3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11) (15 page)

BOOK: 3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11)
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moved her arms, bracing her hands near Daimon’s head as she tried to lift up a
little. Both Daimon and Maddox helped her and she gave Tavius a little growl of
her own. “I want to taste you. Come to me, mate. Give me what I need.”

nostrils flared as he lifted up onto his knees near her head. He threw back his
head as she took his cock into her hot mouth, the pleasure so acute it bordered
on pain. He fought the urge to spill, knowing he would choke her if he did. Her
tongue swirled around the head of his cock, and he felt her moan vibrate
straight through his body as she took him deeper.

four of them worked together, giving and taking pleasure. Strokes quickened,
and control strained to the breaking point.

going to come,” Daimon panted. “She’s too tight.”

pulled his cock from her mouth as Daimon let out a growl, signaling that he’d
reached completion. A few seconds later, Mya let out a raw cry, her body
shaking as the hot, hard spurts of Daimon’s release triggered her own climax.

pulled her head down toward him and kissed her, then his mouth moved lower,
trailing down to her neck. He sank his fangs deep, tasting the rich glory of
her blood as he claimed her, joining them together in the way of his people.
She imprinted onto his senses, sank deep within his soul.

was bound to her now, forever and always.

continued to drive his cock into her ass, riding her trough her release until
Daimon was finished coming. After receiving a nod from his brother, Maddox
lifted her off of Daimon, shifting them on the bed until he was on his back
with Mya lying on top of him. He kept his cock embedded deep within her ass,
knowing he was close to spilling his seed, too, but he wanted to hold out until
Mya came again.

Tavius,” he urged.

wasted no time getting in position. He slammed his cock into her pussy, forcing
her down on Maddox’s cock with each hard thrust. Daimon moved to their side,
leaning down to take her nipple into his mouth as he cupped her other breast.

again, Mya.”

can’t! It’s too much!”

can,” Maddox growled near her ear. “Come and take Tavius and me with you, love.
Do it now,
. Come for us.”

giving her a choice, Maddox reached down and lightly slapped her clit with two
of his fingers. Mya screamed as waves of ecstasy slammed into her. Tears leaked
from her eyes as her body convulsed, the pleasure too intense for her to take.

climax shot through her before the last one had faded as she felt the hard jets
of Tavius’ semen fill her pussy and Maddox release his seed deep inside her ass.

. We will love you forever,” Maddox whispered in her ear a second
before his fangs sank deep into her neck.

gasped as Tavius bit the other side of her neck. The sharp pain was nothing
compared to the overwhelming rush of emotions she felt coming from both males
as they claimed her. Her vision blurred, but she didn’t bother fighting it. Her
mates would take care of her. She was sure of it.

because she was, she let the darkness claim her.





TechCon was ultimate madness…and Mya loved every second of it.

was the day of the grand opening of her shop, and the reception for her new
warrior line of clothing had been more than she’d anticipated. Actually, the
entire store was a huge success, and Mya couldn’t be more pleased.

had worried about opening her shop on the same day that the TechCon began, but
from the moment the doors opened, customers had poured in. Halfway through the day,
they’d had to fully restock all the racks with already-made clothing. They also
had a dozen custom orders already, which both delighted and terrified her.

had hired enough staff to cover full shifts with a rotating schedule, making
sure that everyone would have at least a couple days off each week. But due to
the chaos of the TechCon, her team had decided that they would all work the two
weeks to help out with the influx of customers.

people that worked for her were walking advertisements for the clothing that Starlight
Designs produced. They were able to talk to the customers about the outfits,
which usually led to sales. Mya wore her black and silver warrior outfit today
with her Krytos dagger tucked safely in her belt. Seeing her in it had sparked custom
orders for the new line, but she also had a secret weapon in her arsenal for
fashion domination.

had used flattery, cajoled, and manipulated until Maddox, Daimon, Tavius,
Ryland, Mikal, Pia, Reva and Kahla had agreed to also wear outfits she had
specially designed for them. Her mates and her guards had been easy to
convince, but Reva and Kahla had taken a little more work.

thought I was going to have to hurt you, but this isn’t that bad.”

laughed at Reva’s statement. The Helios female had shown up a few minutes
before they’d closed for the day. Now, they were sitting in the staff lounge of
the store with Pia and Mikal. It had only taken Mya a few hours that morning to
figure out that she was getting in the way rather than helping. Her banishment
to the back room had pleased her mates and her guards. She‘d been able to watch
what was going on through the security feed, but it wasn’t the same thing as
being in the center of the action.

it. You like it,” Mya teased as she admired how Reva looked.

grunted delicately as she looked down at the red, gold and brown leather outfit
she was wearing. “It doesn’t suck.”

laughed. “I love my new outfit. It makes me feel like a superhero or something.”

scowled at her and Mya. “It’s too damn tight. All of your outfits are. Couldn’t
you have made something a little looser or maybe covered more skin?”

Pia and Reva looked at one another, then burst into laughter. Mikal just
grumbled a little, then he closed his eyes, trying to pretend that he wasn’t

really do appreciate you wearing it,” Mya said when she sobered. “We had tons
of Helios coming in that said they saw you walking around today. Several placed
orders for their own warrior outfits.”

sighed. “Only for you. I would normally punch someone for coming up to me to
ask about my clothes, but I sent them over here like a dutiful friend.”

I thank you for that,” Mya said earnestly. “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought
we were all meeting at Sanctum later.”

was given the night off. Actually, my mother told me I’m not allowed anywhere
near her dinner this evening so I was taken off duty. She and my fathers are
meeting with a visiting tribe leader.” Reva paused before saying, “I may have
had previous altercations with the tribe leader’s sons. They are spoiled,
selfish assholes who didn’t like hearing that I wasn’t interested in having
them as companions.”

eyes opened and he frowned. “Why is your mother meeting with them?”

may be a Helios Ambassador for the Alliance, but she is also a well-respected
mediator for the tribes on my home world. Because we don’t live on Helix, some
of the tribe leaders are more comfortable coming to her to help them with

why would she help that tribe leader if her sons attacked you?” Pia asked.

shrugged, but there was a sadness in her eyes that she couldn’t hide. “My
mother always puts politics before personal grievances. It’s what makes her a
good ambassador. One of my fathers was asked to go to Helix to see the
situation for himself while my mother and my other two fathers hear what this
tribe leader has to say. Once my father returns, they will decide whether or
not to help.”

leaned into Mikal as she asked, “Do you miss being on Helix?”

and no,” Reva said after a long minute. “My mother took the position of
ambassador before I completed the Hunt. My fathers came home on a rotation to
help raise me, but after I became of age, I was officially given a position as
one of my mother’s guards. I guess I don’t really think of Helix as my home

thought that Reva’s past sounded extremely lonely. Sure, she might have had
friends, but her mother and fathers had chosen ambition instead of staying home
to raise their child. “I never asked, do you have any siblings?”

I was born, they realized that they didn’t want any more offspring. Actually, my
father Neo does, but he was outnumbered.”

does he stay with your mother? Are they life-locked?”

shook her head. “No. I guess you could say that my parents have more of an
arrangement. It suits them, but I would never be happy with a relationship like

wouldn’t either. It was disheartening that so many couples put ambition before
the welfare of their children. Many humans did the same, and Mya vowed to never
let that happen. If she was lucky enough to have children with her mates, she
would make sure that they knew they were loved. She would encourage them to
follow their dreams, just as her own mother had done.

Helios are strange when it comes to pairings,” Reva told them. “We have a
matriarchal society, and we value strength, but most of our elders do whatever
they can to keep our males subservient. It’s why many Helios males have found
homes on space stations or have moved to Earth. Our race it too primal to obey
anyone for long.”

surprised the males don’t fight back against the system,” Mikal commented.

don’t care enough to try. The tribes are a community, but the reality is, most
of the Helios are solitary, focusing on their own families rather than dealing
with the race as a whole.”

makes sense,” Mikal said. Changing the subject, he said, “Hey, Mya. Where are
those mates of yours? I could use a drink.”

should be here soon, and Tavius has gotten held up in the main ballroom dealing
with the vendors. Oh, and an Alliance vessel just landed unexpectedly. Maddox
is in a meeting with the commander. He’ll find us at Sanctum when he’s done.”

put her feet up on the table in front of the chair she was sitting on. “How has
all of that been going? Being mated to three Krytos has to be interesting. I
know you were looking for a change, but I’m sure this is a little more than you
were expecting.”

smiled. So far, being mated to Maddox, Daimon and Tavius was a dream come true.
Sure, there were times when she wanted to slam her head against a wall, but for
the most part, the past week had been filled with love and laughter. The three
brothers were making an effort to make her a real partner, but they’d been
together for a long time without a female to worry about, so they were all
learning day to day.

she had never been in a relationship before, she didn’t really have any
expectations for what “normal” was. When they pissed her off, she was getting
better at telling them immediately. She’d also resigned herself to their
overprotective nature, but she’d put her foot down on having more security
assigned to her.

few days ago, the four of them had spoken to Ryland, Mikal and Pia. Since Mya’s
parents had requested the trio as her guards, she hadn’t been sure if they would
be willing to stay after the Adaro brothers took over being in charge of her
security. She’d been pleased when all three of her friends had said they’d be
willing to retire from their duties as elites to join the security force on New
Vega. They would still be private security for Mya, but Maddox, Daimon and Tavius
insisted on paying them for their services instead of allowing the Alliance to
control her security team.

contacted her mother the day after she’d mated with Maddox, Daimon and Tavius.
Donna Spartan-Rollins had been startled by the news at first, but she’d quickly
become elated when Mya told her how much she loved them. Donna said that she
would wait a little while before she told Mya’s fathers about the mating. That
would give Mya some time with her mates before her family showed up en masse.

the Spartan-Rollins family would come to New Vega soon…and then she’d have to
worry about stopping the males from killing each other.

loved her mates. They showed her how much they loved her in so many ways, and
she wore the small scars from their mating bites with pride. From that first
night they had all been together, they’d fallen into a comfortable rhythm
living together. Each day, they would go about their own business, although all
three of her mates would seek her out while she was working. They said they
just wanted to see her, but she knew it was also to make sure she was safe.

the end of the day, they retreated to their suite. They would eat, then she
would take a bath in their lagoon with the brother who wasn’t sleeping with her
that night. After they shared some special time together, she’d join the other
two brothers in the bedroom where they would love her with a passion that left
her breathless.

whenever two of them fucked her at the same time and bit her, she usually ended
up passing out from the overwhelming pleasure. That first night, she’d woken up
to find Dr. Devin Deveaux smiling down at her. Her mates had lost their minds,
and had summoned the doctor immediately. Dr. Deveaux said it was nothing to
worry about, but each time it happened, Mya’s mates went a little crazy.
Remembering what they’d done last night to make it happen again made her flush
with heat.

good, huh?” Reva said with a grin. “I guess having three large males catering
to your every whim must be worth the aggravation of keeping them around.”

wonderful. We haven’t been mated long, but I really do love them.”

we love you,” Daimon said as he strolled into the room. Mya rushed over to him,
and he lifted her so he could give her a long, lingering kiss.

a room,” Mikal grumbled.

pulled back and grinned. “How was your day?”

Are you ready to head to Sanctum?” he asked as he put her back down so her feet
were once again touching the ground. “Where is Ryland?”

snickered. “You didn’t tell him? When Tavius stopped by earlier, he objected to
the men who stopped by the shop to talk to Mya.”

men?” Daimon growled.

worry. They bolted as soon as they saw your mark on her. Ryland had been
complaining that our outfits were making men want to come inside the store to
talk to us, so she sent Ryland with Tavius to get him out of our space for a

are a menace,
,” Daimon said with a chuckle. “Come on, I think we
all deserve a drink to celebrate your grand opening.”

left the store, working their way through the crowds of people as they headed
toward the glides leading to the lower levels. As they walked by a group of
strangely dressed men, Daimon scowled. “What in all the worlds are they
supposed to be?”

dressed up like that vid show. Have you see Gladiators Resurrected?”

why would I? And why are they wearing skirts?”

not a skirt. That is a replica of an ancient Roman soldier’s uniform.”

a skirt,” Daimon argued. “I’m glad humans evolved eventually.”

rolled her eyes. That was something her mates said whenever they didn’t
understand something human, so she was used to hearing it.

made their way down to the second sublevel and bypassed the line of people waiting
to get into Sanctum. The two guards at the door bowed their heads to Daimon and
Mya. “Welcome, alphas.”

Pia said with a grin. “Being with you guys is like having a universal access
code to everything.”

laughed. “So glad we could be of use.”

saw Kahla gesturing to them from across the room and headed over to the table
she’d reserved for them. She already had a bottle of wine and glasses, and
started pouring as soon as they sat down. Before Daimon could take his seat,
she poked him in the chest. “Zorah needs to talk to you. Now.”

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