4 Horsemen Prequel, Jenna's War (Sons of San Merced Erotic Motorcycle Club Biker Romance)

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4 Horsemen Prequel: Jenna’s War


by Ava Bonde


Copyright 2014, Ava Bonde, All Rights Reserved


This prequel describes the events leading up to Ava Bonde’s thrilling erotic romance, “4 Horsemen, The Sons of San Merced”. Lust will rise, evil will arrive, and the only question left is whether love can conquer all.


Read it now: 4 Horsemen, Sons of San Merced


And when you’re ready for even MORE 4 Horsemen, their first stand-alone novella length book has just been released!


Read it now: 4 Horsemen, 1st Novella - Kayla’s Ride!



Or view all of Ava Bonde’s steamy catalog right here!


4 Horsemen Prequel: Jenna’s War


“What are you doing Jenna?”

I smiled, staring at myself in the mirror.

Looking good… That’s what.

My hands tugged at my blouse, cutting the v-shaped opening just a bit wider. I’d seen the way all the pretty little girls dressed at The Dirty Dog biker bar and knew full well what it was going to take to get a little attention. Another snip exposed an even more scandalous amount of cleavage, spilling my tan skin into view.

I’m not the kind of woman who’s satisfied with just a ‘little’ attention.

The tight miniskirt completed the look as I pulled it up over my hips, and the tall fuck me heels put me over the top. After a moment of hesitation, I went one step further, wiggling out of my little cotton panties. It felt naughty.

I like feeling naughty…

If there was anything my 35 years had taught me, it was how to attract a bad boy. A guilty pleasure to be sure, but nobody
like a bad boy, and I knew exactly what kind of man was on the agenda tonight.

I wanted one of the Horsemen.

The Four Horsemen were the local motorcycle gang. They had free run of San Merced for too many years to count. Conquest, War, Famine, Death; the leaders of the horsemen weren’t known for their law abiding ways. Everyone who knows better stays out of their way, but that only made them more interesting. Perhaps one more than any other…


War was the largest of the Horsemen, a beast of a man, and the sexiest hunk of meat I had ever laid eyes on. We ran into each other at Dirty Dog last week and could barely keep our hands off each other. Tonight was different though. To win a Horseman, you have to win his friends. My outfit, my low cut shirt, the pile of makeup, the missing panties, it was all for their benefit… Three men. Three dangerously sexy men. Convince two of them you’re the right kind of girl, and you can ride with the club.

Giving myself one last lip smack, I clicked my heels down the hall and out the front door. For a brief moment, I thought about leaving Penny a note…

She’s a big girl now… She’ll be fine.
I thought, changing my mind. Penny was my only daughter. She came around while I was still sixteen. I was naive, scared, and pretty soon I was alone. Being a single mother was hard, but it was also one of the most rewarding things I’d ever done. Nobody could pretend to say I was the greatest mom, but Penny had turned out alright. Even today, she was off at college working hard and career bound. Not a day went by that I wasn’t glad she didn’t take after her mom…

Outside of her looks, anyway.

I flipped the little visor down in the Miata, giving myself one last little look over. I was hot. Fuck me hot. There wasn’t a biker on the planet who was going to turn down a piece of ass like this… It made the drive a little easier as I squirmed in my seat, putting the little stick shift through its paces. With a little luck, it wouldn’t be the only stick I got to play with tonight.

I thought to myself, speeding across town in the little red convertible.

The bar was packed, and row after row of big chrome bikes was almost enough to make me shiver in anticipation. War caught sight of me first. He was clearly fucking me with his eyes as I walked up to the group. Although the room was filled with bikers, only four sat at the table in the corner.

The Four Horsemen…

Conquest was the easiest to identify next to War. He wasn’t as big, but the way he carried himself made him clearly the most dangerous of the whole group. It wasn’t all muscle under those clothes, Conquest looked like he might have been made out of stone. There was something in his posture and smile that you might expect to see in an animal about to strike. He was a predator, and I was nothing but a pitiful little mouse in his presence…

Famine was to his left. Dark, but he looked positively friendly by comparison to War and Conquest. His curly hair hung down and gave him an almost innocent charm, although the scars and tattoos clearly shattered that illusion. I gave him a little smile, turning my head to look at the last of the group as I approached.

Death was a mystery. I’d never heard him say a word, and the skull handkerchief he kept constantly tied round his face served only to make him terrifying. His thin limbs and tall body structure might have made him look like a weakling among giants, but the cannon of a gun sticking out of his vest silenced any snickering. Death didn’t look dangerous, he
dangerous. The nickname wasn’t a coincidence, it was a promise.

“Beginning to think you might not show,” War said, greeting me as I reached the table. He pulled me in, lifting me effortlessly and depositing me on his lap. I gasped as one of his hands swept straight up my thigh, brushing my miniskirt higher than I intended it to ride. It wasn’t hard to imagine anyone on the other side of the table staring straight inside, but Conquest seemed to have no trouble meeting my eyes.

“War says you want to ride with the Horsemen…”

I tried to force a smile, matching Conquest’s steely gaze. This was no normal date, and he knew it. Today, the Horsemen had all the power. In their hands, I was nothing more than a plaything.

“Go easy on her Conquest. I like this one,” War replied, giving my inner thigh a solid squeeze with his positively monolithic slab of a hand. I whimpered softly.

I’d been fantasizing about this moment all week.
What tests would they have for me? What would I have to do? Why did this turn me on so much?

Now, I was nervous.

“I… I like War…”

“Oh yes, I can tell,” whispered famine, his voice barely audible under the steady thump of music. “He’s practically stroking your pussy over there. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

I went red. I’d been dating bad boys as long as I’d been dating, but these guys were something else. My whole body tingled, voice caught in my throat.

“Be a doll then, why don’t you repay the favor,” Famine said, leaning back in his seat.

The table went silent, watching me. I could feel his cock. It had been rapidly growing against my thigh ever since I sat down in his lap. I reached out, hammering someone’s abandoned shot on the table, slamming it back down before letting my hand slip down to my manly seat.

War’s breath washed over my neck as I gripped his massive shaft through his jeans, stroking him through the denim in front of my little exclusive audience. It felt degrading to follow orders like this, but, I’d never felt more alive.

“Good girl…” War whispered, his voice soft in my ear.

“Another round of shots!” Famine shouted, a hesitant waitress shaking her hips as she brought up a row of tiny glasses. I kept right on stroking War, flush with embarrassment as the young waitress gave me a disapproving look.

It wasn’t going to take much longer. My practiced hands knew what it took to make a man happy, and as the shots kept coming, I kept getting more bold in my actions, working his button fly and pulling him free of the denim just below the table.

The men seemed interested in what would happen next, and a little hoot and holler went on as I slipped under the table. This wasn’t going to be easy. For one, War was extremely well equipped, and for two, there wasn’t much ‘head room’. Instead, I turned my head sideways and slid my tongue up and down the thick shaft, jerking him lightly between lashes from my wet mouth. He was so close…

“She’s eager, that’s for sure,” Famine said, laughing from above the table. I looked over, placing my free hand on his leg and sliding it up to his own straining erection.

“Very eager!”

“Mmmmmm…” I replied in affirmative, pulling War’s cock to the side and engulfing the tip. That was all it took. The teasing and stroking and gentle licks had driven him to the wall, and my hot mouth sliding him in past my lips turned him into jello. Splashes of hot seed rolled across my tongue, sliding down my throat. Excited shouts were cheering above as I slipped free, the only one who seemed disappointed was Famine, my hand leaving him behind.

War seemed pleased with himself, and a shot of tequila was waiting for me as I hopped back into his lap. A lick of salt mixed with the smoky salty flavor in my mouth, the tequila washed it all down, and a suck of lime freshened me up. I fell into War, his breath still coming in deep gasps, and kissed him.

“Anybody that eager gets my vote,” Famine said, slapping the table and calling for another round. Conquest also looked pleased. Death on the other hand seemed disinterested in the whole exchange, still silent at the corner of the table. He seemed to be watching the room with an unwavering interest, eyes on the exits.

“What now?” I asked, eager to please.

“Famine is easy, and War is a pushover. You’ll have a better chance of hell freezing over than getting a vote out of Death here. If you want to ride with the Horsemen, you’re going to have to go through me…”

I stared at conquest, biting my lower lip ever so lightly. No question, he was going to be a harder nut to crack.

“I forbid you to fuck her War. You don’t so much as touch this one until I give you the OK.”

War was silent, and suddenly, his hand wasn’t gripping my thigh. My body yearned for him, I’d waited days, there was no way some big biker was going to stand between me and MY big biker.

“I can change your mind,” I said, my voice dripping with sex.

The table hooted again, but a tap from the edge drew everyones attention.

Death was on the move.

“Three Vamos, two on the exits.”

I stared, my eyes widening at the sound of the voice. Death was no man!

“They can’t be making a move now.”

“Tell that to the big one coming to visit.”

War lifted me off his lap, setting me down beside him, his body shielding my view. I felt a twinge of fear, but also, a spark of excitement.

“Petraus, you look lost. Dirty Dogs is ours,” Conquest said firmly at the approaching man. He was hispanic, stocky but broad shouldered with full sleeve tattoos running down his arms.

“We’ve done a lot of business Conquest. You know why I’m here.”

“No shipments for a few weeks, you’re going to have to tell the Vamos not to get their panties in a bunch.”

“That’s the thing, I hear you’ve got a crate dropping sooner than that.”

“You hear wrong, and it wouldn’t be any of your business either way,” Conquest spat. War shifted in his seat, a tension roiling over the table.

“Vamos is making it our business. You can’t just cut us out on this. If you want a war…”

“You’ll get your drop in a few weeks, I told you Petraus, this one has nothing to do with you.”

“Is Vamos supposed to take your word for it?”

“If they know what’s good for them.”

“Is that a threat?”

“It’s a promise…”

All eyes turned to Death, her voice bleeding with malice, the cannon of a handgun pointed across the table and unquestionably loaded.

“I came unarmed. You may as well shoot me because there will be hell to pay for this.”

“You tell Vamos to stay out of San Merced. You’ll get your shipment in two weeks. Until then, if I see you again, I’m going to cut your balls off. Do we understand each other, Petraus?”

The man didn’t answer, turning his back and waving to his men, walking away leaving a wave of silence in his path.


The only sound left was the throbbing of the music, every eye on our table.


I squealed as War lifted me back off the seat, carrying me toward the door.

“No. She rides with me,” Conquest said sternly, pulling me away from my man. I whimpered lightly, my fingertips separating from War. There was no way out of this. I’d bought the ticket, and I was going to see it through.

“Come with me Jenna, we have work to do,” Conquest whispered. I shivered at his sinister tone, falling into his embrace and making our way to the parking lot. It wasn’t hard to tell which of the steeds belonged to Conquest. It was a mass of chrome, not in a flashy way, but rather in a way that was all business. Much like the man, his bike rippled with power under the surface.

It had been years since I’d been on a big bike, but it came naturally as I straddled the leather seat and leaned into Conquest. He smelled like leather and sandalwood with more than a little whisky mixed in for good measure. I took a deep breath as he stepped down on the lever, the old harley roaring to life.

“A kick start?” I said, vibrations coursing through my body. Conquest handed me a little bucket helmet and I strapped it on over my long blonde hair.

“It was my father’s bike.”

There was something final in the way Conquest said ‘was’ that made me feel sorry for asking.

The engine roared, fiery explosions beneath us forcing the wicked metal forward like a it was demon possessed. The club roared out of the parking lot, but we weren’t following them. I gasped as Conquest threw the bike into a right hand turn, splitting off from the pack without warning.

“Babe, you gotta watch the road, lean when I lean…”

“I’m sorry,” I shouted over the roaring wind and engine.

“Hang on!”

Another sweeping right sent us out onto the freeway eastbound out of town. I let myself snuggle in closer as the bike screamed, every little vibration rolling up my body like I was straddling a giant sex toy.

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