33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle (21 page)

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Authors: Nikita Storm,Bessie Hucow,Mystique Vixen

BOOK: 33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle
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I looked at the pill in disgust and horror. This was the same pill that Cynthia had taken - the one that made her lactate more. "What makes you think I'm going to take this pill?"

He laughed - a chilling laugh that sent shivers up and down my spine. "Because, Cow 12, you're graded upon your milk production."

"Graded?" This was ridiculous. "How so?"

"Here, let me show you," he said, guiding me to the stall. He gently placed the cups over my breasts and turned on the machine. I still wasn't sure that I wanted to go through with it, but the way he made it sound I didn't have much of a choice.

Instantly, I felt a sharp sucking pressure against my breasts. It was similar to the hand pumps I used at home, but much more powerful.

"Look," he directed my attention to the digital readout display. "See those numbers?"

I nodded, remembering how Cynthia's had dipped down to about ten before she took the pill. I watched in fascination as it climbed to about fifteen before slowly dropping off to under ten, then five and then nothing.

"If your pressure ever drops below ten, I'm paged and get to administer your punishment."

"Punishment?" I said, alarmed.

"Yes, let me demonstrate." He leaned me over the stool and began swatting my butt with his hand.

"Ow!" I said, rubbing where he'd spanked me. "What are you doing?" I cried out as his hand came down on my sore butt again and again. He must've spanked me ten or fifteen times before letting me up.

"That's your punishment for dropping below our standards. I suggest you take the pill if you don't want any more of those."

I reluctantly took the pill from him.

"Now that we have two Hucows, we're going to be having competitions."

I fiddled with the water spigot, feeling like a caged animal. Finally, I figured it out and popped the pill, swallowing it down. "What do you mean competitions?"

"You know, like which one of you pumps the most milk in a shift, that sort of thing."

"What's our prize?" I started feeling different. I could actually feel my breasts filling with milk. This was insane. I looked down at my slowly inflating breasts and couldn't fathom what was happening.

"I thought maybe the winner would get to spend a night with me." He smiled suggestively.

The milk began to flow freely from my breasts through the hose and I actually felt like a bona-fide cow.

"Look at those numbers climb!" He clapped his hands together excitedly. "I'll leave you two cows alone for a while. I'll announce the winner tonight at dinner."

Milking was boring, but I found a Kindle laying in the hay next to the stall and busied myself reading all about this Hucow business - taking great care not to let my milk production fall.

I didn't quite understand it, but I felt my memories begin to fade. By the second pill, I'd completely forgotten everything that happened before I walked in here.

Reading about this Hucow, I realized that it was more than just another fetish - there was really something behind this. My pussy became sopping wet as I read about helpless maidens squirting their milk and acting like cows.

I started touching myself and - oddly enough - my breasts pumped out more milk the hornier I got. I was so wrapped up in my play session, that I hadn't realized that our shift was over.



"So, how did you enjoy your first day?" Roy inquired as we sat on the edge of his bed after dinner.

The shift had gone by quite fast, I was surprised. I still thought that I was missing some memories, but I couldn't quite recall which ones.

"I loved it!" I said enthusiastically. "I really want to thank you for taking me in, Mr. Hart--"

"Please," he waved and smiled, "call me Roy."

"Okay...Roy. I really had nowhere else to go. If it hadn't been for you, I'd be out on the street right now."

"You're quite welcome," he said, placing his hand on my exposed thigh. They'd been gracious enough to give me some nice clothes that I could wear around the house when I wasn't working. Right now, I was wearing a beautiful, black and red miniskirt that felt sexy as hell on my body.

"Now, for your reward," he leaned over and brushed his manly lips against my ruby-red lips. I parted my mouth for him and felt my pussy tingle. His hands made their way up my thighs and I opened my legs for easier access.

I couldn't explain it, but I wanted this man. I needed to feel him in me. I needed his approval of my actions. I couldn't quite remember how I'd found myself in this situation, but I knew I trusted him.

He kissed me and pulled me closer to him. His hands left my quivering thighs and found their way up to my voluptuous breasts. I moaned softly as he pulled off my mini-skirt and began massaging my aching breasts. They'd been hooked to those machines for several hours and were sorely in need of human touch.

A droplet of milk peeked out of one nipple as he began to squeeze it gently. Even though it hurt a bit, it felt good to feel his hand on it.

"Ooh!" I moaned in both pleasure and pain as he thumbed my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Milk began squirting out and he moved his mouth to capture it.

"Did Cow 12 enjoy being a cow?" He asked as he descended slowly upon my aching, fat nipple.

"Moo!" I nodded as I threw back my head in pleasure when his lips touched my sensitive tit. Oh God, this was heaven, I thought as he began slowly suckling my milky teats.

"Good cow!" He said as he pressed his head against my chest. I held him there and it felt right to be nursing my boss. He owned this operation and if it wasn't for him, I don't know what I would've done.

He suckled for several minutes contentedly on one breast before switching to the other. When he was through he stood and disrobed, revealing his engorged man-hood.

I ran my fingers all around his hot, muscular body. He may have been an older man, but he still had the body of a young stud. I shivered through an orgasm as I felt his muscles ripple under my hands. I squeezed them - he was just so strong!

He brought his hand down to my flooded pussy and began rubbing me. Oh God! Had I ever had a man before? I couldn't quite recall if I had or not, but I didn't want him to stop.

"Please!" I begged.

"Please what?" He smiled devilishly.

"Take me. Make me yours. I'm forever your Hucow." Like I said, I needed him desperately.

"That's right!" He said, as he pressed his finger into my hotbox. After a few thrusts in which I mewled with hunger, he brought it to my mouth and I licked it off.

"Suck it!" He said as he brought his large cock to my lips.

Again, I couldn't recall ever having sucked a cock before, but I found myself knowing exactly what to do regardless. I slowly descended upon his veiny shaft, caressing his turgid member with my lips and tongue.

It felt so good to have him in my mouth that I came just from that. He squeezed and played with my large breasts as I sucked his cock. Never before had I felt so good to be a woman. Or so alive.

He groaned as I took his full length down my throat. It was a tight fit, but I somehow managed it. I caressed his balls as he milked my breasts, sending streams of mother's milk all over the carpet.

I danced my tongue around his shaft and hopefully gave him the best blow-job he'd ever had.

When he'd had enough, he pulled me away and wrapped his strong arms around me, pressing my milky breasts to his chest and kissed me.

I felt so safe and protected in his arms and realized then and there that I would do anything he wanted me to. I didn't care about money or fancy things, I was here solely to please him.

I was surprised when he lifted me up onto his cock while we were still standing. I giggled and wrapped my long legs around his waist and held on for dear life. I gasped as his massive cock-head pressed insistently against the folds of my submissive pussy.

God, it felt so big! His arm muscles bulged as he held me up and slowly descended my fiery pussy on his massive cock. I ran my fingers all over his straining arms and chest as I felt the inside of my pussy fill with his man-hood.

"Fuck me! Cum in my hot pussy!" I pleaded with him as he bounced me up and down on his turgid dick. For his age, he was extremely strong and I was impressed that he could pull something like this off.

His massive, engorged cock felt so good in my needy pussy that I had one long, continuous orgasm as he fucked me. I closed my eyes and felt his power as his cock slid in and out of my tight, wet pussy.

I don't know how long we'd been at it, when he grunted and I felt his shaft quiver and expand deep inside me.

"Shoot in me!" I whispered in his ear as his whole body strained with the effort of holding me up. He pounded in me faster and faster until he was ready to dump his hot, potent load into my belly. He pushed his cock as deep inside me as he could get it, then he held me there as his cum exploded.

Wave after wave of hot, luscious man-juice erupted inside my unprotected womb as Roy let loose his load. My pussy contracted around his shaft each time I felt his cock flex inside me. It was the hottest thing I'd ever felt and I knew that I wanted to always win the milking prize. Each day he told us that it would be a different criteria and we wouldn't always know what it was.

I quickly dressed and walked back to my room renewed and invigorated. I couldn't imagine being happier anywhere else and hoped that things worked out so that I could stay here forever. I heard whispers that a new Hucow was going to be brought in tomorrow. I was looking forward to teaching her the ropes - in more ways than one.












Farm Cow


Nikita Storm

"Yeah? Whaddya want?"

I took a deep breath and steadied myself. It was the middle of the night, I was cold, scared and hungry. I had nowhere to go, no one to turn to and my boyfriend had just kicked me out after an argument. He wouldn't even let me pack my stuff.

"I need help," I said, hoping beyond hope that there was a kind farmer behind that door.

"Yeah? Don't we all!" He hollered back. Great, I thought as I stood in the cold, shivering.

"Oh dear, let the poor girl in," I heard an elderly woman's voice and my hopes perked up. I saw the curtains sweep aside as the two old farmers peeked through.

"All right. All right. Hold yer horses." The old man said as he unlocked the door and swung the screen open.

"Oh my! What happened to you, dearie?" She turned to her husband. "Don't just stand there, let the girl in." She turned back to me as she took my arm and helped me up the steps. "You'll have to excuse my husband, Earl, he's kinda thick sometimes. Good with cows, but lousy with people."

I shivered even more as I stepped into their cozy home. Montana winters weren't anything to mess around with. Like a moth, I was immediately attracted to the fireplace. The old lady grabbed a chair from the kitchen and set it underneath me.

"Earl, this young lady needs to get undressed so that she can warm up. Why don't you head on back to bed."

The old man grumbled something, but did as she asked.

"There," she patted me on the arm. "Why don't you slip out of those cold, wet clothes and I'll get you something to drink. Tea? Cocoa?" She leaned closer and smiled a toothless smile. "Whiskey?"

"Cocoa's fine," I said. I wasn't exactly used to getting naked in other people's houses, but this couldn't be helped. As soon as the old lady disappeared into the kitchen, I scooted out of my torn jeans and practically see-thru shirt. When she returned, she brought a bathrobe along with some ginger snaps. I was so hungry I'd eat pretty much anything.

"There ya go, dear, let me grab the cocoa," she again disappeared into the kitchen.

"Did I hear someone at the door?"

I froze as a large, burly man burst into the room. I don't know who was more in shock, him or me. Here I was, a tall, beautiful, black-haired stranger standing naked in his living room. And him? He was gorgeous! Built like a lumberjack, he had muscles in all the right places.

"Oh, excuse me, miss," he said as he stared openly at my naked body. "I didn't know anybody..."

"That's okay," I said as my pussy quivered at his wanton gaze. I couldn't believe I was letting a strange man stare lustily at my naked body. I even watched as the bulge in his pants grew. My God, how big was he?

"Robert! Get out of here and leave the poor girl alone! Get!" The old woman shooed him away. "That's our farmhand. I hope he didn't embarrass you none."

I watched his eyes linger for a moment longer as he tipped his hat. "Miss," he said and turned.

I no longer needed to warm up, after seeing that hunk of a man, my body was boiling. Holy shit! Even my body-builder boyfriend wasn't built like him. Reminded me of a walking bull.

When I turned my attention back to the old lady, I saw that she had a worried look on her face and was staring at my leaky breasts. Suddenly, I felt self conscious. Then I realized what she was thinking.

"No, no, no, it's nothing like that," I assured her.

"You sure?" She looked around as though I had misplaced my baby somehow.

I chuckled. "No, I have a..." I took a deep breath. "Condition that makes me produce milk constantly."

"Ah, you're a Hucow." Her small, blue eyes lit up.

"A what?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"A Hucow." She saw the skeptical look on my face. "It's short for Human Cow. It's a condition that some women acquire - usually through pills - where they lactate constantly even when they're not pregnant." She patted my arm again. "Do you remember taking an unknown pill?"

I thought about it for a moment and then it hit me. I had taken something at a rave once. Come to think about it, that was about the time it all started. Slowly I nodded my head as tears streamed down my cheeks. "I always thought there was something wrong with me!" I cried on her shoulder for several minutes as she patted my back.

"It's okay," she said. When I was finished crying, she grabbed the robe and helped me put it on.

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