A Billionaire BWWM Romance 7: The Honeymoon (7 page)

Read A Billionaire BWWM Romance 7: The Honeymoon Online

Authors: J A Fielding,Bwwm Romance Dot Com

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: A Billionaire BWWM Romance 7: The Honeymoon
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“Mrs. Davenport…please go on down! We got this,”
one of the service people who were in between two large boulders
called out.

“Great. That is the only help Steven has?” she muttered
under her breath as she lowered herself. She was still cursing when
she finally got back on the ground. Akamai ran towards her and helped
her get the ropes off. “What happened? Is he okay up there?”
she asked in a worried voice.

Akamai smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry Mrs. Davenport.
Everything is going to be okay,” he said.

She rolled her eyes and raised her hands.

“Everything is going to be okay? How? He is hanging from a
ledge at a height that would definitely have me hiring a private
nurse,” she said.

“The bad news is that the harness has a problem but the good
news is that all he has to do is pull himself to the gap where those
two are and that shouldn’t be a problem,” he said
pointing to the gap between the boulders. “The way the ledge
was constructed ensures…” he was still talking when
Julie put her hand up stopping him mid-sentence.

“Wait, did you say constructed? So this is not something that
was here since time…you know,” she said. He shook his
head. “Oh man,” she said as she loosened the helmet. She
was not sure whether that news made her feel better or worse.

“Don’t worry. We got the best engineers to design that
piece of art,” Akamai said.

She took a long deep breath and shook her head.

“So, what if he doesn’t get his footing again?” she
asked. Akamai shook his head and placed a reassuring hand on her

“Don’t worry yourself for nothing. Everything will be
just fine,” he said as he put on his earpiece and began talking
Hawaiian to the two service guys who were trying to help out Steven.
Even though she was trying not to be so worried, she could not stop
herself from freaking out. Nothing was more important to her at that
very moment except knowing that Steven was okay. She needed to talk
to someone. She needed to calm down, perhaps after venting. She
reached for her phone and dialed Meg. Right about now, she was the
one person she could rely on to calm her down. But the phone was just
ringing and ringing….and ringing.


“Can you believe this? Ezra Myer?” Meg asked as she
looked at her phone screen. Ellis kissed her shoulder and then looked
over at her phone screen. She had just seen a blog post where her
best friend and Steven were pictured with the one guy she and Julie
had a crush on ever since they were kids.

“What is the big deal about this guy anyway?” Ellis

“What’s the big deal? It’s like you guys seeing
someone you know next to…Beyoncé or Shakira,” she

“I’ve met Beyoncé so that wouldn’t be a big
deal but Shakira…that would make me jealous,” he

Meg looked at her and her eyes grew wide.

“Wait, you’ve met Beyoncé?” she asked

“Yeah. We’ve done a number of few charitable dinners with
her…oh, she personally invited us to the BET awards once. That
was nice,” he said.

“Us? Who’s us?” she asked

“Steven and I,” he answered as if what he was saying was
the most normal thing in the world.

She shook her head and put her phone down.

“Wait, Steven has personally met the Carters? First family of
hip hop and R’n’B?” she asked surprised. Ellis
smiled and nodded.

“I officially hate him. Do you know how many concerts I would
have gone to and for free no less?” she asked looking at him.
“I would probably be married to some big shot producer or
better,” she said, a faraway look in her eyes.

“Then I would have never met you. And that would have made me
very sad,” he said before he pulled her back down on the bed.

She smiled and kissed him softly.

“You guys meet everyone I consider a celebrity and treat it
like it’s no big deal,” she said.

“I have an invite to this year’s MTV Video Music Awards
and I don’t have a date,” he said. She hit him playfully
on the shoulder but the delivery was harder than she had intended.
“Ouch,” he said.

“Shut up!” she said. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

“Oh my God. How can I ever thank you?” she squealed as
she hugged him.

“I can think of one way,” he smiled as his cock pressed
hard against her. She smiled just as her phone began ringing. “Don’t
get that,” he said in a low voice.

“It could be important,” she said in between kisses.

“Really?” he asked. “Who would be calling you
he asked as he kissed her neck. She moaned softly and raised her
hips. “Good choice,” he answered as he claimed her lips
one more time.

Chapter 6

heart was beating a million miles per minute as she looked at Steven
who was now literally just hanging on for dear life-or so it seemed
to her. Akamai had already tried to reassure her that it was not that
serious and that he could easily get someone up there to get Steven
down but Julie wasn’t hearing any of it. All she wanted to do
was go back to the hotel. She’d had enough of this ledge. To
her, it did not look like Steven was okay at all. Fine, this was not
the first time he had been up a rock but this was most definitely the
first time Julie was seeing him and so far, she was not enjoying
this. Her heart almost skipped a beat when she saw him try to grab
onto one of the rocks but slip.

Please God…not like this…you can’t take
him. Not now…please not like this,”
she found
herself praying. Her hands were clasped together under her chin and
even though it was a bit windy, she was sweating. Probably because of
all the worrying.

“It looks like he got his footing now,” Akamai said but
Julie was not listening. She looked on as Steven managed to climb
back up to a steady position before he rested between two big
boulders where two other service climbers were. Julie took a deep
breath and closed her eyes thanking her lucky stars that he’d
made it. “Would you like to…” Akamai started
before she shook her head.

“I just want to go home right now, Akamai,” she said as
she blinked back a tear. “I just want to go back home,”
she added as she rested her weight on her knees breathing hard and
fast. Akamai knew what was happening. He had seen this happen before.

“Mrs. Davenport. I would suggest that you take long deep
breaths,” he said as he held her shoulder and helped her up.
She tried pulling away from him but he was stronger than he looked.
“Please, you could hyperventilate if you keep breathing like
that,” he added. Julie nodded and began taking long deep
breaths. She could almost feel the relief washing over her. Her lungs
no longer felt clogged and the air around her was almost cleaner.
“Here, have some water,” he said handing her a bottle of
water. She grabbed it and opened the bottle top with trembling hands
before she took one long sip. She looked up and saw that Steven was
already on his way down. She took off her helmet and harness just as
Steven touched down before she ran to him and wrapped her arms around
him, sobbing into his shoulder.

“Hey…whoa. I’m right here. I’m okay,”
he said as he stroked her back. But she was uncomfortable. He pulled
away from her and gently wiped off her tears using his thumbs. He
looked into her eyes and smile. “Hey, I’m okay,” he
said in a soothing voice. She nodded and sniffed back another tear.

“I…I…” she tried talking but she couldn’t.
A fresh flow of tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Maybe we should just head back, huh?” Steven asked as he
wiped off her tears again. She forced out a smile and nodded. Steven
looked at Akamai and shrugged. “I’m sorry man…”
he started before Akamai shook his head.

“No, Mr. Davenport. I am sorry. I will personally get to the
bottom of this,” he said before Steven walked to the car.
“Ahem, Mr. Davenport…” Akamai tried calling out
but he was already getting into the car. “Guess I will get the
gear from the hotel or something,” he said as he watched the
car speeding off.


The drive back to the hotel was fine at first but all hell broke
loose when Steven laughed off the whole incident. He could tell by
the way Julie looked at him that she was not impressed by that
particular remark. He looked at her and wondered if that was one of
those times that he should just shut the fuck up. As they rode in the
elevator, he held her hand and looked at her.

“Would you stop being so tense? This was a mishap. It happens,”
he said.

“I know but…” she started saying but he leaned and
kissed her softly.

“I’m fine. We’re fine. This was no big deal,”
he said. Julie looked at him and gave him one of those ‘what
did you just say’ looks before she pulled her hand away.
“Babe…” Steven said but that was it. He had
already burnt his bridge.

“That was fucking dangerous, and you are saying it’s no
big deal?” Julie asked surprised. The two were back in their
suite and Julie had never felt angrier. She had just told Steven
that, that day was the scariest day of her life. But Steven’s
answer had simply driven her over the edge.

“It’s no big deal. The harness just…” he had
started saying before she cut in more surprised than annoyed.

“Not a big deal, Steven? Are you fucking kidding me?” she
asked looking at him.

“Okay, obviously I didn’t think that through,”
Steven said.

Julie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest.

“Gee, you think?” she asked in a condescending tone.

“Baby…” he started as he moved close to her.

“Don’t touch me,” Julie said brushing his hand off
her elbow and turning to face the window with her back to him.

Wow, this is going to be harder than I expected,”
thought as he looked at her. “Tell me what you want me to do
baby and I will do it,” he said.

She turned around and glared at him.

“I want you to treat this with the fucking seriousness it
deserves, Steven. That’s what the fuck I want,” she said

“Okay, but maybe just try and tone down the profanity,”
Steven said. The look Julie gave him made him realize that he should
have probably not said anything.

“I will curse as much as I want, Steven. Fuck, fuck, fuck,
fuckity, fuck. What the fuck are you going to do about it?” she

Okay. They say the crazy usually reveals itself after the
wedding. And
it is,”
he thought
as he looked at her. He was getting a little worried. He had seen her
mad before but never this mad. This was a whole new layer to her he
never knew existed. She was almost as bad as his ex! He ran his
fingers through his hair and exhaled. “I’m sorry, baby. I
know you were worried and I am sorry. I would never
anything to upset you the way I saw you earlier today,” he
said. Julie didn’t move. “Just tell me what to do,”
he said again as he moved close to hold her around the waist, pulling
her close to him. He looked into her eyes and fought the urge to kiss
her. She looked so damn cute when she was mad but he was not going to
let his dick dictate the moment. She suddenly pulled away and began
walking towards the door. Hey…where are you going?” he
asked but it was too late. He heard the door slam shut. He took
another long deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair.
did I do?”
he wondered, confused.


At the hotel bar, Julie ordered a mojito and drank it amazingly fast.
She surprised even herself at how fast she drank the first glass. She
ordered a second one and then pulled out her phone from her pocket.

Call or text… Call or text… Call or text…”
she wondered as she looked at her phone screen just as the bar
attendant came over to where she was.

“Anything more ma’am?” he asked smiling at her. She
shook her head and he nodded before he resumed wiping down the

“Actually…do you have Wi-Fi here?” she asked. He
nodded and handed her what looked like a coaster. She looked down at
it and noticed the Wi-Fi password on it. “Thanks,” she
said as she quickly input the password before she called Meg.
pick up Meg…pick up…”
she pleaded in her
“Damn it, Meg. Where the fuck are you?”
wondered when the line went dead. She dialed again but the phone rang
for a long minute with no answer.

Get off Ellis’ dick and pick the fuck up.

She knew the text was a bit loud but at that point she didn’t
really care. When she didn’t get a replied, she put the phone
down with a little more force than she had originally intended
getting the barman’s attention. He looked at her and smiled

“You want to talk about it?” he asked.

Julie forced out a smile and shook her head no.

“Really? Because I have seen that look before,” he said.

“What look?” Julie asked frowning.

“The look when there’s a busy tone or no service…you
know, when you want to talk to someone but you can’t reach
them,” he said. Julie smiled at him. “Come on, the bar is
not busy and I could use some good gossip,” he said. Julie
smiled and then laughed. “So, what happened?” he asked as
he looked at her.

“My husband and I went up to the ledge climb and he almost had
a bad accident…his harness…there was just something
wrong and he lost his footing,” she started. The barman’s
eyes grew wide.

“Whoa, is he okay?” he asked.

“He is fine,” she nodded, “but he is treating the
whole thing like it was just a small incident. You know,” she

The man looked at her and shrugged.

“Well, with men some things can be perceived a little more
different than women,” he said.

“I got married three days ago and being a widow is not high on
my to-do list,” she said.

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