5-Minute Mindfulness (29 page)

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Authors: David B. Dillard-Wright PhD

BOOK: 5-Minute Mindfulness
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Koan, 123

Krishnamacharya, 152

Krishnamurti, Jeddu, 48

Kubra, Najm Ad-Din, 158

Kundalini energy, 114

Labyrinth (medieval devotion), 135

Lapis lazuli, 191

Lavender scent, 200

Let Peace Begin With Me prayer (St.Francis of Assisi), 128

Lewis, C. S., 119

Lord’s Prayer, 132–33

Lotus positions, for meditation, 34–36

Lovers tarot card, 171

Luther, Martin, 135

Magi, gifts of, 192

Magician tarot card, 170

Mala (beads), 196

, Sephirothic Tree and, 162

Mandala exercise, 159–60

Manipura chakra, 147, 148–49

Mantras, 178–81

gems and, 191
meditation and, 98, 158, 181
vowel sounds and, 180


aromatherapy and, 200–201
as mindfulness tool, 3

Matthew 22:37–40, 122


anchor of, 45
“back burner” method, 42–43
benefits of, 18, 20, 24–26
body positions for, 32–37
breathing and, 48–50
feelings and attitudes, 43–46
finding time for, 39–40
mantras and, 181
mimicking of sleep and, 18
mind-body loops, 18–20
mind-body loops, getting out of, 20–23
one-breath meditation, 41
physical sensation and, 50–51
positions for, 32–39
preparing place for, 26–29
seed methods, 46–48
“toolbox” for, 3
while traveling, 29–32
yoga and, 97–98

Mental health

stress and, 56
yoga and, 106

Menstrual symptoms, yoga and, 88–90,

Merton, Thomas, 130

Milarepa, 24

Mind-body loops, 18–20

getting out of, 20–23


approaches to, 3–4
definitions, v
intentions for practice of, 8–10
Mindfulness Toolbox elements, 3
physical benefits of, 2–3
self-awareness and, 1–2

Mindfulness Style Quiz and evaluation, 4–8

Monastic tradition, 124–30

Contemplatives, 125–30
Hildegard of Bingen, 125–26
Monk’s Rule of Three, 124
Nikodimos Hagioritis, 129
“Oh, God” prayer, 129
St. Francis of Assisi, 126–28
Teresa of Ávila, 128–29
Thomas Merton, 130

“Monkey mind,” 11.
See also
Meditation; Stress

Moon tarot card, 173

Mothering, mindfulness and, 1

Muladhara chakra, 147, 148–49

Multiple sclerosis, yoga and, 95

Multitasking, stress and, 64–65


Muslim prayer beads, 196

Mysticism, 153–74

altars, 164–65
Judaism, 160–63
mandalas, 159–60
religious images, 163–64
Sikhs, 158
Sufis, 153–57
tarot, 168–73
visualization, 165–68, 173–74

Nadis, 114

Nature prayer (St. Francis of Assisi), 127

Navratnas, 190

Neroli scent, 200

, Sephirothic Tree and, 162

Niyamas limb of yoga, 139, 143–46

Nonattachment, meditation and, 25

Noradrenaline, stress and, 14

Offices, meditation in, 30

“Oh, God” prayer, 129

Olatunji, Babatunde, iv

O My Jesus prayer, 133

One-breath meditation, 41

Orange, meaning of, 166–67

Osho, 43, 207

Pain, handling chronic, 60–61

Panic-control mind-body loop, 19

Patanjali, 111

Patchouli scent, 200

Peacemaker sounds, 179

Pearls, 191

Perceptions, about stress, 63–64

Permanent self, meditation and, 24–25

Pheromones, 199

Physical activity, music and, 185

Physical relaxation, before meditation, 50–51.
See also
Body, stress relief for

Piezoelectricity, 191

Pine scent, 200

Pingala energy pathway, 114


Positive attitude, mindfulness and, 9

Posture, meditation and, 32

Pranayamas limb of yoga, 95–97, 139, 150

Pratyahara limb of yoga, 139, 151

See also

as mindfulness tool, 3
prayer stones, 196

Prostate symptoms, yoga and, 90–94,

Qi Gong, 36

Raja Yoga, 136

Red, meaning of, 166

Reiki, 3

Relics, 188

Religion, 119–35

Christianity, 121–23, 131–34, 178
Gnosticism, 123
monastic tradition, 124–30
prayer as mindfulness tool, 120–21
Zen Buddhism, 119–20

Revelation 22:14, 160


Rinpoche, Chögyam Trungpa, 11


5-minute meditation, 134
how to say, 134
mysteries of, 131–33
Rosary beads, 196

Rose scent, 200

Rubies, 189, 191

Rule of twelve, 190

Rumi, 154, 208

Sacred dance, 156–57

Sacred Heart of Jesus, devotion to, 131

Sacred space, creating, 26–27.
See also

Sage scent, 200

Sahasrara chakra, 148–49

Samadhi limb of yoga, 139, 152

state of yoga, 138

Samtosha niyama, 144

Sanai, Hakim, 156

Sandalwood scent, 200

Sapphires, 189, 191

Sapta Ratnani
, 186–87

Satori, 119–20

Satya yama, 141

Saucha niyama, 143

Smell, sense of

Seed meditation methods, 46–48

Seer mindfulness style, 7

Selenite, 189

Self-awareness, 1

Self-esteem, 98

Sepher ha Zohar
, 161

Sepher Yetzirah
, 160–61

Serotonin, stress and, 14

Setu bandhasana pose, 85–87,

Sex life, yoga and, 109–10

Sikhs, 158

Singing bowls, meditation and, 182

Sitting meditation, 32

Skin, stress and, 59–60

Smell, sense of, 197–207

diet and weight loss, 198–99
essential oils, 199–204
incense, 204–5
plants and flowers, 206–7

Smile meditation, 30

Smith Farm, 94

Sounds, 175–85

human brain and, 177–78
mantras and, 178–81
meditation and, 29–30, 181–83
music and chakras, 183–85
music and meditation, 181–83
therapy and, 3

Sports, mindfulness and, 1

Standing meditation, 36–37

Star tarot card, 172

St. Francis of Assisi, 126–28

Stomping, 184

Strength tarot card, 171

Strenuous work, mindfulness and, 1

Stress, 11–23

benefits of mindfulness and, 17
biochemical effects of, 12–15
health benefits of relieving, 52–66
relieving with meditation, 17–23
sources of, 15–16
stress tolerance and, 12
sympathetic and parasympathetic balance, 17–18
stress-lethargy mind-body loop, 19

Stretches, in yoga, 100–106,

Success, mindfulness and, 9

Sufism, 153–57, 178

Dances of Universal Peace, 156–57
divine presence and, 155–56
purification of the soul exercise, 154–55
stages of, 154
whirling dervish and, 156

Sukhasana pose, 95–96,

Sun tarot card, 173

Supta Baddonsana pose, 88–89,

“Surrender” exercise, 21–22, 145–46

Sushumna energy pathway, 114

Yoga entries

Svadhyaya, 144–45

Swadhistana chakra, 147, 148–49

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, 17–18

Tadasana pose, 75–77,

Tai Chi, 3, 36

Talismans, 187–88

Tantra Yoga, 138

Tapas, in
Yoga Sutras
, 144

Tarot, 168–73

5-minute mind-body-spirit tarot spread, 173
meditation with cards, 169–70
power of cards, 170–73
types of card, 169

Technology, stress and, 13

Temperance tarot card, 172

Teresa of Ávila, 128–29

Theta state brain waves, 177

Thich Nhat Hanh, 130

Thinker mindfulness style, 7

Third eye mindful moment, 102

Thoughts, controlling with meditation, 42–48

, Sephirothic Tree and, 162

Tisserand, Robert, 197

Toothbrush exercise, 151

Topaz, 189

Torments exercise, 63

Tower tarot card, 172

Trains, meditation on, 31

Transformation, meditation and, 25–26

Transience meditation exercise, 20–21

Trataka, 143

Travel, meditation during, 29–32

Tree of Life, 160–63

Tree of Sephiroth, 161–62, 168–69

Turquoise, 190

Twists, in yoga, 80–82,

Unifier sounds, 179

Unity meditation exercise, 22–23

Uttanasana pose, 82–85,

Valnet, Dr. Jean, 197

Violet, meaning of, 167

Viparita Karani pose, 78–79,

Vishudda chakra, 147, 148–49

Visual aids, 186–96.
See also

amulets, 187
beads, 196
crystals, 191–92
crystals and chakras, 192–95
gems, 189–91
relics, 188
talismans, 187–88


chromatherapy and, 165–68
creative, 173–74
meditation and, 164
as mindfulness tool, 3

Vowel sounds, mantras and, 180

Vrksasana pose, 107–8,

Waite, Arthur E., 168


meditation during, 37–38
versus yoga, 88

Water, digestive stress and, 57

Weight loss, scents and, 198–99

“What comes up” exercise, 145

Wheel of Fortune tarot card, 171

Whirling dervish, 156

“Who am I?” exercise, 144

World tarot card, 173

Yamas limb of yoga, 139, 140–43

Yantras, 160

Yellow, meaning of, 167

, Sephirothic Tree and, 162

state, of Sephirothic Tree, 162

Yoga, for uniting of mind, body, and spirit, 67–110

backbends, 85–87,
balance and, 106–8,
bends, 82–85,
breathing and, 70–71, 95–97, 111–17
bridge pose, 88
chronic aliments and, 94–95
classes and, 73, 111–12
contraindications, 110
diet and eating, 98–99
effects of asanas, 73
fitness and, 77–78
inversions, 78–80,
mantras and, 178, 181
meditation and, 97–98
menstrual symptoms and, 88–90,
place and props for, 71–72
prostate symptoms, 90–94,
self-esteem and, 98
sex life and, 109–10
spine health and pose, 74–77
stretches and, 100–106,
as transformative and therapeutic tool, 68–70
twists, 80–82,

Yoga paths, 3, 24, 37, 136–52

asanas of, 139, 146–50
dharana, 139, 151
dhyana, 139, 152
limbs of, 139–52

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