33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle (40 page)

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Authors: Nikita Storm,Bessie Hucow,Mystique Vixen

BOOK: 33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle
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I found myself shaking my head again. He was right, I had no intention of stealing anyone away – let alone his wife.

"So I thought..." He let the words trail off, hoping that I would pick up on it so he wouldn't have to say it.

"You thought that I would give your wife what you can't give her."


"I don't know..." I started to say, but he cut me off.

"After all, I'm sure that you've got a pretty big dick. It don't take no genius to see that your packing underneath your pants."

I arched an eyebrow. Did he just say that he noticed my big cock? I thought I kept that loaded gun well hidden, but apparently I hadn't. I started to protest, but he stopped me.

"Go ahead and whip it out," he suggested indicating towards my cock.

For some strange reason I felt like this was turning into a pissing contest. Did he really want to see my big dick? Then again, he did show me his.

Feeling rather foolish, I undid my belt buckle and dropped my pants. My humongous, overly-sized cock strained mightily against my underwear.

"Holy shit, man!" He covered his mouth with his hands. "If that dick was black, you'd fit right in."

I didn't know whether to be proud or insulted. I just stood there in my undies while my black next-door neighbor had the widest shit-eating grin on his face.

"Don't be shy," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

I shrugged my shoulders and stepped out of my underwear. I didn't think a man's eyes could get so wide, but when he took a look at my pecker, it was like he was looking at an alien.

"Fuck man," he pointed at my humongous cock. "Maybe I was wrong."

"What you mean?"

"Once Latisha gets a load of that monster, she's going to leave me like a bat out of hell."

I was about to defend myself on that, but I saw that he began laughing. It was an odd feeling having a black man pointing at my cock and laughing. Maybe I felt a little bit of what he felt.

"So do I pass the test or something?" Even though there was nothing to get excited about, just the fact that someone was staring at my humongous cock made it start to grow. I figured I had better stick it back in its place before things got really uncomfortable.

He shrugged his shoulders, his face becoming serious. "Does that mean you want her?"

"Have you talked to her about this?"

He shook his head. "Nah man, like I said she doesn't really care who it is as long as they have a big cock." He poked my dick through my pants for emphasis. "And you certainly fit the bill." He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. "I'll let you in on a little secret. My lady thinks you're hot. But don't let that go getting your head big. Just remember, she's mine." He looked at me sternly and I nodded.

"I'll do my best."

"There's just one request I have." He said just before we went out the door.

"What's that?"

"I get to watch."

Again I nodded. This was getting stranger and stranger by the moment. But since I was getting free nookie, I couldn't argue.




Latisha was washing dishes as we enter back into the living room.

"You boys were gone for a while, what were you talking about?" She asked as she dried her hands on a towel.

Marc cut to the chase. "We found him," he went up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

She furled her brow. "Found who?"

He stole a glance over to me for one last confirmation and I nodded. "You know dear, a replacement for me in bed."

Her eyes lit up and then she shifted her gaze to me. I could tell that she was sizing me up and I saw her eyes light up as a smile spread across her face. "You're not going to go getting jealous over him are you?"

"Nah, we've come to a gentlemanly understanding. The two of you can fuck whenever you want as long as I get to watch."

Latisha stepped towards me with that look in her eyes, licking her lips and Marc took that as his cue to have a seat on the sofa. "Take off yo' shirt," she commanded. "I want to see yo' hard muscles."

I looked toward Marc who just smiled and rubbed his crotch. I just bet that he wanted to see my hard muscles too. Slowly, for dramatic effect, I took off my shirt. I felt like some sort of gigolo. I swayed my hips and started getting into it. If it was a strip show that she wanted, a strip show she would get.

"Mmm..." She moaned as she watched my shirt slowly slide off. She pursed her lips and clicked her tongue in approval. She looked over to Marc and frowned. "Look at his chest. Now that's what I call a manly chest." I thought Marc was going to say something, but he just took her comment in stride. She turned her attention back to me.

"Let me touch that just to make sure it's real," she smiled slyly as she pressed her long, cool fingers against my rock-hard chest. The tips of her nails were painted bright red and they stood in contrast to her dark, mocha skin.

"Oh God," she moaned as she ran her fingers over my chest. My cock grew instantly as she began to press her body up against mine. I guess there was no question that she wanted me.

"Are you going to show Marc how a real man fucks a woman?" She pressed her breast to my chest and began kissing me on the lips. "You'd think that a thirty-year-old man would know how to treat a lady right in bed."

I felt uncomfortable with her negative quips against Marc, but every time I looked over he just had a stupid grin on his face as though he was used to it or something. The last time I looked over, I saw that he had his tiny dick out and was playing with it.

I decided not to worry about what Marc thought anymore as I had my own thoughts to contend with. I figured if he didn't want her talking like that, he would speak up. Perhaps it was just a game to them.

Her mocha lips pressed against mine as her fingers found their way inside my jeans and were getting dangerously close to my cock. By the way she was acting, she reminded me of a sex starved woman.

I had to remind myself that I was helping Marc to keep his marriage together. My cock, however, didn't give a fuck about anyone's marriage. All it wanted to do was tear off Latisha's dress, lay her down on the floor or bed and fuck the shit out of her.

She pulled her hands out of my pants and put them around my neck. "Well, are you?" She whispered into my ear.

"If that's what you want," I said shyly. I had never been shy with girls before, but I had also never fucked a woman with her husband watching either.

"That's a very diplomatic answer," she said as she nibbled my ear. The sexuality exuding from her body was overpowering and I could tell that my cock was already leaking pre-cum. "Now tell me, Jerry," she pressed her full body into mine, grinding her pelvis into my cock suggestively. "Are you going to give Marc some lessons on how to treat a lady in bed?"

Was this part of their game
? I nodded.

"Louder, Jerry. I think Marc needs to hear you."

I could feel her hot pussy through her stunning red dress gyrate on my cock-head. It was driving me wild. Getting the hint, I told her exactly what I wanted to do to her.

"I'm going to ram my big thick cock deep into your pussy right in front of your husband. When I'm through with you, you're going to understand how sex with a real man feels. My dick is going to leave a gaping hole in your pussy so large that Marc could fit ten dicks inside."

I didn't think it was possible, but she pressed her body closer to mine. "Now that's how I like to hear a man talk to me." She turned to Marc. "See that, baby, you better be taking notes over there instead of playing with your eraser."

"Ooh, that was a good one. Do you like to hear your wife talking to you like that?" I looked over at Marc on the couch. He just nodded.

"Why don't we mosey on into the bedroom so we can begin Marc's training lesson," she suggested as she led me back into the bedroom that we just came out of. I heard the crinkle of the couch as he stood and followed us – a discreet distance behind.

The moment that we were all in her bedroom, she shut and locked the door and shimmied out of her red dress. I took that opportunity to step out of my jeans and underwear, revealing my massive dick to her devouring eyes.

"Honey? You sure you ain't black?" She eyed me up and down as though I were a piece of meat or something. The ravenous look in her eyes stiffened my cock even further, which did not escape her attention.

Marc settled into a chair across the room. He, too, had removed his clothes, grabbed some lube and was glistening up his cock.

"Take off your bra," I commanded. I didn't know if I was supposed to be in charge or not, but I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to try.

Her smile grew wider as she hastened to obey my command. Again, she looked over to Marc. "Are you taking notes?" He nodded. "Good, because I love a man who takes control."

I watched her bra fall to the ground as her large breasts came into view. For a slender woman, she was very well endowed and my mouth began to water at the sight of her lovely breasts. I reached out to grab them, but she waggled her finger.

"Ladies first," she said as she fell to her knees and studied my massive erection. "I've never had a man other than Marc, so forgive me if I'm not able to get the whole thing in."

I nodded as I felt her hot breath on the tip of my cock. Her breath grew hotter and hotter until I felt her fiery lips descend upon my cock. I took a quick glance over at Marc, but he was busy beating himself off. I still couldn't believe that I was actually doing this. What was I thinking? Was I really doing this for altruistic reasons? Or was I just a horny man who would basically fuck anything?

Her lips hummed and vibrated as she descended upon my long, thick shaft. I had never felt such pleasurable sensations on my cock before and I had to clamp my mouth shut or I probably would have cried out.

"You like that?" She looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. "You like when I take your humongous cock into my tiny mouth in front of my husband?"

I thought I was starting to figure out their little game. "Yeah," I said, glancing over at Marc, "I'm sure he'd appreciate it too if he had a cock that you could actually get inside your mouth." I hoped that he wouldn't take offense to that, but – like all of the other insults that were thrown at him – he ignored it.

To tell the truth, he was a much bigger man than I in regards to that. If someone was talking to me like that in front of my wife, I probably would've hauled off and hit them.

For the first time since we started, he spoke up. "Dominate her!" He said. "Give to her what I can't."

"You think you're man enough to dominate me, boy?" She repositioned her mouth on my cock and began sucking in earnest. I could feel the cum starting to boil in the depths my balls.

"Of course I'm man enough," I said as I grabbed her head and shoved her down my thick cock. "The question is are you woman enough to take me in front of your husband?"

She tried to answer, but her mouth was full of my meat stick.

"You're going to suck that cock and you're going to suck it until I tell you to stop. Do you understand?" I was starting to get into this whole domination bit and I was really starting to enjoy it.

She nodded her head in understanding as I pushed her farther and farther down my cock. She started to gag and had to come up a bit for air, but then she went right back down like a mad woman.

I'd had blowjobs before, but this was one of the best that I had ever experienced. If what she said was correct, then she had never had a large cock in her mouth before. This excited me more than anything and I was eager to shove my big huge dick into her small wet pussy.

As my orgasm grew nearer, I stopped her before I erupted into her mouth.

"Aw come on, I was just getting started!" She licked her lips as she continued jerking me off with her hand.

"I said stop," I stared at her dominantly. She reluctantly stopped and pouted.

"You sure know how to ruin a girl's fun."

"Lay on the bed," I commanded.

Without hesitation, she stood up and sashayed to the bed, waggling her butt suggestively before crawling into the bed and turning over. I took another quick glance over to Marc, but at that point, I wasn't too concerned about him.

I quickly followed and began playing with her breasts as my hard cock thumped against her legs. I absolutely loved the feel of her soft flesh between my hands. I could have played with her breasts for hours. Slowly, I brought my hot lips down upon her tits. She writhed and moaned under my body as I began sucking and squeezing her breasts.

"Be gentle," she whispered into my ear, "my breasts are very sensitive right now."

I stopped sucking and looked at her. What she saying what I thought she was saying?

"Don't tell Marc," she whispered softly, "but I'm ovulating. I want you to get me pregnant. But I don't want him to know until it's too late." She took my cock into her feminine hands and began stroking me to keep my hard.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not only did she want to cheat on her husband with me, but she also wanted me to impregnate her. This was insane! Marc would kill me when he found out. But then again, I thought as I looked over to him, perhaps he wasn't man enough to do anything about it.

"Is this part of the game?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nope. That's why I want you to knock me up before he finds out. I don't want to pass down his genes to our baby. That may sound selfish, but I don't think it's fair to our baby that he get a handicap straight from birth. You can understand that, right?"

I nodded. I was so eager to stick my cock into her wet cunt, that I couldn't think straight. "If this is what you really want, then I'll do it. But he's going to find out sooner or later. I just don't want him coming over and kicking my ass when he does."

She laughed and put her arms around me, pulling me toward her. "Don't worry about that, as you can see he's not much of a man. Besides, you could probably take him in a fight anyway."

She spread her legs wide open and my cock found her silky smooth entrance. I always wondered if black women felt different on the inside than white women and now I guess I was going to find out.

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