A Ballad for Her Cowboys (2 page)

Read A Ballad for Her Cowboys Online

Authors: Luxie Ryder

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

BOOK: A Ballad for Her Cowboys
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Aiden chuckled and Misty felt a stab of jealousy toward a woman she never met, which was silly. She should find Kristen and thank her for turning these men onto something she was sure she would soon be very grateful for.

‘And do you do this often?’

‘No.’ Seth took his hat off and ran a hand through his sandy blond hair. ‘There’s not too many women around that me and Aiden both want.’

‘So, I guess I should take this as a compliment?’

Aiden’s dark brows knit together, and she knew her comment touched a nerve. ‘We’re nothing special, honey, but you are. We’re the ones who feel flattered you even gave us the time of day.’

Misty couldn’t believe they didn’t know how gorgeous they were. She guessed living and working out in the wilds of Missouri meant they didn’t get to meet many women. She let her gaze wonder over Aiden’s broad chest and hated the white cotton shirt covering up the muscles beneath. The open neck gave her a glimpse of tanned skin, dusted with dark, springy hairs that matched the ones on the strong forearms resting on his thighs. Seth’s arms were smoother and she saw more of them due to the short sleeves of his T-shirt. Each time he lifted a beer to his lips, his bicep rippled under his sun-kissed skin, and Misty wanted to sink her teeth into it.

She took a swig of her beer, hoping the shock of cold, bitter liquid would cool the burn in her gut or the throb between her thighs, but it didn’t help at all. She felt their eyes on her again and became more self-conscious than ever of her body and how it reacted to their nearness. By the time she placed her bottle back down onto the bar, Misty knew she couldn’t walk away from what they were offering.

She bought the next round of drinks, turned her back on them, and enjoyed a moment of calm. Now she made her mind up, and acknowledged what she kind of knew all along, she felt better. The battle raging between her body and her brain, over what she should do as opposed to what she wanted, won. Misty handed Aiden his drink while keeping her gaze fixed on his for a heartbeat longer than necessary. ‘So, you’ve decided.’

There was no question in his tone. Misty shrugged and smiled feigning nonchalance to hide her nervousness. Seth looked from one to the other, confusion creasing his forehead. Finally, he caught on to the subtext of their conversation.

A huge grin split his features, his expression hopeful. ‘Yeah?’

Misty nodded, laughing at his excitement and getting another hit of adrenaline at the thought of how much they seemed to want her.

But when time went on and neither of them made a move, she began to wonder if she’d misunderstood. Was she supposed to wait until they were ready to leave, or let them know when she wanted to go? Either way, the waiting stretched her nerves and weakened her resolve. Misty allowed her gaze to roam over the two insanely handsome men one more time. Individually, they looked too much for her. God only knew if she would handle two. But she wanted to try.

Tension got the better of her. ‘So, are we doing this or what?’

Aiden laughed when Seth choked on his beer and then turned to Misty. ‘Well, it’s kind of your call. We didn’t want to rush you into anything. Are you ready?’

She nodded, swallowing the hard lump that had formed in her throat at his question.
She could never be ready for what they were offering, but she knew she would never forgive herself if she passed up the chance to find out.

They hit the street and Misty, sucking in a lungful of fresh air, wondered if the sultry atmosphere of the bar seduced her into making such a rash decision. Yet, when she looked at Aiden and Seth, still glorious in the pale moonlight, and a warm, gentle breeze caressed her skin, her breath caught in her throat. The night deepened her desire rather than lift it.

The guys looped their arms through hers and pulled her across the street with them, toward a hotel opposite the bar. Misty hadn’t realized they stayed so close. She might have spoken up sooner if she knew.

She dipped her head as they walked past an old guy sleeping at the reception desk, in case he opened his eyes. Misty guessed he couldn’t know, but she was sure one look at her guilty face confessed everything.

The low-budget hotel was a beautiful old building that retained much of its former grace and charm, and she got a thrill from riding an ancient elevator that groaned and squeaked its way up to the top floor. Aiden slid open the cage door and led the way to a room at the end of the hall, until Seth stopped him.

‘My room is bigger.’

Aiden shrugged and followed Seth to another door, placing a gentle hand at Misty’s back to guide her into the room.

The lemon-yellow decor seemed a little too girlish for a modern-day hotel, especially with two huge men looking out of place in the middle of all the frills and laces, but it was pretty and clean. A ruffled comforter on top of an enormous bed made it look like a wedding cake. Misty grinned at the thought of Seth trying to sleep under it.

‘Yeah, it’s not really me, is it? I’ve been fighting with the damned thing for a week. It ends up on the floor most nights. Still, it was worth the trouble if it made you smile.’ He brushed a stray hair from her cheek. ‘You looked terrified until just now. Are you sure you want to do this?’

Misty sighed, releasing the breath she held when he got close. ‘I’m sure. I just kinda need things to get started, before I talk myself out of it.’

They laughed and Aiden crossed the room to stand as close to her as Seth was. ‘We don’t need asking twice,’ he said.

But still they didn’t move. Misty almost felt the heat from their bodies on either side of her. She closed her eyes and prayed one of them would show her what to do or how to get things started. She looked at Seth, surprised to find him smiling at her.

‘Well, I don’t know what you think is so funny. I…I’m not sure what to do.’

‘You don’t have to do anything, honey. Just trust us. Okay?’ Seth whispered.

Misty nodded and closed her eyes again, this time because Seth leaned in to kiss her. His lips parted hers, and she rocked back on her heels a little at the pressure from his mouth. His kiss told her that he was desperate for her, but she wouldn’t have known by his easygoing attitude only seconds earlier. His passion took her a little unawares.

She felt a hand at her back, holding her steady, and assumed it was Aiden’s. Misty lifted her arms to wrap them around Seth’s neck but stopped when she felt her T-shirt being tugged from her jeans. Aiden tore it over her head, forcing her to break the kiss with Seth. He turned her around, as if stealing her away, and replaced Seth’s mouth with his own. Where his friend had been hard and demanding, Aiden were gentle and teasing—pulling and sucking at hers, as if tasting them.

Seth didn’t waste the opportunity to explore her further, and she felt the gentle brush of his fingertips against her abdomen as he slid his hands around her torso. The almost ticklish sensation deepened into a seductive one when he gripped her firmly and dragged his palms up her body and over her ribcage, stopping only when he had her cotton-covered breasts clasped in his hands.

Misty pulled her mouth away from Aiden’s as an unsuppressed groan ripped from her throat. He pushed her toward Seth by her shoulders, lifting her arms up and wrapping them around his friend’s neck, leaving her front exposed to him. Misty tried to watch when Aiden began to work on her jeans, but Seth’s fingers slipping up and under her bra to graze over her nipples forced her eyes shut and her head back farther.

She felt Aiden’s knuckles pressing into her stomach while he undid her denims. Misty pulled her muscles taut, expecting to resist a jerking motion when Aiden tore her jeans down her legs, and it surprised her when he didn’t pull them off. Suddenly, a flattened palm slid down over her mound in one smooth motion and Aiden’s fingertips were on the fabric covering her clit before she realized what he was doing. Misty’s body gave a hard kick in response to the unexpected jolt of pleasure, and she sagged against Seth, unable to maintain her grip on his neck. He turned her face toward his and plunged his tongue into her open mouth. She sucked on it greedily, moaning against it when Aiden slid his hand inside her panties.

Seth wound a hand in her hair, wrapping the long tresses around a wrist and tugging on them to angle her head back farther as he deepened the kiss. With his other hand, he pulled the straps of her bra down her arms, keeping her head tilted back when he released her lips and looked down at her. His green eyes glistened, and he licked his lips, a warning of his intent. He released his grip on her hair and cradled her torso over one arm as he brought his head down to suck a nipple into his mouth.

Misty cried out, but not from pain, when the stubble on his jaw scratched across the delicate skin of her breast. The rough sensation contrasted sharply with the warm, wet one his hot mouth created, which made it all the more intense. She plunged her fingers into Seth’s hair, tearing out some of his blond strands in her struggle to find something to hold onto.

Aiden’s hand moved away, and she groaned at the loss until a sudden frisson of cold air on her ass told her why he stopped driving her crazy. He dropped to his haunches, tore her jeans and panties from her legs, and Misty saw him fling them across the room. Seth still worked on her nipple, and his head almost blocked her view, but she looked past him and down at herself, spread-eagle and naked between two still–fully clothed men. The sight didn’t embarrass or shame her. Rather, it sent another jolt of desire through her and the moisture building between the folds of her pussy began to trickle over her thighs.

‘Aw, fuck, Misty,’ Aiden moaned, his eyes riveted to the spot where she creamed for him. ‘Baby, I gotta taste you.’

He dropped to his knees and finally took off his hat. Misty almost told the pair of them it was bad manners to keep them on while you were trying to seduce someone, and then she realized she kinda liked it. Still, Aiden wouldn’t have been able to do what he started to with his Stetson on, so she didn’t mind when he got rid of it. His tongue danced a trail across her stomach as he lifted one of her legs and hooked it over his shoulder. He moved his attention from the skin on her abdomen to the moist, throbbing flesh between her legs, nuzzling her mound with his nose for a second and then leaning in and licking from her dripping pussy up to her clit.

Misty shuddered and almost stopped breathing altogether when the combined sensations of the mouths working on her most sensitive parts nearly stopped her heart. She sucked in a ragged, shaky breath as Seth lifted his head to see what Aiden was doing. Aiden looked up at her, ignoring his friend and holding her gaze while he leaned forward to lick at her again. Watching, Seth groaned and turned back to kiss her. He finally stripped her bra away from where it bunched up at her rib cage.

His tongue seemed to work in unison with the one between her thighs, stroking the inside of her mouth at the same time Aiden’s dragged over her flesh. Her legs began to shake, both from the intense spasms going through her and the awkward position they held her in.

‘Guys, I need to lie down.’ She hardly recognized her own voice and laughed at the husky, almost strangled sound she barely managed to force out.

‘Sorry,’ Seth and Aiden said, almost in unison.

Aiden slid away, giving Seth the space to scoop her up into his arms and carry her to the bed. His mouth found hers again, and he held her for a minute or two, kissing her with the same hunger he shown at the beginning. By the time he placed her on the bed and stepped back, Misty was surprised to find Aiden waiting for her, already naked with his arms open wide to receive her from Seth. She turned into them, seamlessly transferring her mounting desire from the man who had just recently held her to the man who now was.

A gentle hand around her ankle parted her legs, creating a space for Seth to climb into. She rolled onto her back with Aiden’s help, his mouth still on hers, and began to shake at the feeling of Seth’s hands crawling up the inside of her thighs. He nudged his shoulders between her legs, groaning in pleasure when she opened them wide for him. Misty didn’t need to guess how wet she was. She felt it oozing from her when she quivered as his soft breath tickled her swollen clit.

Aiden’s mouth left hers and began to burn a trail over her jaw and down her neck, stopping only when it reached her breasts. Misty marveled at how two men could do the same things, but how it could feel so differently when Aiden took one of her nipples into his mouth. His technique was to suck it in hard, then circle his tongue around and over it again and again. Each flick across her peak sent a tiny spasm of pleasure through her that eventually came so thick and fast they morphed into one long, hot ache searing right down to her groin.

Seth still had not moved and Misty began to get distracted as she wondered what he waited for. She squirmed under Aiden’s mouth and groaned in frustration at her need for something hard inside her.

‘Seth?’ Her question sounded more like a plea.

‘I’m here, baby. I just like watching you. Do you want me to do something for you?’


He laughed. ‘You’re gonna have to better than that. I’ll do anything you want, but you gotta tell me what it is.’

Misty growled, surprising herself and making Aiden laugh against her breast.

‘Say it,’ Seth teased. ‘Just tell me what you want.’

‘I want to come. Please…I want to come so hard. Now.’

Misty’s cheeks flamed, and she almost hated him for a moment for making her beg. But she forgot about it when Seth laughed and Aiden groaned against her, and thankfully, she didn’t need to ask again. Her bravery rewarded with the gentle probing of a thick finger, pushing its way inside her. Misty went rigid, and her legs spread even farther when Seth pulled out a little and then plunged into her again. This time, his mouth joined his hand and he sucked her clit, taking the whole of it between his lips and moaning onto her flesh. She bucked against him and tangled a hand into his hair, matching the one she already buried in Aiden’s. Seth swapped his finger for something thicker—his thumb, Misty guessed—and she began to come.

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