314 Book 3 (Widowsfield Trilogy) (19 page)

BOOK: 314 Book 3 (Widowsfield Trilogy)
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“We’re fine,” said Michael groggily. He started to close the door, but the woman stuck her foot in the gap. “Hey…”

“I have to insist.”

“Screw you, lady,” said Michael, his temper flaring.

“No, screw you,” said a male’s voice from outside.

Michael didn’t have a chance to react before a large man with curly black hair thrust his weight into the door, causing the chain to clang in its brace, but not snap. The lock held steady, and the man on the other side of the door cursed in pain and frustration. Michael ran from the door and picked up his jeans, believing his pistol would be with them. It wasn’t, and he suddenly recalled that he’d placed it on the dresser where the television sat.

“Hold on, I’ll get it this time,” said the man outside before thrusting his ample weight into the door a second time. He managed to snap the chain, and then came tumbling in just as Michael got his pistol.

“Don’t shoot,” said the black woman that had been at the door. Michael turned and saw that she was pointing a shotgun at him. His hand was on his gun, but he wasn’t sure he had time to turn and fire.

“Michael Harper, I’ll shoot if you don’t put that gun down,” said the stranger as she walked carefully into the room. “And I’ve already got too many souls on my conscious as it is. Don’t go adding another.”

“He’s mine,” said Michael, his hand still on the pistol.

“Ben’s dead,” said the stranger. “The person you’ve got in that bathroom isn’t your son.”

“Bullshit,” said Michael as he slipped his index finger into the trigger guard, but left the pistol still sitting where it was.

The stranger raised her shotgun in a menacing gesture as another person entered the room behind her. Michael recognized him as Alma’s boyfriend, who he’d fought with at his daughter’s apartment a couple days earlier. The big man glared at Michael from behind the black woman.

“Your son died sixteen years ago,” said the woman with the shotgun.

“No he…”

She interrupted, “He died at the cabin after you forced him to pour boiling water on Terry. He died that day, and the thing you have in the bathroom is just using his body.”

Michael was shocked by how much the woman knew; not only about his past, but also about how Ben was in the bathroom. It was as if the stranger had been spying on him. “You’re crazy.”

“Dad,” said Alma as she walked in beside her boyfriend. “Please put the gun down. No one needs to get hurt.”

Michael grimaced at his only daughter, and remembered how much he wanted to kill her for daring to go back to
Widowsfield. He didn’t want her to unleash the secrets that had been buried there, but now it was too late. “Alma,” he said her name in both anger and regret. “I wish you would’ve listened to me. Goddamn it. Why didn’t you just listen to me? Why’d you have to go back there?”

“I had to,” said Alma. “I’m through running away from what happened.”

“Are you sure?” asked Michael with a wicked grin. “Life’s better when you ain’t looking back on it, kid.”

“Don’t make me kill you,” said the black woman as she took a step closer to Michael.

Michael took his hand away from the gun and stepped back. “I just wanted my boy back,” said Michael. “I wanted a chance to start over is all. You can’t fault me for that.”

“Sure we can, psycho,” said Alma’s boyfriend.

“So who are you?” asked Michael as he stared at the stranger with the shotgun. “Are you working with those fuckers that put Ben in that prison?”

“I’m the one trying to put a stop to all this,” said the woman.

“And how do you plan to do that?” asked Michael.

“I’m going to start by bringing him,” she motioned towards the bathroom, “back to

“So you are working with them,” said Michael.

She shook her head. “No. I just know where he belongs. And it sure the fuck isn’t at a hotel in Branson with you.”

“He’s my son,” said Michael as he stepped around to the other side of the bed, away from the others.

Alma closed the hotel room door as her boyfriend said, “You sure turned out to be a hell of a Dad.”

“Shut the fuck up,” said Michael. “You don’t know anything about me, or about what happened. Who are you to say…

Alma’s boyfriend shouted over him, “I know enough.”

“Stop it,” said the black woman. “Both of you. Just calm down and get his things together. We’ve made enough noise as it is. Be careful not to leave anything. We can’t leave any evidence they were here.”

“Why?” asked Michael.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” said the woman with the shotgun.

“You trying to erase me or something?” asked Michael. “Is that it?
You planning on getting rid of me?”

“We don’t want people following us back to
Widowsfield,” said the stranger. “Did you tell anyone you were here?”

“Yeah, I called a bunch of people,” said Michael. “I called them and told them where I was, and who I was with, and to call the cops if I didn’t call them
back tomorrow. So, you’re shit out of luck, bitch.”

The black woman walked over to the phone that was sitting beside the bed. “Did you call from here?”

Michael nodded, uncertain why the woman would ask that. She placed her hand on the receiver, and then looked back at him with a devilish grin. “He’s lying. He didn’t call anyone.”

“Bullshit,” said Michael. “I called lots of people.
How the fuck are you supposed to know if I did or not?”

“Trust me, I know,” said the woman confidently.

“The guy at the front desk has my name. He knows I’m here. And they’re going to see what you did to that door tomorrow. You’re going to have people looking for me.”

“I’m not worried about that,” said the woman. “Now let’s get Ben and get out of here. We don’t have much time.
One of the other guests might’ve called the cops already.”

As she pointed to the bathroom, someone knocked on the door to the room.

“Fuck,” said the big man that had busted the chain. “Do you think that’s the cops?”

No, they’re not that fast. I’ll take care of it,” said the black woman as she went to the door. She looked through the peephole and then turned to look back at the others. “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. It just looks like one of the people staying at the hotel coming to check on us.”

She set the shotgun down against the wall so that when she opened the door it would be out of sight.
She looked at Michael and said, “Keep your mouth shut.”

The woman feigned a smile for the newcomer as she opened the door and said, “I’m sorry for the noise…”

Before she could finish, the man pushed his way in and screamed, “I’m not going to let you hurt Ben!”

CHAPTER 12 - Sacrifices


South Side of Chicago

July 13
, 2007


Rosemary had called her mother to tell her that she was coming over. Rosemary had only spoken with her mother a few times since she’d left to go with Oliver to Widowsfield, and this was only the second time that she’d visited since then. Rosemary had lied to her mother about where she’d been, thinking it would be better for her to know as little as possible.

Her mother was ecstatic to see her daughter, but they had a large family, and the eldest children would often disappear for several weeks or months at a time, so Glenda hadn’t been concerned about Rosemary’s disappearance. Meanwhile, Rosemary’s mother was busy with her grandchildren, and several of them were running around the small apartment while Rosemary visited.

“I swear to God, Rose,” said Glenda as two of Rosemary’s nephews tore through the kitchen. She had her hands up in the air, holding a wooden spoon that was covered in sticky cookie dough out of the children’s reach. The boys ran off to another part of the apartment, screaming the entire time. “These kids are going to be the death of me.” Being a grandmother had changed Glenda, and Rosemary liked the way her mother was smiling more often than not these days. It was a drastic change since the days they’d spent living with Rosemary’s father.

The sweltering summer heat was barely eased by the box fan in the window, and Rosemary felt herself beginning to sweat as she sat at the kitchen table. Her mother was in the middle of preparing cookies for a church bake sale, and insisted that she needed to keep working while Rosemary visited. The oven’s heat made the sweltering afternoon even worse.

“How’s the money situation been?” asked Rosemary.

“You know what? It hasn’t been that bad, honestly. I’m a business owner now. Can you believe that?”

“A business owner?” asked Rosemary in shock and disbelief. “What are you talking about?”

“That’s right. No need to look at me like that. It’s the truth.”

“What sort of business.”

“An internet one,” said Glenda as she started to mix the dough after adding in more butter.

Rosemary gave her mother a queer look and asked, “What sort of internet business? And since when are you a computer person?”

I’m not the one with the computer. Someone else is handling that for me. You know I’ve got no use for technology.”

“What are you selling?”

“Jewelry. You know how I used to always like making those beaded necklaces, right? Well, Pauline at church said that her niece sold that sort of thing on the internet, and that she was making loads of cash.”

“No kidding?”

“Mmm hmm,” said Glenda as she stuck her pinkie finger into the dough and then into her mouth. She seemed satisfied with the taste and started to stir again. “Before you know it, I’m going to be making millions. You just wait and see. And you know what, speaking of jewelry, you just wait there a minute. I’ll be right back. Make sure the boys don’t get into that cookie dough.”

Rosemary’s mother left the room, and no sooner had she walked out than the two boys reappeared, standing on the tips of their toes to stare into the bowl. “No,” said Rosemary sharply as she pointed back into the living room. “You two get on out of here.”

They groaned complaints, but obeyed. Rosemary waited until they were gone before she reached into her satchel and took out an envelope filled with cash. She’d finally cashed all of the checks that she’d gotten from Oliver in Widowsfield, and she was planning on leaving the area to hide out somewhere in Indiana for a while. However, she wanted to leave her mother some cash before she left.

Rosemary lifted a stack of bills that were on the table and set the envelope beneath them. She didn’t put her name on the envelope, but drew a rose on it so that her mother would understand where it had come from. She heard her mother’s heavy footsteps returning and she quickly spread
the rest of the mail out over the money she’d left.

“Here we go,” said Glenda as she brought back a wooden, beaded necklace. “What do you think? Do you like it?”

“It’s gorgeous,” said Rosemary as she inspected the jewelry.

“Well then, don’t just look at it, go ahead and try it on.”

Rosemary put the necklace on and smiled up at her mother. “I love it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome baby. I’ve been saving it just for you. But you’ve got to promise me you’ll keep it on
. Okay? Don’t ever take it off. That way a piece of me can always be with you. Then, next time I see you, I’ll give you a new one. Sound good? That’ll be like a new tradition for us.”

“Sounds good,” said Rosemary with a wide smile.



March 13
, 1996


“Heaven?” asked Oliver in surprise. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

walked slowly down the stairs, with Oliver just ahead, as they went down to where the CORD was being kept. “What else would you call it? This entire project is based around trying to explore the place our energy goes when we die. Don’t let yourself get caught up in terminology. In Norse mythology it was Valhalla, the Great Hall in Asgard; the ancient Greeks longed to reach Elysium; and Buddhists refer to it as Nirvana, where we give up our desire to own material things. Most cultures developed some version of the same thing. All we’re trying to do is use science to explain what people think God is responsible for. That is, after all, what all the various sciences have been doing since they began.”

“But if we prove that heaven, or whatever you want to call it, is real? Wouldn’t that prove God exists?”

“No, of course not,” said Vess as if Oliver’s reasoning was ludicrous. “It does the exact opposite. Mankind has spent too much time creating Gods to explain what they didn’t understand. Finding heaven’s no different than proving the sun isn’t Apollo’s chariot streaking through the sky.”

took each step cautiously as they traversed the skinny halls within the belly of the Eldridge. Oliver took advantage of their time together to learn more about Cada E.I.B.’s goal. “Is that what we’re trying to do? Put a knife in God?”

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