8 Weeks

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Authors: Bethany Lopez

BOOK: 8 Weeks
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8 Weeks


Time for Love Series


Book 1



Bethany Lopez




Copyright 2014 Bethany Lopez

Published March 2014

Amazon Edition


Photography by K Keeton Designs

Cover Design by B Design

Editing by Red Road Editing / Kristina Circelli

Formatting by White Hot Formatting


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Table of Contents

Title Page


Other Titles


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Coming Soon



About the Author




Books by Bethany Lopez


Young Adult:


Stories about Melissa – series

Ta Ta for Now!





Nissa: a contemporary fairy tale


New Adult:


Friends & Lovers Trilogy

Make it Last

I Choose You

Trust in Me




A Time for Love Series

8 Weeks




This book is dedicated to the men and women that I’ve served with in the Air Force over the years… It’s been quite a ride!




Chapter 1 – Cal


I lifted my throbbing head from the mattress and glanced around the blurry room. Nothing looked familiar. I closed my eyes tightly and reopened them, hoping to bring the room into focus and discover where I was. Closing my eyes relieved some of the pain, but as soon as I opened them again, the bright morning light felt like a laser searing my skull.

“Fuck!” I raised myself up gingerly, on shaky arms, as the night before came back to me in fits and glimpses.

I was in Vegas.

We’d had my buddy’s bachelor party the night before.

I’d gotten completely fuckin’ wasted.

I was able to get into a sitting position, bringing my elbows up to rest on my knees, and cradle my head in my hands. I peered down around my palms and got an eyeful of my junk.

I was butt-ass naked.

What the fuck had happened last night? I closed my eyes tightly and tried to remember, but it was no use. When my stomach began turn, I heaved myself off of the bed and looked around for a place to vomit. I had no idea where the bathroom was, but was able to make it to the trashcan by the desk before the puke flew past my lips. A moan escaped my lips as my stomach cramped and some remnants of last night’s dinner came out of my mouth and nose simultaneously.

The retching went on for a few minutes. My nose burned and there was a chunk of something lodged in the back of my throat.

Stomach empty, I sat back on my heels and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Now not only was my head pounding like a drum, but my mouth tasted like I’d been licking the ass-end of a horse for the better part of the morning.

I curled into a ball on the floor by the trashcan, willing the room to be still, so my stomach would stop twirling violently. It was no use. I felt the bile begin to rise and got up quickly to hug the trashcan again, hurling and heaving until there was nothing left but the foam from the pit of my stomach.

The sound of a flush, then water running had me turning my head toward what must’ve been the bathroom. A few seconds later, the door opened and a statuesque blonde strode out and picked up her dress from the back of a chair. She turned to me, naked as I was, and shook her head with a chuckle.

“That was some party,” she said as she pulled the dress over her head and walked toward the door. When her hand touched the handle she turned back to me and smiled. “Have a nice life, sugar.” Then she walked out, the door slamming behind her.

I sat there for a moment. Speechless, naked, reeking of alcohol and puke.

“No, no, no, no, no, no …” I muttered as I began to rock back and forth on my heels. This couldn’t be happening to me.

Where were the guys?

How had I gotten back to this room?

What the fuck had I done, and how was I ever going to explain this to my wife?




Chapter 2 – Shelly


As I finished cutting up vegetables for the salad, I looked around the kitchen and into the dining room to see if I’d forgotten anything. Table set and made beautiful with tulips and candlesticks in cheerful shades of yellow, roast cooking in the oven, and shrimp sautéing in a pan on top of the stove for an appetizer. Everything looked, and smelled, wonderful.

I smiled happily as I hummed to myself, excited to surprise Cal when he got home from his “boy’s trip” to Vegas.

It was our sixth wedding anniversary, and I couldn’t wait for him to see my new dress. It was a little white dress that hugged my curves in all the right places.

When we’d gotten married at eighteen, right out of high school, everyone said we’d never last. But I’d known from the second I’d laid eyes on Cal at a pep rally our junior year of high school that he was the man I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. He’d been making me happy every day since.

I took the salad bowl to the table, complete with the moose-shaped salad tongs that Cal had bought me on our cruise to Alaska, and placed it in the center of the table. I straightened the wine goblets with our initials that Cal had brought home as a surprise for me when I’d gotten promoted to manager at the bank.

I could look all around our sweet little house and bask in the memories we’d made so far.

I turned off the stovetop and covered the pan, then ran to the back of the house to our bathroom. Checking myself in the mirror, I was happy to see that my hair and makeup were holding up. I turned and walked into our bedroom, taking off clothes as I moved. I had my outfit laid out on the bed, down to the white garter belt and stockings. I took care putting on the underthings, so as not to get a snag and ruin the sexy little treat I had just bought for Cal. I looked in the full-length mirror as I slipped the dress over my head, then turned around, checking to make sure everything was in its proper place.

With my dark hair in soft waves and my ruby red lips contrasting the stark white of my outfit, I realized the last time I’d felt this sexy and beautiful was on our wedding day.

Cal was going to be so turned on, I thought with a giggle, the blush on my cheeks only accentuating the look I was going for.

The beeping of the oven timer sounded off in the kitchen and I nodded at myself in the mirror before returning to the kitchen.

The night was going to be perfect.

I pulled the roast out, leaving it covered as I sat it on the counter so the flavors could come together. I went to the small wine rack, my first purchase when we bought this house, our first home, and pulled our favorite bottle of red. I opened it swiftly, then set it on the counter to breathe.

I looked around again, mentally checking items off the list in my head as I surveyed the rooms. One of the selling points of this house for me had been the open floor plan. I loved the way the rooms opened up to each other, really giving the house a homey feel.

Realizing I’d forgotten to freshen up my deodorant, I ran back through the house, checking the clock on the wall and squealing when I realized that Cal should be home any minute. I quickly put on deodorant, sprayed Cal’s favorite perfume, and slipped on a pair of sling back heels.

At six foot four, Cal towered over my five-foot-six frame. I loved it. Being in his arms always made me feel feminine and safe.

As I was walking down the hall, I heard the sound of the garage door going up, and my stomach dipped in anticipation of Cal’s arrival. I put on my brightest smile and positioned myself seductively against the counter, so I would be the first thing he saw when he walked through the door.




Chapter 3 - Cal


I sat in my car in the garage for a few minutes, terrified of going inside and facing Shelly. As soon as she saw me, she would know something was wrong. She had a knack for reading me. She always had.

The guys had stumbled in a few minutes after the blonde turned my world upside down.

“Jesus,” my buddy Scott, whose pending nuptials we were in Vegas celebrating, said as he made out my naked, vomit-covered form. “What the fuck happened to you?”

“Where were you guys?” I asked bleakly, trying to pull myself into a sitting position.

“Well, after you said you were heading back here, pussy that you are, we continued our little party. We hit up a club at the Hard Rock, then went out for breakfast. We haven’t slept yet.” This was said in a mind-numbing tone by my other buddy, TJ.

“Have you been like this all night?” Scott asked.

I put my head in my hands and tried to control my shaking body.

“I really fucked up,” I said.

“Dude,” TJ said, throwing my jeans at me. “Put some pants on. I can’t listen to you when your junk is on display.”

I leaned back and tried to wiggle into my jeans without disturbing my stomach. Once I was dressed, I filled them in on my morning.

Scott and TJ were staring at me, horrified. Scott started pacing the floor and asked, “Do you remember where you met her or how you got back here?”

“No. I don’t remember a fucking thing,” I admitted.

“Maybe nothing happened,” TJ said hopefully.

“We were both naked, and although I don’t remember the details, I’m pretty sure we had sex.”

“Shit,” Scott muttered. “What are you going to do?”

“What do you mean?” I asked miserably. “I have to tell Shelly the truth.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, man? She’ll never hear it from us,” TJ said. Scott nodded his agreement.

“I can’t do that. I can’t lie to her.”

“It’s either lie to her, or break her heart, Cal,” Scott said with a frown.

Scott and TJ had been my best friends since middle school. They’d been with me at the pep rally when I’d first laid eyes on Shelly and they stood up in my wedding.

The trip back had been long and torturous as I tried to figure out what I should do. Shelly and I had a great relationship and I’d never lied to her. I didn’t want to start now, but what Scott said was true. It would break her heart, and I knew our relationship would never be the same, but I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to live with this lie for the rest of our lives.

Quit being a bitch and go inside,
I said to myself, trying to talk myself into getting out of the car.

I really didn’t want to, but I knew that she’d probably heard the garage door, and would be waiting for me to come inside.

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