3013: FATED (17 page)

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Authors: Susan Hayes

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Who was the woman in the mirror?

She’d managed to tame her curls for the most part, coiling her unruly mane into a classic chignon that left her feeling strangely naked without the weight of her hair falling around her shoulders. The dress was nothing she would have chosen for herself, but Alayna had insisted it was perfect. It was a fitted, one-shoulder design in black velvet trimmed in silver, with a silver belt that accentuated her waist. As far as Ciara was concerned, it only drew attention to everything she lacked physically. A quick glance at the guest list had shown her she was the only non-enhanced woman attending tonight, which meant she would be surrounded by women with killer curves, finely honed senses, and legs so long she was going to look like a vertically-challenged pixie in comparison.

A childhood’s worth of memories surged around her brain and none of them were happy ones. Always on the fringes, never fitting in. Nibbling on hors d’oeuvres and sticking to the quiet corners where no one would bother her, and she wouldn’t be accused of bothering the guests. Fun

“Get a grip,” she muttered to herself as she turned away from the mirror. She wasn’t that lonely girl any more. With that thought firmly fixed in her mind, Ciara picked up her wrap and purse from the bed, then headed downstairs to where Dane and Vance were waiting.

Annie spotted her first and announced her arrival with a piping cry. “Ciara is princess!”

It was the highest compliment she’d ever been given.

Both men were standing in the foyer, their dress uniforms perfectly fitted. They truly were two of the finest looking men she’d ever seen, in or out of uniform.

“Holy nova, angel, you look amazing,” Dane said, staring at her with something akin to awe.

“Breathtaking,” Vance agreed, releasing Annie’s hand so she could race up the stairs.

Ciara leaned down and scooped the little girl into her arms. “You think I look like a princess?” she asked Annie.

“Uh huh. Bootiful princess.”

“Thank you, sweet pea.”

Dane had a lump in his throat as he watched Ciara and his daughter together. It was a moment he’d never forget, and it reminded him that as much as he and Vance could do for Annie, there were some things only a mother can provide.

“The two of them together is a hell of a sight, isn’t it?” Vance asked, his voice pitched low enough the girls couldn’t overhear.

“It really is. Our girls are a couple of beauties, aren’t they?”

“Don’t let her hear you getting possessive. She isn’t ready to concede that point just yet.”

Dane tore his eyes away from the vision on the stairs to look at his best friend. “Then we’ll have to find a way to convince her, because there’s no fucking way I’m letting her go.”

Vance nodded. “Me either.”

Ciara descended the stairs still holding Annie. When she reached the bottom, Vance moved in to take his daughter. Dane went straight for Ciara, hauling her into his arms. She went easily, laughing as she stretched up on her toes to kiss him.

“You clean up very nicely, Director.”

“So do you. But you know, I think there’s something missing from your outfit.”

A crease appeared between her brows. “If you mean the other half of this dress, it’s Alayna’s fault. She said—”

“The dress is perfect.” He paused to kiss her again before holding out his hand so she could see what he’d been holding. “But it would even look even better if you were wearing these.”

She took one look at the earrings in his hand and gasped. There were tears shimmering in her eyes as she reached up to touch one of the interlocking hoops of hammered white gold. “You want me to wear these?”

“We want you to have them. To wear, to keep, hell, to sell if you want to. They’re yours.”

“I wouldn’t sell these!” she exclaimed, taking them and holding them up to the light. They’re gorgeous. I’ve never owned anything like them.”

“In that case, you can have the necklace, too,” Vance said, holding up the matching piece.

“Now you really princess,” Annie said, reaching for the gleaming gold with pudgy fingers outstretched.

“Not for you, sweet pea. These are for Ciara. We got you something a little more your size.” Dane fished a child’s necklace of large pink and white baubles out of his pocket and offered it to Annie, who took it with a delighted squeal that threatened to rupture their eardrums.

“Now you’re a princess, too,” Ciara declared, turning in Dane’s arms so she could plant a kiss on Annie’s cheek. “These are beautiful. You two shouldn’t have bought them for me, though. I …I don’t know what to say.”

“Say thank you. Then hold still, and I’ll put the necklace on for you,” Vance said, setting Annie down.

“Thank you doesn’t seem nearly powerful enough a statement, but thank you. So much.”

“You’re welcome, angel.” Dane stole one last kiss before letting her go, moving back so he could watch as Vance moved behind her, slipping the links around her neck before fastening it securely.

“Now you look the part,” Vance said as she put on the earrings and then stepped back so they could both see the final result.

She laughed and did a little pirouette for them. “What part is that? Rebel in disguise? Cinderella waiting for the clock to chime midnight?”

“How about a beautiful woman gracing two very lucky men with the honor of her company?” Dane offered her his arm.

“I like it. I think Cinderella’s the more accurate description, though.”

Vance leaned in and kissed her, his fingers tracing the links of the necklace they’d given her. “We’ll still be here after midnight, Ciara. This story doesn’t have to end. Not if you don’t want it to.”

There was silence for a moment, but before she could say anything, Annie chimed in. “Story! I want story, too!’

Ciara smiled down at Annie, and there was a light in her eyes that touched Dane’s soul. She might not be in love with them yet, but she was more than a little in love with their daughter. “Not tonight, sweetheart. Tomorrow I will read you
stories. Now, it’s time for us to get you to Jacqueline’s for the night. I bet you she’ll read you a story if we hurry up and get you there before bedtime.”

“’Kay. We go now!”

“Some days I think she takes after me.” Dane grinned at Vance as they followed Annie outside. “But times like this, it’s painfully clear she’s your daughter. Who knew there was a gene for being a bossy pain in the ass?”

“What’s ass?” Annie asked, and all three of them burst out laughing.

It was going to be a good night.


* * * *


Ciara had barely set foot in the party room before Alayna came to greet them, her two bonded only a few feet behind her. Clad in a stunning crimson gown, her hair caught up in a multitude of braids, the former thief looked perfectly at home in the crowded space.

“You look amazing! And did you see the room? It’s perfect. You were right about the table layout, and the centerpieces are exactly what I wanted. Thank you! Damn, did I say you look amazing? I knew that dress was the right choice.”

Ciara found herself being hugged so hard she could barely breathe, and once again, she was struck by the changes in Alayna since she’d been claimed. She was truly happy, and her joy showed with every word and gesture.

“I didn’t do much. I only made a few suggestions.”

Alayna rolled her eyes. “Take the compliment.”

Nikolai and Colin nodded their agreement.

“Everything looks perfect. Thank you for helping our chosen pull this together without going insane. We know this wasn’t what either of you consider fun, but I have to say, you did an amazing job,” Colin said, looking at Alayna with pride and love.

Alayna smiled back at him. “And if anyone ruins it, I might stab them. I want everything to go perfectly tonight.”

Her other bonded, Nikolai, muttered under his breath and put a hand on Alanya’s arm. “I should probably have asked this sooner, but…you’re not armed, are you?”

Ciara slapped a hand to her mouth to hide her laughter as Alayna rolled her eyes again.

“What do you think, big guy?”

The base’s head of security groaned. “Fuck. Of course you are. Do me a favor and don’t stab anyone tonight, okay? I don’t need the paperwork.”

Colin turned his attention to Dane and Vance, grinning from ear to ear. “This is what happens when you claim a rebel. Consider yourselves warned.”

A new voice joined the conversation, and instantly, all four men snapped to attention, turning to salute the new arrival.


Alayna turned to beam at man joining them. “Hi, Dad. Welcome to your party.”

Regent Travers smiled down at his daughter. “You did an incredible job getting this organized. Your mother would be so proud of you.”

“I had a lot of help, especially from Ciara,” Alayna said back before making introductions. “Regent Clifton Travers, this is my friend, Ciara Fanning, and you already know her dates, Director Dane Foster and Director Vance Sterling.”


Both men saluted again while Ciara got her first look at the regent. The first thing she noticed was that he had the same jade-green eyes as Alayna. He was younger than she’d expected, a man still in his prime despite the touch of silver sprinkled throughout the dark waves of his hair and his closely cropped beard. His dress uniform was perfectly tailored, and she belatedly realized Alayna’s dress was the exact same shade of red as her father’s sleeves. It was a subtle nod to their relationship, and proof that father and daughter were both clearly happy to have the other back in their lives.

The Regent turned to Ciara. “I am very happy you could join us tonight. Alayna told me what happened, and I wanted you to know if you need help rebuilding your clinic, I would be happy to direct funding and materials your way.”

Ciara’s jaw dropped. “You want to help me rebuild? In the badlands? Isn’t that a bit outside the Alliance’s area of interest?”

“The Alliance safeguards this entire planet and everyone on it. We’re all citizens of the Alliance, even if some would like to believe otherwise.”

She caught the twinkle in his eyes and grinned. “I see Alayna’s been hitting you with the same speech she’s been giving me since I got here.”

Travers chuckled. “It’s possible. I didn’t need much persuading, though. She’s alive because of the rebels. The badlands were her home.” He shrugged. “Alayna’s causes are mine now. It’s as simple as that.”

Vance watched Ciara charm one of the Alliance’s leaders with a mix of pride and concern. As pleased as he was to see her coming into her own in such company, the last thing he and Dane wanted was for her to take up Clifton’s offer and head out to the badlands to rebuild her life far away from Fort Saken…and them.

“I’m still considering what I’ll do next, but I appreciate the offer. And may I say

you’re as smooth a talker as Alayna.”

Travers laughed and reached out to touch Ciara’s arm. “Thank you. Though I’m not sure you’re right. Alayna has a real knack for getting people to come around to her way of thinking.”

“She does indeed.”

Ciara graced the regent with a smile that set Vance’s teeth on edge. Was she flirting with Travers? Oh, hell no. Regent or not, Vance wasn’t appreciating the way Travers was looking at her.

Back off, old man. She’s claimed.

The thought blindsided him. Claimed? Where the hell had that idea come from?

Dane stepped in to place a possessive arm around Ciara’s waist. “We’re hoping Alayna will use her talents to help us convince Ciara to stay here in Fort Saken. Thanks to Alayna’s efforts, more residents of the badlands are moving here. We’re going to need a civilian medical center soon. Who better to be part of that than someone they already know and trust?”

Thank the fucking stars for Dane.

Their conversation was interrupted by one of the servers. “Excuse me, but dinner is about to be served. If our guest of honor and the rest of the head table could take their seats, we can begin.”

“And that’s our cue to find our table,” Vance said with barely disguised relief. Socializing was never his strong suit, and he was looking forward to sitting down and staying out of the way for the rest of the night.

Ciara slipped her hand into his and gifted him with an angelic smile. “Did I forget to tell you? We’re at the head table tonight.”

“We are?” She was going to pay for this once he got her alone, and judging by Dane’s expression, he’d have help exacting their revenge.

“Alayna arranged it.” Ciara’s fingers tightened around his, and she dropped her voice to a whisper. “She didn’t want to be surrounded by sycophants and suck-ups all night. This way, her father has a chance to relax a little. I couldn’t say no.”

“That doesn’t get you off the hook for not warning us. Vengeance shall be mine.”

“Oh, yeah. Payback is coming, angel,” Dane whispered as they fell in behind the main party and followed them to their assigned seating.

Suddenly, he had a new reason to want this night over with. With Annie at the sitter’s for the night, payback was going to be a long, enjoyable activity for all of them.





The moment dinner ended and the music started up, Vance and Dane stood, took Ciara by the hands and led her out to the dance floor.

“Oh, no. I don’t dance. Not ever,” she protested, but her arguments fell on deaf ears.

“Consider this part one of payback, then. Because we’re dancing with you.” Dane’s voice had a rough edge to it, his jaw set and eyes glittering with determination.


“Because,” Vance growled, spinning her around so she was facing Dane with Vance moving in close behind her, his hands on her hips and his big body nestled up tight to hers.

“If one more guy looks at you like you’re on the menu, I’m going to lose it. This way’s easier. When we’re done dancing, there won’t be a man here who doesn’t know who you belong to.” Dane maneuvered them deep into the growing throng of dancers until they were dead center in the middle of the floor.

“Including Travers. Regent or not, he’s walking on thin-fucking-ice,” Vance murmured.

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