Read 3-Brisingr-3 Online

Authors: Unknown

3-Brisingr-3 (90 page)

BOOK: 3-Brisingr-3
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“Well done,” said Oromis. “Now, can you tell me why the stone made that sound when it materialized in the grass?”

Eragon paid close attention to everything Oromis said, but throughout the lesson, he continued to ponder the question of the Menoa tree, even as he knew Saphira did as she soared high above. The longer he considered it, the more he despaired of ever finding a solution.

When Oromis had finished teaching him how to shift objects, the elf asked, “Since you have declined Lord Fiolr’s offer of Támerlein, will you and Saphira stay in Ellesméra much longer?”

“I don’t know, Master,” replied Eragon. “There is something more I wish to try with the Menoa tree, but if it does not succeed, then I suppose we will have no choice but to depart for the Varden empty-handed.”

Oromis nodded. “Before you leave, return here with Saphira one last time.”

“Yes, Master.”

As Saphira winged her way toward the Menoa tree with Eragon on her back, she said,
It didn’t work
before. Why should it now?

It will work because it must. Besides, do you have a better idea?

No, but I like it not. We do not know how she might react. Remember, before Linnëa sang herself
into the tree, she killed the young man who betrayed her affections. She might resort to violence

She won’t dare, not while you are there to protect me.


With a faint whisper of wind, Saphira alighted upon a knuckle-like root several hundred feet from the base of the Menoa tree. The squirrels in the enormous pine screamed warnings to their brethren as they noticed her arrival.

Sliding down onto the root, Eragon rubbed his palms on his thighs, then muttered, “Right, let’s not waste time.” With light footsteps, he ran up the root to the trunk of the tree, holding his arms out on either side to maintain his balance. Saphira followed at a slower pace, her claws splitting and cracking the bark she trod over.

Eragon squatted on a slippery patch of wood and hooked his fingers through a crevice in the trunk of the tree in order to keep himself from toppling over. He waited until Saphira was standing above him, and then he closed his eyes, breathed deeply of the cool, moist air, and pushed his thoughts out toward the tree.

The Menoa tree made no attempt to stop him from touching her mind, for her consciousness was so large and alien, and so intertwined with that of the other plant life of the forest, it did not need to defend itself. Anyone who attempted to seize control of the tree would also have to establish their mental dominance over a large swath of Du Weldenvarden, a feat which no single person could hope to achieve.

From the tree, Eragon felt a sense of warmth and light and of the earth pressing against her roots for hundreds of yards in every direction. He felt the stir of a breeze through the tree’s tangled branches and the flow of sticky sap seeping over a small cut in its bark, and he received a host of similar impressions from the other plants the Menoa tree watched over. Compared with the awareness it had displayed during the Blood-oath Celebration, the tree almost seemed to be asleep; the only sentient thought Eragon could detect was so long and slow-moving, it was impossible to decipher.

Summoning all of his resources, Eragon flung a mental shout at the Menoa tree.
Please, listen to me, O

great tree! I need your help! The entire land is at war, the elves have left the safety of Du
Weldenvarden, and I do not have a sword to fight with! The werecat Solembum told me to look
under the Menoa tree when I needed a weapon. Well, that time has come! Please, listen to me, O

mother of the forest! Help me in my quest!
While he spoke, Eragon pressed against the tree’s consciousness images of Thorn and Murtagh and the armies of the Empire. Adding several more memories to the mix, Saphira bolstered his efforts with the force of her own mind.

Eragon did not rely on words and images alone. From within himself and Saphira, he funneled a steady stream of energy into the tree: a gift of good faith that he hoped might also rouse the Menoa tree’s curiosity.

Several minutes elapsed, and still the tree did not acknowledge them, but Eragon refused to abandon their attempt. The tree, he reasoned, moved at a slower pace than humans or elves; it was only to be expected that it would not immediately respond to their request.

We cannot spare much more of our strength,
said Saphira,
not if we are to return to the Varden in a
timely fashion.

Eragon agreed and reluctantly stemmed the flow of energy.

While they continued to plead with the Menoa tree, the sun reached its zenith and then began to descend. Clouds billowed and shrank and scuttled across the dome of the sky. Birds darted over the trees, angry squirrels chattered, butterflies meandered from spot to spot, and a line of red ants marched past Eragon’s boot, carrying small white larvae in their pincers.

Then Saphira snarled, and every bird within hearing fled in fright.
Enough of this groveling!
she declared.
I am a dragon, and I will not be ignored, not even by a tree!

“No, wait!” Eragon cried, sensing her intentions, but she ignored him.

Stepping back from the trunk of the Menoa tree, Saphira crouched, sank her claws deep into the root underneath her, and, with a mighty wrench, tore three huge strips of wood out of the root.
Come out and
speak with us, elf-tree!
she roared. She drew back her head like a snake about to strike, and a pillar of flame erupted from between her jaws, bathing the trunk in a storm of blue and white fire.

Covering his face, Eragon leaped away to escape the heat.

“Saphira, stop!” he shouted, horrified.

I will stop when she answers us.

A thick cloud of water droplets fell to the ground. Looking up, Eragon saw the branches of the pine trembling and swaying with increasing agitation. The groan of wood rubbing against wood filled the air.

At the same time, an ice-cold breeze struck Eragon’s cheek, and he thought he felt a low rumble beneath his feet. Glancing around, he saw that the trees that ringed the clearing seemed taller and more angular than before, and they seemed to be leaning inward, their crooked branches reaching toward him like talons.

And Eragon was afraid.

. . . , he said, and sank into a half crouch, ready to either run or fight.

Closing her jaws and thus ending the stream of fire, Saphira looked away from the Menoa tree. As she beheld the ring of menacing trees, her scales rippled and the tips rose from her hide like the ruff on a riled cat. She growled at the forest, swinging her head from side to side, then unfolded her wings and began to retreat from the Menoa tree.
Quick, get on my back

Before Eragon could take a single step, a root as thick as his arm sprouted out of the ground and coiled itself around his left ankle, immobilizing him. Even thicker roots appeared on either side of Saphira and grasped her by the legs and tail, holding her in place. Saphira roared in fury and arched her neck to loose another deluge of fire.

The flames in her mouth flickered and went out as a voice sounded in her mind and Eragon’s, a slow, whispering voice that reminded Eragon of rustling leaves, and the voice said:
Who dares to disturb my
peace? Who dares to bite me and burn me? Name yourselves, so I will know who it is I have killed


Eragon grimaced in pain as the root tightened around his ankle. A little more pressure and it would break the bone.
I am Eragon Shadeslayer, and this is the dragon with whom I am bonded, Saphira

Die well, Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Brightscales.

Eragon said.
I have not finished naming us

A long silence followed, then the voice said,

I am the last free Dragon Rider in Alagaësia, and Saphira is the last female dragon in all of
existence. We are perhaps the only ones who can defeat Galbatorix, the traitor who has destroyed
the Riders and conquered half of Alagaësia.

Why did you hurt me, dragon?
the voice sighed.

Saphira bared her teeth as she answered:
Because you would not talk with us, elf-tree, and because
Eragon has lost his sword and a werecat told him to look under the Menoa tree when he needed a
weapon. We have looked and looked, but we cannot find it on our own

Then you die in vain, dragon, for there is no weapon under my roots.

Desperate to keep the tree talking, Eragon said,
We believe the werecat might have meant
brightsteel, the star metal Rhunön uses to forge the blades of the Riders. Without it, she cannot
replace my sword.

The surface of the earth rippled as the network of roots that covered the clearing shifted slightly. The disturbance flushed hundreds of panicked rabbits, mice, voles, shrews, and other small creatures from their burrows and dens, and sent them scampering across the open ground toward the main body of the forest.

Out of the corner of his eye, Eragon saw dozens of elves running toward the clearing, their hair streaming behind them like silk pennants. Silent as apparitions, the elves stopped underneath the boughs of the encircling trees and stared at him and Saphira but made no move to approach or to assist them.

Eragon was about to call with his mind for Oromis and Glaedr when the voice returned.
The werecat
knew whereof he spoke; there is a nodule of brightsteel ore buried at the very edge of my roots,
but you shall not have it. You bit me and you burned me, and I do not forgive you

Alarm tempered Eragon’s excitement at hearing of the ore’s existence.
But Saphira is the last female
he exclaimed.
Surely you would not kill her!

Dragons breathe fire,
whispered the voice, and a shudder ran through the trees at the edge of the clearing.
Fires must be extinguished

Saphira growled again and said,
If we cannot stop the man who destroyed the Dragon Riders, he will
come here and he will burn the forest around you, and then he will destroy you as well, elf-tree. If
you help us, though, we may be able to stop him.

A screech echoed among the trees as two branches scraped against each other.
If he tries to kill my
seedlings, then he will die,
said the voice.
No one is as strong as the whole of the forest. No one can
hope to defeat the forest, and I speak for the forest

Is not the energy we gave you enough to repair your wounds?
asked Eragon.
Is not it compensation

The Menoa tree did not answer but rather probed at Eragon’s mind, sweeping through his thoughts like a gust of wind.
What are you, Rider?
said the tree.
I know every creature that lives among this forest,
but never have I encountered one like you

I am neither elf nor human,
said Eragon.
I am something in between. The dragons changed me
during the Blood-oath Celebration

Why did they change you, Rider?

So that I could better fight Galbatorix and his empire.

I remember I felt a warping in the world during the celebration, but I did not think it was
important. . . . So little seems important now, save the sun and the rain.

Eragon said,
We will heal your root and trunk if that will satisfy you, but please, may we have the

The other trees creaked and moaned like abandoned souls, and then, soft and fluttering, the voice came again.
Will you give me what I want in return, Dragon Rider?

I will,
Eragon said without hesitation. Whatever the price, he would gladly pay it for a Rider’s sword.

The canopy of the Menoa tree grew still, and for several minutes, all was quiet in the clearing. Then the ground began to shake and the roots in front of Eragon began to twist and grind, shedding flakes of bark as they pulled aside to reveal a bare patch of dirt, out of which emerged what appeared to be a lump of corroded iron roughly two feet long and a foot and a half wide. As the ore came to rest on the surface of the rich black soil, Eragon felt a slight twinge in his lower belly. He winced and rubbed at the spot, but the momentary flare of discomfort had already vanished. Then the root around his ankle loosened and retreated into the ground, as did those that had been holding Saphira in place.

Here is your metal,
whispered the Menoa tree.
Take it and go
. . . .

—Eragon started to ask.

. . . , said the Menoa tree, its voice fading away.
. . . . And the tree’s consciousness withdrew from him and Saphira, receding deeper and deeper into itself until Eragon could barely sense its presence. Around them, looming pines relaxed and resumed their usual positions.

“But . . . ,” Eragon said out loud, puzzled that the Menoa tree had not told him what she wanted.

Still perplexed, he went over to the ore, slid his fingers under the edge of the metal-laced stone, and hoisted the irregular mass into his arms, grunting at its weight. Hugging it against his chest, he turned away from the Menoa tree and started the long walk toward Rhunön’s house.

Saphira sniffed the brightsteel as she joined him.
You were right,
she said.
I should not have attacked

BOOK: 3-Brisingr-3
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