206.The Federalist Papers
, No. 48, p. 308.
207.The Federalist Papers
, No. 49, pp. 313-314.
208.The Federalist Papers
, No. 49, p. 315.
209.The Federalist Papers
, No. 51, p. 320.
210. J. Reuben Clark,
Stand Fast by Our Constitution
, Deseret Book Company, Salt Lake City, 1973, pp. 147-148.
Writings of George Washington
, 35:228.
English Constitutional and Legal History
, p. 7.
213. John Fiske,
The Beginnings of New England, The Historical Writings of John Fiske
, vol. 6, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1902, pp. 155-156.
The Spirit of Laws
, p. 72.
215.The Federalist Papers
, No. 38, pp. 231-232.
216.The Federalist Papers
, No. 15, p. 111.
217. Quoted in Lord Acton,
Essays on Freedom and Power
, The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois, 1949, p. 218.
218.The Federalist Papers
, No. 28, p. 181.
219. John Locke,
Second Essay Concerning Civil Government
, pp. 46-47, par. 95-97.
220. John Locke,
Second Essay Concerning Civil Government
, p. 47, par. 98.
221.The Federalist Papers
, No. 22, pp. 147-48.
222. Bergh,
Writings of Thomas Jefferson
, 3:318.
223. Bergh,
Writings of Thomas Jefferson
, 15:38.
224. Richard Frothingham,
The Rise of the Republic of the United States
, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1873, pp. 14-15.
225. Richard Frothingham,
The Rise of the Republic of the United States
, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1873, p. 15.
226. Richard Frothingham,
The Rise of the Republic of the United States
, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1873, p. 15.
227. Bergh,
Writings of Thomas Jefferson
, 14:421.
228.The Federalist Papers
, No. 45, pp. 292-293.
229. Bergh,
Writings of Thomas Jefferson
, 10:168.
230. John Fiske, The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789,
The Historical Writings of John Fiske
, vol. 12, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1916, pp. 282-283.
Second Essay Concerning Civil Government
, p. 29, par. 21.
232. John Locke,
Second Essay Concerning Civil Government
, p. 56, par. 136.
A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States
, 3 vols., Bud and Bartram, Philadelphia, 1797, 1:124.
234. Quoted by Edwin S. Corwin in "
The Higher Law -- Background of American Constitutional Law
," Harvard Law Review, 1928, 42:155.
235. Benjamin Jowett, trans.,
The Dialogues of Plato
, Great Books of the Western World, vol. 7, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago, 1952, p. 599.
236. Benjamin Jowett, trans.,
The Dialogues of Plato
, Great Books of the Western World, vol. 7, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago, 1952, p. 599.
Second Essay Concerning Civil Government
, p. 37, par. 57.