Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

12-Alarm Cowboys (55 page)

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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“We’re not dying here,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You don’t have to make good before you meet your maker.”

“I know that,” he said, his lips twisting in sneer. “Just wanted you to know. The Black Cats were a bit of overkill, though, don’t you think?”

“Yeah.” She grimaced. “One would have done the job. It’s all I planned to light. But then the match was lit, and I knew one of the adults would look for more once they came to investigate. I didn’t want to get caught with them. And you really had pissed me off.”

Tater grinned. “I almost peed myself.”

She smiled back. “Would have been hard to hide in your tighty-whities.”

They laughed, and then she heard splashing nearby. Hoping the arrival was one of the team and not a cougar escaping the smoke, she turned.

Jeremiah waded toward them. His narrowed gaze went to their hands.

Tater withdrew his hand first. “You said to make sure she came.”

“I did.” Jeremiah’s gaze flicked to her.

Carly shrugged. “He likes me.”

,” Tater said. “Before you nearly killed me.”

Carly’s grin dimmed at Jeremiah’s deepening frown. “The fire run the rim?”

He shook his head. “No, never rose that high. Besides, I wasn’t that worried. I had people standing by. And the fire’s nearly out.”

She glanced around, and yes, the smoke did seem a little thinner. “Where’s the rest of the team?”

“Farther upstream.”

“Good.” Carly wished he’d lose the scowl, which made her nervous. “How long—”

“Tater, would you mind moving downstream a bit?”

Carly clamped her mouth shut. He wasn’t even trying to be polite. When they were alone, she faced Jeremiah with her arms crossed over her chest. “What is with you?”

“It’s not what. It’s who.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her against his chest.

His mouth slammed against hers, and she tasted a little blood from the impact against her teeth, but she didn’t mind so much. At last, Jeremiah was communicating. And she talked back, climbing his body to wrap her legs around his waist as he continued to ravage her mouth.

When he finally pulled back, he was breathing hard. “I didn’t like leaving you.”

“What? Were you afraid Tater would leave me in the middle of the blaze out of revenge?”

“I heard that!” came Tater’s voice from somewhere in the smoky distance.

“Butt out!” she bellowed.

Jeremiah’s frown deepened, but a laugh shook his chest. “Do you argue over everything?”

She stopped herself from giving him a stinging retort. “I guess.”

“I don’t mind so much,” he said, sounding surprised. One of his hands cradled the back of her head as he stared down into her face. “You’re pretty loud doing everything.”

“Not nice.” She couldn’t keep from narrowing her gaze.

“Heard that, too!” Chuckles echoed over the water.

“Butt out!” Jeremiah called toward the disembodied voice. When he glanced back down, he was smiling.

Something inside her seemed to click into place. Right man. Right moment. Carly put her arms around his neck and hugged him before she said something she’d regret.

His arms closed tighter, and he kissed her temple. “I think I drowned my radio.”

“Then we won’t be interrupted.” Carly kissed him, sharing her happiness in the moment, giving him everything in that kiss. They’d be all right. She knew it. Certain as the sun piercing the smoky haze.

When she broke the kiss, she returned his steady stare. “We still have a fire to work. Sooner it’s out, the sooner we can go home.” And then she winced a little over her word choice. She’d sounded presumptuous—and she didn’t have the right to take anything for granted.

“You’re right,” he drawled. “We need to get home. To

“I’m not pushing,” she whispered, running a finger along his jaw. “I spoke before I thought.”

“I want you to push,” he said quietly, his expression sober. “Because then I’ll know you’re just as far gone as I am.”

Splashes sounded right behind Jeremiah. Tater clapped a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a brave man,” he said as he passed, giving Carly a wink.

Carly leaned back and laughed, feeling lighter and more carefree than she ever had before. With a groan, she let her legs drop from his waist and pushed away.

Jeremiah caught her hand and together, they waded out of the river.

“When I first
saw it, I thought this tub was huge,” Carly grumbled.

Jeremiah grinned, something he really hadn’t stopped doing since they’d left the creek. The two fires met and extinguished within minutes. All crews had tromped through the entire burn area, turning dirt and spraying. The teams had been released. Park services would monitor the area to make sure no flare-ups occurred, but everyone left happy at their success.

He’d loaded the mule on a trailer and sped home, the ache in his groin not helped one bit by Carly’s roaming hands. She’d felt him up the entire way home, and she’d nearly caused a wreck when she’s opened her shirt and bra and settled back against the leather seat. Why? Not because she expected him to do anything about the exposed skin, but because she said they ached and needed air.

He’d been tempted to pull over to the side of the road to have her, regardless of other vehicles that might happen by. Instead, he gripped the wheel harder, ignored her questing fingers the best he could until he rolled into the driveway. Then he opened his door and dragged her laughing across the bench seat. Before she could button her blouse, he had her over his shoulder.

He’d even smacked her bottom as he’d run up the porch. “That’s for nearly causing a wreck.”

“Ooo. What do I get for flashing that Mustang?”

“My hand on your bare ass as soon as we get upstairs.”

Now, Jeremiah sat bemused, his arms riding the top edge of the tub while Carly splashed water over the rim of the tub with her enthusiastic bounces.

She’d liked her spanking—had even thanked him when he’d finished.

“Easy.” He gripped her waist to slow her downward thrusts. “I told you your punishment wasn’t over.”

“Right,” she said, a wicked gleam in her eyes. “Guess we’re clean enough now.” She rose, and then stepped over the edge of the tub, grabbing a towel as she walked out of the bathroom.

Why she’d insisted on using the guest bath instead of the one situated in his master suite, he didn’t know. But whatever she wanted, he’d give her. He shot out of the water, grabbed a towel, and followed, dripping all the way.

Inside her bedroom, Carly was already divesting the bed of covers and pillows, but she was careful to make a short stack of two in the center of the floor before kneeling in the middle of the soft goose down.

He handed her his towel, then waited as she dried his thighs and rubbed his balls and dick a little too vigorously. He bit back any complaints because he was dying by inches, waiting for the moment… And then…

Carly wrapped both hands around him and bobbed forward to slide her tongue down his shaft.

Jeremiah stared downward, watching as she lavished him with long slides and flutters. She traced the veins now prominent along his shaft with her tongue, flicked the underside of his crown, then ducked lower and took his balls into her mouth.

He wanted to shout, but the pleasure was too excruciating as she mouthed him, her lips drawing until his balls felt incredibly heavy and hard.

Before he could caution her that he was close to exploding, he felt her release him.

She pulled his cock downward, level with her mouth, and then licked in luscious circles around the head. “Soft,” she said, rubbing his cockhead against his cheek. “Feels like hot satin.”

“Carly,” he said, then hissed when she used the pointed tip of her tongue to tease his small opening.

“Mmm?” She licked one palm then gripped him, just beneath the head and began to glide up and down his length.


She opened wide and guided him into her mouth. His toes curled into the carpet as she sucked on him.

What the hell? He surged into her mouth, enjoying the fullness of his balls.

With a pop, she came off him, slid her hand down to the root, and squeezed.

His orgasm halted, he blinked.

She bit her lower lip then released it. “We forgot a condom in the bath.”

He ground his jaw. “I’m clean. You are, too. One boyfriend. Years ago.”

“I’m not on the pill.”

“Don’t care.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Not worried—”

“Don’t fucking care.”

“Oh.” Her gaze dropped to his cock. “Jeremiah?”

She was killing him. “Yes, baby?”

“Is my punishment over?”

He drew in deep breaths and inched her fist off him, then he reached down and slid his hands under arms. Drawing her upward, he let his cock slide over her, marking her with the moisture beading on his tip. Next, he stepped forward, crowding her, pushing her toward the bed.

She retreated until her legs met the mattress, and then she climbed on backwards, not stopping until she reached the center of the bed.

He crawled between her legs, and stilled the moment his cock nudged her entrance. “Punishment’s just beginning.”

Carly smiled. Feeling
him thrust inside, she gave a sharp, short laugh then groaned. Not that he’d hurt her—she was plenty wet and ready.

“Don’t touch me.”

She understood. He was there, right at the edge, and anything she did, even a sexy squeeze of inner muscles, would set him off. Pretending obedience, she rested her hands on the mattress beside her head and let her legs fall wide, toes pointing heavenward. He had full access now.

Which he didn’t waste. He shoved into her, all the way to the root, pulled halfway out and sank again.

“You like it this way, don’t you? You control the depth, the speed,” she said, her voice tightening.

“You feel so damn good.”

His words sounded like they’d been wrestled from his throat. “I can’t touch, but can I move?”

“Yes,” he hissed, and then he groaned when she undulated, rocking toward him as he sank, greeting his thrusts with her sexy waves.

And then she tightened her pussy, squeezing down his shaft as he entered.

“Witch, yes, yes…
Oh fuck

Soon, they were both perspiring, both panting.

She struggled for breath and for control, because he was heating up her insides with his shortened, targeted drives. Each time he pounded against her, he rubbed, grinding against her clit, and it was swelling, the hood retreating. Sweet tingling intensified; lusty desire tightened. Her sight narrowed, all focus now on his face, on his eyes as he watched her. “I’m close, ’miah,” she gasped.

“Love it when you call me that,” he growled. “Don’t wait for me. Come, baby. Do it now.” And then he lowered and cradled her body tight, his hips flexing as he thrust harder, faster.

Carly’s breath hitched, and blinding pleasure shot through her. “OhgodOhgod!” She jerked against him, her head digging into the mattress, as she rode another wave of ecstasy.

At last, he slowed his movements, his rocking hips delivering deep, soothing caresses.

“You came,” she said, noting the profusion of moisture where their bodies met.

“Couldn’t shout. Couldn’t get a word in edgewise ’cuz you were making so much noise.”

She liked when he teased. Turning her head, she rubbed her mouth over his, tasting salt.

He kissed her then pulled free. Settling on his side, he drew her body against his.

With the fan above them cooling their bodies, she drifted for a moment.

“Stay with me.”

Frowning, she blinked and met his gaze. His expression was hard to read. Not harsh, but shuttered. “Why?”

He breathed deeply and then reached for her hand, staring down at their fingers as they interlaced. “I was married before.”

“So, you said.” She held her breath. Waiting, because she knew what he was about to say was personal, and Jeremiah was stingy with intimacy.

“We didn’t work. We were married for two years, and not once, did we come even close…to this.”

Warmth spread through her body, making her eyes sting, and she blinked fast. “I don’t know what it is, but you seem to have the power to reduce me to tears,” she said, laughing.

“I’m serious.”

“I know.” And because she saw him starting to frown, she, too, took a deep breath. He’d been as open as he could be, so she had to try just as hard. Anything less than honesty would doom them. “I don’t know how to be in a relationship, let alone a family, Jeremiah. I don’t remember how. But if there’s a chance that’s where we’re headed, I’d like to stick around.” She smiled again. “I could look for work in Caldera—if anyone would hire me.”

“You don’t have to go that far.” His finger caressed her cheek. “Stay with me. Let me take care of you.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me.” She jutted out her chin. “I may not have much, but I’ve managed.”

“Then let’s take care of each other, because baby, I need you.” He played with a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. “I know I’m pushing.”

“I want you to push,” she whispered, giving him the same words he’d given her before. “The truth is, I want to be yours.”

Jeremiah sighed, and a sexy smile curved his mouth. “I never thought I’d go and fall in love with my little firebug.”

Her heart thudded against her chest.
He loves me?
“You should take your time. Make sure that’s how you feel.”

“Baby, do you need time?”

Her chest felt like it would burst from all she was feeling in this moment. She shook her head, and a single tear slipped into her hair.

“Then shut up. Besides, I may have just planted the next crop of McCords.”

Carly sputtered. “Is that why you didn’t care? You were trying to trap me?”

A wink lowered one eyelid. “Worked, didn’t it?

His sly drawl and wicked gaze pulled her closer. Carly slid her palm against his cheek. “Guess you have to keep me close in case I’m tempted to start any fires.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Baby, I’m already burning.”

The End

About Delilah Devlin
BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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