Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (70 page)

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Her eyes widened at the sight. Nothing could have prepared her for that. She looked around to see if someone else was with them inside the room. She felt conscious although they were in one of the private dining areas for two.


Ricardo moved towards her, like a predator hunting its prey, his dark eyes glinting with desire. He grabbed her by the arm, pulled her up from the chair, took the seat and positioned Clara in front of him, pushing her down to a kneeling position.


“If you’re not going to eat anymore,” he started in that low, baritone of his, “Then I think this will do for dessert.”


When she knelt down, her skirts gathered around her hips. It was slightly uncomfortable for her so she pulled it up a bit, exposing her naked ass. The tiled floor was a little too cold for her bare skin but she really didn’t mind. The heat which pooled in her middle was slowly warming everything else.


Besides that, the look Ricardo gave her would be enough to heat the whole room up.


He had his way with her earlier. She was in the mood to tease now. “What should I do with this?” she asked him, settling more comfortably in between his legs. She used her manicured forefinger and ran it over his penis from the base up to the tip then back to his hairy crotch and swollen balls.


It twitched under her touch which was accompanied by an audible clearing of his throat. “You can do anything you want, cara.”


“Anything?” she repeated with a pout which he answered with just a slight nod of the head.


At that, she held his thick penis in her palms, weighing the heaviness of it, awed with the steely hardness covered in soft, pliant skin. The pad of her thumb circled the smooth, circumcised tip. She felt a drop of pre-cum when she squeezed it.


“Pay-back time?” he breathed out, his lids half-closed.


Clara grinned. “I think it’s just fair.”


She encircled his penis with her right hand and started to rub it, up and down, up and down, until it reddened in color. Ricardo’s head dropped back, his breathing becoming quick and labored.


Every time she would lick her dry lips and come closer to his cock, he would thrust his hips slightly, wanting her mouth to touch him. But she would retreat a bit, grinning to herself, but continuing the massage.


Now, she sandwiched his cock in both her palms and gently rubbed. The friction was giving him pleasure but she knew that he wanted more. Although his eyes was shut tight, his mouth was twisted in frenzy and his hands were gripping the arm rests of the chair.


“Dio mio, cara, that is so good,” she heard him groan out. It was followed a long litany of other Italian words. She didn’t understand what he was saying but it sounded so amazingly sexy that she had to curl one hand over his penis, open her legs a bit, and start playing with her lubricated clit at the same time.


He saw what she did so he pulled her hand from her very wet vagina and took it to his mouth, making her groan. “Cara, you are pleasuring me, remember? If you are good with this, I’ll give you your due later.” he said, his voice filled with sensual promise.


Because of that, she opened her mouth as wide as she could, grabbed the lower half of his penis with her hand and sucked the upper half vigorously.


His hands went straight to clutch her head steady as his hips went up and down the chair, helping her to get his penis in and out of her mouth. She was trying to accommodate more of him, bit by bit, however difficult it was.


Deep throat wasn’t her specialty and with Ricardo’s cock, it was almost impossible. But she wanted to do it to him because it might mean hard fucking for her pussy later.


And then Clara heard the deep grunt escaping his throat which signaled that he was coming soon. She can feel the thick penis trembling in her mouth. Before she could decide to swallow or not, his hands held her in position and he spewed his semen into her mouth straight down her throat.


She swallowed and continued to eagerly suck his cock until it was red, chafed and clean. For that, he carried her onto the table, opened her legs wide and inserted three long fingers into her passage while his thumb sensitized her clit. When she came, he licked her vagina until all her viscous juices were in his mouth.




“Sorry we do not have time for going to that new bar you were talking about.” he said apologetically, opening the door of her apartment and assisting her in, his arms snaked around her waist.


She shrugged. She was tired for everything but quite energetic for something else. His cum, to her, was like an elixir for hardcore fucking. And she was oh-so ready for so much more.


Ricardo assisted her to the couch laying her down. He then took the small knit blanket on the back rest, covered her with it and then sat down beside her.


“You owe me one, Ricardo.” she reminded him. “Pussy-eating is not enough, you know.”


That made him smile. “Just rest for a while,” he told her, his eyes glinting devilishly. “I have some great adventures in store for you.”


With just that statement alone, Clara’s pussy was wet once more. “I’d like that.” she agreed.


“Great,” then he stood up and retrieved the phone from his inner jacket pocket. “So you will need some rest for what I have in mind. I just need to make a call.” Then he went into the kitchen and left her there.


She swiped the blanket off her and started to peel the tight dress off her. All that was left was her bra and her stilettos. She walked to her room and lay down on her bed, opening her legs wide to tickle her clit.


Ah, that felt good. Ricardo’s penis was so big so she’ll ready herself now so he can come inside her to the hilt.


Rest?! Ha!


She’ll show him that Clara Mason does not need any sort of rest when it comes to having sex. Jarvis lasts only once a night and then he’s off to snoozing but she often wanted more. And then he has grown cold recently, having sex with her only when she asks for it.


It was amazing to her that the thought of Jarvis did not sober her up. Maybe a part of her brain is sure that he is cheating on her and the other half just won’t admit it. Oh well, she carelessly thought to herself, at least Ricardo is here.


In the middle of her moans, she heard a faint knock followed by Ricardo’s voice saying, “I’ll get it.”


She didn’t have time to respond to that since she built her need up, inserting her two fingers in her soaking passage. Her eyes were tightly shut as her other hand handled her own vagina and the other stroked her breasts and pinched her nipples.


Clara didn’t notice anyone come in until she felt the scrape of large breasts over her face. She opened her eyes and saw her friend Jeanette smiling at her.


“Hey you!” she greeted, her voice already husky. And before Clara can react, her head dipped to lick and suck on her nipples.


Clara’s surprise was etched in her face but it was soon replaced by sheer desire for so much more. In the haze of pleasure, she saw Ricardo positioned in the foot of the bed. His clothes were already off. Her breath was caught in her throat, seeing the lean tight muscles of his shoulders, chest and abdomen.


His body inched unhurriedly over her, his hands sliding over her feet, up her legs and thighs until it reached the moist juncture where her fingers were. With leisurely movements, he took her hands off the spot and cupped it with his palm.


“Ah, cara,” he murmured, his fingers going inside the tight and slick passage. “You are so lovely.” He glanced at Jeanette still fondling and sucking on Clara’s breast and nipples. “Eat Jeanette’s pussy.” he ordered.


Her friend immediately positioned herself over Clara’s face. She can smell the tasty sweetness of her pussy and, with a bit more urging from Ricardo’s hands, Clara held on to Jeanette’s hips and assaulted the shaven, swollen and soaking lips with her mouth and tongue.


When Ricardo heard Jeanette’s loud groans, he raised Clara’s legs until each rested on top of his shoulders and rammed his thick penis into her.


Clara screamed but it was a bit muffled since her face was on Jeanette’s shaved mound.


“Ah you are so tight, cara!” he said savagely, pounding hard into her. His hands went to caress her breasts which were left unattended for quite a long time. The bed was rocking with all their exertions. 


Without any warning, Ricardo pushed Jeanette to the side where she lay supine, her legs wide, her expression stunned. He pulled her by the leg so that her face was near his cock. “Suck me!” he ordered her Jeanette, and she did.


Clara whimpered in agony when his penis left her passage. But as Jeanette was working on his thick member, Ricardo inserted three fingers in her pussy and licked her clit. Her hips bucked at that.


“Play with her pussy!” Ricardo told Clara. And she extended her hand so that she can reach the wet and swollen lips of her friend. She tickled, rubbed and stroked her friend’s pussy until she too was moaning.


It was so difficult to think. She only wanted to feel. When her body was close to climax, Ricardo pushed Jeanette to the bed once more and he stood over in between their bodies which were twisting and thrashing in utter desire.


He held his penis and told the two of them to open their mouths. When they did, he discharged his clear-colored semen on their faces and made them lick his cock clean, simultaneously.




 “Let’s do this again,” Clara heard Ricardo whisper in her ear. She looked at him and over his head, noticing that Jeanette was on her side and sleeping very soundly. Ricardo slipped his arm beneath her neck while the other lay across her naked abdomen. One of his legs also came up over her legs.


She smiled at him. “Sure, we can schedule so that all three of us are free and-”

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