A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories) (13 page)

BOOK: A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories)
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Glider helped Holly onto the bike and then climbed on himself. She gripped him around the waist and nuzzled into his back. She didn’t dare look to see if Elle was watching her. She could only imagine what she would think… not to mention the rest of the town who were there that night. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent Elle a quick text instead, letting her know not to worry and that they were going for a bite to eat.

Glider started up the engine with a deafening roar and pulled out of the lakeside and into the forest. As they zipped through the trees, it was as if they were the only two people on earth. It was so secluded and enchanting. Holly couldn’t believe her luck. She had never ridden a bike before, but now that she was on one with Glider, she knew she would be hooked. The feeling of having a powerful machine between her legs was addictive, and the sexy smell of gasoline mixed with whisky and smoke was driving her wild.

She whispered the directions into Glider’s ear so he could find the diner, and as they pulled off the road and into the parking lot, Holly could instantly tell that they had caught the attention of some of the people inside. The customers’ faces were turned and seemed to be pressed up against the window, but luckily some other bikes were lined up, so Glider wouldn’t be the first outlaw to wander into the Red Creek Diner and cause a stir.

He stepped off the bike and helped Holly down, too. He took hold of her hand and pulled her gently forward, as if they had been dating for years and were completely relaxed in each other’s company. Holly liked the way it felt to be led like that, she liked the feeling of someone else being in charge and complete control.

When they stepped inside, she smiled shyly at some of the other waitresses who all seemed extremely excited by the prospect of Holly bringing a hot biker into the diner. Glider nodded at some of the other men from his motorcycle club and they nodded back. Marie, one of the younger girls, showed them to a table by the window, and Glider sat back opposite Holly and smiled at her with respect and adoration as she spoke to Marie and took the menus.

“You’ve worked here how long, but you still need to look at the menu?” he laughed.

Holly felt her face blush and she shook her head and passed them back to Marie.

“You’re right, I was just thinking of you,” she smiled.

“Well, recommend something to me.” He leaned across the table and took hold of her hands. “I trust you.”

Holly swallowed hard. The feeling of his rough hands on top of hers was turning her on so much she almost forgot to breathe.

“Okay,” she stammered. “We’ll have two of the strawberry milkshakes.” As she said it, Glider looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You said you trust me!” she laughed as she slapped him playfully on the wrist.

Glider held up his hands in defeat and then relaxed back into the booth. Holly was aware that a lot of eyes were on them, but she didn’t care. There was so much she wanted to ask him, about what had happened to his family and how he had coped, but at the same time, she knew the answers to it all.

“I was wary of moving here at first,” Glider said with a drawl. “But now I’ve met someone like you, I know it was all worth it.”

“You’ve only known me an hour,” Holly joked.

Glider took hold of her hands again across the table and squeezed them hard. “I know,” he whispered. “But it doesn’t matter… We’re the same, I can feel it.”

As his eyes burned holes in her, her temperature seemed to rise and her heart was racing so fast in her chest, she was sure he would be able to hear it.

Marie returned with the two milkshakes and set them down. Glider thanked her and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a smaller bottle of whiskey and winked before unscrewing the cap and pouring some into his. Holly laughed at him and then declined the offer of the same.

“You’ll ruin the taste,” she smiled. “It’s perfect just the way it is.”

“Nothing is perfect until whiskey is involved,” he winked.

Holly had the feeling she knew what he meant. 

As he drank it and watched her with his intense eyes, Holly knew that she was going to take him home. It was a rare thing to meet someone and have that instant attraction and connection with them. And after being single for so many years, she knew that the time was right to let herself go and discover someone new.

“I’m glad you came down to the lake tonight,” Glider said. “I really am.”

“So am I,” Holly smiled, “It feels like I’ve known you a long time.”

He knocked the drink back in record time and clapped his hands together.

“You’re right,” he said, “I ruined it with the whisky.”

Holly laughed and shook her head. “I told you.”

“Well, looks like I’ll be listening to you from now on,” he smiled at her and winked again.

“Okay then,” she said nervously. “Well, put me on the back of that bike of yours and take me home.”

Underneath the table their feet had twined together and one of his hands was resting on her knee.

“Well, alright,” he said.

Holly bit her bottom lip and watched as he climbed out of the booth and stood in front of her. As he took her hand and helped her to her feet, she felt tiny and protected by him, and as they walked out of the diner, she knew the next time she went back in there, she would be a changed woman.



As they fell through Holly’s front door wrapped together in a red-hot embrace, Glider took hold of her throat and pushed her up against the wall. He kissed her neck and his stubble scratched her so gently it made her weak at the knees. He looked at her deep in the eyes, breathing heavily, and she could feel the rock-hard power between his legs. He reached down between hers and slid a hand up her dress, slowly, but with longing and need. Holly moaned as he hooked his fingers into her panties and pulled them down so he could work his hand in further and find her sex.

As his fingertips found her opening, he dipped one in slowly. She was soaking wet for him and when he pulled it out he used her own juices to massage her clit and bring her to the point of orgasm. She was holding onto him so tightly and could barely hold on any longer when he teasingly took his hand away, picked her up over his shoulder and demanded to know where the bedroom was.

He kicked her bedroom door open and threw her down on the bed. Holly lay there waiting for him, her panties torn and her legs wide open, waiting for him to unleash his immense length so she could see and feel all of him.

He pulled his vest off over his head and exposed his chest. It was completely ripped and covered in tattoos. Holly gasped as she watched him work downwards to his belt buckle. He undid it with a snap and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down to reveal the biggest, rock-hard cock she had ever seen.

He was like an animal on top of her, so powerful, strong and dominant, and she could barely control herself as he positioned his helmet at her opening and slowly slid his entire length inside of her. As she wrapped her plump legs around him and he began to fuck her at just the right pace, Holly threw her head back and screamed with delight as she came almost instantly.

Glider was like nothing she had ever known before. It was as if he knew exactly where to touch her and how… He was meant for her. Their bodies were meant to be together and she never wanted it to end.

He pumped himself in and out of her hard and fast, and just when Holly didn’t think she could handle his immense girth anymore, Glider’s body tensed, he grunted hard and he emptied his hot, delicious seed inside of her.

Holly trembled beneath him as he shot his heavy load right up into her slit. He was reaching new depths, and it felt incredible. Glider held onto her neck and kissed her gently on the lips. He was trembling too, and they were still locked together. She felt as if when he withdrew, he would take part of her with him.

“That was incredible,” he panted as he kissed her again. “It was so right.”

Holly couldn’t even speak; she was still in the throes of too much pleasure. But as Glider pulled out of her and cradled her in his arms, she knew right then and there that she had found a great love.

“I think this is meant to be,” she whispered when she finally got her breath back.

Glider turned to her and smiled. She could tell he felt just the same way. He kissed her again and wrapped his hands up in her hair.

“I’ve waited a long time to meet someone like you,” he said again. “And I’m never letting you go.”

Holly smiled and cuddled into him. The heat coming from his massive frame was intense and what she had always wanted in bed beside her. She thought back to how crazy the day had been, to waking up alone and dreading the weekend, to twelve hours later being tangled up in a mess of lust with a man like Glider. But what the craziest bit of it was, was that it
feel so right. It
meant to be.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept the entire night. It had been the first time that either of them had since the death of their families. When Holly woke the next morning and looked over at him, she knew why. They had found each other and were going to start a family of their own. Two hearts had been brought together by a similar tragedy and now they were going to rebuild and help each other move on.

When Glider woke, he smiled at her and kissed her, his strong arms flexing and pulling her close.

“Do you believe in fate, Holly?” he asked her as they watched the sunrise through the open window.

“I believe in you,” she whispered as she brushed her lips across his chest. “I believe in this, right now…”

“Me too,” he said with a warm smile. “I believe in this very moment.”

The sun shone orange and gold light across the bed, and as they held each other, it felt like a message… A blessing and encouragement from somewhere beyond their reach. Holly had the distinct feeling that somewhere, someone was watching them and that they, too, knew that she and Glider were meant to be.

She touched her tummy and smiled before she looked up at him again, and he rolled with her so they were tangled up in a mess of arms and legs. As he kissed her slowly and lit up the fire in her again, Holly knew that she had finally found her true path. And she couldn’t wait to see where it was going to lead…






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Saved by the Werewolf Billionaire



Samantha Leal


Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents












Laurie lay back in bed and looked up at the ceiling. It was almost midnight and she had been waiting for her moment since earlier that evening. Brad had come home drunk, again… it was the fourth night in a row and with each one he had become more angry and uncontrollable than the night before. He was lying next to her, face down with his mouth lolling open and a big string of drool snaking its way onto the flattened pillow beneath him. She could almost taste his breath as the sweet tang of whiskey lingered in the air between them. He breathed in and out deeply, snoring as he inhaled and puffing back into the bed sheets. Laurie closed her eyes and gathered her courage. She would have to do it soon.

She’d known for at least two months that this day was going to come, but now that it had and as she was finally getting ready to make her move, she was terrified. Her and Brad had been together for a year, and for at least half of that he had been completely unbearable to live with. It had started with the odd dig at her clothing choice or selection of friends and had progressively gotten more and more belittling and cruel. One moment he had loved her and the next he seemed to despise her. The compliments she had been honored to receive had turned into sneers, and instead of wanting to spend time with her and appreciate her, he had done nothing but lay around in bed all day. Then when he had had his fill of sloth, he would drag himself to the nearest bar, get wasted, and eventually come back home in a terrible mood, goading for yet another fight.

Laurie remembered what it had felt like to fall for Brad. He had been the first person she considered herself to have been in love with, but as his true colors revealed themselves, she had just felt foolish and naive. He was a brute of a man and wasn’t nearly good enough for her. The night he had come home so drunk that he could barely stand up straight and had then preceded to accuse her of having an affair with a man at work had been the tipping point. He had physically pinned her against the wall by her throat. She knew then that she was going to have to get away from him. He wasn’t stable and she wasn’t safe being anywhere near him at this point. If she didn’t get away from him who knew what would happen when he’d had one shot too many again? Surely it wouldn’t be long before the threats turned into even more serious aggression, and she wasn’t going to wait around for the inevitable.

She never could have been prepared for what happened next though. She had not even known that he had ever been engaged, but when a girl walked into the jewelry store where Laurie worked she knew the minute she laid eyes on her that she was somehow connected to Brad and that she was going to drop a bomb.

“Laurie Miller?” she said quietly, as timid as a mouse when she opened the door and stepped inside. “Do you have a minute?”

Even though her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry Laurie had agreed to meet her out back and excused herself for a ten minute break. She rounded the corner at the side of the store and turned into the alley. As she looked at the girl in front of her she saw for the first time the shadows that seemed to play just behind this woman’s eyes. She appeared completely broken and scared.

“You need to get away from him,” she whispered, “He’s not sane.”

Laurie had already figured this out for herself, but had been taking a more measured approach to her withdrawal from the relationship. Now, though, with this woman standing right in front of her confirming all of her worst fears, her sense of urgency was peaked and she knew the time had come to leave. No more excuses.

“He knocked six of my teeth out,” the girl said quietly, looking down at the road and instinctively putting her hand to her mouth. “I had to get a restraining order.”

Laurie’s head was spinning. She didn’t even know how the girl had found her. She said she’d been engaged to Brad three years before and that it was after they’d moved in together that he had started his mind games and abusive behavior. He’d made her life hell, blaming her for things that hadn’t happened, criticizing her appearance, and had verged on violence many times. Then one day he’d finally snapped completely and shoved her head against the refrigerator door.

“I heard he was with someone new,” she said quietly, “Took me a while to get the courage, but I had to warn you…” With that, she turned and made her way to the end of the alley. As she approached the road with its steady stream of cars driving past, she turned and added, “Get out while you can.” With that she turned one last time and was gone.

Laurie stood in the alley, resting against the wall and for the first time in months she went into her handbag, rooted around in it for bit, and pulled out a cigarette. She dragged on it hurriedly three times before throwing it on the floor and stamping it out.

“Fuck,” she whispered to herself. She leaned her head back and looked up to the sky as she felt the tears well up behind her eyes.

It was after work that day that she’d gone home and started to pack. She’d dragged her clothes out of the drawers and thrown them into the trunk of her car. A lot of her things were still in their shared wardrobe but she didn’t dare touch them in case he went in there when he got home and saw that they were missing. She would just have to leave them behind. Her car keys were on the central island in the kitchen and she put them in her handbag which she then placed by the door. When she heard the familiar sound of his truck swerving onto the street she turned out the light and pretended to be asleep, although underneath the covers she was mostly clothed.  All she would have to do was throw on a pair of jeans with some shoes and she would be good to go.

Brad practically kicked open the front door in his drunkenness before he staggered down the hallway, stopping at the kitchen to grab yet another beer. Finally, he crashed into the bedroom, the still unopened fresh beer in hand, and fell down next to her, face first on the mattress. He dropped the unopened bottle on the floor and she heard it roll under the bed. He was asleep within seconds and she was very glad she hadn’t waited up to face him.

This is it
, she thought.
This is the first day of the rest of your life

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