1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (89 page)

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276. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:251.
277. Weizman, On Eagles' Wings, 67-
278. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 30 May 1948, ISA.
279. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:253.
28o. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:254-255.
281. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 113 -114.
282. Giv`ati/Intelligence, "Report on Operation `Yitzhak'-2-3.6.48," 4 June 1948, IDFA922/75//949•
283. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 140-141.
284. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, r:z8o-8z.
285. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 85.
z86. Gerges, "Egypt and the 1948 War," 161.
287. Nasser, "Memoirs," 13.
z88. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 22 May 1948, 449.
289. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 71-77; Giv ati, Path of Desert and Fire, rot -103.
290. Kirkbride to FO, 7 June 1948, PRO FO 371-68510.
291. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 151-165; Dror, Nitzanim, 98-115.
292. Ayalon, Givati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 161.
293. Dror, Nitzanim, 18.
294. Dror, Nitzanim, 153-166.
295. This paragraph and the preceding one are based on Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 28-33.
296. Sela, "Question of Palestine," 553•
297. Henry Mack to FO, 3o April 1948, PRO FO 371-68371.
298. Mack to FO, 29 April 194-8 (no. 460), PRO FO 371-68371.
299. Mack to FO, 29 April 1948 (no. 463), PRO FO 371-68371.
300. Lorch, Edge of the Sword, 167-168.
301. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 125.
302. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 175-
303. `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 178-185; Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 168 -170.
304. Tripp, "Iraq and the 1948 War," 137.
305. Glubb, Soldier, 130.
306. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 33 - 35
307. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 227.
308. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 35.
309. Gad to Oded (though Alex), 29 May 1948, and OC Area z, "Attack on Geulim," undated, both in IDFA 25o6/49//75•
310. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:255 -257, 260- z6, .
311. Tal, War in Palestine, 232.
312. Eshel, Carvneli Brigade, 191.
313. Elpeleg, In the Eyes of the Mufti, 142.
314. Eshel, CarrneliBrigade, 194-195.
315. Pinhas Ofer, "The Battle of Jenin," July 1959, IDFA 1045/70//2z-
316. Eshel, Carrneli Brigade, zoi.
317. Eshel, Carrneli Brigade, 187-203; `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 198-219.
318. AI-Nafiui, "SyrianArmy," 30-32. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 236, writes of "15,ooo" in "the autumn."
319. Al-Nafiui, "Syrian Army," 31.
320. AI-Nafiiri, "Syrian Army," 31; Agin, "Balance of Forces" (expanded, unpublished version), n. 25. Ilan, Origin of Arab-Israeli Arms Race, 67, writes of "6,ooo" Syrian troops on the Palestine front at end of May 1948.
321. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 51-53.
322. Aharon Gilead quoted in Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 126.
323. AI-Nafiui, "Syrian Army," 30.
324. Kirkbride to FO, 12 February 1948, PRO FO 371-68367.
325. Broadmead to FO, 18 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68373.
326. `Ein-Gev, 35-44.
327. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 124.
328. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 16 May 1948, ISA.
329. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 134.
330. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 149 -150.
331. AI-Nafiui, "Syrian Army," 31.
332. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," ,6o.
333• Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 4.00.
334• Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 18 May 1948, 438; Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 19 May 1948, ISA.
335• Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 19, 23 May 1948, ISA; Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 172-174, 181, 184.
336. Ben-Zion Katz and Yehoshu`a Ben-Arieh, "Testimony Taken from Murdi (Mordechai Malhi) about His Activities in the Golani Brigade Especially in the Battles of the Jordan Valley during the War of Independence," undated, IDFA 922/75//943; Palmah HQ to Haganah GS, "Daily Report (Addition)," 19 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o66.
337 Hadari, "War of Independence in the North," 14o.
338. Palmah HQ to Heganah General Staff, "Daily Report (Addition)," 19 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1066.
339• Alex Pereg and Ya`akov Mein to high command, i9 May 1948, quoted in Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 185.
340. Yigael Yadin to Golani,19 May 1948, quoted in Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 188.
341. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 188.
342. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 19o.
343 Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 2o5.
34.4. Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 195 -203. Apparently only one tank was actually destroyed (it stands today on the lawn in the center of Degania Aleph). During the following decades Degania's members relentlessly debated who had actually destroyed it, and with what weapon. The Syrians were later to claim that their pullback had been prompted by a direct order from King 'Abdullah (Agin, "Battle to Contain the Invasion," 234)-but this is nonsense.
345. Al-Nafuri, "Syrian Army," 31.
346. Golan to Yadin, 21 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//i175•
347. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 446.
348. Katz and Ben-Arieh, "Testimony"; `Etzioni, ed., Tree and Sword, 162-177-
349. Al-Nafuri, "Syrian Army," 31.
350. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 400-401.
351. HIS, "HIS Information, Daily Summary," 6 June 1948, HA 105/94.
352. Sela, "ALA in Galilee," 1:229, argues that the offensive was part of a grand SyrianLebanese-ALA design and an attempt by the Syrians to "return to the original Arab invasion plan, which aimed at gaining control of the Galilee, dismembering the State of Israel ... and threatening Haifa." This is highly speculative, with no moorings in documentation, common sense, or fact.
353• Tzuri, Dori, to HIS-AD, "Report on the Attack on Mishmar Hayarden 10.6.48 - 11.6.48," 14 June 19438, HA 105/127 aleph.
354-. AI-Nafiui, "SyrianArmy," 32.
355• Ehrlich, Lebanon Tangle, 182.
356. Ilan, Origin ofArab-1sraeli Arms Race, 54-55.
357• Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 444.
358. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 397•
359• Tzuri to HIS-AD, 24 May 1948, HA 105-126.
360. Ma`ayan, "To Lose the North: The Arab States and the Galilee in the 1948 War," 1:275; Erlich, Lebanon Tangle, 175 -182.
361. Ma`ayan, "Losing the North," 1:276.
362. Sela, "ALA in Galilee," 1:225 -226.
363. Ehrlich, Lebanon Tangle, 195-197. The Yiftah Brigade and, in its wake, Israeli historiography wrongly believed that the Palma-miks had fought the "invading Lebanese Army" at Malildya (see, e.g., Lorch, Edge of the Sword, 155-156).
364. Sela, "ALA in Galilee," 1:226.
365. Yiftah Brigade to Palmah HQ, r5 May 1948, 18:3o hrs., IDFA 922/75//I066; Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:455 -464;; Yiftah in a Storm, 143 -149.
366. Tzuri to HIS-AD, 21 May 194.8, HA io5/i28.
367. HIS, "HIS-AD Information," 16 June 1948, HA 105/126.
368. Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:4.61; Yiftah in a Storm, 98 - 99
369. Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:293-296; Yiftah in a Stor, 15o-151.
370. Ehrlich, Lebanon Tangle, 198-2oo; Ma`ayan, "Losing the North," 1:279-281.
371. General Staff/Operations, Southern Front, to Giv`ati, Sergei [Sang], etc., 9 June 1948, IDFA 957/51//16.
372. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 183-198.
373. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:258.
374. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 24 May 1948, 453 -454.
375• I kbride to FO, i June 1948, PRO FO 371-68374.
376. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, z June 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for z June 1948, 478, n. 5; Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, I: 266 -271.
377. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:305 - 307. A planned bombing of Cairo that morning was canceled for technical reasons.
378. Tal, Naval Operations in Israel's War of Independence, 61-6z, 88, 96-97.
379. Tal, Naval Operations in Israel's War of Independence, 88-95; Cohen, History oflsraeliAirForce, 1:282-285.
380. Moshe Carmel, protocol of "[General] Staff Meeting after [Start of] First Truce," undated, IDFA 121/5o//172.
1. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 61.
2. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 6162.
3. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 63.
4. Henry Mack to FO, 22 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68373.
5. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 73.
6. Houstoun Boswall to FO, 28 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68374.
7. Yigael Yadin to "managers," 1o June 10948, 19:45 hrs., IDFA 2687/49//35.
8. David Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 6 June 1948, ISA.
9. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 8o.
1o. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 87-
11. Abba Eban to Trygve Lie, 1 June 1948, ISA, DFPI, 1:108-109.
12. Boswall to FO, 30 July 1948, PRO FO 816/127, quoting Azzam.
13. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 93.
14. Moshe Shertok to Abba Eban, 7 June 194.8, ISA, DFPJ, I, 132.
15. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 14 June 1948, ISA.
16. HIS, "HIS Information, Daily Precis," 11 June 1948, HA 105/94.
17. Beaumont to Bernard Burrows, 18 July 1948, PRO FO 371-68375.
18. Nasser, "Memoirs," 17-19-
19. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 185, 195.
20. Ilan, Origin ofArab-IsraeliArms Race, zo6-207.
21. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 116,177-178,194.
2z. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 14 June 1948.
23. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 372.
24. Nasser, "Memoirs," zz, n. z6.
25. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 125.
z6. Shertok to Nahum Goldmann, 15 June 1948, ISA, DFPI,1:163.
27. Ilan, Bernadotee in Palestine, 147, quoting "Report of the UN Mediator for Palestine to the Security Council," July 1948.
z8. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 135.
29. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 137-
30. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 172.
31. See, e.g., Burrows, untitled minute, 9 February 1948 , PRO FO 371-68368; and Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 69, quoting Bevin memorandum, "Mediation in Palestine," 26 May 1948.
32. "TRL," untitled memorandum on meeting with Neguib Armenazi, 23 June 1948, PRO FO 371-68374.
33. Tzuri to Yirmiyahu, z8 June 1948, IDFA I28/51//84.
34. Unsigned but Middle East Department, Israel Foreign Ministry, "Palestine in Arab Broadcasts, 3-4.7.48," undated, CZA S25-9o47.
35. Alec Kirkbride to Bevin (no. 546), 9 July 1948, PRO FO 816/125.
36. Glubb, Soldier, 150.
37. Campbell to FO, 7 July 1948, PRO FO 371-68375-
i. David Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 11 July 1948, ISA.
2. Kimche and Kimche, Both Sides of the Hill, 213. Ben-Gurion often "fell ill" during crises.
3. See Shapira, Army Controversy, 1948; and Gelber, Why Was the Palmah Disbanded?
4. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 226 -228; Giv`ati, "AnFar Operations," 7 July 1948, IDFA 7011/49//1.
5. Giv`ati HQ, "An-Far Operations," 7 July 1948, IDFA 7011/49//I. Regarding refugee encampments, the battalions were ordered to "destroy, kill, and expel."
6. Nasser, "Memoirs," 17-20.
7. Nasser, "Memoirs," 19.
8. Ayalon, Giv'ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 219 -222.
9. Unsigned, "Appreciation of Probable Intention on Southern Front after Cease Fire," undated but c. 7 July 1948, IDFA704/49//5.
io. Ronald Campbell to FO, io July 194.8, PRO FO 371-68375.
ii. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 233 -242.
12. Nasser, "Memoirs," 22-23.
13. Nasser, "Memoirs," 27.
14. Nasser, "Memoirs," z8 -29.
r5. Campbell to FO, 10 July 1948.
16. Giv ati HQ, "Combat Page Early 14.7.48," IDFA 6127/49//118.
17. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 290.
18. Ayalon, Giifati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 278 - 292.
i9. Neguib, Egvpt'sDestiny, 22-23.
20. Ilan, Bernadotte in1'alestine, 159.
21. Givati Brigade logbook, 16 July 1948, unsigned, IDFA 922/75//1226.
22. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 293 -340; Giv ati, Path of Desert and Fire, 178 -184.
23. Givati, Path of Desert and Fire, 173 -178.
24. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 341- 349
25. Avneri, Fields ofPhilistia, 171.
z6. Gerges, "Egypt and the 1948 War," 162-163.
27. Carmel, "Operation[s] Brosh' and `Delcel,"' 6 July 1948, IDFA 4858/49//495•
28. Tzuri to Golani, "Nazareth," 8 July 1948, 7429/49//138.
29. Eshel, Carmeli Brigade, 206 - 207.
30. Gelber, "Druze and Jews," 236; Parsons, "Druze and Birth of Israel," 63 -64.
31. Seventh Brigade Tactical HQ, "Operation `Delcel,"' 8 July 1948, IDFA 1137/ 49//84.
32. Hiram to IDF-IS, "The Investigation [of the fall of Nazareth?] by ... from Tulkarm," 3 August 1948, IDFA 7249/49//138.

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