A Bodyguard For The Princess (A Bad Boy Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: A Bodyguard For The Princess (A Bad Boy Romance)
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She pushed to her feet with an irritated groan and paced around the rooftop. Matt stood with her, watching as she tugged her ear, causing his hands to tighten into fists.

“You know, you were right about me being naïve,” she told him suddenly.

“About what exactly?” he asked slowly.

“I don’t know how to do anything except what I’ve been taught,” she said. “That kiss? It was the first real kiss I’ve ever had, Matt. I don’t get to date or flirt! Heaven forbid I wear something too revealing,” she quipped angrily. “I don’t know how to navigate this—any of it!”

He took a heavy step backwards, keeping his distance. “I shouldn’t have done it.”

Her face fell as she asked, “Are you sorry you did?”

Was he? The right answer was to say “yes” and leave her on that rooftop, but the fire in her eyes said she wasn’t the type of person to let it go so easily. She fought tooth and nail for what was right for her people. He could only imagine what she would do to truly learn who he was.

“I told you before, you can’t handle me. You don’t know anything about me,” he growled, stalking towards her. “And if you did, you wouldn’t like what you saw.”

“Why don’t you let me decide that?”

“I’m your bodyguard. My job is to look out for you in every regard. The type of man I am would leave you begging for more,” he whispered roughly. “And that’s a dangerous game to play.”

Her body shivered as he moved closer, and his reacted in kind. Daphne was nothing like the women he brought home to his bed. She wouldn’t be easy to forget, let alone get out of his life. This could never work, and he needed her to understand that… to know it so she stopped this foolishness.

As he made the decision to turn away from her, she stood on her toes and kissed him. Her lips brushed briefly against his, a light touch. Matt lost all focus on the task at hand and wrapped his arms firmly around her body, pressing her against his chest. She wore no bra beneath her t-shirt, and her nipples hardened against him. He growled deep in his throat, and his mouth covered hers in a need to possess this woman, no matter the consequences.

Daphne shifted her hips, and he grunted, grinding his back at her, showing her exactly what she did to him. When his hands slipped lower to cup her ass, she squirmed and nipped his lip.

“You push me, woman,” he warned and cursed again when her tongue flicked out and licked the same spot.

“You seem like a man who needs to be pushed sometimes.”

“Push too far and you’ll regret it,” he muttered against her mouth before he claimed it again. “You’ll never be rid of me. You’ll never be able to see another man without thinking of me.”

“Don’t sound so sure of yourself,” she retorted.

Matt yanked her hips hard up against his until she gasped at the contact. “If we weren’t on a roof, you’d be beneath me right now.”

“What are you waiting for?”

His kiss was hard, demanding. He wanted all of her—God, how he did—but he was her bodyguard and this couldn’t happen. What was he even doing? No woman was crazy enough to think she could tame the demons raging through his mind while he slept nor while he was awake. When he found himself in a dark place, there was no one there to pull him out. No one strong enough. But the promise in Daphne’s eyes told him she’d damn herself trying to do just that.

She didn’t know a thing about his past yet. Her blind trust unnerved him, and Matt quickly pulled away, leering at her in the light from the rooftop.

“I suggest you return to your room, princess,” he said, biting out each word.

Daphne’s hooded gaze, filled with arousal, disappeared in a shot, and the fake, polite smile he knew so well was back. “If that’s how you want to play this, fine.”

She stormed past him, purposely brushing against his side, and her hand reached for his and glided across the back of it. He grasped her wrist and watched her body instantly shift towards his. He sneered at her and released his grip, stepping away.

“Goodnight, princess. Sweet dreams.”

Daphne muttered under her breath, and he turned his back on her, letting her go. He had no doubt she could find her way back down to the ground, as many times as she had done this before, but it still took a lot out of him to not watch just in case.

What are you doing, you idiot? Don’t get involved. She’s the princess, for God’s sake, and your job!

She should’ve been completely off-limits, out of bounds, and once upon a time, he knew what that meant. He followed his orders without faltering an inch, but he had kissed the princess until he wanted nothing more than to strip her out of her clothes and show her what else she’d missed in her life. Daphne was not a woman he could use for one night and simply shove to the side. The thought of him doing that to her caused his stomach to twist. What the hell had she done to him? He ran a hand through his hair, whole body on fire in irritation, and he crossed to the edge of the roof.

Daphne was nowhere in sight. Too bad. If he caught up with her again, he would’ve kissed her until they were both dizzy with need. As he climbed down to the ground, he grumbled and cursed about what he’d managed to get himself tangled up in. He was her bodyguard, nothing more. There would be no more touching of any kind. He’d let himself enjoy the view and keep her safe, her silent guard.

Nothing more than that.

Chapter 6


Marie called out for Daphne as she bustled around her living room, but the princess was in no mood to get out of bed. All night, she’d dreamt of Matt kissing her, his hands all over her body as he stripped her bare and did things to her she never thought possible.

Every inch of her body cried out for him, and her thighs clamped tightly shut to stop the powerful throbbing happening again. She kept the covers pulled up over her face when the bedroom door was thrown open and heeled steps clicked across the floor. Marie hummed as she scurried about the room, and Daphne listened as she threw the curtains open.

“Come on now, princess, the king and queen have requested to meet with you.” Daphne mumbled a reply into her pillow and burrowed deeper. “Princess? Are you ill?”

“Yes,” she said quickly. “I’m ill. I don’t think I’ll be getting out of bed today.”

“Unless you’re dying, I fear the queen will not allow you to have a sick day,” Marie warned her. “Why don’t I bring you breakfast in bed? Give you a little more time to rest before you’re needed.”

She hated that she couldn’t do what she wanted for a change, but Daphne threw the blanket off her head and sat up, her arms crossed with a huff over her chest. “That would be fine, thank you, Marie.”

She nodded and turned for the door until she stopped and hurried back to Daphne’s side. “And I have the file. Managed to snag it last night,” she whispered with a wink. “I’ll bring it for you this evening.”

Daphne smiled her thanks and perked up a little bit. If Matt thought he could just kiss her the way he did, leaving her panting for more, and expect her not to attempt to figure out what made him tick, he didn’t know her at all. She moved her pillows more comfortably behind her and told herself today would be better on all counts. Somehow, she’d find a way to make it through without feeling as if the walls were closing in around her. Last night on the rooftop, during that brief moment before she’d taken a chance and kissed Matt, she sensed a connection with him. He saw she was more than the naïve princess he accused her of being.

Instead, he melted her with that damn kiss, driving her crazy with need. All she heard about him being a womanizer rushed back at her. Was he using her as he used those other women? Was this just an opportunity to put another notch in his belt—and with a princess? Her mind raced, running through their brief days together, and realized it was highly possible that’s all it was. Her anger rose at his actions, at making her lust for a man she knew she couldn’t have, when said man cleared his throat from the doorway.

Matt held the tray of scones and a steaming cup of coffee in his hands. “Princess? Marie says you are unwell this morning.”

Daphne’s heart jumped as every image from her dreams rushed forward. Her cheeks reddened, and she gripped the blanket to stop herself from leaping out of the bed and right into his arms.

“Yes, I think it’s… It’s just a cold,” she muttered and motioned for him to enter. “Where’s Marie?”

“She was called away to attend the queen. Seems her servant has fallen ill, too.”

“It happens this time of year,” she claimed lamely, watching him as he moved closer and set the tray on the nightstand. She reached for the coffee, but he scooted it out of her reach and handed her a scone instead. “I would like my coffee.”

His eyes smoldered, and her breath caught in her throat. “I’m sure you would, princess, but you should eat first.”

“I’ll eat when I damn well please,” she muttered, but he didn’t move.

“You’ll eat because you need to take better care of yourself.”

“I do just fine, thank you very much,” she snapped. “Not that you care what condition I’m in anyway.” She shifted on the bed, but Matt’s body blocked her, and she fumbled for words to tell him to move.

He smirked at her, leaning in closer until his eyes filled her view. “Why would I not care, princess?”

She glared but didn’t move back. “You could have any woman you want. I’ve heard all about your exploits in the city. Quite the ladies’ man.”

“Well, then, if you know all of that, why did you kiss me last night, my lady?” he shot back.

Her mouth fell open to argue it was all his fault but clamped shut again. What the hell was wrong with her? How dare he act like this after what he did to her, what he made her feel every time he looked her way? Daphne wanted to look away, but his slate eyes forced hers to remain locked on his.

“No reply?” he asked quietly. “I’m surprised.”

“Get out of my bedroom,” she muttered.

“Not until I see you eat something, my lady,” he said, and his tone softened enough for her to lift a brow at it.

He cared, she felt it, so why did he keep pushing her away? She took the scone from him and ate it quickly. When she swallowed the last mouthful, he handed her the coffee mug and with a bow of his head left the room. He was at the door when she called him back.

“Yes, my lady?”

She held the warm mug securely in her hands while she mulled over whether she should say what she was about to. “Tonight, Jeremiah is on watch again. If you happen to be awake around midnight, I wouldn’t mind your company. If you want to join me,” she said nervously.

Matt’s jaw clenched, but it was the rest of his body she saw relax at her request. He bowed his head again and left her alone, closing the door so she could dress in peace.

“Maybe it won’t be an easier day,” she muttered to herself as she stood, walking around her room and sipping her coffee. Her feet took her to the windows overlooking the city, and she pressed her hand against the glass.

If she had been any other girl, Matt would’ve had her already.

Had you and used you up
, she thought bitterly.
He still might if you let him get too close

Did she want a one night stand with the man meant to guard her with his life? Having sex with Matt would be extraordinary if his kissing was anything to go by and a dangerous risk for them both—more so for her—but she was tired of being trapped in a life she had no real control over.

Her eyes slid closed, remembering his heated touch on her ass and the way her breasts had grown heavy as his lips moved over hers with a demanding she hadn’t experienced before. Her nipples hardened beneath her thin t-shirt and heat grew between her legs. In her dreams, he’d pinned her up against a wall and languidly kissed her neck and her shoulder. He removed each piece of clothing with great care, exposing her bare body to his hungry gaze. Those strong fingers found her most tender places, massaging and teasing with a feather touch that promised so much more to come.

Without realizing it, her free hand slipped between her legs. Imagining his hand there instead, she gasped at the strength of the sensation. The mug fell from her hand, shattering against the stone floor.

“Princess Daphne?” Matt asked as he rushed into her bedroom.

Daphne, her face flushed and breathing ragged, turned to face him. “I just dropped my mug,” she mumbled. “I’m fine, you can… You can go.”

He studied her closely, his eyes ranging from her face to her nipples, hard as pebbles and easily visible through her shirt. He moved farther into the room, a promise in his eyes, and Daphne staggered backwards into the wall as her nerves frayed.

“The glass,” he growled, quickly moving to her side. “You’ll hurt your feet, my lady.”

She glanced down to see where it was safe to step when he scooped her up in his arms and carried her across the room. “Thank you,” she whispered, but he didn’t set her down right away. “Matt?”

His grip grew firmer around her as he growled, “Do you have any idea what you do to me, woman?”

His arms shifted, and she slid down his body, slowly, every inch of her touching him intimately. The warring emotions on his face matched those raging in her mind, and she tried to force herself away from him, but her dreams returned to the forefront of her mind again. Whatever he saw on her face tore a ragged curse from his mouth, and his hands dug into her hips as his lips slanted over hers.

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