Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

12-Alarm Cowboys (19 page)

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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“Okay, Billy.” Odds were her son would get scared and would be looking for her an hour after the cowboys went to sleep anyway. But she didn’t want Billy wandering around the ranch on his own. “If you change your mind though, I want you to wake Rand up and have him bring you to the house.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Billy yelled, throwing himself at her, sending her staggering back with his arms wrapped around her waist. “Thank you, Mom,” he mumbled into her hip.

“You’re welcome, baby,” Sunny replied around the knot in her throat.

But Billy wasn’t a baby anymore. He was growing up, and maybe this would be her first step toward accepting that. He’d never slept away from her before, and although this wasn’t really away—the bunkhouse was only a quarter mile or so from the big house—he wouldn’t be sleeping under the same roof as her. Emotion shot to her eyes, and she hugged him to her.

“Let’s get out of here, before she changes her mind, Billy,” Rand grumbled as he bent to pick up the pile of sticks he’d dropped. He and Billy walked toward the golf cart, and Austin picked up the axe to follow them. Sunny stood there watching the dip and sway of his tight ass, which was lovingly cupped by his snug cowboy-cut blue jeans. Her palms tingled, and she curled her fingers into them.

What the hell was her fixation with this man? Why was this arrogant, bossy cowboy the man to wake up the sleeping beast of her desire after five years of hibernation?

“That should be enough wood for a good bonfire,” Austin commented with a smile, as he snatched his shirt from the tree limb when he walked by. He took off his hat to pull the shirt over his head, then dragged it down. Saddened, Sunny watched his delicious body disappear under the black cloth. God, if she could, she’d burn every shirt he owned in that bonfire tonight. It was almost a sin for him to wear one.

“I’ve never been to a bonfire,” Sunny mumbled, her mouth working on its own, as Austin turned and her gaze fixed on his mouth.
Please give Austin permission to kiss you, Mommy
. Gladly, baby—he just needs to get a little closer for that to happen.

“You’re doing it again,” Austin growled, and Sunny’s eyes flew up to his.

“Doing what?” she whispered, drowning in the hot gray pools.

“Sweet tea,” he replied, his eyes falling to her mouth.

“I am thirsty,” Sunny admitted, licking her lips, because her mouth was bone dry from her short, quick and very excited breaths as Austin gravitated toward her.

He put his hands on her shoulders, and anticipation built inside of Sunny as his head lowered toward hers. His heat and delicious earthy scent surrounded her, Sunny’s lips buzzed along with her body, he opened his mouth and Sunny’s fell open too. Instead of feeling his flesh pressed to hers though, she felt the vibration of his words on her lips.

“I’d kiss you, Sunshine, your eyes are begging for it, but I wouldn’t want to be accused of being a kiss stealer again.” She sensed his smile, wanted to taste it. “This time I’ll need your permission first.”

This man set off every bell and whistle inside of her that said be careful, he’s magnetic like Jason was because he’s had lots of practice, with lots of women. But Sunny wasn’t listening. She was tired of being careful, and she was tired of letting what Jason had done to her control her life. It was time for her to take a chance.
Cowboys are never mean to women
. A calculated risk.

Sunny’s breath hitched, and she tilted her chin to bring her mouth closer to his. “Kiss me, cowboy,” she whispered, rubbing her lips against his, starting flash fires inside her body.

With a groan, Austin shoved his hand into her hair, pulled her mouth to his and her lips parted on a sigh. His tongue crept in to find hers and with a moan, Sunny lapped up his heat, sucked at the salty-sweetness of his lips, took him deeper as liquid desire washed over her. Her hand slid up his damp chest to his neck. His pulse pounding against her palm told her he was just as affected as she was. Austin’s hand landed on her hip and he jerked her body flush with his, pressing his erection into the crevice at the top of her thighs to verify that.

His hot breath filled her mouth as he nipped her lips, sucked them, feasted on her mouth. Sunny moaned, circled her hips against him, leaned in to rub her aching nipples against his hard chest. She lost track of time and place as he continued to kiss her, jutted his hips in time with hers, mimicked the action with his tongue in and out of her mouth. Tension built inside her body turning those flash fires into an inferno of need.

With a groan, she dragged her mouth from his, breathing hard. “Where’s that line shack?” she asked looking into his fathomless dilated eyes. Nostrils flared, Austin sucked in a sharp breath, and his fingers dug deep into her hip.

“We can’t,” he said with regret.

Sunny’s body deflated, the fires banked and she felt a little bit rejected. Here she was offering herself to him, and she must’ve misread his signals.
Or maybe he had a girlfriend
! Her hands fell away and she staggered back.

Was he just like Jason? “Do you have a girlfriend?” Sunny asked, wrapping her arms around her middle, not able to keep the accusation from her tone.

Austin frowned, and his eyebrows crashed down over his eyes. “Hell
—I wouldn’t have been kissing you if I had a damned girlfriend,” Austin replied, sounding insulted. “It’s getting dark, and if we don’t head back, they’ll come back out here looking for us. I don’t want Billy or your brother catching us.” Back stiff, he walked past her to the edge of the trees where he’d tied the horses and led them back over to hand Sunny her horse’s reins. Without a word, he turned and walked out into the pasture. Regret pouring through her, body still buzzing with endorphins, Sunny followed.

Not every man is like Jason
. Sunny needed to remember that, but she also needed to remember that they weren’t all like Austin McBride either.

If it seems too good to be true, it usually is

This sexy, arrogant cowboy definitely seemed to fit that old saying, so she didn’t need to let her guard down with him quite yet. If he gave her the opportunity, she’d definitely have sex with him though. What man turned down a willing woman?

Austin McBride just had. And he didn’t have a girlfriend.

Maybe he was gay, she thought with a laugh, looking at his back. He kissed you, you idiot, like he wanted to sop you up with a biscuit—he’s
gay. And that kiss said he was definitely interested in having sex with you. He just hadn’t wanted to hurt her son or embarrass her with her brother. Too good to be true.

But oh so damned good

That bonfire tonight wouldn’t be anything compared to the one this man had started inside of her. Now, Austin McBride just needed to use that hose of his to put it out.

Chapter Ten

ull on hotdogs,
Sunny had no idea how she was going to eat the s’more that Austin was showing her how to make with the crispy marshmallow he’d just toasted. She wasn’t really paying attention though, because she was too busy studying how the orange flames highlighted the angles of his face, accentuated the shadows, to make him even more handsome, if that was possible.

To Sunny, he looked much better than that dessert he was making for her right then. Even with the chocolate that was oozing out of the sides of the two crackers. Of course the two beers she’d had with her hotdogs could account for her fascination too. Sunny felt light inside, lethargic, and totally tuned in to the man kneeling beside the fire. Much more relaxed than she’d felt in a very long time, but entirely too tense too. In a good way.

“Thanks for making me come out here,” she said, surprising herself.

Austin’s eyes swung her way, and it was obvious he was surprised too. “You needed it, and so did Billy,” he replied, smiling as he handed her the crackers.

“I don’t take off much,” she admitted, staring at the marshmallow and chocolate ooze, contemplating whether it would mix with the beer or not. The last thing she wanted to do right then was harsh her buzz, or get ill. Sunny had plans, if she ever managed to get this man alone.

“If you don’t take care of yourself, how in the hell can you take care of Billy?” Austin asked, sitting back against the log beside her. “If you burn out, where will he be? Your job is a stressful one, you need time away. Trust me, I know.”

Her eyes darted across the fire to Billy who was sitting on a log beside Rand while he taught him how to tie knots in a short length of rope. Camron and Dyson seemed engrossed in conversation while they sipped their beer. The other ranch hand, Ransom, just nursed his beer while he watched the flames. After shaking hands when Austin introduced them, the cowboys hadn’t been very conversational with her or with Rand.

I want to meet the guys tonight and see if we click
. To her, it didn’t look like that was happening, but these were men. They operated differently than women when making friends. God, she hoped they clicked and Rand would take Austin up on his job offer.

Rand took it in stride though, and focused on keeping Billy occupied instead of at least trying to interact with the guys, which surprised Sunny. She had to wonder if Austin had anything to do with her brother helping out with Billy. Whatever the reason though, she was thankful.

The break today had been very nice. Happiness and peace settled into her bones, and Sunny raised her arms over head to stretch and enjoy it. Her mouth opened on a wide yawn, and ended in a smile.

“Eat that s’more,” Austin said gruffly, his eyes focused on her chest when Sunny looked back at him. “You need to go to bed.”

“I’m not tired, just relaxed.” Sunny smiled, then popped the s’more into her mouth. Her taste buds went haywire trying to process the sugary deliciousness and she moaned. Austin stiffened beside her as she chewed then licked the stray remnants of marshmallow and chocolate from her lips then her fingers.

A low-pitched growl made her eyes swing to his. They were dark and mysterious, totally unreadable under the brim of his black hat in the flickering light. But Austin McBride’s words were totally understandable, and so was his hand that landed on her thigh right above her knee to dig into her flesh sending fire shooting up her leg.

“I’m not tired either, but I’m ready for
,” he grumbled, squeezing tighter. “Hurry up.”

Flames shot through Sunny, melting her inside as surely as that marshmallow had melted in the bonfire. She swallowed down the last of the s’more, brushed her hands, then scrambled up to her feet, her heart pounding in her ears.

Austin stood, then looked across the fire. “We’re heading up to the house in the golf cart. Be sure to hose down the fire before y’all go to bed,” he said, grabbing her hand tight.

Before anyone responded, Austin zoned in on the golf cart and dragged her behind him toward it. Sunny had never been into the alpha cavemen type, but Austin’s sense of urgency, the excitement that buzzed off of him as he shoved her into the golf cart excited her. No man had ever been as desperate as this one seemed to have sex with her. But there was no way he could want her as badly as she wanted him at the moment. This was a fireworks show waiting to happen between them, and if the sparks between them, the tension in Austin’s body as he gripped the wheel of the cart were any indication it would be

The cart bumped over a few potholes, before it settled and they moved out of the light from the barn. As soon as they did, Austin’s eyes swung to her again. “Take your damned clothes off,” he growled, and Sunny shivered, but thought surely she’d heard him wrong.

“What?” she asked with a laugh, a wave of red hot lava coursing through her as her eyes darted to the empty pastures on either side of the road.

,” he repeated, hoarsely. “I want you naked by the time we get to the house.”

“But we’re out in the open,” Sunny informed, because it sounded like Austin didn’t realize that fact.

. It,” he grated, and another delicious shiver snaked through her as Sunny reached for the button on her jeans. “Shirt and bra first,” he barked, giving her a quick glance. “I want to see those gorgeous breasts bounce.”

? Only a man who’d never been with an almost thirty-year-old woman who’d breastfed a baby would ask for that. Sunny’s breasts were a lot more ‘bouncy’ than they used to be, even though she had two years left before she hit thirty. The potholes on this road alone were jarring her teeth. She couldn’t imagine how that would feel to her unbound breasts, much less how they’d look. A ridiculous giggle tickled her throat then exploded into the night.

“Only a man would ask that. I don’t want black eyes, so let’s just wait til we get into the house, cowboy.” Sunny relaxed back against the seat, but Austin slammed on the brake, slinging her forward in the seat. She grabbed the dash to steady herself as the cart skidded to a stop.

He turned in the seat to face her, his jaw tight in the moonlight. “Take your damned clothes off, Sunshine,” he growled reaching for his belt, to unfasten the buckle. “I’m not going to make it into the house.” His eyes fell on her breasts again, to burn holes through her t-shirt as his hand moved to his fly to stroke his obviously engorged cock.

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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