A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories) (77 page)

BOOK: A Baby For the Outlaw Collection: Biker Romance Box Set Bundle (BBW Pregnancy Bad Boy MC Club Romance) (Contemporary Motorcycle Mega Pack Anthology Short Stories)
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She woke up naked and alone, and when she turned to look at the clock on the nightstand she realized she must have slept for most of the remainder of the day. It was dark outside and the clock said it was 10pm. She sat up and looked around. There was no sign of Jonny anywhere in the room and his clothes had gone. She rubbed her eyes and wrapped herself up in the bedsheet before she got to her feet and shuffled over to the bathroom.

She turned on the light and blinked blearily as she moved towards the mirror. The light was bright, stark and unforgiving and she could see the smudges of her make-up all down her cheeks. She ran the faucet and wet the corner of a flannel before she dabbed at the streaks and cleaned her face. Even though she had been wearing her make-up for over twenty-four hours, her skin was still soft and dewy underneath. She smiled. She knew why she looked so good. It was because of Jonny and of the wild afternoon of passion they had experienced. He had pleasured her in ways she could never even have dreamed possible.

She went back into the bedroom and pulled her dress on over her head before she headed for the door of the motel room. She opened it wide and looked out over the parking lot and down the walkway that ran the whole side of the building. She spotted him straight away, sitting in the dark with his boots kicked out in front of him and the trail of smoke drifting up from his cigarette.

“Jonny?” she called. And he turned to her and smiled.

“Come here baby,” he grinned.

She walked towards him over the cold sandy ground in her bare feet and when she got to the bench he pulled her to him so she was on his knee.

“What a day,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek.

“One of the worst and also one of the best,” she teased.

“I second that,” he winked.

“They sat together under the stars, wrapped in each other’s arms as the blur of trucks and cars flashed past them on the freeway. It was one of the most calming experiences of Eve’s life, just sitting with the man she was falling for, completely at peace after the crazy day they had had together. She almost couldn’t believe that everything back at the motorcycle club had happened.  And the previous night when she had witnessed the murder in the alleyway near the warehouse was like a distant memory. In a way it was like it had taken place only in a dream.

“How long have you been out here?” she asked as she lightly kissed the tip of his ear.

“About half an hour,” he said as he exhaled a plume of smoke up into the night.

“Have you had any word on Mack?” just saying his name made her shudder when she thought of what could have happened to her.

“I’m waiting for a call,” Jonny flicked the cigarette and it bounced across the ground.

“And then what?” Eve’s ears pricked up as she listened intently.

“And then we go home,” he smiled.

“Really? Just like that?” she couldn’t believe it.

“Mack and the rest of the outlaws are all going to be behind bars by the morning,” he smiled. “And then I’ll make sure you’re home safe and no one will ever harm you or come looking for you again.”

She looked into his eyes and she knew that he was telling her the truth. This incredible man had already saved her once and now he was vowing to protect her for as long as she needed him to. Eve suddenly had the feeling that she would need him forever.

“So, everything is going to be okay?” she said with a grin as she clasped her hands together.

“Yeah babe,” he smiled and pulled her into his chest again. “Everything’s going to be just fine.”

They made their way back to the motel room and fell down on the bed together to rest for the remainder of the night when Jonny’s cell phone suddenly sprang to life. He reached out and grabbed it and pulled it to his ear.

“Walker?” he said before he waited for the person on the other end of the line to speak. “Umm hmm. Okay, great. Thanks.”

He hung up and rested the cell back down on the side table.

“So?” Eve asked impatiently.

“So…” Jonny sighed. “Looks like Mack is in jail and won’t be getting out of there for a very long time. They’re not posting bail and he’s looking at a minimum of twenty years.”

“Wow,” Eve exhaled.

Twenty years behind bars. What could be worth risking that for?

“So we can go home?” Eve leaned up on her elbows.

“Yep,” Jonny smiled. “Or…” he trailed off with a mischievous grin on his face and Eve knew what he was going to say. “Or we could stay here a little longer?  I’m certainly in no rush.”

He wiggled his eyebrows and Eve felt the familiar beginnings of desire rising within her. She looked down at Jonny lying next to her and at his beautiful physique and tanned chest.

How could she say no to that?

“I’m sure we could figure something out.” she licked her lips as he leaned in for a kiss.

As they rolled towards one another and started to become tangled up in each other’s limbs, Eve felt as if she had finally found happiness. She couldn’t wait to get him back to the city with her and for them to start a new life together. She had the feeling that everything was going to work out because they were bound by more than desire for each other… they were also bound by danger and the fact that Jonny had saved her life. He was responsible for her now, and she could sense his obligation. It made her feel so safe and cared for, it was the most wonderful feeling.

It had been a crazy start to the year, one that she had in no way expected, but one that she was glad she had experienced even if it had at times been traumatic. She looked up into Jonny’s eyes and smiled. He made her feel complete and whole.  He was what she never knew she had been missing, but now she knew she didn’t want to ever live without.

He was her savior.

Her protector.

She knew she was about to start the wildest ride of her life with him by her side. The New Year had brought with it some life changing moments already, but she wouldn’t have changed any of it for the world.





Billionaire Yes Please




Katrina Bliss




Copyright ©2016 by Katrina Bliss. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9


Chapter 1



Jasmine knew she wanted more the moment she had finished. She sank back in her seat and pushed the bowl with the last creamy drops of her chocolate chip ice cream away from her, the spoon clattering in the bowl. It slid from her end of the table top until it reached the other end, grazing her mother’s arm.

“Jasmine!” her mother growled at her, while her eyes remained glued to the book she was reading. “Don’t you see? I’m a child pining for attention, Mom,” Jasmine responded and pouted her lips. Her mother turned a page of her cheap paperback and sighed.

“I wonder when you’ll begin to act your age. You’re a twenty-five year old woman. It must be all the kids you surround yourself with all the time,” she said, without lifting her head to look at her daughter.

She could be right
, Jasmine thought. The only real conversations she had on a daily basis were with five-year-old tiny humans at the kindergarten where she worked. Her mother, Camilla Kiberd, had made it obvious that she didn’t approve. The unanimous dream of both her parents had been that their only child would grow up to become a doctor or an engineer; a profession that would reel in the money, in any case.

Jasmine had chosen teaching and she had chosen kids. Not for a second did she regret her decision, especially when she walked into the classroom to find a dozen shiny happy faces staring up at her. Her mother, on the other hand, never failed to remind her how disappointed she was with her daughter’s life choices.

“Your father would have been so disappointed!” is the line she threw at Jasmine from time to time; just to really rub it in.

Jasmine tore her exhausted gaze away from her mother and turned in her seat to catch the waitress’ eye again.

“What are you doing?” she heard her mother remark.

“I want some more ice cream,” Jasmine said, while she waved furiously to the waitress who still had not noticed her.

“Your sweet tooth will be the death of you,” Camilla admonished, her attention was diverted from the book finally. In fact, she always had time to throw caustic remarks at Jasmine.

“Relax, Mom. We’re on a holiday,” Jasmine said, and smiled broadly as the waitress finally began walking over to their table.

“Another one of those delicious cups of chocolate chip ice cream, please. And, Mom, anything for you?” Jasmine turned to her mother at the last minute.

“Just some coffee please. Black,” her mother spoke to the waitress curtly and smoothed the lapel of her grey jacket. She was every inch the properly dressed woman.

Jasmine watched her mother as she went back to concentrating on her book again. She had no idea where she had gotten her own looks from. While Camilla’s most striking features were her sky-high cheek bones, her straight and slim, somber lips, and a head of thick, straight hair which she now, like any proper sixty year old Englishwoman, chose to cut into a neat greying bob; Jasmine was an apple from a completely different tree. In fact, she was more of an orange. Her oval face barely gave away the hint of cheekbones; her lips were wide and in a perpetual pout, while her auburn curls were constantly unmanageable. Her mother was tall and slender, where Jasmine was petite with an ample chest – more than ample in most cases. Her father, too, had looked more like her mother than he did like Jasmine.

Jasmine sighed as she watched her mother read and gazed out of the smooth, cool glass panes that they were sitting next to. She could hear the seagulls in the sky and when she looked at it, it was bright blue and clear. She didn’t need to step outside to know that the sun would beat down on them, and yet, her mother was in a business suit. Well, she was always in a business suit.

“Aren’t you warm in that thing, Mom?” she asked.

“Don’t be silly, Jasmine.” That haughty tone in her mother’s voice which Jasmine knew so well had returned. “I couldn’t possibly have worn anything else,” she said while glaring at her daughter through narrowed eyes.

“Mom. It’s not a business meeting. It’s only a property viewing,” Jasmine suggested just as the waitress came back with the cup of coffee for her mother and a paper cup with two scoops of ice cream.

“Exactly. It
a business meeting. It’s a meeting between two individuals who will be embarking on a business contract,” her mother replied, as she gingerly pinched the handle of the cup with her forefinger and thumb. She even put her pinky finger out like only those who were royalty – or true snobs – did.

“He’s going to buy the house. You don’t need to impress him,” Jasmine said as she scooped a large spoon of ice cream into her mouth and relished the sensation of it melting in her throat. The feeling of it trickling down the heated skin on her lip was heavenly. Her tongue whipped out quickly to catch it before it fell down her chin.

“Well, if I don’t impress him and the house doesn’t sell, then I’m stuck with that place. And it’s falling apart with nobody else making any offers,” her mother’s voice had risen by a few decibels and Jasmine looked up with a raised eyebrow.

“Okay, okay,” Jasmine said, her voice muffled by the big dollop of ice cream in her mouth.

“I just can’t afford to have the property lying around anymore. At this rate it will never sell,” Camilla added and shut her book with an audible ‘swoosh’. Jasmine had never been able to develop the skill of consoling her mother. She was always too distant, too self-aware to betray the need to be consoled or allow anybody else to comfort her. So Jasmine didn’t try anymore.

“It’ll sell, Mom. The man is the wealthiest man in this town, you said yourself that he is a billionaire. This purchase will be pocket-change for him. He is clearly interested in it, and didn’t you say he knew Grandfather?” Jasmine offered instead, avoiding eye contact with her mother since she had mentioned the grandfather she never knew. Whom her mother despised.

“Yeah, apparently my father encouraged his stamp collection when he visited here on his holidays. You know, when he was shacking up with that woman,” Jasmine’s mother said through gritted teeth, her anger being vented on her molars. “At least, that is what he says in his letters. Anyway, I suppose we’ll simply have to wait and watch,” she added and opened her book again.

Jasmine couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She still couldn’t forgive herself for agreeing to accompany her mother on this trip.
At least it has the potential of being a much needed holiday,
Jasmine said to herself as she looked out through the window again, her gaze settling on the sprawling golden sand and the greenish blue waves crashing gently somewhere in the distance.

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