5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (41 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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"You can slow down something if we're moving a little too fast by saying the word yellow.  If you honestly can't handle what we're doing one second longer then you can use the word red and we will stop everything then sit down and talk about it."

The knowledge that she had the control to stop him gave her a huge amount of relief, but also confused her
as well.  "I thought you said if I decided to walk away from anything during the ten nights everything ended?"

He was impressed with how well she remembered last night.  "I had to do some rethinking on your end Scarlett because of your newness to my world and I don't think it's fair to you to expect you'll be able to do things that a more experienced submissive wouldn't have trouble with.  Basically I'm rewriting some of my rules for your lack of experience.  But understand this Scarlett, if don't feel you are really trying to submit to me, I will end this immediately.  So use your safe words with care."

The strength in his voice made her tremble and she leaned back on the couch trying to take in everything he just said.  "So what you're saying is you expect me to let you do things to me that I probably won't like at first and I need to get the feel for them before I tell you to stop?" 

He chuckled at her definition and shook his head. "You amaze me sweet girl, but the best way I can describe this to you is that there are things that your body will enjoy but if you let your mind over think it, you won't allow them to happen.  Either out of fear, or some feeling that it's somehow wrong.  Most of what we do in the dungeon won't be centered on hardcore pain, Scarlett.  Some pain heightens senses and pushes your body to new ways of pleasure.  Sometimes a strong stimulus can make you feel things in a deeper way.  I will say that after doing this for a while it takes deeper forms of stimulus to gain the same sensations."

"I noticed last night that the people doing those things really seemed to enjoy them."  She was being overloaded with information and was trying to catch up here.

"If they didn't enjoy it sweetheart, you can be sure they'd give up this lifestyle.  All that being said, there will be times that I will push you to the very edge of your pain tolerance just to see what you can deal with." He could see the confusion in her eyes at his contradiction of words.  "There's a very fine line between what people construe as pleasure and pain Scarlett.  It's different for every submissive.  It's something you have to gradually work toward and build a tolerance for." He had been in this lifestyle for almost twenty years and it was still hard to explain what a person had to feel to understand.

He glanced down at his watch, and saw that they had been talking for nearly an hour.  "Isn't there someone you need to call," he smiled as he saw the recognition fill her eyes.

"Thank you, I almost forgot." Reaching into her purse she pulled out her phone and dialed Janie's number.

"Meet me in the hall when you've finished your conversation," he stood up and walked out, leaving her in privacy.

Janie's voice was worried as she picked up the phone.  Scarlett quickly told her that everything was going fine.  Her friend asked if she felt safe at the moment and she laughed and told her perfectly.  Janie told her to call back in two hours, or sooner if she was ready to come home and she ended the call.  Walking into the hall she smiled at Rhett.

"How did you know about the phone call," she thought it was odd that he had to remind her about her promise.

"If Janie hadn't told you to have a safety net in place I would have discussed it with David.  Anytime you meet with a new Dominant you need to have safety nets set up."  The thought of her playing with someone else didn't sit well with him, and he would have to think about the reason for that later.  He held out his hand and as she took it he led her back downstairs to the dungeon.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs he turned to face her.  "If you decide this is what you want Scarlett, when you walk in my house I expect you to address me as Sir or Master at all times.  You don't need to call me that now.  I want you to feel completely comfortable with me tonight, understand?

"Yes," the thought of calling him Master sent a shiver of pleasure through her and she smiled.

For the next two hours he discussed all the equipment and toys in his dungeon.  She was overwhelmed by most of the things there and had some strong reservations about more than a few of the toys he introduced her too.  He went into graphic detail about how most of the items were used and her face was bright red when he finally paused.

"Sweetheart I have to say that blush on your cheeks is the most enticing thing I've ever seen in my life.  The next ten nights are something I'd really like to share with you.  Call Janie again and then you can ask me any questions that you have." He winked at her and walked
over to put up the toys he had pulled out earlier to introduce her to his world.

She quickly called her friend and went through the whole question and answer interrogation she gave her.  Janie told her to call when she was ready to come home and after three hours with Rhett if she still felt she could trust him, she felt safe in leaving her unattended.

Walking back over to Rhett, she smiled nervously.  "I think I want to try this." Her voice was soft because she was a little surprised after all the things he'd shown her that she was still excited about this.

"I need you to be sure, Scarlett," he smiled down at her and wanted to lift her into his arms and tell her how glad he was that she was willing to explore his world, but he needed her to be completely certain first.

Biting her lips before remembering again, she flushed hotly.  "I'm sure I want to be here with you and try this." Her heart raced at her admission and she stared up into his eyes timidly.

He smiled deeply, and held out a hand for her, pleased that she took it so quickly.  "I can't wait to introduce you to my world, Sweetheart.  Do you have anything planned for tomorrow night?

"I have to work during the day, but I am free after five."  She wondered what it would be like to kiss him again, and flushed deeply.

"Baby, as much as I'd love to answer that calling in your eyes, I think you'd better leave before I decide to keep you here tonight."  He was a little shocked to be so aroused at her innocent look, and getting her sexy little
ass home was priority one since she hadn't asked him to touch her yet.

"I wouldn't mind staying tonight," she whispered the words self-consciously and pulled a strand of hair behind her ear.

He almost growled at the sweet suggestion, but he was a man of his word and she still hadn't asked.  "Do you remember what I told you about touching you tonight?"  His eyes heated as he allowed them to roam over her gorgeous body in that barely existent dress.

The look in his eyes had her heart dropping into her belly and she thought back, trying to remember.  Nibbling on her lower lip, it came to her.  He told her he wouldn't touch her unless she asked.  Her face burned as she lowered her eyes to her hands.  Did she have the nerve to ask him to do that?  "I'd like to start the ten n-nights now," had she really just said that?

"Stop chewing on your lip and look at me."  His voice was deep and controlled and he waited until he had her attention.  "Are you asking me to touch you Scarlett?"

She immediately stopped her action and caught his gaze.  "Y-yes," she was completely overwhelmed at the thought of him touching her, but in an excited, I need to take this leap before I chicken out kind of way.

His blue eyes darkened even more, knowing there was no damn way in hell he was going to ask her for more than that explanation. She'd learn how to be more verbal with him later.  "The ten nights will start tomorrow, but before that happens I think there's a little something we need to take care of first." His eyes stared into hers deeply as the thoughts moved through his mind.

"What's that?" She had no idea what he was talking about but from the look in his eyes it was something that was going to make her blush again.

"Well first, if you're going to be mine you need to call me Sir or Master," he winked, "and second I think it's time I show you what you've been missing in the bedroom.  So if you need more time sweetheart, this would be the time to tell me goodnight. If you don't you can call Janie back and tell her you're spending the night with me."

Her heart fell into her stomach at his words and her legs trembled violently.  This man obviously didn't mince words and the thought of spending the night with him was exactly what she wanted.  Some of the toys he'd shown her just minute earlier already had her libido jumping for joy.  "I think I need to tell Janie not to wait up, Sir." Biting her lip at her brave words she looked up into his eyes with all the bravado she could muster up.

"Good girl," his smile was wide at the thought of this beautiful angel willing to put herself completely in his hands and hearing the word Sir fall from her lips had his cock standing fully at attention.  "Make your phone call sweetheart, and do it quickly."

Her hands were trembling so bad she could barely hold the phone as she called Janie for the last time tonight.  She had to repeatedly tell her she was sure about her decision and the look in Rhett's eyes as he watched her had her knees ready to fold.  Finally hanging up with her friend she felt lightheaded at the thought of what she was about to do.

"You okay sweetheart?" His brow furrowed as he watched the color drain from her face.  He had no idea what was going through her mind right now, but hoped she hadn't changed her mind.

"I'm a little nervous, Sir," she thought a little was putting it lightly.  This was like a grand canyon leap off a cliff for her and she was terrified.

Without a second thought he pulled her into his arms and held her against him.  "Just hang on to me Scarlett, I promise I won't let you fall."  He lifted her into his arms and her soft gasp of surprise made him chuckle.  The way she buried her face in his chest was adorable and he was feeling more than a little overprotective of his new girl.  He vowed to make this night one of the most memorable of her life, because she was gifting him with something more precious than he could ever repay.



chapter Five


By the time they made it to his bedroom she was shaking violently.  He slowly lowered her to her feet, keeping his hands under her arms afraid she would slide to the ground if he didn't.  "Sweetheart if you're having second thoughts about this we can stop."  He was out of his comfort zone with this whole virgin business.  He had always kept sex, even in his vanilla days, with very experienced women. 

"I haven't changed my mind," she whispered softly not sure what she was so afraid of, but wishing the stupid emotion would go away so she could enjoy just being here with him.

"Look at me baby," he waited until their eyes met before he spoke again.  "I need you to be absolutely sure this is what you want."  There was no way in the world
he was going to make love to her if she wasn't completely on board with the idea.  And if she stayed he was going to make love to her.  The Dom in him might have wanted to take her downstairs and dive in to all the experiences that waited there, but the man in him demanded that he give her a night of lovemaking to remember for the rest of her life even if she decided later this whole lifestyle thing wasn't for her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and took several deep breaths before speaking.  "I don't think I've ever been surer of anything before, Sir." She blushed but her eyes met his with conviction.  As afraid as she was, the dampness between her thighs demanded she answer the awareness he was waking up inside her body.

Her trembling was not as pronounced now and he felt she could safely stand.  His hands went to either side of her face as he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her deeply.  As her tongue tentatively met his, the taste of her sweet mouth had his body aching to toss her on the bed. He broke the kiss and with as much finesse as he could manage, his hands went to the hem of her dress and quickly lifted it over her head.

She gasped and raised her hands instinctively to allow him to remove it, but her hands quickly moved to cover her breasts as she stood before him shivering.  His eyes roaming over her body, seeing what no man had seen before was definitely not helping with her nervousness and she whimpered.

"I won't let you hide behind your hands Scarlett," he smiled warmly before reaching out to grasp both her hands and lowering them to her sides so his eyes could feast on her.  She had the most amazing breasts, he thought and licked his lips at the handful sized mounds and pale pink nipples.  "Fucking beautiful, sweetheart," he lowered his mouth and took her into his mouth, suckling deeply.  Holding her hands forcefully at her sides he moved to the other creamy globe, nipping lightly at the pale peak, enjoying her gasp.

The pleasurable sensation moved from her breast straight to her core and she struggled against his grip on her hands, needing to pull him closer to her.  His hold was relentless and she could only feel as his tongue circled her nipple and her breasts grew heavier than she ever recalled them feeling before.

He had planned on taking this much slower but her body was incredible and he couldn't stop his tongue from trailing down from her breast to navel delving in for a brief moment before lowering to the band of her panties.  "These have got to go, Sweetheart," releasing her hands he quickly lowered the offending scrap of silk down her legs and lifting one of her heeled feet and sliding it off then lifting the other, tossing them across the room.

She was completely exposed to him and panicked at his hurried movements.  "Rh-Rhett, S-Sir," she bit her lip hard as fear overcame her again and her body trembled.

Standing up he muttered a curse under his breath at his own lack of control.  He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly against his chest, needing to slow down.  "You are just so damn beautiful," he pulled back and lifted her chin with his fingers, kissing her again.  It wasn't enough, it wasn't near enough.  Her hands tangled in his hair and that just wasn't going to do.  Pulling his lips from her he looked down into her eyes and smirked.

"I don't want those sexy little hands hindering what I want to do with you tonight sweetheart."  He slid off the bed and stood up quickly, unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops.  Her eyes were about as wide as they could get as she watched him wearily move with slow calculated moves back to the bed.

He could read her thoughts easily and chuckled.  "Don't worry sweetheart, I don't plan on using this on your delectable little body tonight."  He watched as she visibly relaxed and smirked. Dropping the belt on the floor, he pulled a silken scarf from the small night stand drawer. "Hold out your hands," he demanded quietly.

She hesitated only a second and was shocked when he reached down and grabbed her wrists in his strong grip. Her heart felt like it was about to leap out the window and the shadow that crossed his face, with what she could only guess was anger, forced her to hold her breath.

"Baby when I ask you do something, I expect it to be immediate," he winked seeing how she had visibly shrunk back on the bed at his look.  He didn't want her terrified at the moment, but he did want her to listen.  With quick efficiency he caught her wrists and tied them together with the scarf, making sure it wasn't overly tight he attached it to the headboard securely.  He watched her struggle for a few seconds assuring himself it wouldn't pull free. 

He had leather cuffs in that same drawer but he felt this would be a little easier for her to accept tonight.  "Now I can have my wicked way with you without worry about those sweet little hands trying to stop me."  She was chewing on her lip again and he knew if she didn't stop they would bleed.  Tapping his finger against her lips he shook his head.  Immediately she stopped and he smiled.

"Where were we?" lowering his eyes he allowed his gaze to roam over her flat stomach, softly rounded hips and the small patch of downy curls at the apex of her thighs.  She was nicely trimmed and his fingers were aching to delve inside those soft folds.  He lowered his hand and tugged slightly on the curls there, enjoying her soft moan and how her legs tensed.  "I might allow you to keep those," he chuckled as her eyes widened again.

He was laying on his side as he allowed his fingers to move to those silken folds, pleased at the moisture there but not pleased at all as her legs involuntarily closed at the new sensation.  Moving between her parted thighs he spread her legs wide.  "Baby if you do that again I'm going to tie your legs spread-eagle and I really don't want to do that tonight, you understand?"

She nodded and then remembered he expected her to answer him.  "Yes, S-sir,” his fingers began stroking her and it felt so incredible that her eyes closed and she pushed her hips upward wanting more.  It was amazing how much different it felt for his fingers to touch her this way, compared to her own clumsy attempts to please herself.

"Open your eyes Scarlett, I want to see what I make you feel," he slowly slid a finger inside her tight sheath and almost groaned at how she gripped his finger.  "Damn you are so tight baby."

She forced her eyes open and whimpered at the pangs of pleasure that shot through her as he began sliding in and out.  When he added another finger she tensed at the strange fullness but after only a few minutes her body flooded with desire and it wasn't stretching her as much.

Sliding his fingers from her, he chuckled at her moan of disappointment.  She was very receptive, he had worried about how she would respond to him earlier.  He lifted her legs up on his shoulders before lowering his head between her thighs and allowing his tongue to lap at the sweetness of her core.

"Oh God!" she cried out as his tongue delved inside her, tensing in embarrassment even as her body arched off the bed to meet his mouth. 

His hands slid under her shapely ass holding her to his mouth as his tongue lapped the silken flesh, darting in deeply he teased her sweet essence.  Her flavor was incredible and he wanted to drink her in like wine.  Allowing his teeth to lightly graze over her clit, he felt her body tremble at the overwhelming sensation.  Feeling her body tense, he quickly pulled back.  "Not yet, baby," licking his lips he slid off the bed and removed his shirt.  "I don't want you to come until I'm deep inside you."

She was gasping for breath as she watched his hands unsnap the button of his pants.  His chest was even more beautiful without his shirt, she wondered what the soft patch of hair there would feel like under her fingers.  His arms were well defined with muscles, but not overly like a body builder to which she was very happy to discover. 

She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he lowered his pants and underwear in one quick move.  He was huge, she thought as her eyes widened with fear of how he would stretch her body?  He opened a packet and slid a condom on and her body shook violently.  Her legs clenched together again.  It took everything she had to breathe when he joined her on the bed again, completely undressed and unbelievably gorgeous.

His eyes roamed over her again and then met her eyes, feeling her tense and knowing without her words why she was suddenly afraid.  He allowed his fingers to caress her cheek and smiled in understanding.  "Remember what I told you earlier about how some pain makes the pleasure more intense sweetheart?"  She nodded without speaking, but he wasn't going to correct her over this one. 

He smiled and pulled her legs apart forcefully settling between them.  His cock rested on her stomach as he stared into her eyes.  "Trust me baby, a little pain and then a lot of pleasure." 

This wasn't much different than the things she saw happening in the dungeon last night, she thought to herself.  If she was going to trust him to tie her up and whip her, how could she not trust him with something as uncomplicated as this?  She nodded her head softly, not sure she could speak at the moment.

He lifted one of her legs in his large hand, pulling it around his hip and thrust inside deeply to the hilt with
one strong push.  She was unbelievably tight and he felt her body stretching to accommodate his wide girth.  Her cry of pain was not one he relished hearing in this situation and he remained completely still, allowing her to get used to his size.

Her hands clasped together as she dug her nails into the top of them at the strong burning pain.  This definitely wasn't what she thought it would feel like, and to be honest she was disappointed.  "I don't like this," she was angry that people made such a big deal of out something that hurt like hell.  He was huge and invading and she just wanted to buck his ass right off her at the moment.  Tears streaked down her face and she was pissed at the stupid emotion.

He chuckled at her honesty, and he heard her groan as his movement forced him deeper inside.  "It gets better sweetheart, trust me if it didn't people wouldn't do it."  His girl was very honest about what she felt, he thought pleased.

"I don't like you much right now either," she wasn't happy with him laughing about this and she glared at him. Her hips lifted wanting him to get off her but only succeeding in making the burning pain a little sharper.

"We must definitely do something about 'that' and your doubt of my abilities," he couldn't be angry with her at the moment because the situation was rather comical.  He slid out of her slightly and felt her sigh of relief until he pushed back in.

"Sir, please" she pleaded and closed her eyes, the pain not as horrible as before, but still uncomfortable.

"Give it a few minutes sweetheart," he didn't chuckle again because he knew she didn't believe it would get any better.  He slowly slid almost all the way out and then slowly found home again. 

The burning was subsiding and she wanted to trust him.  Opening her eyes she still felt stretched over capacity, but at least it wasn't agonizing any longer.  He was riding her unhurriedly now and the strangest thing was happening to her body.  With each thrust she felt her body tense and the pain subside into a dull ache. 

"Now we are making love sweetheart," he winked down into her surprised eyes and continued the slow tempo not wanting to cause her any more pain tonight.  When her legs wrapped around his waist he smiled and increased his rhythm.  Her velvety folds clenched his cock in the most incredible way and it took all his control not to ride her with all the power he had.

"Sir?" Her heart raced as she felt the spiral build inside her to a crescendo that was demanding to wash over and she tensed, almost afraid of the intensity of the sensation.

"Come for me sweet girl, I want to feel you flood my cock with your passion." Thrusting faster, his hands gripped her ass and drove into her deeply.

As her body exploded into a thousand fragments of overwhelming pleasure, her legs tightened around his waist and her hands strained against her bonds.  This was what the big deal was, she thought before his savage thrusts took her breath away as he reached his own fulfillment.  She was smiling as his weight rested on her for a few moments, shocked at the incredible ending to this
experience.  She winced slightly as he slid from her body and moved off her.

He lifted his hands to the scarf, untied it and rubbed her wrists for a few minutes before pulling her down into his arms.  "You okay sweetheart?" 

She rested her face against his chest, and nodded before speaking softly.  "I think I'm more than okay, Sir."  She laughed against his chest, thinking this was actually something she wanted to do again and again.

"What's so funny," he smiled, reaching down to lift her chin so he could meet her eyes.

"I don't know Sir, I kind of enjoyed that at the end," she flushed and smiled.

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