1913 (52 page)

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Authors: Florian Illies

BOOK: 1913
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What are women wearing for New Year’s Eve? In issue 52,
Welt der Frau
, a supplement of
, provides tips for ‘fashion at the turn of the year’. ‘The delight in colour that distinguishes this season
is also apparent in outfits for small festivities. With their loose cut, most fashions suit the slender form. But even for the fuller-figured woman, today’s fashions can be charming, blurring lines as they do, if one knows how to choose.’ On the following page there is a poem by Marie Möller, which bears the harmless-sounding title ‘New Year’s Eve’. It includes these disturbing lines:

So let us work from dawn till dusk

That a fine year may us befall!

Bringing after strife and toil

Victory and peace to all.

And that the tune of global war

May cease its gloomy, threatening knell.

That it may soon in harmony

Ring out like joyful chiming bells!

Rainer Maria Rilke is in a bad way during those last December days in Paris. He writes: ‘I see nobody, it has been freezing, there was black ice, it’s raining, it’s dripping – this is winter, always three days of each. I have truly had my fill of Paris, it is a place of damnation.’ And then: ‘Here is the incarnation of my desires for 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917 etc. Which is: peace, and to be in the country with a sisterly person.’ He then writes to one of those sisterly people, although her thoughts are elsewhere right now: Sidonie Nádherný: ‘Now I would like to be as if without a face, a rolled-up hedgehog that only opens up in the ditch in the evening and cautiously comes up and holds its grey snout up at the stars.’

The complete constellation of Sagitta is observed in the sky for the first time in 1913. South of the Fox and north of the Eagle, Sagitta is a clear, bright arrow flying towards the Swan. Enthralled eyes gaze heavenwards. Sagitta bears the name of the dangerous arrow fired,
according to mythology, at Hercules. But the Swan is lucky once again: the arrow just misses it.

It is 31 December 1913. Arthur Schnitzler records a few words in his diary: ‘In the morning, dictated my madness novella to the end for the time being.’ In the afternoon he reads Ricarda Huch’s book
The Great War in Germany
. Otherwise: ‘Very nervous during the day.’ Then a soirée. ‘Roulette was played.’ At midnight they clink glasses to the year 1914.


This book is based on a large number of biographies and cultural historical sources. What follows is a selection of the works quoted from which the author drew important information.

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