2-in-1: Planet sEX & Observation Deck

BOOK: 2-in-1: Planet sEX & Observation Deck
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Juliet Cardin

www.torrid books.com

Published by
An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC

Whiskey Creek Press
PO Box 51052
Casper, WY 82605-1052

Copyright © 2015 by
Juliet Cardin

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

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ISBN: 978-1-63355-582-2

Cover Artist: Vinessa Riley
Printed in the United States of America



The Tulpa Knight was a sweet read. I really enjoyed the easy flow to the story and its characters. Kallie is a strong woman who finally realizes just what true love is. Jamie is a great man who finds a way to gain back what he looses. The love and the emotions that grow between Kallie and Jamie are a wonderful read. Juliet Cardin makes us once again want to believe in the magic of true love and what it can do. If you enjoy a quick and romantic read this is a book that you should not miss.
~ Got Romance Reviews


I would recommend this novella to those who enjoy sci-fi erotica/romance. It’s an enjoyable read, which is highly entertaining and full of intrigue. More books are sure to be in the future, and I for one am looking forward to them!
5/5 flaming hearts for hotness.

~ sslyblog.wordpress.com

Other Books by Author Available at Torrid Books:

Planet sEx
Divisive Dome
Observation Deck
Across the Distance
Male Order Alien
Creature Worlds: Solar Slick
Creature Worlds: Galaxy Glitch
Survivor Planet



Juliet Cardin

Chapter 1

What could be better than having the man of your dreams sprawled out on the floor with his head buried between your thighs?

Not much, I assure you.

As I lay back, caught in the throes of euphoric ecstasy, mindless of anything but the titillating sensations coursing through my loins, I couldn’t help but feel a blissful surge of triumph. At last, at long last, my heart’s desire lay conquered and in servitude to my every want and whim, right where he belonged, at my feet.

Alas, if only this were real.

Certainly, he felt real enough. The dark brown tousled locks upon his head, where my hands were buried, urging him onward, felt real. His lips and tongue laving my pussy with uninhibited abandon sure felt real.

His warm naked body, glistening with scented oil, undeniably moved like a human male. The long index finger he even now inserted inside my moist awaiting center, was strong and determined, as though he made up his own mind. All of this was mine to control.

“Yes, Dayton!” I hissed at him, lost in the moment. Forgetting the man at my feet would be nothing more than a hard, cold, piece of ingeniously crafted machinery as soon as I was through with him.

He lifted his head to stare at me desperately, the way he’d been designed, as though there were nothing in the world he desired more than to be buried deep within me.

“Please, let me fuck you, I beg you!” he gasped, slipping a second finger into me.

“Yes. Yes, you may fuck me. Hard, Dayton! Hard!”

He rose up, leaning over me as I lay further back on the firm lounge chair. He plunged his hard cock deep inside me with a thrust, filling me completely. One tanned muscular arm balanced up over my head, the other, at my hip, supporting his body so his heaviness wouldn’t rest upon me. Despite my daintiness, he fucked me hard, with abandon, the way I’d directed him to on many occasions. The other women liked to play the weak, helpless maidens with their males, pretending to be delicate and chaste, but I liked it rough. Though they’d never admit it, I bet they ordered their men to take them hard once in a while, just as I did.

Dayton had even been in my ass.

I loved getting it on those nights when I was feeling especially uninhibited. I’d even let him tie me up and spank me too.

There was no fear he would hurt me. He was completely mine to command. Every whim, every desire, every fantasy, he was designed to meet the task, and greet it with eagerness. I was everything to him. His entire world. He existed for my pleasure.

When I was finished with him, I would send him back into the closet, where he could plug himself in and recharge.

“I love you,” he ground out between expertly placed thrusts. “I love you.”

I’d instructed him to say these words to me as I came. He knew exactly the right moment. He would stroke me savagely until I cried out with release, and then he would slow his pace and ride out the torrent with me, panting gently and speaking sweetly.

If only he were real.

He lay with me a moment, then rose to kneel on the floor by my side. He kissed my lips softly and held me in his strong arms. After a great sigh, he got to his feet and wordlessly walked off to the far side of the room.

I rested up on my elbows, watching him go. “Goodnight,” I said, despite the futility of the endearment. At least in my fantasy he could be my departing lover.

Dayton turned and peered at me over his shoulder. “Goodnight,” he said, before giving me a wink and letting himself into the closet. He closed the door slowly behind him, letting me catch one last glimpse of his handsome chiseled profile.

I lay back and gave a great sigh of my own.

The next morning I rose early and met with the other women from the house in the breakfast room. Already they were deep into the gossip and the laughter was loud despite the early hour.

“Morning, Lisia,” Morra said to me.

I took a seat next to her at the long, rectangular, shiny slab of metal which served as our dining table. I remember when I’d first moved in here, I’d joked that it resembled an oversized surgical table. “Morning.”

“Sleep well?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at my exuberant yawn.

“Well enough,” I replied. Breakfast was laid out on trays down the length of the table and everyone had already dug in. I reached for a plate and spooned some scrambled flawn-bird eggs and strips of wendge bacon onto it. Despite the food resembling that of Earth’s fare, it’s unfamiliar taste left much to be desired.
You’ll get used to it
, they’d told me. Yeah, right.

Everything here was different.

Some things were better, other things weren’t.

“How is Dayton working out for you, dear?” Morra asked, ever worried about my comfort and contentment.

You can always leave…

“He’s good,” I answered. Though not quite the same as the real thing back home.

“Dree, Anthia, Calla, and I are going to stroll down to the water’s edge this morning. Would you like to join us?”

All the way to the water’s edge?

“What’s the occasion?” I tried to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

Morra shrugged her thin little shoulders, the movement causing her wispy dark hair to dance around. Her little Kewpie doll face was lit up with childlike excitement. “The men are coming,” she whispered conspiratorially.

This caught my attention.

“Really?” Dree, who’s a little bit on the wild side, told me that once in a while the women would take the men to the water and allow them to fuck them on the sand. They had little tents erected for privacy, or if preferring to go ‘au naturel’, one could always wander farther on down for a vacant bit of sand.

It might be nice to kneel down on the warm sand and suck on Dayton’s generous cock. Then I could turn around and he could take me from behind…

“Lisia?” Morra’s voice broke through the haze of my fantasy.

“Okay, I’ll come along,” I said.

“I thought you might,” she said dryly.

Chapter 2

The men followed along behind us at the appropriate distance, laden down with packs on their backs, hands filled with lunch baskets, blankets, and other items to make our trek more comfortable.

“I let Tondre take me in the ass last night.”

Dree came up beside me, slipping her arm in mine, and whispered this juicy tidbit in my ear.

I laughed at the proper look of shock on her face. “And you loved it.”

She blushed and nodded her head. “It hurt a little, but you were right, if you instruct them to use the oil and gently use their fingers first, then it is bearable. The second time was much better.”

“The second time!” I gasped in mock horror. “Oh, you little slut.”

Dree laughed. “I want him to do it to me on the beach today. But first, I want to take him in my mouth.”

“I’m afraid I have corrupted you,” I told her.

“Yes, you Earth women sure know all the ins and outs of fucking. I thought for sure Tondre might refuse my demand, despite him only being a droid.”

Dree had dark skin and a beautiful voluptuous figure that we all envied. Her male, Tondre, was huge, and muscular with very black skin. Dree told me that his cock was massive. She’d had trouble accommodating him at first, and she’d even considered sending him back to have it reduced in size, but she’d never gotten around to it.

Of all the women here, Dree was the closest one I came to calling a friend. Women from the other houses were kind and polite whenever my housemates or I ran into them. Behind our backs I’m sure it was another story. Just like in our house, the main theme of the day was gossip. Though we all got along all right, I considered most of the women on this planet a bunch of bitches.

Really though, what else was there to do on the spoiled princess planet Ex?

Here, women ruled. No men existed, except for male droids—our toys. When I first arrived, I’d been startled when asked for my specifications for mechanical enjoyment. Were they going to make me my very own dildo? They had said I could have whatever I wanted here. Anything I’d like to eat, drink, smoke, or fuck.

Once I figured out they meant they’d make me a lifelike male droid to my specific specifications, I’d known at once how I wanted him to look.

Dayton was the one man on Earth that I wanted and couldn’t have. He was my ideal fantasy and what could be better than having him at my disposal twenty Ex hours a day, four Ex days a week? He was tall and dark and built like a fireman. My head was swimming with unfulfilled fantasies about him, and once he stood before me in all his obedient glory, I couldn’t wait to begin.

Beg me to lick my pussy,
’ had been my first demand.

And oh, how he’d complied!

Could the real thing have been any better? I didn’t know.

“All right, ladies, we’ll have the men erect the tents at respectable distances and then lay out our lunch. We can all cool down with a refreshing swim while we wait,” Morra suggested.

The men immediately began laying out the gear and starting on their required tasks while my housemates shed their clothes and dashed across the sand into the purple water. At first, all the differences between my Earth and planet Ex had been staggering. Now, after three months of being here, I was pretty much used to it.

Dayton sauntered down the sand with a beach blanket and umbrella under his right arm, and a picnic basket clasped in his left hand. Dree saw the direction of my gaze and whistled. “Someone’s gonna get some sun on her ass today.” She laughed.

“I’m not hiding away in a tent,” I said. “How about you?”

“For the shocking things I have planned today, damn right I’m hiding out!”

I saw Tondre laying out the poles and fabric as we spoke. “I’ve created a monster,” I cried in mock horror.

“You guys can join us if you’d like,” Dree offered.

I’d seen her staring at my large breasts more than a few times and she’d commented about having my long blonde hair across her belly. I knew she wanted me.

Alas, I only desired cock.

“I’ll keep it in mind.” I winked at her before heading out across the sand to catch up with my droid.

All Dree’s talk about getting it in the ass had me horny as hell.

When I finally caught up to Dayton, I could see that he’d found us a beautiful, secluded spot to indulge ourselves. He’d already laid out the large beach towel and was about to start unpacking the picnic lunch. “Just take out the wine,” I told him.

He did as I instructed and poured me a large glass. I drank deeply as I stared at him. His chest was bare as always, and he wore tight black shorts not leaving much to the imagination. “Take those off,” I said, putting my glass aside.

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