Read 12-Alarm Cowboys Online

Authors: Cora Seton,Becky McGraw,Sable Hunter,Elle James,Cynthia D'Alba,Delilah Devlin,Donna Michaels,Randi Alexander,Beth Beth Williamson,Paige Tyler,Sabrina York,Lexi Post

Tags: #Fiction, #cowboy, #romance, #Anthology, #bundle

12-Alarm Cowboys (96 page)

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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He’d asked if she still wore racy lingerie. It was her one personal pleasure. His eyes riveted to the pure-white mesh bra that concealed nothing. Even as he stared, her nipples pushed against the fine fibers, teasing her more.

Cole swallowed hard. “Lacey, you don’t know what you do to me.”

“Then show me.” Her folds moistened just thinking about what his naked body would look like now.

His gaze snapped to hers and he grinned as he shook his head. “Not yet, Racy Lacey. I want to enjoy every second of your unveiling.”

She pouted and he traced his finger over her lip. Unable to resist, she stuck her tongue out and licked.

He shuddered and pulled his hand away.

He had to be hard and she desperately wanted to see. But Cole was too intent on her as he pushed her shirt over her shoulders and pulled it away, throwing it over her dressing table stool.

“Lean back and lift your hips.”

She grinned. “My pleasure.”

He coughed at her tease, but didn’t let it stop him from pulling the elastic waist of her skirt down past her hips and over her feet. This time he dropped the skirt as he stared at her thong panties. “Jesus, Lacey, you’d tempt a saint.”

“I don’t want a saint, Cole. I want you.”

He stared at her as if her invitation were too good to be true. Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her gently, his mouth on hers so tender, she felt revered. When he leaned his forehead on hers and breathed deeply, she understood he was trying to stay in control. That he did this for her warmed her soul.

She touched his face. She could see the young man he had been beneath the mature person he was now and again wondered at his transformation. “I want to see you.”

He leaned back. “I’m right here.”

“No, I mean without your clothes.” She ruffled what hair he had, surprised by its softness.

“As you wish.” He unbuttoned his dress shirt and threw it on the stool, covering her shirt.

She moved her hands over his large shoulders, amazed at the strength in his body now. She felt along his biceps and then across to his chest where his defined pectoral muscles flexed beneath her touch. She marveled at the movement under her palms. “You’re so big.”

His whole torso tensed. “I promise, I won’t hurt you.”

Chapter Nine

ou’ve already done
Cole jerked at the memory of his dream. He studied Lacey’s face, afraid her next words would end it all.

She frowned. “I’m not worried about that. I want to see the new Cole and every inch of muscle you’ve put on…everywhere.”

Her fingers had fluttered down over his abdominals and hooked themselves into the waistband of his jeans. Shit. He was hard as a rock as it was. “Are you sure you want to see everything? I don’t want to scare you.”

“Cole Hatcher, I’m not some prissy country miss. Now get those clothes off.”

He chuckled and stood. He’d forgotten about the bossy side of his woman. Despite her tiny size, she had a backbone of iron. If she wanted a show, a show she’d have…as long as he stayed focused on her face. Looking at her breasts in that see-through mesh would make him lose it, never mind the tiny piece of material covering the place he most wanted to sink his cock into.

He moved their clothing to the top of her dresser and sat on the stool. Then he held his foot straight out so it was positioned between her legs. “A little help?”

She grasped his boot in her hands and pulled as he maneuvered his foot out. “Next.”

He lifted the other foot and they removed the boot easily, working together like they used to. Losing no time, he pulled his socks off and draped them over his boots. Lacey’s gaze never left him. It made him feel powerful, like he could do anything he wanted and right now he wanted to make love to her, but he wanted her very wet and ready.

Slowly, he stood and unzipped his jeans. Pushing the pants from his legs, he added them to the pile of clothing, turning his back to her in his white underwear.

“Oh my gosh.”

He looked at her over his shoulder. “What?”

“Your back is huge.” She practically drooled.

He couldn’t resist and tensed his back muscles.

She made the tiny squeak she used to make when they made love and he spun around.

“How did it get like that?”

He shrugged. “We have weight equipment at the station so we can stay in shape for our annual physical tests. That and taking care of the horses will do it.”

She continued to stare, open-mouthed, so he finished undressing and added his underwear to the pile.

Her gaze riveted to his erection, which had to be harder than a branding iron and almost as hot.

He held his arms out to the sides. “As you wished.”

Lacey licked her lips. “You have changed so much. Heck, Cole, you’re a stud.”

He smiled and strode toward her. He was about to pull her against him when her hands closed around his cock. Her touch sent need straight to his balls and he froze. She moved her hands over every inch of it as if she’d never seen it before. He’d come in seconds if he let her continue that.

Gently, he released his cock from her hands and lifted her farther back on the bed. He settled himself over her, his knees between her legs, leaning on his hands. He finally allowed himself to gaze at her mesh-covered nipples. They were hard and straining against their prison. He lowered his head and licked across each nub.

Lacey’s hiss was the only sound in the room. A sound he loved hearing. He teased each nipple in turn, sucking at it through the thin material, the hard nub welcoming his mouth. Then he scraped his teeth across it. Lacey’s squeak had him looking up at her face.

“Please, Cole.”

He let the hardened nub go, loving that she was in a hurry.

She reached behind her and the bra loosened. “Please take them.”

He knelt up and pulled the bra away before cupping both breasts. They filled his hands perfectly. “You’re so beautiful.”

She gazed at his chest. “So are you.” Her hands came up to cover his pectorals and then moved over his stomach.

He’d missed her touch. Delicate fingers explored the contours of his abdominals and he couldn’t keep them from tensing, afraid she’d touch his erection, which would end his exploration of her, and he so wanted to explore. When instead her fingertips moved back up, slightly scraping at his skin, his balls tightened as memories of the scratches she’d caused in the past doubled his anticipation.

Pulling his attention back to her nipples, he circled one with his tongue, enjoying the sight of her areola puckering. The aroma of her perfume rose from her chest to mix with the scent of her readiness. That she was slippery between her legs had him stopping to take a deep breath to rope in his own need.

Lacey arched her back, pushing her breast closer, wanting more. He couldn’t deny her. He took her hard nub between his teeth and bit lightly. Her hands grasped his head and a tiny moan escaped her throat. The new sound from her made him want more. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, taking her areola with it, and he tongued it inside.

“Oh gosh, Cole.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, yet it sent a shiver down his back and into his ass.

He grinned inside, pleased he could bring her pleasure again. It had been too long. Finally, letting her well-attended-to nipple go, he kissed his way down her smooth stomach, and pulled down the tiny piece of material covering her entrance, revealing the small patch of trimmed golden hair that guarded her clit. Her hands dropped to the sides, but her hips rose and he easily slid off her thong.

Spreading her legs wider, he licked across the patch of hair before flicking his tongue over her hard clit, eliciting another moan from her. Giving in to his own need, he lapped down to her opening, moaning at her familiar taste, one that had always made him lose control. But he was a man now, not a boy, and he forced himself to hold back as he pushed her folds aside with his tongue before thrusting it inside.

Lacey’s moan filled the room, that new sound he wanted to hear more of. He used his fingers to spread her, giving his tongue better access, and he licked upward to her clit before diving once more into her sweetness. Her sheath contracted around his tongue and he stilled. He was going to come.

He lifted his head away. Kneeling, he spread his knees apart and pulled her ass onto his thighs, her opening just touching his cock. Looking down at where they were about to join, he couldn’t quite believe he would fit inside her tiny body. He hesitated.


“Hmm?” They had done this when they were younger, but would he hurt her now?

“Look at me.” Her raspy voice brought his gaze up to meet hers.

The need in her eyes fired his to the brink of his control. His love for this woman was deeper than the Grand Canyon. How could he have ever let her go?

“Now, Cole. I want you inside me now.” At her bossy tone, he grasped her hips, ready to plunge inside.

“Shit.” He pulled his pelvis back, too tempted to sink into her immediately.

“What?” Lacey’s voice was filled with impatience.

“I forgot protection.”

She looked up at the ceiling as if she counted to ten. When her gaze returned to his, it softened. “I’m on the Pill and I got tested this month, so I’m okay. How about you?”

He relaxed. Of course she was on the Pill. They’d only used condoms in high school because they were easy to obtain without their parents knowing. “I was tested last month. You are the first.”

“Thank the saints for small favors. Now can you please bury that handsome cock inside me before I explode?”

This time he grinned at her and raised his eyebrow. Something about her anxiousness gave him the tiny bit of control he needed. He corralled her pleasure and he would make sure it met all her expectations. Propping her ass back onto his thighs, he pulled her hips closer. “What’s the rush?”

“Cole Hatcher, if you don’t—”

He couldn’t hold back the hiss as he drove himself home, sinking into her wet heat. Grasping her hips against him, he savored the feel of her sheath clenching him. They fit together as they always had. He was home.

Her hand covered his. “I love the feel of you inside me.”

His heart leapt at her first words, but as she continued, he chastised himself. She couldn’t trust him with her heart yet, but she would. Now that he had her back in his life, he wouldn’t let anyone keep them apart, even her. “You don’t feel too bad either.” He winked, happy to see her cheeks flush.

Not giving her time to respond, he slowly pulled back his hips, but kept the head of his cock at her entrance. His butt tensed with the need to thrust back in. Instead, he let himself glide inside slowly. When he could go no farther, he let go of her hips and her heels dug into the mattress to keep them joined.

He moved his hands up her waist and took both nipples between his fingers, rolling them gently, his cock jerking as her hips undulated against him. He held her hard nubs as long as he could but the sucking of her sheath combined with the moans she emitted, finally broke his control. He grasped her hips and held them against him. He was meant to be inside her.

Her whimper echoed his own need and he pulled back and thrust forward. The rush of sensation made his balls tighten. Grasping her hips hard, he pulled out and pushed forward again, desperately hoping he could hang on until she hit her orgasm.

Lacey’s pants at his thrusts turned to high-pitched moans that sent need coursing straight to his groin. Unable to keep it slow, he pumped into her again. Faster, harder, pulling her to him as he pushed into her.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” Lacey’s words egged him on, letting him know she was close.

Just a little longer. He had to hold back—

“Uhh.” Lacey’s sheath pulsed against him, her release triggering his own as familiar squeals filled the room. He pistoned inside her as he let go, bursts of pleasure flowing through his body and into her, satisfying, completing.

As he slowed his movements, he gazed at the woman he loved. Her face was flush, her body limp, her eyes closed, and she was radiant. Her eyes opened and a slow smile curved her lips. “Finally.”

Lacey felt the
walls around her heart fall as Cole laughed. He was the missing piece in her life all these years. No matter how much she tried to move on, he’d kidnapped her heart and now he gave it back. Maybe they
have a future.

Cole gazed at her, the love in his eyes filling her soul. “I promise, next time I’ll be more prompt.”

The idea of making love again had her tightening her sheath.

“Whoa there. Give a stallion a chance to recover.”

She wrinkled her brow. “Stallion? Really? You don’t think much of yourself, do you?”

“Hey.” He shrugged. “I don’t hear you complaining.”

And he wouldn’t. Only he could make her feel completely whole. “No, no complaints.”

Cole leaned down and kissed her, his lips against hers, gentle and loving. She wrapped her arms around him, wishing they could stay like this forever.

He pulled away and rubbed the side of her hip. “I hope I didn’t hold too tight.”

BOOK: 12-Alarm Cowboys
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