9781631054303ThreeofaKindHolt (3 page)

BOOK: 9781631054303ThreeofaKindHolt
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ask you to introduce me to this gorgeous sub but I see you’re a little busy
right now.” The voice was deep, as deep as Hunter’s but just a little rougher.

laughed, albeit a little unsteadily. “Glad you finally got here. I was
beginning to think you got lost.”

the invitation you gave me I couldn’t miss it. I take it this is your favorite

is. Delaney, I give you permission to lift your mouth for a moment as long as
you keep your fingers wrapped around me. I want you to meet someone.”

eased his length from her mouth and lifted her head to look up. Shock raced
through her at the man standing there. Except for the fact that his hair was a
sun-streaked brown, she could have been looking at Hunter.

Fox, meet Taylor Mills, my twin brother.”




Chapter Two



Mr. Mills.” The woman standing at the small check-in table smiled at him.

evening, Lila.”

And Miss Fox.

Lila checked two names off on
her tablet.
“Always nice to see you both.”

shifted to the side to make room for the man behind him.

add my brother, Taylor, to the list,” he told the woman. “I’ve cleared it with

looked past him and he saw her eyes widen as they always did when anyone saw
the twins together.

can’t believe there are two of you.” She gave Hunter a warm smile. “The subs
here will be fighting over him. I’m assuming he’s also a Dom?”

am,” Taylor told her. “
But I won
be looking for anyone tonight.”

tiny frown creased Lila’s forehead. “Oh. Just visiting then?”

shook his head but Hunter answered for him.

be enjoying the evening with us.” He drew Delaney forward, pulling her close to
his side.

smiled at them and winked at Delaney.
“Lucky sub.
Alright, Hunter.
I’ll leave it to you to show your twin the

led the way to the main lounge, Taylor at his side and Delaney right behind him
with her head slightly bowed.
spotted them and
came forward with his hand out.

to see you, Hunter.
Taylor, nice to meet you.”
The men
all shook hands. Then
handed Hunter a key
card. “The room is all set for you, just as you requested.”

“And the deck of cards?”

same one you and your sub have been using.” He looked at Taylor then back
again. “Unless…Did you want a fresh one since you have a guest?”

he grinned.
“We have pretty much the same
taste. He’ll be good with the cards we haven’t used yet.” He nudged his
“This way.”

smiled as soon as he opened the door to the room. He wondered if other dungeons
took such good care of their members. He’d again been given the room with the
large armchair that he liked, the special St.
Andrew’s Cross
and the racks of instruments on the wall.

place.” Taylor looked around. “You’ve got good taste, my man.”

than what you’ve been used to in your travels, I’
ll bet.

was a photojournalist who traveled the world doing articles on exotic places
and dangerous events for well-known magazines. He knew Delaney had been shocked
at first glance. Although he’d told her he had a brother for some reason he
hadn’t told her they were twins. He still wasn’t sure why. But when Taylor had
called and told him he had a couple of weeks between assignments and wanted to
spend some time together, Hunter saw it as the perfect opportunity to bring him
into the fold.

and Delaney had been together for nearly eight months. For him, that was a long
time, and
had indicated it was the same for
his sub. It hadn’t taken him long to realize she was everything he’d been
looking for in a sub—obedient, submissive, but still with her own identity. Or
to figure out that
somehow fallen in love with her. It had just unexpectedly crept up on him. She
was smart, funny, caring and as sexually adventurous as he was. He’d floated
the idea of them moving in together, building a life.
something permanent.
But Delaney seemed reluctant, for reasons he didn’t
quite understand. And no matter when or how he asked her, she’d always brush
him off by saying she just liked things the way they were.

had been in the lifestyle long enough to know that for some subs one Dom would
never be enough satisfaction. It wasn’t the desire just to have more men in
their lives. It was the need to have a third connecting the two of them. When
Taylor had called he’d seen a possible solution. His brother traveled most of
the time but he and Delaney could provide a home
base for
Taylor. And when he was in town,
he could be the needed ingredient to enrich their lives.

had dinner together after they left the
the evening had been relaxed, filled with laughter and interesting stories. He
was pleased to see how well Taylor and Delaney meshed, how easily they
Delaney’s excited reaction
when he proposed tonight’s activities was a good indication that he was on the
right track. Now if it all worked as well as he thought, tonight could be the
beginning of the rest of their lives.

shook himself out of his mental reverie. Delaney was still standing with her
head bowed, hands behind her back, waiting for his instructions. Taylor was
lounging against a wall, hands in his pockets, lips quirked in a smile. Hunter
went to the panel on the wall and dialed in the music channel he preferred then
turned to Delaney.

“You know the drill, girl. Remove your
clothing and place it on the table against the wall. Oh, and do it slowly. My
brother loves a strip tease. Take your time to show him all your assets.”

chuckled. “You mean the ones I didn’t see the other day? No matter. I want
another good look at them.”

unbuttoned the cropped top she’d worn, one button at a time, slowly, and
shrugged it from her shoulder. No bra. She never wore one when they came to the
club. Not any more, anyway. Then, body swaying to the music, she unzipped her
mini skirt and pulled it off. Hunter’s mouth watered as he eyed her standing
there in her minuscule hot pink thong and
killer heels
. Tilting her head back, she
shook out her thick mane of rich auburn hair, letting it sweep across her bare

glanced at his brother. Taylor’s pose might be nonchalant but his body was on
hyper alert. A flush colored his cheekbones, heat burned in his eyes, and
beneath the soft fabric of his slacks the evidence of an erection was visibly
obvious. Hunter knew how he felt. He’d had exactly the same reaction the first
time he and Delaney had a session together at the club.

her lips, she
the thong down her toned legs
and stepped out of it. Then, bending over so she gave both brothers a very good
view of both her ass and her cunt lips, she picked up her clothes, carried them
to the table and folded them into a neat pile. The shoes she left on, knowing
that was a personal preference of Hunter’s. Then she stood with legs apart,
head down, and hands again behind her back.

picked up the deck of cards that had been left for
a deck that was considerably smaller than when they’d started playing Cut the
Cards a few weeks ago. He loved the game because it gave both the Dom and the
sub the chance to remove cards picturing activities that neither would choose.
Then each got to pick three cards for the night and they would do their best to
work their way through them. Sometimes, between visits, the anticipation was
enough to make him hard as a rock. Too many times he’d had to give himself
relief as he lay in bed alone, dreaming of the things he and Delaney did
together. And of what he’d do if they lived together.

favorite fantasy was waking up on Saturday mornings, taking a long leisurely
shower together,
insisting she stay naked all
As long as they were in the house.
That way he
could play with her breasts whenever he wanted, or her pussy. Watch television
with her, naked on his lap, while he teased and excited her. Have her prepare
meals for him with her bare ass accessible to him.

blew out a breath. He needed to keep his wits about him. Indicating the deck of
cards, he motioned to Taylor.

“Guests first.”
He winked.

grinned and fanned the cards out on the table. Studying them he pulled out one
and handed it to Hunter.

” he lifted an eyebrow.

“Uh huh.
Enhances all the other senses, right?”

She likes that. Don’t you, girl.”

“Yes, Sir.”
She wet her lips again, but this time she
deliberately dragged her tongue over her lower lip.

us?” Taylor asked. “Should we punish her for that?”

“Soon enough.
What’s next?” Hunter…

you get to pick, too?”

will. Then Delaney gets to choose.”

laughed. “I can hardly wait to see what she chooses.” He pulled another card.
“She good with the cat?”
The picture on the card was of a
cat o’ nine tails whip.

Hunter nodded.
“Happens to be one of her

Okay, your turn.”

already knew what he was planning to choose. He pulled out the card with three
clothespins on it. He could hardly wait to attach them to Delaney’s nipples and
her clit, tugging on them now and again to send streaks of sensation shooting
through her nerve endings. His second card was a pair of

yours, girl,” he told her. “Choose wisely.”

Master.” She searched through the cards as if looking for a certain one. Then,
with her lips quirked in a tiny smile, handed the one she chose to Hunter.

burst out laughing and showed it to Taylor. “My girl is way ahead of us.” The
picture on the card was of a man on his back, his cock in the woman’s pussy,
and a second man behind her pushing his own shaft into her ass. But even more
than that, the man on the bottom had a small vibrator in one hand that he
applied to the woman’s clit.

looked at Delaney.
“You sure about this, girl?”

“Yes, Sir.
I have dreamed of serving two Masters.”

she, now? Had that been what was missing from their situation? Had he really
guessed right about her needs?

well, then.” He fetched the things they’d need from the racks on the wall and a
chest set to one side. He handed the silk blindfold to his brother. “

Taylor had the silk securely in place, he took a moment to run his hands over
every inch of Delaney’s body. He paused at her breasts to knead them and pluck
her nipples,
he slid one finger through her slit.

gets turned on easily,” he noted.

she does.”

guided her to where handcuffs dangled from chains fastened to the ceiling,
ordered her to raise her arms, and locked one manacle around each wrist. Then
he fastened each ankle with a cuff bolted to the floor, so she was forced to
stand with her legs wide apart. She would need the chains to hold her in place
and to grip hard when they began using the flogger. Then he took his own
tactile tour of her curves. When he slid his hand between her thighs he
realized she was indeed soaking wet already.

Fantasy stocked metal clothespins and those were what he’d chosen for the
evening, implements plated in gold that caught the soft ceiling lights. He
pinched each nipple hard, squeezing it until blood rushed to it before
attaching each clamp. Delaney sucked in her breath but made no attempt to draw
back from him. He knew from experience she was a moderate pain junkie, a
tendency that made him hard as a spike.
Which was exactly
what was happening now.

on your clit tonight, just like on the card.”

nodded and obediently widened her stance. He knelt before her, spread her labia
and attached the clothespin to her hot nub. She moaned slightly, but the little
gush of cream told him how much it turned her on.

he rose he began to remove his own clothes, and nodded at his brother to do the
same. Then he moved over to Delaney who stood with manacled hands raised above
her head, face lifted. He wanted a hot kiss before they began to play in
earnest, and the feel of her ass beneath his hand. Cupping her chin he took her
mouth in an open kiss, thrusting his tongue down her throat. As their tongues
danced together he lifted his hand and brought the palm down hard on her ass.
She jerked slightly then stiffened herself as he slapped her again.
And again.

moved over to stand on Delaney’s other side, placed one hand against the little
curve of her stomach and applied his own hand to her buttocks. As if they’d
done this a million times—and truthfully, on the rare times they’d had the
opportunity, the two of them
done this—they alternated spanking her,
first one then the other, until her ass was a gorgeous shade of red. Delaney jolted
slightly at each application but the soft moans coming from her mouth spoke of
her pleasure.

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