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Authors: Sondrae Bennett

BOOK: 9781616503369
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“We can’t just let him go,” Ethan raged. But Cody was right. As much as Jason wanted to side with his brother, he needed to keep a cool head.

It wasn’t his job to enforce the rules. The council did that, and Jay had broken a cardinal rule. No matter what the dispute, humans were off limits. Harming one in any way was punishable by death. It didn’t matter if they were mated to a wolf, and it wouldn’t matter that Julie was born of wolves. She was human, and by kidnapping her, Jay had sealed his fate.

“Your rage makes sense after what he did to your family. But don’t let it rule you. Go. Take care of your sister. If your pack will help bring him to our jail, I’ll make sure he’s delivered to the council for judgment.” The fox Premier’s gaze never wavered from his.

It was the right thing. But releasing the man beneath him was one of the hardest things Jason ever had to do.

The fox Premier nodded and gestured to the other wolves to bring the hybrid back to their town. The fox turned to follow but swung back. “Oh, and call Samantha as soon as you can to let her know you’re okay. She’s freaking out. Made me promise to come out here and save your ass.”



Chapter 12


Julie opened her eyes, squinting against the harsh sunlight pouring in from the window. She was in a hospital. That had to be a good sign. She’d dreamed of Brendan, of him finding her, saving her from Jay. She looked down at the figure sleeping with his hands resting on her hospital bed. Not a dream.

Lifting her hand, Julie ran her fingers through his hair. He didn’t stir, but a whimper escaped. He couldn’t be comfortable, sleeping in a chair with his head and arms on the bed. She wanted him with her, surrounding her with his embrace.

But another need screamed for attention. She glanced around and spotted the bathroom across the room. She felt weak, her arms and legs slow to respond to her desire to leave the bed. Closing her eyes, she gathered her strength and rose, holding onto the sides of the bed for support. Her left leg gave out from under her as she tried to put weight on it.

She felt so drained. The accident replayed in her mind, but she didn’t remember anything that would cause this much injury. She looked toward the bathroom again. From the bed, it had seemed doable, but now the small room looked impossibly far away. She would never make it. And the thought of crawling back into bed left her tired enough to cry.

“Brendan?” When he didn’t stir, she tried a little louder. “Brendan.”

His head flew up, and his gaze shot toward the bed. When he saw her standing beside it, he rushed to her, his arms surrounding her, supporting her.

“What are you doing out of bed, beautiful? You need to rest.”

“I have to pee.” He looked toward the bathroom as if not understanding and then back to her.

“You should have woken me.”

“I did,” she pointed out.

His lips brushed against her temple, so gently it almost brought tears to her eyes.

“Okay, come on.” He leaned down and scooped her into his arms.

“I can walk. I just need a little support.”

“Let me take you. I know you can walk, but
need this.”

She nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. The waver in his voice was more telling than the words. She didn’t want him worrying about her. If carrying her made him feel better, she’d let him carry her everywhere.

Once she finished in the bathroom, Brendan brought her back to bed and started to sit back in his chair.

“Please, lie with me.”

When his gaze met hers, she was shocked by the pain and despair reflected in the depths of his eyes. Were things worse than she thought? A new, horrifying fear came to her. Her brothers would have gone after the rogue shifter. Yet none of her family was by her side.
Please, please let them be all right.

“What’s the matter? What happened?” She clutched his hand, desperate to know the cause of his pain.

“What happened? Julie, you were kidnapped. You were in a car accident. I almost lost you.” The dam broke as her strong, dominant mate put his head in her lap and wept, his arms clutching her hips, trying to pull her closer.

Julie sat stunned. She’d never seen Brendan this worked up. Even at his mother’s funeral, he’d only shed a few wayward tears.

“It’s okay. I’m okay.” She stroked his head, letting her touch soothe him.

“You don’t understand. If I lost you…” His voice broke, and he paused to regain his composure. “…I wouldn’t be able to go on. You are my everything.”

Julie lifted his head until he looked into her eyes. “Do you think I don’t feel the same? Brendan, for so long I thought I was alone and then I met you and realized, no matter where I am, I’m never alone, because you’re there with me. Even in that dank room, I knew not to be afraid, because I felt your love and determination to find me. You are my everything too.”

* * * *

He knew she spoke the truth. Felt the love streaming through the bond between them. Without another word, he crawled into the bed and pulled her into his arms. The scent of his mate surrounded him, soothing his wolf.

She’d been in the hospital for two days, lapsing in and out of consciousness, never remembering where she was when she had come to. This time felt different. She spoke clearly, following the conversation.

Two days after the foxes had sent Jay to the shifter council, they’d received word of their judgment. As anticipated, they hadn’t been lenient, executing him directly after hearing the case. The rules regarding contact with full humans was for all shifters’ protection and was strictly enforced. If news of shifters ever became public, the council wanted to make sure nothing bad could be attributed to their kind. They’d been formed for that purpose, to unite shifters who normally would keep to their own kind.

“When can we leave?” Julie asked, and he tightened his arms around her. He wanted her home too, in their own bed where he could take care of her himself.

“As soon as the doctors say so, beautiful.” And not a moment sooner. He’d never take a risk with her again. He’d stay by her side forever if that’s what it took to keep her safe.

“I love you,” she whispered, turning toward him.

“I love you too. Don’t ever scare me again, okay?”

“I’ll try not to.” He growled, but felt her smile against his neck as she placed a kiss against his skin.

* * * *

They’d wanted to keep her another day for observation. She hadn’t realized how much time had passed, or how seriously she’d been injured. The pack’s doctor explained that had she not been mated to Brendan and possessed the shifter enzyme, she might not have lived. It had healed some of the internal bleeding before they had gotten her to the hospital.

Her entire family had visited her. At Julie’s insistence, Samantha and Jason had gone through with the wedding the day after she’d woken. She was sorry to have missed it, but didn’t want them to wait any longer. She felt bad enough ruining the planned wedding. Samantha needed her day.

“Comfortable?” Brendan asked, carrying a tray with her favorite breakfast foods into the bedroom.

“You know I can eat downstairs with you. The doctor released me. I’m all better.” His answering growl brought a smile to her lips. Brendan had been overprotective ever since she’d returned home. “Okay, okay. No need to get all growly. At least come sit with me and keep me company.”

Brendan kissed her cheek as he sat on the bed next to her. “Always.”

She hid her smile behind her coffee cup, taking a small sip.

“Latte?” she asked, surprised he’d gone to so much trouble. “How did you get this here?”

“I know how much you like them, so I bought an instant coffee machine. Laurie came over and set it up while we were in the hospital.”

“I can’t believe you did this.”

“I would do anything if it brings you happiness.” And she knew, without a doubt, he would. She leaned in and kissed him, putting all the passion she had in her heart behind the kiss. No matter what, she vowed to make him as happy as he made her.

Pulling him onto the bed, Julie sat on his lap and pulled the tray of food closer. She alternated between eating and feeding him. Although he tried to hide it, she knew he still relived the horrors of the past few days. Last night, he’d woken her, thrashing about with a bad dream. Not that her dreams had been pleasant lately either. Only time would dull the memories. And lucky for them, they had a lifetime to make better ones.

Brendan’s nose nuzzled her ear, and his arms tightened around her waist. If possible, the connection between them had grown. Whether it was because of the mutual terror so soon after it had been forged or something that naturally grew with time, she didn’t know. But now she caught peeks of his thoughts, not just his emotions.

She glimpsed a flash of her naked chest arching up against his hands and felt his erection rise up beneath her. Without a word, she set the tray aside and turned toward him, pulling her shirt off as she went.

“Julie, you’re not strong enough yet.” But the gaze that ogled her was filled with hunger.

“I’m fine. See?” She spread her arms wide. “I know you want this as much as I do. Don’t torture me, Brendan.”

He clutched her hips with indecision, the battle between his lust and his need to protect playing out in the features of his face. Julie reached up and cupped his cheek, trying to tip the hand in her favor. “I promise I’ll be gentle,” he said as he turned his head and kissed her palm.

“I know you will, love. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t trust you.” Then his lips met hers with gentle passion before he pulled her under him. As he took off her shirt, Julie was filled with a sense of rightness. She was exactly where she belonged, where she would always belong. Whatever the future brought, they’d face it together. She and her wolf.



About Sondrae Bennett



I love romance. I love reading romance, living romance, but I especially love writing romance. There's no greater feeling than watching my characters come alive in each other's arms. Most of all, I love giving my characters the happily-ever-afters they deserve, with a little necessary drama first.

When I first introduced Julie in
Arctic Winds
, I immediately connected with her. Even though we only caught glimpses of her in the first two books, I knew her story was going to be special. Brendan was the perfect hero to prove to her how special she is and to help her find the wolf within herself. I hope their story has touched your hearts as much as it has touched mine.

When not writing, I can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, taking my dogs for walks or spending time with my family. I love to hear from readers. Please feel free to email me or drop by my website or blog to learn about upcoming releases. I can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.


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About the Alpine Woods Shifters Series


Book 1:
Arctic Winds

Available in ebook from Lyrical Press

Book 2:
Chasing Paradise

Available in ebook from Lyrical Press

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