1775 (115 page)

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Authors: Kevin Phillips

BOOK: 1775
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Stuart, John, 167, 170, 181, 183, 361, 362, 370, 427

submarines, 496, 502–3, 505

Succession Act, 71

Suffolk, Lord, 259, 299, 389, 391

Suffolk Resolves, 39, 226, 227, 228, 266, 453, 455, 457, 458

Sugar Act (1764), 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 216, 317

Sullivan, John, 298, 404

Sullivan’s Island, 49, 301, 374, 531, 532–34,

British defeat at, 536, 537

Summary View of the Rights of British America
(Jefferson), 434

HMS, 346, 352

Swashan, Chief, 361

HMS, 350, 351, 352, 374

Syrett, David, 314, 315, 322, 340–41, 447, 541

HMS, 18–19, 350, 531, 532

tarring and feathering, 136, 143

taxation, British, Patriots’ objection to, 265, 267

Tea Act (1773), 319

1066 and All That
(Sellar and Yeatman), 506

Tennent, William, 422, 424

Thirty Years War (1618–1648), 509

Thomson, Charles, 12, 289, 362, 456, 457

Three Victories and a Defeat
(Simms), 506

Ticonderoga, Fort, 17, 21, 54, 57, 60, 232, 234, 235, 238, 247, 272, 280, 286, 300, 450, 465

American capture of, 243–44, 285, 290, 297, 309, 461, 463, 471, 472, 473

tobacco, 100, 108–9, 123, 128–29

American Revolution funded by, 395, 397–99, 412

British restrictions on exports of, 95, 97, 107, 108, 111, 112–13, 197

Continental Association ban on export of, 254, 256, 262–65

1772 credit crisis and, 107, 264

smuggling of, 397

in Virginia, 263, 537

Tory Rangers, 421

Townshend Acts (1767), 28, 45, 49, 95, 109, 110, 115, 117, 216, 264, 266, 452

boycotts as response to, 250–51

trade, Americans’ suspension of,
Continental Association

Trade and Empire
(Barrow), 116

transported convicts, 191, 192–93, 365–68, 577

Trenton, Battle of, 24, 321, 387

trial by jury, 8–9, 115

Trumbull, Jonathan, 16, 51–52, 62, 75, 110, 115, 154, 235, 236–38, 241, 242, 244, 298, 324, 349, 502–3, 540

mercantile background of, 54, 247

as military leader, 51, 52, 54, 237, 247

Tryon, William, 20, 171, 188, 241, 333, 502, 526, 541

Tucker’s Point,
488–89, 490

Tudor, House of, 218–19

(submarine), 503

Tuscarora Indians, 106, 361

Tyron, William, 103

Under the Cope of Heaven
(Bonomi),67, 76

Under the Guns, New York: 1775–1776
(Bliven), 348

United Colonies of New England, 202

United Company of Philadelphia for Promoting American Manufactures, 149, 270–71

urban radicalism, 20, 132–63

artisans and mechanics and, 144–50

militias and, 150–64

sailors and, 136–44

Valcour Island, Battle of, 462, 474, 492

Van Bibber, Abraham, 398, 403

Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de, 32, 303, 304, 305–6, 312, 509, 513

Hampshire Grants

vestry Anglicanism, 78, 79, 80–82, 174, 185, 216, 410, 422

political loyalties and, 81, 82, 553

Victualling Board, British, 322, 340–41

Virginia, 3–4, 6, 9, 20, 37–38, 78, 81, 159, 183, 185, 309, 331, 350, 395, 406–7,
524, 525, 538, 540

aggressive mindset of, 60–61, 62

arms procurement in, 231, 232, 309, 398, 478–79

Association enforcement in, 261, 270

backcountry of, 185, 193

British regulation of currency in, 105–6

Chesapeake defenses and, 404–5

Committee of Safety in, 401, 405, 484

committees of correspondence in, 48, 72, 453

confrontation between legislature and governor of, 45–46, 48, 363, 483

Conventions of, 263, 354, 401–2, 404–5, 434, 439, 488, 500, 563

credit and debt in, 101, 107–8, 110–11

Declaration of Rights of, 186, 435

expansionism in, 44, 54–55, 60–63, 171, 175, 478, 481

fear of slave uprisings in, 479

governor’s flight from, 4, 18, 48, 62, 156, 332, 363, 479, 483, 526

House of Burgesses in, 3–4, 44, 45, 47–48, 81, 110–11, 113, 453, 479

House of Delegates in, 127

immigration to, 167, 172–73

indentured servants in, 192, 193, 365, 366–67, 409

Indian threat in, 181, 193, 362, 478

land speculation in, 60, 61, 97, 124–25, 168, 363, 491

Loyalists in, 128, 332, 354, 397, 400–401, 402, 408, 480, 484, 486

militias of, 28–29, 155–56, 400, 401, 484, 486, 487, 490

nationalism in, 44, 92

navy of, 401, 404–5, 406, 496, 500, 502

nonimportation policy in, 254

Patriot dominance of, 23, 82

political and cultural influence of, 55, 66

Provincial Convention in, 28, 400

religious identification in, 186, 410–11

runaway slaves in, 372, 373, 400, 410

shift to wheat growing in, 112–13

territorial claims of,
55, 61–62, 89, 276, 293, 362, 421, 478

tobacco farming in, 263, 537

trade deficits in, 108

transported convicts in, 191, 192, 193, 366–67

vestry Anglicanism in, 81, 185, 553

war mentality in, 399, 400

“Virginia Association,” 38

Virginia Capes, 398, 403, 489

Virginia Capes, Battle of the, 412, 506, 515

Virginia Gazette,
391, 483, 484

Virtue, 3–4

Voyagers to the West
(Bailyn), 164, 172

Wallace, James, 319, 346–47, 348, 352, 353, 355, 408

Walpole, Horace, 215, 389, 520

Wanton, Joseph, 51, 235

Wappinger Indians, 360

War for America, 1775–1783, The
(Mackesy), 225, 314

War of American Independence, The
(Higginbotham), 3, 466

Ward, Artemas, 245–46, 297, 310

Warner, Seth, 60, 176, 237, 243

War of Religion, A
(Bell), 85

Warren, James, 246, 326

Warren, Joseph:

Boston agenda of, 456–57, 472

leadership role of, 12–13, 39, 453, 460

347, 500–501

Washington, George, 6, 7, 9, 16, 23, 24, 33, 62, 88, 97, 107, 108, 124, 150, 155, 162, 163, 170, 171, 174, 185, 199, 203, 216, 217, 231, 242, 245, 270, 273, 344, 349, 358, 361, 365, 368, 404, 429, 439, 460, 463, 468, 477, 490, 515, 546

black enlistment favored by, 370, 375

British raid on Mount Vernon feared by, 482

and Canadian invasion, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 297, 469, 473–74, 475

disinformation campaign of, 298–99

indentured servants of, 368, 369

munitions shortages and, 297–99, 300, 542

naval war and, 16, 321, 325–29, 338, 353, 449, 496, 498, 501, 503, 504, 505

in siege of Boston, 51, 163

Washington, Lund, 409–10, 482

Washington, Martha, 405, 482

402, 403

Water from the Rock
(Frey), 371

Wealth of Nations, The
(Smith), 206, 265

Wedderburn, Alexander, 250, 266, 453

Weems, Parson, 31–32

Wentworth, John, 7, 129–30, 176, 235, 316

Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 62–63

Wesley, John, 380, 411

Westchester County, N.Y., 80, 87, 417

Western, Fort, 291–92

West Florida, 516, 521, 538

West Indies, 32–33, 84, 328, 351, 511

American arms imports from, 311, 398, 506

British, 63, 64, 118–19

French, 112, 115, 118–19, 143–44, 277, 299, 515

slavery in, 359

westward expansion:

British ban on, 97

see also
expansionism, American

whaleboats, 449, 504

in American naval actions, 493, 497–99

foraging raids by, 497–98

whale oil, 130

Whipple, Abraham, 346–47

Whitefield, George, 75, 213

White Pine Acts, 129

Wilkes, John, 49, 135, 381

William III, King of England, 391–92

William IV, Prince, 388

William and Mary, Fort, 235

Williamsburg, Va., 309, 478–79,

Willing & Morris, 31, 397

Wills, Garry, 436, 443

Wilmington, N.C., 65, 427, 529

winter of 1774–1775, 252–53

communication lags in, 269

Witherspoon, John, 43–44

Woodford, William, 353, 400, 484, 486, 487

Woodmason, Charles, 172, 189

Woolens Act (1699), 96

Worcester County Convention, 152–53

Worcester, Mass., 9, 10, 152, 153, 455, 456

Wright, James, 19, 42, 59, 332, 373, 526, 541

Wyandot Indians, 364

Yamasee Indians, 106

Yorke, Joseph, 304–5

York River, 481, 499

Yorktown, Va., 350,
505, 514

British surrender at, 342, 412, 413, 506, 515, 516, 520, 524, 537, 538

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