A Cedar Cove Christmas (5 page)

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Authors: Debbie Macomber

BOOK: A Cedar Cove Christmas
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“I mean physically,” Ned clarified. “Last night she seemed so…” He didn’t finish the sentence.

“Seemed what?” Linc prompted.

Ned shrugged. “Ready.”

“For what?” Mel asked.

Mel could be obtuse, which was only one of his character flaws, in Linc’s opinion. He was also argumentative.

“To have the baby, of course,” Linc explained, casting his brother a dirty look.

“Hey, there’s no reason to talk to me like that,” Mel said. He shifted his weight and stared out the side window. “I’ve never been around a pregnant woman before. Besides, what makes
such experts on pregnancy and birth?”

“I read a book,” Ned told them.

“No way.” Linc could hardly believe it.

“I did,” Ned insisted. “I figured one of us should. For Mary Jo’s sake.”

“So one book makes you an expert,” Mel teased.

“It makes me smarter than you, anyway.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Mel argued.

“Quit it, you two.” Linc spent half his life settling squabbles between his brothers. “You.” He gestured over his shoulder. “Call her cell.”

Ned did, using his own. “Went right into voice mail,” he said. “Must be off.”

“Leave her a message, then.” Linc wondered if he had to spell
out for them.

“Okay. Who knows if she’ll get it, though.”

After that they drove in blessed silence for maybe five minutes.

“Hey, I just thought of something.” Mel groaned in frustration. “If Mary Jo took the ferry, shouldn’t we have done the same thing?”

Good point—except it was too late now. They were caught in the notorious Seattle traffic, going nowhere fast.


ary Jo hated the idea of returning to Seattle having failed in her attempt to find either David or his family. He wasn’t in Cedar Cove the way he’d promised; not only that, his parents weren’t here, either. Ben and Charlotte Rhodes would show up the next afternoon or evening, but in the meantime…

The thought of her brothers approaching the elderly couple, shocking them with the news and their outrageous demands, made the blood rush to her face. Her situation was uncomfortable enough without her brothers riding to the rescue like the superheroes they weren’t.

The fact that Mary Jo had left on Christmas Eve was only going to rile them even more. Linc, Mel and Ned were probably home from the garage by now. Or maybe they’d skipped work when they found her note on the coffeemaker and immediately set out in search of her. Maybe they were already driving up and down the streets of Cedar Cove….

Looking around, Mary Jo could see that the library was about to close. People were putting on coats and checking out their books. She wondered how an hour had disappeared so quickly. Now what? There wasn’t a single vacant room in the entire vicinity, which meant the only thing to do was thank Grace Harding for her help and quietly leave.

She waited until the librarian stepped out of her office. The least she could do was let Grace know how much she appreciated her kindness. As she approached, Mary Jo rose from her chair.

All of a sudden the room started to sway. She’d been dizzy before but never anything like this. Her head swam, and for an instant she seemed about to faint. Blindly Mary Jo reached out, hoping to catch herself before she fell.

“Mary Jo!” Grace gasped and rushed to her side.

If the other woman hadn’t caught her when she did, Mary Jo was convinced she would’ve collapsed right onto the floor.

Slowly, Grace eased her into the chair. “Laurie!” she shouted, “call 9-1-1.”

“Please…no,” Mary Jo protested. “I’m fine. Really, I am.”

“No, you’re not.”

A moment later, the assistant behind the front counter hurried over to join Grace and Mary Jo. “The fire department’s on the way.”

Mortified beyond words, Mary Jo leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Needless to say, she’d become the library’s main attraction, of far greater interest than any of the Christmas displays. Everyone was staring at her.

“Here, drink this,” Grace said.

Mary Jo opened her eyes to find someone holding out a glass of water—again. Her mouth had gone completely dry and she accepted it gratefully. Sirens could be heard roaring toward the library, and Mary Jo would’ve given anything to simply disappear.

A few minutes later, two firefighters entered the library, carrying their emergency medical equipment. Instantly one of the men moved toward her and knelt down.

“Hi, there.” The firefighter’s voice was calm.

“Hi,” Mary Jo returned weakly.

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I just got a bit light-headed. I wish you hadn’t been called. I’m perfectly okay.”

He ignored her comment. “You stood up?”

She nodded. “The room began to sway and I thought I was going to faint.”

“I think she did faint,” Grace added, kneeling down next to the firefighter. “I somehow got her back into the chair. Otherwise I’m sure she would’ve crumpled to the floor.”

The firefighter kept his gaze on Mary Jo. He had kind eyes and, despite everything, she noticed that he was attractive in a craggy, very masculine way. He was about her age, she decided, maybe a few years older.

“My name’s Mack McAfee,” he said. “And that guy—” he pointed to the other firefighter“—is Brandon Hutton.”

“I’m Mary Jo Wyse.”

Mack smiled, maintaining eye contact. “When’s your baby due?”

“January seventh.”

“In about two weeks then.”


“Have you had any other spells like this?”

Mary Jo was reluctant to confess that she had. After a moment she nodded.


She sighed. “Yes…”

“That’s not uncommon, you know. Your body’s under a lot of strain because of the baby. Have you been experiencing any additional stress?”

She bit her lip. “A little.”

“The holidays?”

“Not really.”

“I’m new to town. I guess that’s why I haven’t seen you around,” Mack said. He opened a response kit he’d brought into the library.

“Mary Jo lives in Seattle,” Grace said, now standing behind Mack as the other firefighter hovered close by.

“Do you have relatives in the area?” he asked next.

“No…” She shook her head, figuring she might as well admit the truth. “I was hoping to see the father of my baby…only he isn’t here.”


“No…I understood his family was from Cedar Cove, but apparently they’re out of town, too.”

“Ben and Charlotte Rhodes,” Grace murmured.

Mack twisted around to look up at Grace. “The judge’s mother, right? And her husband. Retired Navy.”


“David Rhodes is the baby’s father,” Mary Jo said.

“We’re not…together anymore.” David had told her one too many lies. She knew intuitively that he’d have no desire to be part of the baby’s life.

Mack didn’t speak as he took out the blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around her upper arm. “How are you feeling now?” he asked.

“You mean other than mortified?”

He grinned up at her. “Other than that.”

“Better,” she said.

“Good.” He took her blood pressure, a look of concentration on his face.

“How high is it?” Grace asked, sounding worried.

“Not bad,” Mack told them both. “It’s slightly elevated.” He turned back to Mary Jo. “It would probably be best if you relaxed for the rest of the day. It wouldn’t hurt to stay off your feet, either. Don’t do anything strenuous.”

“I’ll…I’ll try.”

“Perhaps she should see a physician?” Grace said. “I’d be happy to take her to the clinic.”

“No, that isn’t necessary!” Mary Jo objected. “I’m so sorry to cause all this fuss. I feel fine.”

Mack met her gaze and seemed to read the distress in her eyes. “As long as you rest and stay calm, I don’t think you need to see a doctor.”

“Thank you,” she breathed.

Although the library was closing, the doors suddenly opened and a tall, regal woman walked in. She was bundled up in a wool coat with a red knit scarf around her neck and a matching knit cap and gloves.

“Olivia,” Grace said. “What are you doing here?”

“Why’s the aid car out front?” the other woman asked. Her gaze immediately rested on Mary Jo. A stricken look came over her. “Are you in labor?”

“No, no, I’m just…a little light-headed,” Mary Jo assured her.

The woman smiled. “I already know who this must be. Mary Jo. Are you all right?”

“This is Olivia, Charlotte Rhodes’s daughter.” Grace gestured at her. “She’s the woman I called to get the information about Ben and Charlotte.”

“Oh.” Mary Jo shrank back in her chair.

“David Rhodes is my stepbrother,” Olivia explained. She smiled sympathetically at Mary Jo. “Although so far, he’s been nothing but an embarrassment to the family. And I can see that trend’s continuing. But don’t assume,” she said to Mary Jo, “that I’m blaming you. I know David
too well.”

Mary Jo nodded mutely but couldn’t prevent a surge of guilt that must have reddened her face, judging by her heated cheeks. She
to blame, for being naive in falling for a man like David, for being careless enough to get pregnant, for letting the situation ever reach this point.

“What are you doing here?” Grace asked her friend a second time.

“I’m meeting Will at the gallery. We’re going to lunch. I saw the aid car outside the library as I drove by.” Olivia turned to Mary Jo again. “I was afraid something like this had happened. Thank goodness for young Mack here—” they exchanged a smile “—and his partner over there.” Brandon was helping an older couple with their bags of groceries and stack of books.

Mary Jo felt no less mortified. “I should never have come,” she moaned.

“I’m glad you did,” Olivia said firmly. “Ben would want to know about his grandchild.”

Mary Jo hadn’t expected everyone to be so…nice. So friendly and willing to accept her—and her dilemma. “It’s just that my brothers are upset and determined to defend my honor. I felt I should be the one to tell David’s family.”

“Of course you should,” Olivia said in what appeared to be complete agreement.

Mack finished packing up his supplies. He placed his hand on Mary Jo’s knee to gain her attention. When she looked back at him, she was struck by the gentle caring in his gaze.

“You’ll do as I suggested and rest? Don’t get over-excited.”

Mary Jo nodded.

“If you have any other problems, just call 9-1-1. I’m on duty all day.”

“I will,” she promised. “Thank you so much.”

Mack stood. “My pleasure.” He hesitated for a moment and stared directly into her eyes. “You’re going to be a good mom.”

Mary Jo blinked back tears. More than anything, that was what she wanted. To be the best mother she could. Her child was coming into the world with one disadvantage already—the baby’s father had no interest in him. Or her. It was all up to Mary Jo.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Merry Christmas,” Mack said before he turned to leave.

“Merry Christmas,” she called after him.

“You need to rest,” Olivia said with an authority few would question. “When’s the last time you ate?”

“I had a latte at Mocha Mama’s before I came to the library.”

“You need lunch.”

“I’ll eat,” Mary Jo said, “as soon as I get back to Seattle.” There was the issue of her brothers, but she’d just call Linc’s cell phone and let them know she was on her way home.

“You drove?” Grace asked.

“No, I took the ferry across.”

Grace and Olivia glanced at each other.

“It might be a good idea if you came home with me,” Olivia began. “It won’t be any inconvenience and we’d enjoy having you.”

Mary Jo immediately shook her head. “I…couldn’t.” Although Olivia was related to David, by marriage anyway, she didn’t want to intrude on their Christmas. Olivia and her family certainly didn’t need unexpected company. Olivia had stated that David was an embarrassment to the family, and Mary Jo’s presence only made things worse. Bad enough that she’d arrived without any warning, but it was beyond the call of duty for Olivia to take her in, and on Christmas Eve of all nights. Olivia must have plans and Mary Jo refused to ruin them.

“No,” Grace said emphatically. “You’re coming home with me. It’s already arranged.”

This invitation was just as endearing and just as unnecessary. “Thank you both.” She struggled to her feet, cradling her belly with protective hands. “I can’t let either of you do that. I appreciate everything, but I’m going back to Seattle.”

“Nonsense,” Grace said. “I’ve spoken to my husband and he agrees with me.”


Grace cut her off, obviously unwilling to listen. “You won’t be intruding, I promise.”

Mary Jo was about to argue again, but Grace talked right over her.

“We have my daughter-in-law and her family visiting us, but we’ve got an apartment above our barn that’s completely furnished. It’s empty at the moment and you’d be welcome to stay there for the night.”

The invitation was tempting. Still, Mary Jo hesitated.

“Didn’t you hear what Mack said?” Grace reminded her. “He said it was important for you to remain calm and relaxed.”

“Yes, I know, but—”

“Are you sure?” Olivia asked Grace. “Because I can easily make up the sofa bed in the den.”

“Of course I’m sure.”

“I don’t want to interfere with your Christmas,” Mary Jo said.

“You wouldn’t be,” Grace assured her. “You’d have your privacy and we’d have ours. The barn’s close to the house, so if you needed anything it would be simple to reach me. There’s a phone in the apartment, too, which I believe is still connected. If not, the line in the barn is hooked up.”

The idea was gaining momentum in her mind. “Maybe I could,” Mary Jo murmured. As soon as she was settled, she’d call her brothers and explain that she’d decided to stay in Cedar Cove overnight. Besides, she was tired and depressed and didn’t feel like celebrating. The idea of being by herself held more appeal by the minute.

Another plus was the fact that her brothers needed a break from her and her problems. For the last number of weeks, Mary Jo had been nothing but a burden to them, causing strife within the family. Thanks to her, the three of them were constantly bickering.

Ned was sympathetic to her situation and she loved him for it. But even he couldn’t stand up to Linc, who took his responsibilities as head of the family much too seriously.

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