking his tongue at the wet mound of Vicky’s most private organ. His tongue burned Vicky. She gave several soft moans, and against her will, her hips moved again. She looked down at her boss just in time to see him spread her lips apart and plunge his tongue inside her slippery crack. The sight and the sensation set off her libido even more, and she had to bite her lip so as not to cry out loud. Heavens knew how much she wanted to scream out loud and kick at everything in sight, anything to get the growing burning desire off her. She did cry out loud when his tongue probed deep into her. However, he withdrew his tongue from inside her. He looked up at her again, running his tongue over his lips.


“You taste just as good as I thought you would,” Mr. Russell said softly. “My, my. We should’ve done this sooner, Vicky, don’t you think?” He reached out and caressed her cheek with one hand.


Vicky could only nod in reply. She was so full now; she felt she was about to burst from all the pleasure that was now shooting up from every inch of her. Her pussy was now about to explode. She knew she was going to come right now, with or without Mr. Russell’s tongue—or his dick, as she had hoped at first.


Mr. Russell went right back to doing his business. His lips clamped over her pussy this time, sucking on the delicate flesh that was becoming increasingly moist with what his mouth was doing. At the same time, with his mouth over her pussy, he inserted a finger into her crack, adding to the intense sensations. Vicky was beyond herself now. She grabbed at Mr. Russell’s hair and pulled hard. She was going crazy, and she needed something to hold on to lest she fall off the chair and start doing crazy things on the floor. Mr. Russell groaned harshly in response to her hair tugging. He thrust his tongue and finger deeper into Vicky.




“Mr. Russell, I can’t . . .” she managed to get out between moans and pants. She gave off another series of cries as he inserted another finger inside her cunt.


Mr. Russell’s tongue moved more rapidly inside Vicky. His tongue thrust in and out of her pussy, in perfect timing to the thrusting motions also made by his two fingers inside her. Vicky raised and lowered her hips in time with the thrusts of his tongue and fingers. Her breath came out in short gasps. Sweat covered her whole body. Her dark-brown hair was matted and slick with sweat, but she didn’t care. For Vicky, nothing mattered but the explosive pleasure-filled sensation down there. She was drowning in it. She focused on nothing but the feel of Mr. Russell’s mouth, tongue, and fingers sliding in and out her pussy. It was driving her wild. Her eyeballs rolled, and she shut her eyes. Her hands no longer pulled at his hair, but she gripped his thick golden strands tightly, not wanting to let go. She raised her hips again, pushing her pussy deeper into Mr. Russell, wanting him to bury his face right into her essence. She was very close to bursting out of her seams now.


“I can’t,” she gasped. “Mr. Russell, I’m really—”


Her words were too late. Her body went into motion before she even realized it. She shut her eyes and gave off a controlled kind of scream. Her body went rigid as she spurted off her exotic juices, right into Mr. Russell’s face. She shuddered as the shakes went through her, sending her into a kind of shaking frenzy while her muscles clenched and unclenched, spewing forth clear thick liquid. But he didn’t shirk away as she first expected. On the contrary, Mr. Russell appeared glad and eager to be in the receiving end of Vicky’s erotic fluids. He brought his face closer to her cunt and opened his mouth wider over her private cave, as if to drink her juices whole and right from the source. This turned Vicky on some more, and she surrendered to the new set of shakes that coursed through her body. She felt some of her fluids slide down beneath her; she was giving off too much come. She was just completely turned on.

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