12 Borrowing Trouble (13 page)

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Authors: Becky McGraw

Tags: #Texas Trouble

BOOK: 12 Borrowing Trouble
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Sweat trickled down between her breasts and tracked to the waistband of her jeans.  It was then she realized her shirt was stuck to her front and back.  She dragged the material away from her skin and fanned herself.  “It’s hot out here today
,” she commented looking up at him.

“Do you know in the sunlight your eyes are hazel?” he asked out of the blue.

She laughed.  “What has that got to do with anything?”

“They’re like you.  Beautiful, but all mixed up.”

Her good mood vanished.  Carrie was mixed up, but she was absolutely not going to think about any of that today.  “Let’s go sit under the trees,” she said, turning to walk toward the tree line, trying to regain her carefree attitude. 

shook his head as he watched her walk away.  Carrie Collins was wound tight again, and evidently his joking words had twisted the spring a little more.  He grabbed the sack behind the saddle then jogged after her.  He caught up with her right inside the canopy of trees, standing there staring at the lake. 

grabbed her arm, and slid his hand downward until he caught her hand and twined his fingers with hers.  Her wrist touched his, and he felt her heartbeat pounding there.  Yep wound tight.  If they were going to have a good time today, she needed to slow down, relax.  He was beginning to think this woman had no idea how that was done.  “You need to slow down, sweetheart.  Where’s the fire?” he asked with a laugh. 

Carrie Collins seemed like she was in a hurry to do everything.  Desperate almost. 
Most women he knew wanted a little conversation with a side of hot sex, but this one seemed to want just the sex.  The women he knew just weren’t like that.  They were usually the ones who wanted to talk, and talk and talk about themselves.  He didn’t know a damned thing about Carrie Collins, other than what Joel told him. 
She’s vulnerable

said he didn’t want to know, was better off not knowing, but his curiosity was too strong to resist.  It was crazy, but he almost wanted to know why that was more than he wanted sex with her.  Why had she still been wearing her wedding ring three years after her husband died?  Grieving was one thing, but he had a feeling what Carrie Collins was doing was hiding.  A woman as nice as she was, as gorgeous, wasn’t single for three years without a reason. 

From the looks of it,
gauging from her reaction to him when they made out in the kitchen, and when he’d kissed her since, she hadn’t had a relationship in that amount of time either.  Not that he wanted one with her, that was the last thing he wanted.  But he at least wanted to know something about her situation to satisfy his mind.

led her to a tree beside the water, before he dropped her hand to unroll the old quilt he’d tucked behind the saddle.  He spread it over the ground, then stood back up.  “Have a seat, sweet cheeks,” he invited. 

“I’m hot,” she announced instead, lifting her hair off of her neck causing her full breasts to strain at the material of her thin shirt. 

She was right
there.  Dylan was hotter though, as his eyes fixed on the soft flesh spilling over the vee of her shirt.  He held his breath and his dick went rock solid behind his fly when she dropped her hair, and reached for the top button of her shirt.  She went for the second button, and raised her eyes to meet his as she slid it from the buttonhole.  Looking back at her shirtfront, he held his breath as Carrie’s fingers flew down the row of buttons to the bottom.  When her shirt was open she closed her eyes and sighed, pulling the sides apart to reveal the white lace bra that barely covered the full mounds of her breasts.

Her hands slid down to the button on her jeans, and Dylan yelled,

Her eyes flew open, and met his. 
“For what?” she asked with a laugh, as she unzipped her jeans and shimmed them to her ankles, hesitated a moment to toe off her boots then stepped out of them.  Tossing them on the blanket, she turned and bent to pick up her shirt, and Dylan groaned as her perfect ass stared up at him. 

He was done. 
Forget talking.  His palms itched to feel those round globes as he buried himself inside her.  His jeans were too tight, so he unbuttoned them, and carefully slid the zipper to the bottom of the track.

The sassy little brunette stood back up
to glance coyly at him over her shoulder.  There was a blatant invitation in her beautiful eyes as she smiled and flicked her shirt toward the blanket.  His heart slammed to a stop in his chest when her hands reached for her bra clasp at the center of her back.  The sides parted then the thin straps whispered down her arms.  Holding the bra in her fingers, she let it drop to the marshy ground.  She hooked her thumbs into the sides of her lacy white panties and pushed them over her hips.  They slithered into a pool around her tiny feet.

Dylan finally breathed again, because h
e thought the show was over, but then she hooked a toe in her panties and giggled. More turned on than he’d ever been in his life, Dylan watched her extend her perfectly toned leg to kick them toward the blanket. 

felt lightheaded, as all the blood in his head drained down to his throbbing cock.  Even at the strip clubs he and his rodeo buddies frequented to blow off steam after a rodeo, he’d never seen anything sexier than this woman’s obviously unpracticed, but very effective, strip tease. 

She took a few steps to the water’s edge, and the sun glinted off her perfect curves highlighting them. 
Even though he couldn’t see her beautiful breasts, he knew they would be perfect too.  Just like the rest of her.  Probably rosy tipped, he thought, and his mouth watered to taste her.

“Last one in is a rotten egg!”
she shouted playfully, as she pushed off and executed a perfect swan dive into the water.

“Damn,” Dylan
whispered with a shake of his head, watching as she gracefully cut through the water toward the center of the lake. 

tossed his hat on the blanket, then hurriedly shucked his jeans and shirt.  Walking to the edge of the water, he stood for a moment to watch the sun glisten off of her wet skin.  At the last minute he stepped out of his underwear and threw them toward the blanket too.  He had a feeling he wouldn’t be needing them.  They would just slow him down on what he fully intended to do before he came back to the bank.

Dylan dove into the water and it soothed his heated skin, but he took one stroke and
gasped, sucking in a mouthful of water as pain shot from his right shoulder through his entire body.  He stopped to tread water and grit his teeth until it eased. 

Stupid, he though
t, seriously considering going back to the bank.  His shoulder had been getting better from the ice pack therapy Terri had done.  Dylan was almost optimistic now that he hadn’t done further serious damage to himself, that it was just a sprain, and he would get better quickly.  He kicked his legs to stay afloat, and had just made a turn back toward the bank when small, soft hands dropped onto his shoulders.

Your shoulder hurting?” she asked with concern, and Dylan turned toward her. 

forgot all about the pain in his shoulder when her hard nipples raked across his chest.  She looped her arms around his neck, and suctioned her slick body against him.  Dylan groaned and his hands went for her ass like a magnet.  He pulled her tighter against the source of his current pain.  He didn’t think his cock had ever been harder, the driving need to fuck a woman greater, than it was with the one in his arms. 

With two kicks backward his feet found the muddy bottom of the lake.
  Carrie wrapped her legs around him, and settled her slick warm folds against the length of his cock.  The feeling of her wet warmth in contrast to the cool lake water was incredible.  She moved her hips against him experimentally, and fire shot through him.  His fingers dug into her ass, as her needy whimper vibrated along his nerve endings. 

“I want to feel you inside of me,” she whispered hotly near his ear, dropp
ing tiny kisses along his jaw, until she slid her lips over his.  “Please, Dylan,” she begged, nipping his lower lip.

His control snapped and
Dylan’s growl echoed across the lake as he covered her mouth with his.  He shifted them and absorbed her gasp of pleasure as he thrust himself up inside of her warmth.  A tremor rocked him when her body closed tightly around him, and her body fit him like a custom-made glove.  He could hear his heart beating in his ears, feel hers beating around his cock, as he held still, enjoying the sensation of being inside her.  Shoving his hand into her wet hair, he kissed her again, holding her in place to consume her sweetness.  He devoured her mouth until she finally turned her face to the side to drag in short, uneven breaths. 

Easing her back in the water, he slid his arm underneath her to lift
the rosy peaks of her breasts above the water so he could see them.  He slowly lowered his head to suck one into his mouth, and her faint vanilla taste set off a wildfire inside of him.  Dylan sucked her harder and her moan vibrated through her chest into him.  His arms tightened, and he closed his teeth around her nipple, flicking his tongue over it in short abrasive strokes. 

made a delicious gurgling sound he felt in his chest.  Water sloshed around his waist as she began moving her hips against him, her body begging him to move too.  With his free hand, Dylan gripped her hip to make short strokes in time with hers, inching his way toward the orgasm he felt building in his balls with every forward thrust.  His fingers dug into her skin, as his breath came faster.  Her body tensed and she clenched around him, and as much as he wanted to go slow with her, this was going to be fast.  She wasn’t going to let him go slow. 

Her body shook violently,
as he continued to suck her, lengthened his strokes, changed the angle a bit.  Her low-pitched wail echoed through the trees and through his skull.  Dylan took a final plunge into her and growled as he exploded inside of her warm body. 

Incredible waves of pleasure crashed one after the other through his entire body, but i
t was then that it hit him.  The reason she felt so damned good was because he was riding bareback.  The condoms he’d brought were in his wallet on the blanket under the tree.  He hadn’t gone bareback since he was sixteen years old and somehow dodged the bullet of getting his first girlfriend pregnant. 

is whole body went rigid, as his mouth popped open to release her breast.  “Fuck!” he growled as he pulled out then stood there staring at her flushed, confused face. 

She treaded water, just staring at him for a second.  Her voice trembled, as she asked, “Did I do something wrong?  Didn’t you ah…”

“Yeah, of course I did.”  Dylan shoved a hand through his hair, breathing hard.  “I wasn’t wearing a condom.  Please tell me you’re on the pill.” he said, and his own voice shook.

Her face paled, and she looked a little stunned.  “I’m sorry, my husband didn’t…
so I didn’t think to…” she stuttered then swallowed hard.  “I ah, used to be on birth control.”

Hearing her mention a husband, dead or not,
was like a splash of ice cold water to his face and his libido.  Dylan turned and waded toward the shore.  He heard her splashing behind him, so he figured she was following, but he didn’t much care.  He was done with this as far as he was concerned.  If she wasn’t pregnant, he would never make that mistake again with anyone.  Even if they did an amateur strip tease that got him so hot and bothered he wasn’t thinking about anything but burying his aching dick inside of her. 

If she was pregnant, he’d just—
God, please don’t let her be pregnant
, he prayed as he made his way onto the bank.

“Dylan wait, talk to me,” she
pleaded, as he bent to grab his jeans.  “I’m sure it’s fine.  I just had—“ she started, but evidently heard the hoof beats too.  Pounding hoof beats.  Someone was in a hurry to get back here. 

As much of a hurry as they had been earlier
to have sex in the lake.

“Get dressed,” he growled shoving his
wet legs into his jeans. 

glanced at her as she walked past him to gather up her clothes, and saw her body was shaking.  God, he hoped she wasn’t crying again.  The last thing he needed right now was a hysterical female.  If it was Joel riding back here, and he saw her crying, Dylan would be in double the trouble.  He’d be fired, but probably not before his boss kicked his ass. 

He deserve
d to have his ass kicked, would let Joel do it. 

Coming out here with her had been a mistake.
  If he hadn’t done that he wouldn’t have had unprotected sex with her.  He might not be a daddy in waiting.  Terror made bile shoot up to his throat.  He swallowed it down and buttoned his jeans.  Dylan had just slipped his shoulders into his shirt, and was standing barefoot beside the quilt, when Zane Lawrence pulled his horse to a stop at the edge of the trees.  The big man hopped down from the horse and sprinted toward them.  Something must’ve happened.

His eyes locked on Carrie, who Dylan saw was just buttoning her jeans.  Her top half was still naked and wet. 
The Aussie seemed speechless and his eyes got no further than her proud breasts.  His mouth flapped a few times, he swallowed hard, then managed to croak, “Chickie, you need to get back to the house.  Joel is looking for you.  I told him I saw you ride out this way earlier and offered to come find you.”

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