A Cat's Tale (6 page)

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Authors: Melissa Snark

BOOK: A Cat's Tale
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Josie,” Jared murmured. His kind eyes held sympathy. He released her wrist but
only to secure a grip on the back of her head. She resisted but the wolf pulled
her onto his lap and cradled her head against his chest. “I’m so sorry, pussy

knew from long experience that she could not overcome his strength. So she
acceded and rested against him, allowing the tears to come. Unbidden, a
connection opened between them. His energy washed over her, like the lapping
waves of a lake, soothing and warm. Her skin tingled from scalp to toe, as if
every part of her body had fallen asleep, and yet she sizzled with vitality.

won’t leave you behind, Josie,” he whispered, rocking her. “I promise.”

will,” she insisted, small and stubborn.

you going to betray me again?” Jared asked.

never,” she said, clinging to him. He’d shown her the first real kindness to
come into her life in years. She couldn’t repay him with another betrayal.

gonna take you with me. That’s a promise you can count on, Josie cat.”

energy moved again. He surrounded her, dwelt within her and without, making her
feel safe. Josephine might have panicked except she had no sensation of
drowning or obliteration of self. There was completeness and comfort.

is that?” she demanded.

stiffened. To her regret, the elusive feeling vanished as if into thin air. “I’m
sorry,” he apologized. “Wolves are pack animals. We connect with one another.”

a cat,” Josephine said in a rich over-statement of the obvious. His apology
stung. Did he mean to imply she wasn’t good enough to connect with?

sighed. His fingers caught her twitching, angry tail and soothed the fur. “Don’t
kink your tail, Josie. I wasn’t trying to offend you. I just didn’t want you
thinking I was trying to control you.”

She crouched in his lap and crushed the desire to ask him to open to her again.
She would not beg.

inability to trust seemed so petty and petulant when compared to Jared’s
courage. “I’m so sick of being afraid. I’m such a coward.” She rubbed her eyes,
attempting to scrub away the tears.

know you are. But you’re not a coward, Josie. You’ve survived three years in
this hellhole. That took courage. Believe me, I understand.”

shook her head. “I don’t know how you can, Jared. You’re not afraid of
anything. Not even dying.”

don’t like flying.”

doesn’t count. A werewolf worried about damaging an airplane is like an
elephant afraid of crushing the scales.”

chuckled. “Touché.”

one thing you’re truly scared of. I dare you.”

hesitated. Subtle tension passed through his muscular frame, then he lowered
his head. “I worry about the people under my protection getting hurt.”

drew back to meet his gaze. “You mean as a fireman—the people you’re trying to

topaz eyes were inscrutable. “Yeah. That’s what I mean,” he agreed. He lied.

later, she lay awake wondering why he’d chosen to lie about
of all


after sundown, Evangeline arrived in her usual fashion. The vampire drank from
Jared’s arm and the werewolf once again submitted. Josephine watched the entire
exchange with a horrified fascination, feeling like a bystander at a train
wreck. She understood better than ever how Jared fooled the vampire. He chained
Evangeline with a primal animal magnetism, the seductive energy he wielded to
both awe and dominate.

ate at Josephine until Jared turned his head away from the feeding vampire and
stared at Josephine with eyes so cold it chilled her blood. His expression
revealed callous hatred—directed at her. Her precarious trust in the werewolf
collapsed. Frightened senseless, Josephine flattered her ears and crouched as
far from reach as possible.

she finished feeding, Evangeline dabbed at her mouth with a linen handkerchief.
The vampire’s malevolent gaze turned on Josephine. “Why isn’t the cat dead yet,

her corner, Josephine emitted a slick hiss and her fur bristled, standing on
end. As fast as she was, there was nowhere to run. Then, to Josephine’s
confusion, Jared stepped between her and the vampire.

werewolf lowered his head and captured Evangeline’s gaze. “She’s the only thing
I have to fuck in here,” Jared growled.

face twisted with disgust. “Don’t be crude!”

sorry,” Jared apologized with soulful eyes. When he tried, the werewolf could
employ his good looks with devastating effectiveness.

just that I’m bored,” Jared complained. “When are you going to let me out?” He
offered a seductive glance from beneath lowered eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to
feed from my throat, Evangeline?”

vampire laughed. “Be patient, my wolf,” she teased. “Two more nights, I
promise. I’m throwing a little soiree and inviting some friends over so that I
can show you off. I’ll bring you out of the cage then.”

wonderful,” Jared said, projecting boyish excitement. “I just love parties.” He
waited until Evangeline departed with her minions and then spun, pacing hard
and restless. He thrummed with contained violence.

watched him with a sinking feeling in her stomach because she knew his
opportunity to escape would come sooner than expected. She lay awake all night
worrying. When the vampire fed, Jared looked at Josephine with pure hatred. He
might even believe they were okay, but deep down he despised her for betraying

the time came, he would leave her behind.








the first thing you plan to do when you get out of here?” Josie asked. She’d
finished the meat and cheese, but left the bun and toppings.

contrast, the werewolf ate everything in front of him and still managed to look
hungry. Intrigued that Josie would breach the taboo topic, Jared decided to
indulge her. He cocked his head. “Kill vampires.”

meant after that.” Delicately, Josie began to groom her paw and used it to clean
her face.

sight of her small pink tongue moving across her silken fur called to mind
other unsatisfied hungers. Jared got hard watching her, forcing him to draw up
his knees to conceal the erection straining against his blue jeans.

a beer.” Jared was sick to death of water and soda. Carl refused to bring him
anything but, claiming Evangeline disliked the taint of alcohol in the blood.

have thought it would be to shower.” Her superior look was nothing short of

chuckled. “Okay, shower and then a beer.” He finished his French fries and eyed
Josie’s unfinished food with predatory greed. With a sigh, she shoved the
container toward him.

about you?” Jared watched her for any sign of fear or deception. It was risky
but maybe he could use the ploy to convince the silly cat he was committed to
winning her freedom as well as his own.

stopped grooming. Her huge blue eyes got bigger. “I’d like to go to school or
get a real job.”

performed a double take. “You’re kidding?”

Her expression was dejected. “I’m sick to death of being someone’s pet or
possession. My entire life, I’ve never been independent.”

glared at him, expecting to be laughed at or mocked. Instead, Jared regarded
her with renewed respect. “You should pursue that. What would you like to do?”

ears perked up and her tail lifted. “I’d like to drive race cars or become a
dancer or maybe wrestle alligators like that Australian man on TV.”

choked as he swallowed a mouthful of French fries. He coughed into his fist and
tears threatened. “Crocodiles,” he said when he could speak again.

stared at him. She did not blink.

Australia, they have crocodiles.”

ears flattened and her tail lashed. “Whatever.”

do you even know how to drive?”

huffed. “No.”

laughter subsided. “When we get out, I’ll teach you.”

gazed at him, hopeful and distrustful all at once. “Promise?”

He crossed his heart.

beamed and blushed and then changed the topic. “I’m sick to death of
cheeseburgers.” She crunched the paper bag with appropriate passion and cast
the crumpled ball between the bars.

laughed. “I thought all cats loved cheeseburgers.”

lies and fabrications.”

complain to the staff.” The werewolf disposed of his own garbage, scoring a
slam dunk in the trash can across the hall.

seriously,” Josie said. “Can’t you ask for chicken? Or fish? Anything but
cheeseburgers. I’m ready to eat my own tail.”

stood and his humor took a turn for the grim. “I guess I always have the option
to eat a little cat,” he teased. It pleased him when the werecat regarded him
with distinct irritation. A few days before, such a remark would have sent her
into a panic. In a twisted fashion, it had become their personal inside joke.

she snapped.

bones would stick in my teeth anyway.” Jared grimaced and braced. They both
knew what came next; he suspected he dreaded it more than she did. He closed
his eyes and then opened them again and reached for her, securing a firm grip
on her shoulders.

if a switch had flipped, Josie erupted in loud hisses and growls, coming at him
with a whirlwind of claws. Those feline talons connected with his chest and he
ground his teeth, bracing for the familiar lancing pain, but trusting her to
keep her promise. Instead of gouging him, she left behind light welts that
began to heal immediately.

scuffle continued for a while but it lacked the vicious conflict of days past.
They were both creatures of supreme speed and sublime strength. The
confrontation fell somewhere between rough housing and a courtship dance. Jared
ignored the implicit eroticism and concentrated on the end goal.

cornered Josie and secured a grip on her waist. He hauled her into the
bathroom, slamming the door shut behind them. To spare her the floor, Jared sat
her on the sink and stood between her legs, pressing his torso against her
upper body.

swell of her beautiful breasts against his bare chest was torture. His cock
strained full and hard against the denim of his jeans. His nostrils flared,
drinking in the pungent scent of her arousal.
She wanted him.
knowledge sent his fragile self-control spiraling. A shudder passed through
Jared’s body and he steeled his will. She was going to kill him.

you,” Jared said, reaching up to scratch behind her ear. It was a curious
gesture and she submitted to his caress. A purr emanated from deep within her
chest, causing Jared to grin.

welcome.” Her hands sought and settled upon his shoulders.

couldn’t resist the temptation to turn his face against her throat, rubbing his
cheek against her downy soft fur. He inhaled her scent.
So familiar. So
The rumble of her purr continued, a rich and vibrant sound reverberating
through his entire body, pitched to make him ache.

him, the little cat was restless, writhing and twisting, unable to sit still.
Each bump and grind of her pussy against his crotch was torment. Hell, days of
holding her like this were torture. His reasons for restraint grew more elusive
with each passing second. In desperation, he clung to his resolve not to take
advantage of her.

roll of her hips smashed his balls so hard that a warning growl rolled from
Jared’s throat. He yanked his head up, flashing fangs, and pulled away so a
couple inches separated them.

still,” Jared snarled, glaring. He made eye contact and attempted to dominate
her into submission. His ego fell flat when she laughed at him.

sighed, committed to enduring in silent agony, staring straight at his
reflection in the mirror behind them. His eyes went wide with disbelief when
her small hands tugged open the fly of his jeans.

He said her name as a warning.

being such a stick in the mud, Jared. I wanna play.” Josie had his pants down
around his knees before he could react. He always went commando to make
shifting easier so there were no barriers between them.

bold as you please, her tail snaked between his legs and wrapped about his
thigh. The furry end brushed against his buttocks—whisk, whisk, whisk—and then
dipped to caress his ball sac, feather-soft and wispy. Her dense fur felt like
mink on his bare skin.

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