Read A Baby and a Betrothal Online

Authors: Michelle Major

A Baby and a Betrothal (14 page)

BOOK: A Baby and a Betrothal
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“This has been a great day,” Natalie told her with a smile. “You have no idea how much I enjoyed watching Noah Crawford make a fool of himself over a woman.” She winked. “Especially when that woman was you.”

“He didn't—”

Natalie interrupted her with a wave of one hand. “Go on, before you miss him. Austin isn't going to leave the boat until we take him to the cliffs.”

“Thanks, Nat.” Katie gave her friend a quick hug and turned.

“And, Katie?”

She glanced over her shoulder.

“That landing will go down in history. It was epic.”

That word had never been linked to her before, and Katie found that, despite the aches and pains that went with it, she kind of liked being epic. Even if it was an epic fail. With a laugh, she headed for the top of the hill.

Chapter Fourteen

oah sat in the parking lot, trying to get a handle on himself. His truck had been parked in the sun all day, and the temperature inside was almost stifling. He welcomed the heavy air and the bead of sweat that rolled between his shoulder blades. He hit the automatic door lock, as if that would keep him from dashing back down the hill to pluck Katie out of the boat with Matt and his adult-frat-boy friends.

It was none of his business. The rational part of him knew that, but logic had disappeared the moment Noah thought Katie was in danger. Hearing her downplay the incident to Matt left Noah feeling like an overprotective geezer. Hell, he and Liam had done way more dangerous things over the years—on the water, on the slopes. The group mentality dumbed down their common sense to preteen-boy levels. But never Katie. Even over summer breaks, she'd been the responsible one, always making sure her friends got home safe. Maybe that was why he'd overlooked her for so long. He'd been so intent on acting out as a way to numb the regret and sadness he felt over his father's death. Katie, with her stability and sweetness, had been practically invisible to him.

Now she was all he could see. All he could feel. He wanted to share every tiny thing that happened in his day, to make up for lost time in discovering all the hidden-away pieces of her. But he was a bad bet, and he didn't blame her for rejecting him. It was payback long overdue. If nothing else, he'd take it like a man.

With a heavy sigh, he turned the key in the ignition as a knock sounded on the passenger-side window. Katie stared in at him, peering through the glass.

He rolled down the window then wiped the back of his hand across his forehead.

“I just wanted to say thank you.” Her chest rose and fell as if she was having trouble catching her breath. He could barely tear his gaze away from the slight swell of her breasts peeking out from the low V-neck of the bathing-suit top. “For rescuing me. For being there when I needed you.”

“You didn't need me,” he answered, shaking his head. “You would have been fine. You were swimming toward the life vest when I got to you. I overreacted, and I'm sorry.” He laughed, but the sound was bitter. “Again. I know you can take care of yourself.”

“And everyone else in town while I'm at it?” she said, humor in her voice.

His gaze snapped to hers. “I hate that you wore a bikini today.”

She looked down at herself then back at him, her eyes suddenly dancing. “It's a tankini and about an inch of skin is showing between the top and bottom.”

“It's an access thing,” he said irritably but couldn't help his smile as she laughed so hard she snorted. He'd bet Matt Davis never made her snort, and the feeling of accomplishment was ridiculous. But the thought of another man having access to Katie's body, to the vibrant passion he knew she hid under her placid, sweet surface, made his temper flare again. “What is this, Katie? What are you doing up here when the
is down on the lake?”

She straightened her shoulders, as if steadying herself or drawing courage. “Unlock the car, Noah,” she whispered.

Something had changed in her tone, and his pulse leaped in response. He flicked the button for the lock but didn't watch as she climbed in next to him. He kept his eyes straight out the front of the truck, but he was all too aware of her. Even after a dip in the reservoir, Katie smelled delicious. This time the scent of vanilla was mixed with suntan lotion. The combination made him immediately hard.

He put his hands on the steering wheel, not trusting himself to resist reaching for her.

“You told me to choose,” she said softly. “I choose you.”

He felt dizzy, as if every one of his secret desires was being handed to him on a platter and he didn't know which to select first. He turned to her now, his hands still on the wheel. He didn't want to ruin this moment, to push her too far. More than anything, he didn't want to hurt her by being his usual self.

“Say it again.” He kept his voice calm, his expression neutral, but Katie smiled.

She folded her legs underneath her on the leather seat and leaned over the console. Cupping his face with her hands, she swayed closer until her lips were almost grazing his and he sucked in her breath each time he inhaled. It was sweeter than he'd ever imagined. Her eyes held his as she spoke against his mouth. “I choose us.” She brushed her lips against his, gentle and almost tentative, as if she expected him to push her away.

That was the last thing on Noah's mind. He took hold of her waist and hauled her fully onto his lap, pressing her to his bare chest. His hands moved up and down her back as he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into her mouth, groaning as she met his passion. Her nails dug into the muscles under his shoulder blades and he welcomed the sensation, which only heightened his own pleasure in the moment. This was what he'd wanted—for so much longer than he'd realized.

A loud wolf whistle split the air and someone banged hard on the hood of his truck. “Get a room,” whoever it was called as the sound of laughter spilled into the truck.

Katie still clung to him, giggling against his throat. He tipped up her chin, her lips wet and swollen from his kisses. He wanted to take her, right here in the cab of his truck, in broad daylight. He felt like a teenager again, light and carefree, his only concern the fastest way to get her naked.

The thought made him grin. “I'm going to take you home now.” His grin widened as she frowned. “I'm coming in with you. I'm going to stay with you, Katie. All night long.”

“Oh.” She breathed out the one syllable, then climbed back into the passenger seat. After fastening her seat belt, she slunk down low, her face cradled in her hands.

“What are you doing?” he asked as he drove out of the parking lot and onto the county highway toward town.

She lifted her head once they were on the open road. “People saw know...making out. What if they recognized me? Or you? Or the two of us together?”

“I don't care who knows it's you and me.” He reached for her hand, tugged it away from her face and laced their fingers together. “I want everyone to know you're mine, Katie. Because you are now. I'll kiss you all over the damn town if that's what it takes. In fact, there are lots of things I can think of for us to try.” Then, her hand in his, he proceeded to tell her all the wicked things he wanted to do to her and with her—in Crimson, in the forest, in every room of her house.

It was the longest hour of his life.

* * *

By the time Noah parked the truck crooked against the curb in front of her house, Katie felt dizzy with need. All the way home, he'd whispered the details of what he wanted to do to her as his thumb traced a light circle on the back of her hand, and it was driving her crazy.

They laughed as they raced up the front walk. She'd locked her door when she'd left this morning since there were so many nonlocals in town for the holiday, but her purse was still stuffed into a cubby on Matt's boat.

“My hide-a-key,” she said on a gasp, bending to lift the rock from under the bushes where the key was hidden. Then gasping again as Noah whirled her around, his mouth crashing into hers. They stayed there for several minutes, kissing deep and long. He was making good on his promise of claiming her in front of the whole town, and Katie wondered if any of her elderly neighbors were watching this public display.

Noah picked her up as he climbed the steps, and she automatically wrapped her legs around his lean hips. One of his hands inched up her back. “Give me the key,” he said against her mouth, and she pressed it into his palm.

She wasn't sure how he was going to manage to hold on to her and open the front door, but a moment later the lock turned.

“You have mad skills,” she said on a laugh.

He drew back enough to look into her eyes, his grin wicked. “You have no idea.”

As well as she knew him, he might be right. The first time with Noah had been amazing, but this felt completely new. He'd chosen her. They'd chosen each other, and it made all the difference. She'd tried to convince herself that what was between them was only physical, but now she didn't bother to guard her heart. It was pointless anyway. Noah had her heart, and he had from the first. No matter what happened down the road, this was her moment to revel in all she felt for him.

He kicked shut the door then moved toward her bedroom. Bending to rip away the quilt and sheets, he dropped her on the bed with so much force she bounced once and her breath, already uneven, whooshed out of her lungs. “Tell me you have protection,” he whispered as he followed her onto the bed. His hands were on her stomach, inching up her swim top. He pressed his mouth to her belly button then skimmed his tongue along her rib cage.

“I... Yes...oh, yes...” she whispered.

“Oh, yes, in general?” he asked and she heard the smile in his voice. “Or, yes, you have protection?”

“In the nightstand.”

“Good. Now lift your arms.”

She raised them over her head and he pulled her bathing suit up and off, leaning over her to open the nightstand drawer.

He sat back again, gazing down at her. “Has anyone told you today how beautiful you are?”

Normally Katie would feel shy at being so exposed, but the intensity in his gaze gave her confidence. She tapped a finger to her chin, pretending to ponder the question. “One of Matt's friends told me I was the hottest muffin maker he'd ever met. Does that count?”

Noah growled low in his throat. “I'm going to kill that guy.” He planted his hands on either side of her head and lowered himself over her. His chest hair tickled her bare skin, and heat pooled low in her body. “You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,” he whispered. He slanted his lips over hers, but when she tried to deepen the kiss, he broke away, his mouth trailing to her jaw then down her throat and finally to her breast. “So beautiful,” he said again, then took one nipple into his mouth.

She arched off the bed with a moan. He continued to lick and suck at her breasts, driving her wild, as he tugged the bathing-suit bottom over her hips. Her hands splayed across his lower back, kneading the muscles there. She wanted to feel all of him, to stay like this and never let reality back into their lives. Nothing had ever felt so good, she thought, but still she wanted more. Reaching between them, she unsnapped the waistband of his board shorts, pushing at them.

He released her for just a moment, stripped off the shorts and his T-shirt then tore open the foil wrapper. He settled himself between her legs, moving just enough that the pressure made her breath catch.

“Yes, Noah. Please.” She didn't care if she was begging. She needed him so much. He kissed her deeply as he rocked against her but lifted his head as he thrust into her. Their gazes locked and it seemed to heighten the pleasure, to increase the intimacy until Katie felt a tear drop from the edge of her eye onto the pillow.

Noah pressed his lips to her skin and she twined her legs more tightly around him. A groan ripped from his throat that sent shivers through her. Pressure built inside her until it finally burst, a bright shower of golden light engulfing her, soothing all the parts inflamed by their passion. Noah shuddered, burying his face against her neck and crying out her name.

It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard.

They lay like that for several minutes, the heat of his body cocooning her in warmth. He smoothed the hair back from her face, threading his fingers through it as he spread it across the sheets. The kisses he gave her now were gentle, tiny touches of light on her skin. She didn't dare move, afraid to break the spell and have him leave her as he had the last time.

“All night,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. He gently sucked her earlobe into his mouth and she squirmed underneath him. “Right now if you keep moving like that.”

As she laughed, he rose from the bed, padded to the bathroom then returned a few minutes later. Katie still lay where she was, staring at the ceiling, although she'd pulled the sheets and quilt up over herself.

He lifted the covers and climbed in next to her, dropping a kiss to her mouth just as she stifled a yawn.

“Sorry,” she said automatically. “I'm always tired lately.”

“It's the time on the lake,” he said, turning on his side and tucking her in tight against his chest. “Swimming is tiring enough, but the daredevil stunt from today would exhaust anyone.”

She yawned again. “Natalie told me it was

“All I know is it almost gave me an epic heart attack.” He pressed his mouth to her bare shoulder. “How's your body holding up after that crazy ride?”

She shrugged. “My cheek hurts and my arms are sore. I have another bruise on my chin. It'll hurt worse tomorrow, I know. But I'm okay.”

“Just okay?”

“Tired,” she added and he nipped at her neck. “And blissfully satisfied. And happy. Mainly happy.”

“Me too. Go to sleep now, Bug.”

“Are you—”

“I'll be here when you wake up. I keep a change of clothes in the truck for when Jase and I go for a run or to the gym after work. I'm not going anywhere. Promise.”

She wasn't sure whether it was the words that made her trust him or the conviction with which he said them. Perhaps it was the overwhelming exhaustion she felt. The constant fatigue, even with her busy schedule, was starting to concern her. She'd worked long hours for years, but the past few weeks had been difficult to handle. As she drifted off, she decided she'd make an appointment with her family doctor next week. She wouldn't tell Noah, though. No need to give him something extra to worry about after what had just happened with his mom.

But right now a nap was exactly what she needed. She fell asleep, happy to be enveloped in Noah's embrace.

BOOK: A Baby and a Betrothal
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