3013: MENDED (4 page)

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Authors: Kali Argent

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Then he did the most remarkable thing. Tariq pressed his palm to the side of her neck, using his thumb under her chin to tilt her face up, and kissed her. When their lips met, everything in her head melted away, dissolving into a peace she hadn’t known in years.

Her pulse accelerated once more, for a completely different reason this time, and Cami pressed closer, opening for him with a quiet whimper. The first glide of his tongue against hers sent a shiver down her spine, and the scrape of his fangs against her lower lip produced a lusty moan she didn’t know herself capable of making.

“That’s better,” Tariq whispered against the corner of her mouth. “You’re okay now.”

“Better than okay.” Cami tried to sit up, but stopped when Tariq closed his eyes and groaned. Only then did she realize they were sitting in the middle of the hallway with her perched in Tariq’s lap. “How did I get here?”

“I thought you were having a seizure or something, so I carried you out of the atrium.” He dropped his head back against the wall and groaned again. “Stop moving.”

“Oh.” Cami held perfectly still. “Did I hurt you?”

In response, he tucked her head under his chin and laughed. “No, angel, you didn’t hurt me.”

A hard bulge behind his zipper dug into her backside, alerting her to the problem. Pushing away from his chest, Cami peeked up at him through her lashes, realization finally dawning. “Oops, sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” Sliding his arms around her midsection and behind her knees, Tariq stood, lifting her as easily as if she weighed nothing. “You need rest.”

“I’m feeling better now.” The pain in her head had vanished, and only a warm tingle in her belly—remnants of their kiss—remained. “Why did you kiss me?”

Though he looked straight ahead, Cami didn’t miss the faint smile or the way his voice gentled when he repeated his earlier assessment. “You talk too much.”

  Resting her head on his shoulder, Cami sighed in contentment. “It only seems that way because you barely talk at all. I’ll try to be less vocal, though.”

Tariq pressed his lips to the top of her head as a satisfied rumbled vibrated his chest. “Don’t. I’ll get used to it.”


“You’re short about a hundred credits, which is ninety-nine more fucks than I give.” Tariq shoved past the winged bastard and started across the refueling dock.

“That can’t be right.” The D’Aire cargo runner grabbed him by the elbow to stop his forward progress. “Check it again.”

“I’ve scanned your account twice. Once more isn’t going to change anything.” Tariq looked down to where the guy still held his arm. “I suggest you remove your hand unless you want to lose it.”

The D’Aire had at least six inches on him, but Tariq didn’t care. In fact, he looked forward to the challenge. He’d spent the entire night lying awake on the too-small sofa with Cami’s scent filling his head. Then he’d reported to work, only to discover techs were still working on repairs in Docking Bay E and he’d been temporarily reassigned to Refueling Bay B. By lunch, he’d been spoiling for a fight, and it didn’t matter where he found it.

“Fine.” The D’Aire released him and nodded. “I’ll find some other means.”

“You do that.”

Of the station’s eight landing bays, two were used for repairs and two for shipping and receiving supplies, leaving the other half for refueling. Working the refueling bays meant talking to people, something Tariq tried to avoid whenever possible. In the past twenty-four hours, he’d talked more than he normally did in a month. He blamed Cami. That female could charm the stars down from the sky, and her scent alone could tame the most savage of beasts.

Pulling up the fueling schedule on his tablet, Tariq nodded in satisfaction when he found no more ships in his queue. Second shift would be taking over soon, and as long as nothing happened in the interim, he’d be out of there before dinner. With any luck, Naila had gotten her shipment in, and he could give Cami the surprise he’d promised.

Despite his attempts to push her away, the tiny female had managed to worm her way into his life with alarming ease. Barely a day with her, and he already dreaded mending her ship and sending her off to X4, or Earth, or wherever the hell she belonged.

The bastard in him silently rejoiced that Dennison had gone AWOL and couldn’t be located. With their only electrical engineer off on one of his benders, it would be at least a few more days before repairs could be made to Cami’s navigational systems.

On his home world of Helix, it was common for females to take two or three companions. As a matriarchal society, their women became leaders, and the more mates she took, the more prominent her status within the tribe. Tariq wanted no part of it, and he had no interest in sharing.

Only half Helios, Tariq had always been an outsider. On Helix, his tribe resented his half-breed nature, and on some level, he knew his mother did as well. He’d never known his father, but he’d heard stories about the elite officer from Earth. Ultimately, it didn’t matter, because Tariq doubted humans would be any more accepting than his own people.

He’d always been bigger, stronger, and more cunning than the other boys in his tribe, likely thanks to his father’s genetic enhancements. While he looked no different than other Helios, as a hybrid, he couldn’t shift. The males of his tribe had been all too happy to remind him of the fact at every turn, right up until the day of The Hunt. 

For twenty years, he’d known only one way of life. Then in one night, everything had changed.

The smell of rain and lavender reached him before he heard Cami speak his name. Breathing deeply, he didn’t try to fight the pull she had on him. Instead, he let her scent invade him, calm him, so that when he turned to face her, he did so with a smile.

“You’re supposed to be resting,” he chastised, though secretly, he’d been wanting to see her all day.

“Yes, well, I did that.” Bouncing up on her toes, she brushed a kiss against the underside of his chin and then bit her lip as though unsure her advances would be welcome. “I wanted to see you. I hope that’s okay.”

With a growl, he scooped her up into his arms and nuzzled against the side of her neck. “Trust me, this has been the best part of my day.”

“Stop that.” Cami swatted at his shoulder and arched away from him. “I’m here to rescue you, and I can’t do that if you’re distracting me.”

Despite Cami’s protests, the sweet scent of her arousal permeated the air. Blood rushed straight to Tariq’s groin, swelling his cock until it throbbed painfully against the zipper of his pants. She was so small, a bit delicate even, yet she ignited all of his senses by doing nothing more than breathing. No one had any right to be so damn tempting, and Tariq knew he wasn’t the only one to see it.

“You’re here to rescue me, huh?”

“Yes.” She nodded solemnly, but her eyes danced with mirth. “Actually, I have something for you.” She wiggled in his arms, rubbing her lithe body against his trapped erection. “Put me down.”

With a quiet groan, he slid her down his body until her feet touched the floor. “You’re trying to kill me, angel.”

“Not kill. Rescue.” Taking his hand, she pulled him toward the exit, grunting with impatience when he didn’t move fast enough. “Hurry up.”

Curious, Tariq picked up the pace, allowing her to lead him out of the bay and through the corridors to the atrium. “What are we doing here?” He remembered too well what had happened the last time, and he wanted no repeats of the previous night. Well, he wouldn’t mind another kiss, but he never wanted to see his angel in that kind of pain again. “Are you sure about this?”

Cami nodded. “It’s okay. I’m in control today.” Her cheeks flushed a bright red, but she met his gaze unblinkingly. “Your angel?”

He didn’t want to lie to her, but nothing good would come from admitting the truth. “I told you to stay out of my head.” His admonishment lacked heat, though, and he couldn’t stop himself from caressing her cheek when he spoke. “Now, what do you have for me?”

Taking both of his wrists, she squeezed gently before releasing him and dancing away. “Stay right here.” Then she hurried across the atrium to the entrance of Starscape.

“She’s sweet.”

Shifting so that he could speak to the newcomer and still keep an eye on Cami, Tariq nodded. “How are you, Scarlett?”

“Better than you.” She crossed her arms over her ample breasts, stressing the material of her gauzy yellow blouse. Her gaze followed his to Cami, and her chocolate-brown eyes softened. “She’s fine, Navarra. That little bird has been here most of the morning chatting up the vendors and store owners.”

“She was here alone?” His imagination had no problem conjuring all types of awful scenarios. “Did anyone bother her?” He’d shed blood without a second thought if someone had hurt her.

“Relax. She’s a breath of fresh air in this rattrap. Everyone loves her.”

That worried him almost as much as the thought of someone hurting her. “Scarlett, do me a favor?”

“I’ve been keeping an eye on her.” Scarlett’s large, hoop earrings swayed and her shaggy, blonde spikes bounced when she looked up at him. “I’ll let you know if I see trouble coming.” She tapped the center of her forehead with her index finger.

“I appreciate that.” Tariq didn’t talk to many people on the station, and he trusted even fewer. Actual friends were a luxury he neither wanted nor needed, but he’d trust Scarlett Nikandros with his life. More importantly, he’d trust her with Cami’s life. “There are a couple of elite
who gave her some trouble last night.”

“Becks and Parsons.” Scarlett nodded. “They were following her this morning, but Naila hid your little bird in the kitchen at Starscape. We’ll keep an eye on her, but Tariq? I saw her mark this morning, and it won’t be long before others figure it out as well.” She rubbed absently at the star near her own eye as she turned to watch Cami again.

He didn’t need to be reminded of the precariousness of the situation, or the list of problems that damn tattoo presented. “What exactly would you have me do about that?”

Scarlett went rigid, and her eyes became glazed and unfocused. A few seconds later, she shuddered and shook her head. “Time for you both to go. Becks and Parsons are on their way here, and they’re looking for Cami.”

As much as he’d love to have another go at the two, Tariq knew it would be better for everyone, especially Cami, if it didn’t come to blows. “Thank you, Scarlett.” He ruffled the female’s short hair, something he knew she hated, and ducked out of the way when she swung on him. “I’ll see you around.”

Pushing his way through the crowded common area, Tariq slipped up behind Cami where she stood at the counter in Starscape. “Angel, we have to go.”

“What are you doing here?” Spinning around, she stared up at him with all the defiance of an angry kitten. “I told you to wait. Now go away.”

Tariq wanted to laugh at her scrunched face, but he needed to get her out of the atrium. “You can either come with me, or I will pick you up and carry out of here. Your choice.”

“Navarra, you leave our girl alone.” Naila sauntered up to the counter with two travel cups. “Here you are, little one.” The D’Aire female brushed her long, silvery blonde hair back from her shoulder and took Cami’s hand, patting the top of it. “Remember what we talked about, yes? Don’t take any nonsense from this brute.” She winked up at Tariq. “Go on, Cami. I sense this isn’t the place for you to be right now.”

“Thank you, Miss D’Veen. I promise I’ll pay you back.”

“You will do nothing of the sort, and I told you to call me Naila.” The rings on her fingers glittered in the light as she flicked her hands, shooing them away. Looking over the top of Cami’s head, she stared at Tariq with her eerie, iridescent blue eyes and nodded. “Go now.”

“What has gotten into you?” Cami demanded as Tariq half carried, half dragged her across the atrium. “Where are we going?”

They reached the hallway that would lead them back to the refueling bay without incident, but Tariq remained on alert as he traversed the narrow passage. Entering through the sliding doors that led to Bay B, Tariq ushered Cami to a workbench in the far, dimly lit corner.

Setting both cups on the metal workbench, Cami fisted her hands on her slender hips and turned to face him. “What in the galaxies was that?”

He still couldn’t bring himself to outright lie, but he also didn’t want to frighten her. “Tell me what you have for me, angel.”

That did the trick. Cami’s eyes lit up as she grabbed one of the travel mugs and presented it to him with so much enthusiasm she almost dropped it. “Real coffee! Can you believe it?”

Considering he’d been planning the same surprise—and he’d smelled the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee the minute he’d stepped into Starscape—he could believe it. “And how did you get your hands on this?”

“Well, I just asked Naila if her shipment had arrived today.” She batted her long lashes innocently.

Taking the cup, Tariq held it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. “And Naila gave it to you? No questions, no payment, just handed it over?”

Cami simply shrugged. “Yes.”

“You are a devious little thing, Camille Brighton. I like it.”

The first sip from the mug had barely passed his lips when the bay doors slid open once again, and Lieutenant Becks stepped through. Parsons followed only half a step behind him, and both scanned the bay, clearly looking for something—or someone. The moment Parsons spotted Tariq, he nudged Becks with his elbow and pointed toward the corner.

Without an escape, Tariq did the only thing he could. Setting his coffee on the bench, he pulled Cami to him and combed her hair down around her face. “Stay behind me and don’t say anything.”

“What are they doing here?” Clinging to his shirt, Cami pressed herself against him but peeked around his arm. “They’re the reason you wanted to leave the atrium, isn’t it? Maybe it’s nothing bad.”

If she truly believed the elites came with good intentions, he had some waterfront property on Reema to sell her. “Don’t move and stop talking.”

She didn’t speak, but with her cheek pressed against his arm, he felt her nod.

“Parsons.” Tariq inclined his head. “Becks.”

Parson’s had the leaner frame, and his blond hair was a shade darker. Otherwise, the two looked remarkably similar, especially in their Alliance-issued uniforms. From behind, Tariq probably wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.

“Relax, Navarra.” Becks held his hands up for peace. “General Whitmore wants to see the girl.”

“Fine.” Tariq reached behind him and placed his hand on Cami’s hip. “We’ll go right now.”

“We’re to escort you.” Parsons angled sideways and held out his hand toward the bay doors. “This doesn’t need to be hard.”

Pulling Cami to his side, Tariq draped an arm around her shoulders and started walking. Both elites fell in behind them as they all marched toward the general’s office in silence. Well…mostly in silence.

“Do you think it’s about what happened yesterday?” Cami asked.

“Quiet, angel.” The less Parsons and Becks knew, the better Tariq would feel. “You can ask him when we get there.”

“This feels wrong,” she whispered, echoing his own concerns. “Why do we need an escort?”

A good question, but one Tariq couldn’t answer.

When they arrived at the general’s office, Becks moved to the front of the line and pressed the intercom button on the wall beside the door. “We have Navarra and the girl.”

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