A Billionaire Punishes Part 1 (Erotic Romance) (5 page)

Read A Billionaire Punishes Part 1 (Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Nic Saint

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #billionaire

BOOK: A Billionaire Punishes Part 1 (Erotic Romance)
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And while my mind was still reeling in the
afterglow of my climax, I suddenly felt Remington’s cock swell up
even more inside me.

“Come inside me,” I panted. “I want you to
come inside me, baby.”

With an animal snarl, he bucked against me,
then, and a pained expression came over his face, as he closed his

I reached up and took his head between both
hands. He opened his eyes, and I said, “Look at me when you come,
Remington; look into my eyes.”

His face softened and he leaned in to kiss
me, then locked eyes with me, as another grunt escaped his lips,
and in that moment, he came, shooting spurt after spurt of white
hot cum straight into my cunt, coating the walls of my vagina with
load after load of his semen.

As his body relaxed, he covered my mouth
with his, and when our tongues connected, his cock still burrowed
deep into my vagina, I felt so ecstatically happy, that I
simultaneously broke out into tears and laughter, surprising

“What’s wrong?” he said, kissing away my

“Nothing’s wrong,” I said, trailing my hands
all across the hard planes of his face as if seeing him for the
very first time. “I just feel so happy, Remington. So fucking

He smiled as he kissed the palm of my hand
and hugged me into him, our bodies fully connecting—then we kissed
and I felt so close to him it was if I disappeared for a moment,
and we were one body, one heart and one soul.

“I was sent here to spy on you,” I suddenly
blurted out against his cheek. “Celeste… She told me to come here
and spy on you so she could destroy you.”

“What?” He jerked up, his face registering

This time I cried for real. “I was sent here
to destroy you, Remington,” I sobbed. “And now I’ve fallen… in love
with you.”

Chapter 8



My confession had an adverse effect on
Remington. He stared at me wide-eyed for a moment, then pushed away
from me as if stung.

“You work with Celeste?” he said, his face

I nodded tearfully.

“Get the fuck out of here,” he growled, his
mouth a malevolent slash and his eyes shooting fire. “Get the fuck
out of my company!”

“But Remington,” I cried, reaching out a
tentative hand.

But his face had turned to stone. He grabbed
his clothes from the floor and stalked out, slamming the door
behind him.

I collapsed onto the desk, completely naked
and still in the position he’d left me in. Remington’s cum was
oozing from my pussy onto the desk but I didn’t even care. The
sight of him leaving was like a stab through the heart, and now I
really wailed, the pain so intense my chest was wrecked by the
spasms that heaved through me.

I’d screwed up royally, I knew that now, and
the worst thing was, I’d really fallen for him—I’d fallen for the
one man I’d betrayed.

“Oh, God,” I cried, my breath coming in
gasps as tears flooded my face. I leant up and slowly moved into an
upright position, supporting myself with my hands splayed on the
desk behind me. I stared down at my breasts, wet with my tears and
Remington’s sweat. I noticed a single chest hair of his, still
stuck to my nipple, and watched as more cum gushed from between my
lips, pooling onto the desk.

I broke down in tears once again.

Then all of a sudden the door burst open and
Remington stood there, large and unforgiving, his face a

“Are you still here?” he boomed. “I thought
I told you to get the fuck out.”

“Remington,” I cried. “I didn’t mean to—” I
reached out a hand in his direction, but he remained unmoved.

“You should have thought of that before,” he
said. “So what are you, a professional call girl? They hire you to
seduce guys like me?”

“No, no, of course not,” I said, aghast.
“I’m a call center agent at Flowers For You. I’m not a whore!”

He frowned. “You’re a call center

I nodded.

“Oh,” he said. He waved his hand in my
general direction. “So what’s this all about then. Celeste put you
up to this?”

“This?” I said, not comprehending.

“Your little seduction routine. Was that
planned all along or just spur of the moment?”

“I don’t have a… seduction routine,” I
faltered. “I just… fell for you. I never planned any of this.”

“Uh-huh,” he said, his scowl deepening.

For a moment, neither of us spoke. I saw him
take in my naked body, my chest still rapidly heaving and falling,
my sweaty breasts quivering, and the small puddle of his cum and my
juices pooling between my legs. His face softened.

“So what you’re saying is…”

I swallowed. “What I’m saying is… I came
here to steal your web design, and fell in love with you in the
process. I didn’t plan for this to happen. I’m not that kind of

“I know you’re not,” he said, relenting. He
came over to where I still lay, and helped me to my feet, then
handed me a box of Kleenex so I could wipe away the remnants of our
passionate encounter.

I know you’re not,” he
repeated softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. At his touch, I
instantly threw myself into his arms, and he caught me.

“Celeste told me—forced me—to do this,” I
stammered. “I know I shouldn’t have agreed. I’m so sorry,
Remington. I’m so sorry.”

He didn’t speak, but merely held me close,
gently stroking my hair, enveloping me in his arms.

“I never had this much trouble with Gladys,”
he murmured. “Of course I never felt sexually attracted to Gladys,
so there’s that.”

I laughed through my tears, then started
bawling once again.

“There, there,” he said. “It’s all right. No
harm no foul.”

“I love you, Remington,” I murmured, and I
could hardly believe I said it. Had I really fallen for this man,
all in the space of two hours? Was that even possible? Still, my
heart felt the way it felt. There was no denying it. I’d fallen
head over heels in love with this attractive man.

He held me at arm’s length, and studied my
face for a long moment, as if trying to probe my very soul with his
intent gaze.

“Let’s take things slow,” he finally
suggested. “Why don’t you get dressed and freshen up a bit. Then
let’s sit down and start over. Pretend none of this ever

He held out his hand and I shook it. “Hi,”
he said. “I’m Remington Carswell, your new employer.”

“I’m Erin Gould,” I said. “Your new…

“Welcome to Hearts & Flowers, Miss

I smiled. “So you’re not kicking me

He shook his head, his green eyes plumbing
mine. “I’m not kicking you out. I do feel you deserve to be
punished, though. But we’ll deal with that later.”

“Punished?” I said weakly.

“Every crime deserves its punishment, Miss
Gould. I’m a great believer in that principle. So prepare to get
yours. Tonight.”

And with those ominous words, he swept from
the room, leaving me naked, cold and shivering in quiet
trepidation. What punishment? What was he talking about? At the
same time, I knew that whatever punishment he’d decide to lay onto
me, I’d happily accept it, if only we could be together again. Just
then my pussy twitched, mirroring those sentiments exactly. I’d do
anything to feel Remington’s cock inside me again. Anything at

Chapter 9



After I’d freshened up, Remington did sit
down with me, only he was so civil and nice that it was as if
nothing had ever happened between us at all. No more mention was
made of our hot tryst, what we felt for each other, or even Celeste
for that matter. It was as if he’d turned a switch and now he was
my employer, I was merely one of his employees, and that’s where
our relationship ended.

I tried to go along with this new routine,
taking notes as he explained the nature of his business, and what
would be expected of me as his executive secretary. He could
probably tell my mind was far from work, and focused entirely on
him, but if he did, he didn’t let on.

He was kind and professional and it nearly
drove me crazy.

“Remington, but what about Celeste?” I
finally said when I couldn’t stand it anymore.

He arched an eyebrow. “What about her?”

“What do I tell her?”

“You don’t have to tell that woman
anything,” he said, finally some real emotion showing through his
mask of professionalism as he gritted his teeth. “When the time
comes, I’ll deal with her.”

“When the time comes,” I murmured, searching
his face for a sign of the passion we’d felt that morning when
making love. But once again, his mask was firmly in place, and he
merely gave me a polite smile.

“I think that will be all for today, Miss
Gould,” he said, closing the file folder on his lap. “Any

I had about a million questions, but they
would have to wait. Right now there was only one thing I needed to
know. “Do you… care about me?” I asked in a small voice, and
instantly regretted posing the question, for his face turned to

“I fail to see the relevance, Miss Gould. As
your employer, of course I care about your well-being, as I hope
you care about Hearts & Flowers.” He leaned in closer, and
fixed his intense gaze on me. I shivered. “What you need to ask
yourself is where your loyalties really lie. I suggest you ponder
that question.”

I swallowed with some difficulty. He’d
clearly not yet forgiven me. Only one question remained. “What
about Tamara?”

He was silent for a spell, seeming to think
things over. Then finally, he said “Tell your friend she’s welcome
here. Provided she sever all connections with Flowers For You

And with those words, he abruptly rose to
his feet and turned to leave.

“Oh, one other thing,” he said. “Be ready at

“Eight?” I said, my pulse quickening. This
could only mean one thing.

The corners of his mouth jerked up into a
devious smile. “Have you forgotten already, Miss Gould? Your
punishment awaits. Eight o’clock sharp. Transportation will be

He gave me a once-over, his eyes lingering
dangerously long in the vicinity of my chest. “Dress




“Oh, God, I love him,” I said, sulking into
my cup of coffee.

“Love who, honey?” Tamara said.

“Remington,” I said.

“Who the hell is Remington? Why haven’t you
told me about him? What’s going on?” she said, getting all worked

We were at Marcy’s again, for our daily
after hours get-together, and once again I was feeling miserable.
This time it wasn’t Celeste or crazy customers that had soured my
mood. This time I only had myself to blame.

“Remington Carswell? He runs Hearts &

“Oh, that Remington,” she said, as if she
counted at least a dozen Remingtons amongst her acquaintances. She
creased her brow, giving me a skeptical look. “And you say you love
him? How did that happen?”

So I told her the whole story, from our
serendipitous meeting in the elevator, to the hot sex on Gladys’s
desk to the utter and complete fiasco that followed in its wake,
and my meltdown.

“Dang, girl,” she said, holding a hand to
her heaving bosom. “You’re a fast worker. Hot sex with the hot
billionaire playboy. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Well, apparently I did,” I said. “And now
he’s going to punish me, whatever that means.”

“I’m dying to find out,” she said, wiggling
her eyebrows. “But if you ask me, it just means more hot sex. I
think the guy is going to show you all the corners of his bedroom
tonight. And then some.”

“I doubt it,” I said. “He’s been so
infuriatingly formal all day. As if nothing ever happened between
us at all. And yet I’m sure he felt the same way about me when we
were up there on that desk. I could feel the connection.”

“The connection of his prick with your
devious little cunt is what he felt,” said Tamara.

“No!” I laughed. “Our hearts connected, I’m
sure of it.”

“Yeah, right. Look, girl, save that kind of
stuff for the Disney movies. In real life, billionaire playboys
don’t fall head over heels in love with their secretaries just
because they get to fuck her once. That just doesn’t happen!”

“Well, I’m sure it did,” I said morosely.
Though after all that had happened I was beginning to seriously
doubt if it actually had. Perhaps Tamara was right and he was just
that: a billionaire playboy who liked to fuck every girl who was
stupid enough to throw herself at him. “Is he really such a
playboy?” I said.

“You better believe it,” she said. “Just
google him. He’s got so many notches on his belt he must have a
closet full of them by now. Belts I mean. Not hot babes. He doesn’t
keep them longer than strictly necessary. It’s merely catch and
release for that guy.”

“Oh, hell,” I said, and plunked my head on
the table. It seemed to be my favorite position these days. “So
that’s what I am, huh? Just another notch on Remington Carswell’s

“Be proud, honey,” she said, patting my head
as if I were a Chihuahua. “He usually only beds celebrities and
socialites. Hey!”

I looked up. “What?”

“Now that he’s branching out below the
poverty line, do you think perhaps I should have a crack at him?
He’s one fine fellow. And I could use me some cock. I’ve been
celibate for all of two weeks now.”

“Don’t say that, Tamara!” I cried. “I love

“Just kidding, honey. Just kidding. He’s all

“Yeah, right,” I said. “His hot ass belongs
to me and about a gazillion hot celebrities.”

She grimaced. “Yeah, there’s that, of

For a moment, neither of us spoke, then I
suddenly remembered something. “Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot.
How soon can you quit your job at Celeste’s?”

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