Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

12-Alarm Cowboys (161 page)

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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fter the fire
was put out, the rains came. In a few days, Titan and Makenna rode out to survey the damage. “We’ll have to feed the cattle hay and grain for the rest of the year.”

“Can we make it?” she asked.

“Piece of cake,” he assured her. Compared to what they’d been through, compared to the prospect of losing her—nothing seemed insurmountable. Damien was behind bars and Makenna was safe with him.

When they arrived back at the house, a brown mail delivery truck was waiting. “They’re here!” he announced happily.

“What’s here?” Makenna asked as she watched Titan dismount and stride over to accept a package.

“He left me up here,” she grumbled, becoming amused at herself as she tried to get down off the tall horse.

“Be careful, baby!” He grabbed her just before her feet hit the ground. This was becoming a habit.

“What’s in the box?” she asked with curiosity. He looked like the big cat that ate the canary.

“Come in and I’ll show you.”

Like a kid with a really good secret, he herded her toward the door. When she was inside, sitting on his couch, he sat beside her. “Give me your knife.” He held out his hand.

“I’m never without it.” She took it from her pocket and offered it to him, lying in the palm of her hand.

He smiled, cutting the tape and pulling the top off. “Now cover your eyes.”

She did, listening to him moving around. “What are you doing?”


“Titan!” she squealed, removing one hand and holding it out, keeping her eyes covered with the other one.

“Now what are you doing?” he asked her teasingly.

“Uh, usually men ask for a woman’s ‘hand’ in marriage…” she spoke uncertainly.

“I don’t need your hand,” Titan spoke slowly.


“I need your pretty little foot.”

She felt him pick up one leg, his big hand holding her right above the ankle. He slipped off her shoe. “What are you doing?”

Makenna felt something being placed on her foot, then he began to do the same with the other leg. “Makenna Tess Flynn,” he said her name reverently when he was finished. “Will you marry me? Will you be my wife?”

Opening her eyes, she looked down and on her feet was the beautiful pair of white cowboy boots she’d imagined wearing to their wedding. Tears came out of nowhere. “You are the perfect man.” She cupped his cheek, kissing his sweet lips. “Yes, yes, I will marry you. I want nothing more in this world than to belong to you.”

“You already do,” he whispered. “You always have.” He sat back, smiling at her. “I ordered the boots right after you told me about them. I want to marry you at the vineyard and I want you to wear these boots and a beautiful white dress. And don’t worry, you’ll still get a ring.”

Slipping from her seat, she joined him on her knees. “All I want is you. I love you, Titan Sloan. I love you more than my heart can hold.” She threw her arms around his neck and Titan clasped her close, closing his eyes.

Dreams do come true. He had the proof in his arms.

The End

If you liked TEXAS WILDFIRE – Book 2 of TEXAS HEROES will be:


The letters C. H. A. O. S. don’t just refer to reality out of control, it’s an alert – the Chief Has Arrived On Scene! Logan Gray is that chief. He covers the ground he stands on and people show respect when he walks by. At 38, Logan is a confirmed bachelor. While he may adore the young Jenna from afar, at 20, he considers her to be a lifetime too young for him.

Jenna is of another opinion. Logan Gray is everything to her. He rescued her from a fire at 16. His parents took her in when she had nothing and no one. Raised on his Gray Wolf guest ranch, Jenna learns how to trick-ride and perform in the rodeo. When Logan’s not looking, she even loves to try her hand at bull-riding. And now, she is ready to go after what she wants most – Logan Gray.

Ignoring the fact that his heart and body craves Jenna like a drug, Logan does what he thinks is best and gently turns her down. What happens next turns his world on end. Logan learns that love can’t be defined by a number and life without Jenna is no life at all.

Here’s the link to the series.

About the Author

Sable Hunter writes romance, some of it quite spicy. She writes what she likes to read and enjoys putting her fantasies on paper. Her stories are emotional reads where the heroine is faced with challenges, like one of her favorite songs – she’s holding out for a hero – and boy, can she deliver a hero. Her aim is to write a story that will make you laugh, cry and sweat. If she can wring those emotions out of a reader, then she has done her job.

She has spent time in south Louisiana along the mysterious bayous where the Spanish moss hangs thickly over the dark waters. The culture of Louisiana has shaped her outlook on life and made its way into her novels where the supernatural is entirely normal. Presently, Sable lives in Texas and spends most of her time in wild and wonderful Austin. She is passionate about animals and has been known to charm creatures from a one ton bull to a family of raccoons. For fun, Sable has been known to haunt cemeteries and battlefields armed with night-vision cameras and digital recorders hunting proof that love survives beyond the grave.

Join her in her world of magic, alpha heroes, sexy cowboys and hot, steamy, to-die-for sex. Step into the shoes of her heroines and escape to places where dreams can come true and orgasms only come in multiples.

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Sable’s Books

Get hot and bothered!!!

Hell Yeah!

Cowboy Heat

Hot on Her Trail

Her Magic Touch

Brown Eyed Handsome Man


Burning Love

Forget Me Never

I’ll See You In My Dreams

Finding Dandi

Skye Blue

I’ll Remember You

True Love’s Fire


Welcome To My World

How to Rope a McCoy

One Man’s Treasure

You Are Always on My Mind

Moon Magic Series

A Wishing Moon

Sweet Evangeline

Hill Country Heart Series

Unchained Melody

Scarlet Fever

Bobby Does Dallas

Dixie Dreaming

Come With Me

Pretty Face

Texas Heat Series


My Aliyah

El Camino Real Series

A Breath of Heaven

Loving Justice

For A Hero

Green With Envy (It’s Just Sex Book 1)

Love’s Magic Spell

Wolf Call

Cowboy 12 Pack: Twelve-Novel Boxed Set

Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)

Be My Love Song

Hot in the Saddle

Heroes in the Saddle, Book 1

Randi Alexander


Copyright © 2015 Randi Alexander


Edited by E Felder


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to place of purchase and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the web – without permission in writing from the author.

Chapter One

reven Arnett pulled
his white straw cowboy hat down tighter on his head as a breeze blew across the infield of Wild Oak Speedway. The roar of the super stock cars’ engines surrounded him as drivers jockeyed for the lead in the race’s final laps. Dirt track racing had become his favorite live sport now that this part of Texas had installed its very own oval.

He’d volunteered to serve on the firefighting crew today, and had put in his hours during the morning race. Despite all the work he needed to get done at his ranch, here he sat, sipping a beer with another off-duty firefighter, watching the end of the race.

“One more, buddy?” Treven’s friend Clint reached into his cooler and pulled out a can of brew, water dripping from both the beer and Clint’s hand.

Treven could almost taste another ice cold pilsner slipping down his throat, but he shook his head. He needed to get home and get some work done. “Thanks, but I should get moving. The horses don’t breed themselves.”

Clint laughed as he opened the beer then ran his wet fingers through his short blond hair. “Not in this day and age, they don’t.”

The dozen thoroughbreds Treven owned and/or stabled on his property three miles away kept him busy and in property-tax and vet-bill money, but he had to work his ass off twelve to sixteen hours a day, most days.

“Ms. Delta Pennington.” The announcer’s voice blared from the speakers. “Our southern belle in the number thirteen car has taken third place from Randy Vinter, and is moving up fast to challenge Beau Trudeaux for second.”

Treven had gotten a peek at the lovely Ms. Delta as she’d inspected her car before the race. With her sunglasses on, he couldn’t see her trademark eyes, but her brown hair touched her shoulders in thick layers, and those sexy bangs blew around her forehead. She’d looked at him for long moments, nodded, then moved on.

Delta being the first woman to compete on this new track, Treven hoped she’d take first, or at least one of the top positions. He liked that she went after her passion in a male-centered world like stock car racing.

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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