150 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History (17 page)

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Authors: Matt Margolis,Mark Noonan

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Obama has argued that a mere two percent reduction in government spending due to the sequester would be devastating to our country, yet cutting 45 percent from domestic bomb prevention was apparently inconsequential to him.

Had the Obama Administration not made those cuts, would the bombing been prevented? There’s no way to tell, but it certainly appears Obama had become very complacent about the threat of terrorism here in the United States.

Unfortunately, Obama’s complacency over the threat of terrorism appears to have manifested itself in other ways.

Just a few days after the bombing, the FBI was able to identify two suspects in the bombing: Chechen brothers Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, who came to America as refugees in 2002. Tamerlan had been arrested in 2009 for domestic violence. The Obama Administration could have deported him after the arrest, but did not.
As we noted earlier in this book, deportations of immigrants have been up under Obama. Why wasn’t he deported then? Two years later, Tamerlan was interrogated by the FBI, at the request of the Russian government, regarding possible extremist ties.
Government spying on civilians has also been up under Obama, yet Tamerlan was not under surveillance by the federal government. Why not? We have someone with possible extremist ties and a police record that the Obama Administration chose not to deport and was not keeping an eye on.

One explanation could be the Obama Administration’s unwillingness to link terrorism and Islamic extremism. On the evening of April 19, 2013, after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was caught, Obama, speaking to the nation, devoted nearly twenty percent of his statement to talking about diversity and not rushing to judgment about the motives of the terrorists.
It had already been widely reported that Tamerlan had shared radical Islamic videos online in support of killing enemies of Islam, but Obama apparently wants us to turn a blind eye to the bombers’ motives.

A week after the bombings, it was revealed that the the Russian government had actually warned the FBI “multiple times” about Tamerlan’s radicalism, but the agency was “
more concerned with al-Qaeda and other Middle Eastern terrorist groups,
” and overlooked the threat of Chechen terrorists.
A major intelligence failure appears to have taken place.

As the investigation continues, the Obama Administration will have to answer a lot of questions about why the eldest brother wasn’t on the FBI’s radar, and why resources for preventing domestic terrorism were slashed.



How will the historians of the future assess
the presidency of Barack Obama? He would like to be remembered as the president that saved America from another Great Depression, the president that ushered in a new era of government transparency and accountability. Obama would like to be remembered as the president that cut taxes for the middle class, and lowered the cost of healthcare while providing coverage for all Americans. He’ll want history to remember him for making America safer from the threat of terrorism, all while improving the nation’s standing in the world. He’ll expect the shortcomings of his presidency to be attributed to his predecessor, with his own, unblemished presidency to be an unquestionable success.

It would be a great legacy, if any of it were true.

As patriotic Americans, we felt it was our duty to document the facts of Obama’s presidency, so that his legacy will be defined by the truth, not his own fantasy talking points.

During Obama’s first term alone, we’ve seen an economy hobble along thanks to a failed stimulus, new taxes, and regulations. We’ve seen more people leave the workforce during the so-called “recovery” than the recession that preceded it. More people live in poverty and are on welfare and food stamps. Obama has broken the engine of economic growth, and Americans are, year by year, becoming poorer and less able to build wealth. Are these the results of successful economic policy?

Our freedoms have also been compromised, and our Constitution ignored. Obama has sought the power to indefinitely detain American citizens, and government spying has exploded on his watch. Freedom of speech, religion, and the press are under attack. When Obama realizes his agenda won’t make it through Congress, he merely imposes it via executive fiat. If there are laws he doesn’t want to enforce, he ignores them. Obama’s assault on the 2nd Amendment at the end of his first term puts an exclamation point on a relentless policy of placing Americans at the mercy of an all-powerful government.

Obama isn’t just a failure at home, but also abroad. Al Qaeda is not only still a threat, but they’re growing. He’s offended and alienated our allies, kowtowed to our enemies, and made us less safe.

We are now more divided than at any time since the Civil War.
Americans are losing hope, and believe our best times are behind us and that things will only get worse from here on.

While we don’t know for certain how Obama will govern in his second term, what we’ve seen suggests Obama’s last four years in office won’t be any better than his first four. Unless things change drastically in his second term, the evidence will show that Obama truly is the worst president in history. As we survey the disaster of Obama’s first term and brace ourselves for the inevitable disasters of the second, it is vitally important that the next generation (who will have to pay for our mistake in electing Obama twice) fully understand his record and show better judgment in the voting booth, so that America can once again be the beacon of economic and personal freedom it once was.

About The Authors


Matt Margolis
is a full time architectural designer and longtime blogger. In November 2003, Matt founded Blogs for Bush, one of the most popular political blogs during the 2004 presidential campaign, earning him an invitation to the Republican National Convention. Since then, Matt has launched a number of successful blogs and has been an invited guest on local and national media. Matt lives with his wife Beth and their dog Zuzu in Upstate New York.

Follow Matt on Twitter @mattmargolis.


Mark Noonan
is a long-time blogger and Navy veteran. He has been living in the southern Nevada area for more than a decade and has lived in places as diverse as California, Virginia and, for a time, Italy. Catholic and Distributist, Noonan writes on a wide variety of subjects and has appeared in old and new media over the years.


Follow Mark on Twitter @mnoonan17.


Matt and Mark both blog at
. Their first book,
Caucus of Corruption: The Truth about the New Democratic Majority
, was published in 2007.


Copyright Information


150 Reasons Why Barack Obama Is The Worst President In History

Copyright © 2013 by Matt Margolis & Mark Noonan


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system - except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper - without permission in writing from the publisher.


For further information, please contact


Matt Margolis



Mark Noonan



The authors can be reached via email at

[email protected]


Book Design by Logotecture


Victory Books




Available in print on Amazon.com

ISBN: 978-0615794754


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